relating to the abolishment of the Texas Animal Health Commission |
and the transfer of its functions to the Department of Agriculture. |
SECTION 1. Section 2.006(b), Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The department[, with the assistance of the Texas Animal |
Health Commission,] shall pursue a policy of ensuring that the |
borders of this state are secure from shipments of potentially |
dangerous plant and animal pests and diseases. |
SECTION 2. Section 23.002(a), Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) The office shall establish the Texas food system |
security and resiliency planning council. The council is composed |
of the following members: |
(1) three members appointed by the governor; |
(2) three members appointed by the lieutenant |
governor; |
(3) three members appointed by the speaker of the |
house of representatives; |
(4) [one member of the Texas Animal Health Commission |
appointed by the governor; |
[(5)] one member appointed by the commissioner to |
represent food banks; |
(5) [(6)] one member appointed by the commissioner to |
represent nonprofit organizations that provide home delivered |
meals; |
(6) [(7)] two members appointed by the commissioner to |
represent agricultural producer organizations, marketing |
associations organized under Chapter 52, or farmers' cooperative |
societies incorporated under Chapter 51; |
(7) [(8)] the assistant commissioner of agriculture |
for the food and nutrition division as a nonvoting member; |
(8) [(9)] the director of the Texas A&M AgriLife |
Extension Service as a nonvoting member; and |
(9) [(10)] one nonvoting member appointed by the |
executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission |
to represent the supplemental nutrition assistance program, the |
federal special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, |
and children, and the supplemental nutrition assistance |
program-education. |
SECTION 3. Section 71.0082(a), Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) In addition to vehicle inspections authorized under |
Section 71.0081, the department [and the Texas Animal Health |
Commission, under the direction of the department,] shall [jointly] |
conduct road station and interstate shipment inspections as |
feasible at strategic points throughout this state and as |
determined to be appropriate by the department [and the Texas |
Animal Health Commission], taking into consideration the |
significance of plant and animal inspections in proactively |
protecting this state's borders. |
SECTION 4. Section 134.004, Agriculture Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 134.004. CONTRACTS. The department, the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality, [the Texas Animal Health |
Commission,] and the Parks and Wildlife Department may contract |
with state, federal, or private entities for assistance in carrying |
out the purposes of this chapter. |
SECTION 5. Sections 147.042(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Each livestock auction commission merchant shall keep a |
record of the motor vehicle and trailer or semitrailer on which |
livestock is transported to the place of sale. The record must be |
in a form prescribed by the department [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] and must show the name of the owner of the livestock, |
the name of the owner of the vehicle, and the name, make, and |
license plate number of the vehicle. The commission merchant shall |
prepare the record and make it available for public inspection |
within 24 hours after receipt of the livestock. |
(b) Each livestock auction commission merchant shall keep a |
record of the motor vehicle and trailer or semitrailer on which |
livestock is transported from the place of sale. The record must be |
in a form prescribed by the department [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] and must show the name and address of the purchaser of |
the livestock and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle. |
The commission merchant shall prepare the record and make it |
available immediately after the livestock is sold and before the |
livestock is removed from the place of sale. |
SECTION 6. Sections 148.011(c) and (d), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(c) The record must be prepared and made available to the |
department [Texas Animal Health Commission] and for public |
inspection within 24 hours after the slaughterer receives the |
livestock. The slaughterer shall preserve the record for at least |
two years and shall keep the record open for public inspection at |
all reasonable hours. |
(d) The department [Texas Animal Health Commission] shall |
disseminate the provisions of this section and Section 148.063 [of |
this code] to interested persons. The department [commission] |
shall carry out occasional spot checks of places maintained by |
slaughterers in order to determine if the provisions of this |
section are complied with. |
SECTION 7. Section 161.003, Agriculture Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
commissioners court of each county shall cooperate with and assist |
the department [commission] in protecting livestock, domestic |
animals, and domestic fowl from communicable diseases, regardless |
of whether a particular disease exists in the county. |
(b) Each commissioners court may employ a veterinarian at |
the expense of the county. Any veterinarian employed is subject to |
approval by the department [commission]. |
SECTION 8. Section 161.004, Agriculture Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
A person who is the owner or caretaker of livestock, exotic |
livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl that die from a disease |
listed by the department [commission] in rules adopted under |
Section 161.041, or who owns or controls the land on which the |
livestock, exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl die or |
on which the carcasses are found, shall dispose of the carcasses in |
the manner required by the department [commission] under this |
section. |
(b) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality may not |
adopt a rule related to the disposal of livestock under this section |
unless the rule is developed in cooperation with and is approved by |
the department [Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
(c) The department [commission] shall: |
(1) determine the most effective methods of disposing |
of diseased carcasses, including methods other than burning or |
burial; and |
(2) by rule prescribe the method or methods that a |
person may use to dispose of a carcass as required by Subsection |
(a). |
(d) The department [commission] by rule may delegate its |
authority under this section to the commissioner [executive |
director]. |
SECTION 9. Section 161.005, Agriculture Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may authorize a department [the |
executive director or another] employee to sign written instruments |
on behalf of the department [commission]. [A written instrument, |
including a quarantine or written notice, signed under that |
authority has the same force and effect as if signed by the entire |
commission.] |
(b) Any written instrument issued by the department |
[commission] is admissible as evidence in court if certified by the |
commissioner [presiding officer or the executive director]. |
SECTION 10. Section 161.007, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
If a veterinarian employed by the department [commission] |
determines that a communicable disease exists among livestock, |
domestic animals, or domestic fowl or on certain premises or that |
livestock, domestic animals, or domestic fowl have been exposed to |
the agency of transmission of a communicable disease, the exposure |
or infection is considered to continue until the department |
[commission] determines that the exposure or infection has been |
eradicated through methods prescribed by department rule [of the |
commission]. |
SECTION 11. Section 161.009, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
SENSITIVE INFORMATION. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) |
and (c), information held by the department [commission] is |
confidential and excepted from disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code, if the information consists of or relates to a |
biosecurity plan, a secure food supply plan, an emergency |
preparedness plan, or biosecurity data that was voluntarily |
provided to the department [commission] by an owner or caretaker of |
an animal. |
(b) The department [commission] may release information |
described by Subsection (a) to: |
(1) the attorney general's office, for the purpose of |
law enforcement; |
(2) the secretary of the United States Department of |
Agriculture, for the purpose of animal health protection; |
(3) the secretary of the United States Department of |
Homeland Security, for the purpose of homeland security; |
(4) the Department of State Health Services, for the |
purpose of protecting the public health from zoonotic diseases; |
(5) any person, if required by a court order; |
(6) a federal, state, municipal, or county emergency |
management authority, for the purpose of management or response to |
natural or man-made disasters; or |
(7) any person the commissioner [executive director of |
the commission] considers appropriate, if: |
(A) the commissioner [executive director] |
determines that: |
(i) livestock may be threatened by a |
disease, agent, or pest; and |
(ii) the release of the information is |
related to actions the department [commission] may take in |
performance of its powers and duties; or |
(B) the commissioner [executive director] |
determines that the release of the information is necessary for |
emergency management purposes under Chapter 418, Government Code. |
(c) The department's [commission's] release of confidential |
information under Subsection (b): |
(1) does not affect the confidentiality of the |
information; |
(2) is not an offense under Section 552.352, |
Government Code; and |
(3) is not a voluntary disclosure for purposes of |
Section 552.007, Government Code. |
SECTION 12. The heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 161, |
Agriculture Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 13. Section 161.041, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.041. DISEASE CONTROL. (a) The department |
[commission] shall protect all livestock, exotic livestock, |
domestic fowl, and exotic fowl from diseases the department |
[commission] determines require control or eradication. The |
department [commission] shall adopt and periodically update rules |
listing the diseases that require control or eradication by the |
department [commission]. Section 2001.0045, Government Code, does |
not apply to rules adopted under this subsection. |
(b) The department [commission] may act to eradicate or |
control any disease or agent of transmission for any disease that |
affects livestock, exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl, |
regardless of whether the disease is communicable, even if the |
agent of transmission is an animal species that is not subject to |
the jurisdiction of the department [commission]. The department |
