relating to the transfer of students between public schools. |
SECTION 1. Section 25.001, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (h) and adding Subsection (k) to read as |
follows: |
(h) In addition to the penalty provided by Section 37.10, |
Penal Code, a person who knowingly falsifies information on a form |
required for enrollment of a student in a school district is liable |
to the district if the student is not eligible for enrollment in the |
district but is enrolled on the basis of the false information. The |
person is liable, for the period during which the ineligible |
student is enrolled, for [the greater of: |
[(1) the maximum tuition fee the district may charge |
under Section 25.038; or |
[(2)] the amount the district has budgeted for each |
student as maintenance and operating expenses. |
(k) Notwithstanding any other law, a school district shall |
allow a student who qualifies for admission under this subchapter |
to enroll at the campus nearest to the student's residence offering |
the appropriate grade level, regardless of whether the student |
resides in the attendance zone of that district or campus and |
provided that the campus has capacity, as determined under Section |
25.046. |
SECTION 2. Section 25.036, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 25.036. TRANSFER OF STUDENT. (a) Any child, other |
than a high school graduate, who is younger than 21 years of age and |
eligible for enrollment on September 1 of any school year may apply |
to transfer [annually] from the child's school district [of |
residence] to any public school [another district] in this state |
that offers the appropriate grade level and has capacity, as |
determined under Section 25.046 [if both the receiving district and |
the applicant parent or guardian or person having lawful control of |
the child jointly approve and timely agree in writing to the |
transfer]. |
(b) Before the beginning of each school year, a school |
district shall: |
(1) require a transfer applicant under Subsection (a) |
to complete and submit the district's transfer application form by |
a reasonable deadline established by the district; and |
(2) admit each eligible transfer applicant until |
enrollment at the campus reaches capacity, as determined under |
Section 25.046. |
(c) If a school district receives more eligible transfer |
applications for a district campus or a specific grade level at a |
district campus than the district has capacity for at that campus or |
in that grade level, as determined under Section 25.046, the |
district shall fill the available positions by lottery. A school |
district shall offer to a student who the district does not enroll |
due to lack of capacity an available position, if any, in the |
appropriate grade level at another district campus. |
(d) A school district that must fill positions by lottery |
under Subsection (c) shall, in developing the lottery system, |
ensure priority is given to an applicant who: |
(1) resides in the district; |
(2) is enrolled as a transfer student in the district |
at another campus but has completed the highest grade level offered |
at that campus; |
(3) is a sibling of a student currently enrolled at a |
district campus; |
(4) is applying to transfer to a campus that is the |
campus geographically nearest to the student's residence that |
offers the appropriate grade level, regardless of whether the |
student resides in the attendance zone of that campus; |
(5) receives special education services under |
Subchapter A, Chapter 29; |
(6) is in foster care; or |
(7) is a dependent of a person who is employed at the |
campus to which the student is applying to transfer. |
(e) A school district that receives more eligible transfer |
applications for a district campus or a specific grade level at a |
district campus than the district may enroll at the capacity |
determined under Section 25.046 for that campus or grade level |
shall establish and maintain a waiting list for transfer applicants |
who are not admitted. |
(f) If a position at a school district campus with a |
waitlist under Subsection (e) becomes available after the start of |
the school year, the district shall first admit transfer applicants |
according to that waitlist and then admit any additional transfer |
applicants in the order in which those additional transfer |
applications are received. |
(g) A school district may not deny a student's transfer |
application unless: |
(1) the requested district or campus is determined to |
be at capacity under Section 25.046; or |
(2) the student requesting the transfer is, at the |
time of the application: |
(A) expelled or suspended from the student's |
school; |
(B) placed in a disciplinary alternative |
education program or juvenile justice alternative education |
program; or |
(C) subject to an ongoing disciplinary |
proceeding under a district's student code of conduct adopted under |
Section 37.001 that may lead to the student's: |
(i) out-of-school suspension; |
(ii) placement in a disciplinary |
alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative |
education program; or |
(iii) expulsion. |
(h) Notwithstanding any other law, a transfer applicant |
under this section may only appeal a denial of the applicant's |
transfer application as provided by this subsection. The parent of |
or person standing in parental relation to a student may appeal a |
denial of the student's transfer application by submitting the |
appeal not later than the 10th day after the date of notification of |
the application denial to the board of trustees of the receiving |
school district. The receiving school district must consider the |
appeal at the board's next regularly scheduled meeting and notify |
the parent of the board's decision not later than the 10th day after |
the date of that meeting. If the receiving school district board of |
trustees denies the appeal, the parent of or person standing in |
parental relation to the student may appeal that denial by |
submitting the appeal to the commissioner not later than the 10th |
day after the date of notification of the board's denial of the |
appeal. The commissioner must provide a decision regarding an |
appeal received under this subsection not later than the 90th day |
after the date the commissioner receives notice of the appeal. The |
commissioner must allow the appealing person and a representative |