[commission] may adopt any rules necessary to carry out the |
purposes of this subsection, including rules concerning testing, |
movement, inspection, and treatment. |
(c) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly |
fails to handle, in accordance with rules adopted by the department |
[commission], livestock, exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or |
exotic fowl: |
(1) infected with a disease listed by the department |
[commission] by rule under Subsection (a); |
(2) exposed, as defined by department [commission] |
rule, to a disease listed by the department [commission] by rule |
under Subsection (a) if the department [commission] has notified |
the person that the animal was exposed to the disease; or |
(3) subject to a testing requirement due to a risk of |
exposure, as defined by department [commission] rule, to a specific |
disease if the department [commission] has notified the person of |
the testing requirement. |
(d) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly |
fails to identify or refuses to permit an agent of the department |
[commission] to identify, in accordance with rules adopted by the |
department [commission], livestock, exotic livestock, domestic |
fowl, or exotic fowl infected with a disease listed by the |
department [commission] by rule under Subsection (a). |
(e) An offense under Subsection (c) or (d) [of this section] |
is a Class C misdemeanor unless it is shown on the trial of the |
offense that the defendant has been previously convicted under this |
section, in which event the offense is a Class B misdemeanor. |
(f) In complying with this section, the department |
[commission] may not infringe on or supersede the authority of any |
other agency of this state, including the authority of the Parks and |
Wildlife Department relating to wildlife. If a conflict of |
authority occurs, the department [commission] shall assume |
responsibility for disease control efforts, but work |
collaboratively with the other agency to enable each agency to |
effectively carry out its responsibilities. |
(g) The department's [commission's] authority to control or |
eradicate an agent of transmission that is an animal species that is |
not subject to the jurisdiction of the department [commission] is |
limited to instances when a disease that threatens livestock, |
exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl has been confirmed |
or is suspected to exist in that species and the department |
[commission] determines that a serious threat to livestock, exotic |
livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl exists. |
SECTION 14. Sections 161.0411(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A seller, distributor, or transporter of live domestic |
or exotic fowl in this state shall register with the department |
[commission] under this section. The department [commission] may |
exempt from registration a person participating in a disease |
surveillance program recognized by the department [commission]. |
(b) A person may apply for a certificate of registration or |
a renewal of a certificate of registration under this section by |
submitting an application and an annual fee prescribed by the |
department [commission]. A person must complete an application for |
a certificate of registration that includes a list of each location |
at which the person conducts the sale, distribution, or |
transportation of domestic or exotic fowl. |
(c) The department [commission] shall adopt rules to |
administer this section, including rules relating to the testing, |
identification, transportation, inspection, sanitation, and |
disinfection of domestic and exotic fowl. |
(d) The department [commission] shall prescribe and collect |
an annual fee for registration as a seller, distributor, or |
transporter of domestic or exotic fowl in this state. |
(e) The department [commission] may set fees under this |
section in amounts that do not exceed the amounts necessary to |
enable the department [commission] to recover the costs of |
administering this section. |
SECTION 15. Sections 161.0412(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may, for disease control |
purposes, require the registration of feral swine holding |
facilities. |
(b) To prevent the spread of disease, the department |
[commission] may require a person to register with the department |
[commission] if the person confines feral swine in a holding |
facility for slaughter, sale, exhibition, hunting, or any other |
purpose specified by department [commission] rule. |
SECTION 16. Section 161.0415, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
FOWL. (a) The department [commission] by order may require the |
slaughter of livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl[,] under the |
direction of the department [commission], or the sale of livestock, |
domestic fowl, or exotic fowl for immediate slaughter at a public |
slaughtering establishment maintaining federal or state inspection |
if the livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl is exposed to or |
infected with a disease other than bluetongue or vesicular |
stomatitis that: |
(1) is recognized by the United States Department of |
Agriculture as: |
(A) a foreign animal disease; or |
(B) a reportable animal disease; |
(2) is the subject of a cooperative eradication |
program with the United States Department of Agriculture; |
(3) is an animal disease reportable to the World |
Organisation for Animal Health; or |
(4) is the subject of a state of emergency, as declared |
by the governor. |