from the receiving school district to provide comment to the |
commissioner regarding the appeal. An appeal under this subsection |
must be submitted on a form approved by the commissioner. |
(i) A student who transfers to another school district or |
district campus as provided by this section may remain at the |
receiving campus until that student completes the highest grade |
level offered at the campus. |
(j) Once a student who transfers to another school district |
or district campus as provided by this section completes the |
highest grade level offered at the receiving campus, the student |
must reapply to continue attending school in the receiving |
district. The district must prioritize admitting the student as |
provided by Subsection (d). |
(k) A school district may not deny admission to a student |
who resides in the attendance zone of the district, including a |
student who attends an open-enrollment charter school in the |
district, for the purpose of accepting a transfer applicant under |
this section. |
(l) A school district campus that uses a selective |
admissions process in accordance with a specific instructional |
model or performing arts focus may retain that selective admissions |
process if the admissions process prohibits discrimination on the |
basis of a student's: |
(1) sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, |
disability, socioeconomic status, or athletic ability; |
(2) disciplinary record, except as permitted under |
Subsection (g); or |
(3) assigned school district or district campus based |
on the attendance zone of the student's residence. |
(m) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to |
implement this section, including rules establishing: |
(1) an admissions lottery, as described by Subsection |
(c), and a waitlist as described by Subsection (e); |
(2) procedures to ensure that selective admissions |
processes at applicable open-enrollment district campuses comply |
with Subsection (l); and |
(3) procedures to ensure this section complies with |
state and federal law regarding confidentiality of student medical |
or educational information, including the Health Insurance |
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. Section 1320d |
et seq.) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 |
(20 U.S.C. Section 1232g). |
(n) [A transfer agreement under this section shall be filed |
and preserved as a receiving district record for audit purposes of |
the agency. |
[(c)] In the case of a transfer under this section, a |
child's school district of residence shall provide the receiving |
district with the child's disciplinary record and any threat |
assessment involving the child's behavior conducted under Section |
37.115. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 25, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 25.046 and 25.047 to read as follows: |
Except as provided by Subsection (c), each year on the first day of |
January, April, July, and October, the board of trustees of a school |
district shall determine the capacity of each district campus and |
the capacity of each grade level offered at each campus. For |
purposes of this section, the capacity of a district campus or a |
grade level at that campus is the total number of students that may |
be admitted at the campus or at that grade level, as applicable, |
less the students who are currently enrolled at that campus or at |
that grade level, as applicable. Based on the board's |
determination of campus or grade level capacity and current student |
enrollment, the district shall identify the number of available |
positions at each campus and for each grade level. In determining |
campus and grade level capacity, the district shall consult the |
most recent district facility plan, including a facility plan |
created as part of a district bond proposal. |
(b) The district shall post for each campus in the district |
on the district's Internet website, if the district maintains a |
website, the most recent determination of campus and grade level |
capacity. If the district does not maintain a website, the district |
shall make the information required under this subsection available |
to the public at a district administrative office. |
(c) A school district is not required to determine the |
capacity of a new instructional facility, as defined by Section |
48.152, in the first school year in which students attend the new |
instructional facility. |
(d) The board of trustees of a school district shall adopt a |
written policy that meets the requirements adopted by the |
commissioner under Subsection (f) for the admission of a transfer |
applicant under this subchapter. The board shall make the policy |
available to the public in the same manner the district makes |
available the district's determination of campus and grade level |
capacity under Subsection (b). The policy must include: |
(1) adoption of a transfer application form; |
(2) the provision of the address of the district |
administrative office where a person may access the district's |
determination of campus and grade level capacity, if the district |
does not maintain an Internet website; and |
(3) the provision of information regarding available |
options for transportation provided by the district or in the |
community. |
(e) The agency shall establish and maintain on the agency's |
Internet website a publication that includes each school district's |
policy adopted under this section and campus or grade level |
capacity determinations under Subsection (a). |
(f) The commissioner shall adopt rules and prescribe |
procedures necessary to implement this section, including by |
developing any necessary model policies, forms, or templates for |
use by a school district in complying with Subsection (d). In |
adopting rules to implement this section, the commissioner shall |
consider feedback from districts and shall prioritize: |
(1) flexibility of access for students; |
(2) encouraging districts to accommodate student |
transfers; and |
(3) preventing districts from discouraging student |
transfers. |
Subject to Subsection (b), each school district shall annually |
submit not later than the last Friday in October of each school year |
a report to the agency regarding the transfer of students to and |
from the district during the preceding school year. The report must |
include: |
(1) for each district campus, the quarterly campus and |