(b) The department [commission] by order may require the |
slaughter and disposal of livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl |
exposed to or infected with a disease not listed in Subsection (a) |
if the department [commission] determines that action to be |
necessary for the protection of animal health in this state. The |
department [commission] shall immediately deliver a copy of an |
order issued under this subsection to the appropriate legislative |
oversight committees. |
(c) A person may appeal an order of the department |
[commission] under this section as provided by Chapter 2001, |
Government Code. |
(d) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality may not |
adopt a rule related to the disposal of livestock under this section |
unless the rule is developed in cooperation with and is approved by |
the department [Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
SECTION 17. Section 161.0416, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.0416. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. (a) The department |
[commission] may prepare and plan for, respond to, and aid in the |
recovery from disaster events that may affect livestock, exotic |
livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl, including disease |
outbreaks, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and acts of |
terrorism. |
(b) The department [commission] may assist with local |
emergency management planning. This subsection may not be |
construed to affect the department's [commission's] responsibility |
under any other law, including Chapter 418, Government Code, or any |
responsibility delegated to the department [commission] by an |
emergency management authority of this state. |
SECTION 18. Sections 161.0417(a), (b), (c), and (d), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person, including a veterinarian, must be authorized |
by the department [commission] in order to engage in an activity |
that is part of a state or federal disease control or eradication |
program for animals. |
(b) The department [commission] shall adopt rules for the |
authorization of a person described by Subsection (a). |
(c) The department [commission] may, after reasonable |
notice, suspend or revoke a person's authorization under Subsection |
(a) if the department [commission] determines that the person has |
substantially failed to comply with this chapter or rules adopted |
under this chapter. |
(d) A person is entitled to a hearing before the department |
[commission] or a hearing examiner appointed by the department |
[commission] before the department [commission] may revoke the |
person's authorization under Subsection (a). The department |
[commission] shall make all final decisions to suspend or revoke an |
authorization. |
SECTION 19. Section 161.042, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
BIOLOGICS. The department [commission] may control the sale and |
distribution of all veterinary biologics except rabies vaccine. |
Rabies vaccine shall be sold, distributed, dispensed, and |
administered in compliance with Chapter 826, Health and Safety |
Code, and the rules adopted thereunder by the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission [Texas |
Board of Health]. |
SECTION 20. Section 161.043, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.043. REGULATION OF EXHIBITIONS. The department |
[commission] may regulate the entry of livestock, domestic animals, |
and domestic fowl into exhibitions, shows, and fairs and may |
require treatment or certification of those animals as reasonably |
necessary to protect against communicable diseases. |
SECTION 21. Section 161.044, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
STOCKYARDS OR RAILWAY SHIPPING PENS. The department [commission] |
may regulate the movement of livestock out of stockyards or railway |
shipping pens and require treatment or certification of those |
animals as reasonably necessary to protect against communicable |
diseases. |
SECTION 22. Sections 161.0445(b), (c), and (d), Agriculture |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The owner or person in charge of an export-import |
facility shall notify the department [commission] not later than 24 |
hours after an animal received or held at the facility is refused |
export out of this state or entry into another country. |
(c) The department [commission] may require that an animal |
held at an export-import facility be tested or treated for a disease |
or pest if an authorized department [commission] employee considers |
the test or treatment necessary. The department [commission] may |
require the testing or treatment be performed before the animal is |
removed from the export-import facility. This state is not liable |
for the amount of any fee charged for the testing or treatment. |
(d) The department [commission] may, for disease or pest |
control purposes, adopt rules necessary to implement, administer, |
and enforce this section. The rules may include reporting and |
recordkeeping requirements and provisions governing the movement, |
inspection, testing, or treatment of animals. |
SECTION 23. Section 161.045, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
department [commission] may employ personnel as necessary in the |
administration of this chapter or other duties of the department |
[commission], including a chief veterinarian, a first assistant |
veterinarian, other veterinarians, and clerical personnel. |
SECTION 24. Section 161.047(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A [commissioner or a] veterinarian or inspector |
employed by the department [commission] may enter public or private |
property for the exercise of an authority or performance of a duty |
under this chapter. |
SECTION 25. Sections 161.048(a), (b), (c), (d), and (d-1), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) An agent of the department [commission] is entitled to |
stop and inspect a shipment of animals or animal products being |
transported in this state in order to: |
(1) determine if the shipment is in compliance with |
the laws and rules administered by the department [commission] |
affecting the shipment; |
(2) determine if the shipment originated from a |
quarantined area or herd; or |
(3) determine if the shipment presents a danger to the |
public health or livestock industry through insect infestation or |
through a communicable or noncommunicable disease. |
(b) The department [commission] may detain a shipment of |
animals or animal products that is being transported in violation |
of law or a rule of the department [commission]. The department |
[commission] may require that the shipment be unloaded at the |
nearest available loading facility. |
(c) The department [commission] may not inspect a railroad |
train at any point other than a terminal. |
(d) The department [commission] may post signs on public |
highways and use signaling devices, including red lights, in |
conjunction with signs, if necessary to effectively signal and stop |
vehicles for inspection. |
(d-1) The department [commission] may enter into an |
agreement with a corporation or other private entity to provide |
goods or services for the establishment and operation of |
checkpoints or the performance of inspections under this section. |
SECTION 26. Sections 161.049(c), (d), and (e), Agriculture |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(c) The department [commission] may require a livestock, |
exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl dealer to maintain |
records of all livestock, exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or |
exotic fowl bought and sold by the dealer. |
(d) The department [commission] may inspect and copy the |
records of a livestock, exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic |
fowl dealer that relate to the buying and selling of those animals. |
(e) The department [commission] by rule shall adopt the form |
and content of the records maintained by a dealer under Subsection |
(c) [of this section]. |
SECTION 27. Section 161.050, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.050. INJUNCTION. The department [commission] is |
entitled to appropriate injunctive relief to prevent or abate a |
violation of a statute administered or enforced by the department |
[commission] or a rule adopted or order issued by the department |
[commission] under such a statute. On request of the department |
[commission], the attorney general shall file suit for the |
injunctive relief. Venue is in Travis County. |
SECTION 28. Section 161.051, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
DEPARTMENT [COMMISSION] POWERS. (a) The Department of Agriculture |
[commission] and the Department of Public Safety by rule shall |
adopt a joint memorandum of understanding that includes provisions |
under which Department of Public Safety officers are to check for |
health papers and permits when a livestock vehicle is stopped for |
other reasons in the regular course of the officers' duties. The |
memorandum shall require: |
(1) Department of Agriculture [commission] staff to |
provide information to Department of Public Safety officers |
regarding health papers and permits; |
(2) Department of Public Safety officers to report |
potential problems to the Department of Agriculture [commission]; |
(3) Department of Agriculture [commission] staff to |
investigate possible violations reported by Department of Public |
Safety officers; |
(4) Department of Public Safety officers to provide |
assistance when requested by the Department of Agriculture |
[commission]; and |
(5) Department of Agriculture [commission] personnel |
to notify the Department of Public Safety, when appropriate, of the |
location of Department of Agriculture [commission] roadblocks or |
special or night operations. |
(b) The Department of Agriculture [commission] and the |
Department of Public Safety shall review and update the memorandum |
not later than the last month of each state fiscal year. |
SECTION 29. Section 161.052, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES. (a) The department [commission] and the |
commissioners court of a county by rule may adopt a joint memorandum |
of understanding that includes provisions under which the sheriff |
of that county or the sheriff's deputies are to check for health |
papers and permits when a livestock vehicle is stopped for other |
reasons in the regular course of the sheriff's or the deputies' |
duties. The memorandum shall require: |
(1) department [commission] staff to provide |
information to the sheriff and the deputies regarding health papers |
and permits; |
(2) the sheriff and the deputies to report potential |
problems to the department [commission]; |
(3) department [commission] staff to investigate |
possible violations reported by the sheriff or the deputies; |
(4) the sheriff or deputies to provide assistance when |
requested by the department [commission]; and |
(5) department [commission] personnel to notify the |
sheriff, when appropriate, of department [commission] roadblocks |
located in the county or special or night operations planned for the |
county. |
(b) The department [commission] and each commissioners |
court with which the department [commission] adopted a memorandum |
of understanding shall review and update the memorandum not later |
than the last month of each state fiscal year. |
SECTION 30. Section 161.0525, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
WITH OTHER STATES. The department [commission] by rule, subject to |
approval by the governor, may adopt a joint memorandum of |
understanding with another state that includes provisions under |
which the department [commission] and the other state may provide |
assistance to each other in the case of an animal disease outbreak. |
SECTION 31. Section 161.054, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) As a control measure, the department [commission] by rule may |
regulate the movement of animals, including feral swine. The |
department [commission] may restrict the intrastate movement of |
animals, including feral swine, even though the movement of the |
animals is unrestricted in interstate or international commerce. |
The department [commission] may require testing, vaccination, or |
another epidemiologically sound procedure before or after animals |
are moved. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule may prohibit or |
regulate the movement of animals, including feral swine, into a |
quarantined herd, premise, or area. |
(c) The department [commission] may not adopt a rule that |
prohibits a person from moving animals, including feral swine, |
owned by that person within unquarantined contiguous lands owned or |
controlled by that person. |
(d) On application of the owner of an animal, including a |
feral swine, a restriction on the movement of the animal imposed |
under this chapter may be modified by order of the commissioner |
[executive director of the commission] if the owner demonstrates |
that the restriction will result in unusual hardship for the owner. |
In considering an application under this section, the commissioner |
[executive director] may consider the effect of prolonged drought, |
inadequacy of pasturage or unusual feed supply resulting from |
disaster or other unforeseeable circumstances, or economic |
hardship. |
(e) In connection with the regulation of the movement of |
feral swine, the department [commission] by rule may require |
disease testing before movement of a feral swine from one location |
to another, and establish the conditions under which feral swine |
may be transported. |
(f) The department's [commission's] authority to regulate |
the movement of feral swine may not interfere with the authority of |
the Parks and Wildlife Department to regulate the hunting or |
trapping of feral swine. |
SECTION 32. Sections 161.0541(a), (b), and (c), Agriculture |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] by rule may establish a |
disease surveillance program for elk. |
(b) Rules adopted under this section must: |
(1) require each person who moves elk in this state to |
have elk tested for chronic wasting disease or other diseases as |
determined by the department [commission]; |
(2) be designed to protect the health of the elk |
population in this state; and |
(3) include provisions for testing, identification, |
transportation, and inspection under the disease surveillance |
program. |
(c) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly |
violates a rule adopted by the department [commission] under this |
section. |
SECTION 33. Section 161.0542, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Notwithstanding any law restricting the disclosure of information |
by the department [commission] and subject to Subsection (b), if |
the department [commission] becomes aware of a wildlife disease |
outbreak on a property, the department [commission] shall provide |
notice of the location and nature of the outbreak to: |
(1) each owner of adjacent property; and |
(2) the Parks and Wildlife Department. |
(b) Subsection (a) applies only to a disease that the |
department [commission] has designated as reportable. |
SECTION 34. Section 161.0545, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.0545. MOVEMENT OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS. The department |
[commission] may adopt rules that require the certification of |
persons who transport or dispose of inedible animal products, |
including carcasses, body parts, and waste material. The |
department [commission] by rule may provide terms and conditions |
for the issuance, renewal, and revocation of a certification under |
this section. |
SECTION 35. Sections 161.055(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may require slaughter |
plants to collect and submit blood samples and other diagnostic |
specimens for testing for disease. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule shall determine the |
method of collecting, submitting, and testing of blood samples and |
other diagnostic specimens. |
SECTION 36. Section 161.056, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.056. ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM. (a) In order |
to provide for disease control and enhance the ability to trace |
disease-infected animals or animals that have been exposed to |
disease, the department [commission] may develop and implement an |
animal identification program that is no more stringent than a |
federal animal disease traceability or other federal animal |
identification program. |
(c) The department [commission] may adopt rules to require |
the use of official identification as part of the animal |
identification program under Subsection (a) for animal disease |
control or animal emergency management. |
(d) The department [commission] may [by a two-thirds vote] |
adopt rules to provide for an animal identification program more |
stringent than a program allowed by Subsection (a) only for control |
of a specific animal disease or for animal emergency management. |
(e) Information collected by the department [commission] |
under this section is exempt from the public disclosure |
requirements of Chapter 552, Government Code. The department |
[commission] may provide information to another person, including a |
governmental entity, without altering the confidential status of |
the information. The department [commission] may release |
information to: |
(1) a person who owns or controls animals and seeks |
information regarding those animals, if the person requests the |
information in writing; |
(2) the attorney general's office, for the purpose of |
law enforcement; |
(3) the secretary of the United States Department of |
Agriculture, for the purpose of animal health protection; |
(4) the secretary of the United States Department of |
Homeland Security, for the purpose of homeland security; |
(5) the Department of State Health Services, for the |
purpose of protecting the public health from zoonotic diseases; |
(6) any person, under an order of a court of competent |
jurisdiction; |
(7) a state, municipal, or county emergency management |
authority, for the purpose of management or response to natural or |
man-made disasters; or |
(8) any person the commissioner [executive director of |
the commission] considers appropriate, if the commissioner |
[executive director] determines that: |
(A) livestock may be threatened by a disease, |
agent, or pest; and |
(B) the release of the information is related to |
actions the department [commission] may take under this section. |
(f) Notwithstanding Subsection (e), the department |
[commission] shall release information collected under this |
section if the release is necessary for emergency management |
purposes under Chapter 418, Government Code. The release of |
information under this subsection does not alter the confidential |
status of the information. |
(i) The department [commission] may adopt rules necessary |
to implement and enforce this section. |
SECTION 37. Section 161.057, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.057. CLASSIFICATION OF AREAS. (a) The department |
[commission] by rule may prescribe criteria for classifying areas |
in the state for disease control. The criteria must be based on |
sound epidemiological principles. The department [commission] may |
prescribe different control measures and procedures for areas with |
different classifications. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule may designate as a |
particular classification an area consisting of one or more |
counties. |
SECTION 38. Section 161.058, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
The department [commission] may pay an indemnity to the owner of |
livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl exposed to or infected |
with a disease if the department [commission] considers it |
necessary to eradicate the disease and to dispose of the exposed or |
diseased livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl. The department |
[commission] shall provide the owner with information regarding |
available state or federal indemnity funds. |
(b) The department [commission] may adopt rules for the |
implementation of this section, including rules governing: |
(1) eligibility for compensation; |
(2) amounts of compensation; and |
(3) limits and restrictions on compensation. |
(c) The department [commission] may spend funds |
appropriated for the purpose of this section only for direct |
payment to owners of exposed or infected livestock, domestic fowl, |
or exotic fowl. |
SECTION 39. Section 161.059, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.059. QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSISTANCE. On request of |
an organization representing producers of a commodity in an |
industry regulated by the department [commission], the department |
[commission] may assist in the development, support, and oversight |
of a food safety or quality assurance program, including the |
provision of testing services. |
SECTION 40. Section 161.060, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.060. AUTHORITY TO SET AND COLLECT FEES. [(a)] The |
department [commission] may charge a fee, as provided by department |
[commission] rule, for an inspection made by the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 41. Section 161.0601, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
The department [commission] by rule may provide for the issuance, |
including electronically, of a certificate of veterinary |
inspection by a veterinarian to a person transporting livestock, |
exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule shall set and charge |
a fee for each certificate of veterinary inspection provided to a |
veterinarian under this section. |
SECTION 42. Section 161.0602, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
INFECTIOUS ANEMIA TESTS. (a) The department [commission] shall |
adopt rules that require a person or laboratory to be approved by |
the department [commission] if the person or laboratory performs an |
official equine infectious anemia test. |
(b) Rules adopted under this section must include: |
(1) approval requirements; |
(2) provisions governing the issuance, renewal, and |
revocation of an approval; |
(3) inspection requirements; |
(4) recordkeeping requirements; |
(5) equine infectious anemia testing methods approved |
by the department [commission]; and |
(6) proficiency standards. |
SECTION 43. Sections 161.0603(b), (c), and (d), Agriculture |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) This section does not prevent the department |
[commission] from: |
(1) using a laboratory other than the Texas A&M |
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory for a test as needed; or |
(2) collecting specimens and performing field tests to |
diagnose animal diseases. |
(c) The department [commission] and the Texas A&M |
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory shall enter into a |
memorandum of understanding to: |
(1) establish the laboratory services to be performed |
by the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory; |
(2) provide reporting requirements for the Texas A&M |
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory on all test requests |
received from the department [commission]; and |
(3) set fees associated with laboratory services |
performed for the department [commission] in amounts sufficient to |
recover the costs of those services. |
(d) The department [commission] and the Texas A&M |
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory shall annually review the |
memorandum of understanding under Subsection (c). |
SECTION 44. Sections 161.061(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may establish a quarantine |
against all or the portion of a state, territory, or country in |
which a disease listed in rules adopted under Section 161.041 |
exists. |
(c) The department [commission] may establish a quarantine |
to prohibit or regulate the movement of: |
(1) any article or animal that the department |
[commission] designates to be a carrier of a disease listed in rules |
adopted under Section 161.041 or a potential carrier of one of those |
diseases, if movement is not otherwise regulated or prohibited; and |
(2) an animal into an affected area, including a |
county district, pasture, lot, ranch, farm, field, range, |
thoroughfare, building, stable, or stockyard pen. |
SECTION 45. Sections 161.0615(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may quarantine livestock, |
exotic livestock, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl in all or any part |
of this state as a means of immediately restricting the movement of |
animals potentially infected with disease and shall clearly |
describe the territory included in a quarantine area. |
(c) The department [commission] by rule shall prescribe the |
manner in which notice of a statewide or widespread quarantine |
under this section is to be published. |
SECTION 46. Section 161.062, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.062. PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. (a) Except as |
provided by Section 161.0615, the department [commission] shall |
give notice of a quarantine against another state, territory, or |
country by publishing notice in a newspaper published in Texas. The |
quarantine takes effect on the date of publication. The department |
[commission] shall pay the expense of publication out of any |
appropriation made for office and stationery expenses of the |
department [commission]. |
(b) The department [commission] shall give notice of a |
quarantine established within this state by publishing notice in a |
newspaper published in the county in which the quarantine is |
established, by posting notice at the courthouse door of that |
county, or by delivering a written notice to the owner or caretaker |
of the animals or places to be quarantined. The department |
[commission] may pay the expense of publication or posting out of |
any appropriation made for the office and stationery expenses of |
the department [commission] or out of any appropriation made for |
the control or eradication of communicable diseases of livestock. |
The commissioners court of a county in which a quarantine is |
established may pay the expenses of publication or posting out of |
any available funds of the county. |
SECTION 47. Sections 161.063(a) and (d), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A quarantine notice must state the requirements and |
restrictions under which animals may be permitted to enter this |
state or to be moved from a quarantined area within this state. If |
the seriousness of the disease is sufficient to warrant prohibiting |
the movement of animals, the notice must state that the movement is |
prohibited. The quarantine notice must state the class of persons |
authorized by the department [commission] to issue certificates or |
permits permitting movement. |
(d) If the quarantine regulates or prohibits the movement of |
a carrier or potential carrier of a disease, the department |
[commission] may prescribe any exceptions, terms, conditions, or |
provisions that the department [commission] considers necessary or |
desirable to promote the objectives of this chapter or to minimize |
the economic impact of the quarantine without endangering those |
objectives or the health and safety of the public. Any exceptions, |
terms, conditions, or provisions prescribed under this subsection |
must be stated in the quarantine notice. |
SECTION 48. Sections 161.065(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The department [commission] may provide for a written |
certificate or written permit authorizing the movement of |
commodities or animals from quarantined places or the movement of |
quarantined commodities or animals. The certificate or permit must |
be issued by a veterinarian or other person authorized by the |
department [commission] to issue a certificate or permit. Each |
certificate or permit must