grade level capacity determinations under Section 25.046; |
(2) for each campus, the number of transfer |
applications for transfers to that campus the district received, |
the number of applications that were granted, and the number of |
applications that were denied, including the reason for the denial; |
(3) the information described by Subdivisions (1) and |
(2) aggregated for all campuses in the district; and |
(4) for the purposes of demographic analysis, any |
information required by the commissioner as necessary to identify |
each student admitted to or denied admission to a campus in the |
district who is or was previously enrolled in a public school in |
this state. |
(b) A school district with only one campus serving each |
grade level is exempt from Subsection (a)(3). |
(c) Not later than March 15 of each year, the agency shall |
post on the agency's Internet website a report on the transfer and |
assignment of students. The report must include: |
(1) a summary of school district admission practices |
relating to student transfer admissions; |
(2) for the state, the aggregated data reported under |
Subsection (a); |
(3) for each district, the aggregated data reported |
under Subsection (a); |
(4) a demographic analysis of the students |
transferring districts; |
(5) a demographic analysis of the students |
transferring between campuses in the same district; |
(6) for each district, the number of transfer |
applicants seeking admission or withdrawal, showing the potential |
net change in enrollment; and |
(7) for each district, the actual number of students |
who transferred into or out of the district, showing the actual net |
change in enrollment. |
(d) Every sixth year, the agency shall publish a study of |
statewide transfer trends that includes: |
(1) the total number of students transferring |
districts and of students transferring between campuses in the same |
district; |
(2) using data from the preceding six school years, an |
analysis at the state and district levels of changes in: |
(A) the number of districts and campuses |
admitting transfer students; |
(B) the number of students transferring |
districts; and |
(C) the number of students transferring between |
campuses in the same district; |
(3) a demographic analysis of the students |
transferring districts and of the students transferring between |
campuses in the same district; |
(4) using data from the preceding six school years, an |
analysis of the patterns of student movement between districts and |
campuses, including a description of any characteristics that are |
correlated with students transferring to or away from districts or |
campuses; |
(5) a summary of district practices regarding |
transportation of transfer students; |
(6) an explanation of the reasons students choose to |
transfer districts or campuses and the barriers faced by students |
in transferring districts or campuses; |
(7) an explanation of the challenges restricting |
districts from admitting more transfer students; |
(8) performance outcomes for inter- and |
intra-district transfer students, including changes in student |
proficiency after the date of transfer; and |
(9) the effects of inter-district transfers on test |
scores and program offerings for sending and receiving districts. |
(e) Each school year, the agency shall randomly select 10 |
percent of the school districts in this state and conduct an audit |
of each district's capacity determination under Section 25.046 and |
of each district's approved and denied transfer applications. If |
the agency finds inaccurate reporting of capacity levels by a |
school district, the agency shall set the capacity for the |
district. Districts audited during the preceding two school years |
may not be selected for audit. |
(f) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to |
implement this section. |
SECTION 4. Section 34.007(a), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) A board of county school trustees or a school district |
board of trustees may establish and operate an economical public |
school transportation system: |
(1) in the county or district, as applicable; |
(2) outside the county or district, as applicable, if |
the county or school district enters into an interlocal contract as |
provided by Chapter 791, Government Code; or |
(3) outside the district if students enrolled in the |
district reside outside the district and the district: |
(A) has an active policy adopted by the board |
that prohibits screening transfer students who reside outside the |
district based on the student's academic performance, disciplinary |
history, except as provided by Section 25.036(g)(2), or attendance |
record, regardless of any relevant district or innovation plan |
adopted by the board or authorization to screen transfer students |
under any other authority; [and] |
(B) certifies that the district has: |
(i) an overall performance rating of C or |
higher under Section 39.054 for the preceding school year or the |
most recent school year in which a performance rating was assigned; |
and |
(ii) an overall accountability score of 70 |
or higher for the preceding school year or the most recent school |
year in which a performance rating was assigned as calculated by the |
agency for purposes of determining the district's overall |
performance rating under Section 39.054; and |
(C) certifies that the district or receiving |
campus has [(iii)] the same or better overall performance rating |
under Section 39.054 for the preceding school year or the most |
recent school year in which a performance rating was assigned as the |
school district or campus from which the district will transport |
students under this subdivision. |
SECTION 5. The following provisions of the Education Code |
are repealed: |
(1) Section 25.038; |
(2) Sections 25.039(b) and (c); and |
(3) Section 48.154. |
SECTION 6. The changes in law made by this Act may not be |
interpreted to affect the authority or existing rules of the |
University Interscholastic League regarding the participation of a |
student in an interscholastic competition. |
SECTION 7. Not later than September 1, 2031, the Texas |
Education Agency shall publish the first study of statewide |
transfer trends required under Section 25.047, Education Code, as |
added by this Act. |
SECTION 8. This act applies beginning with the 2025-2026 |
school year. |
SECTION 9. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |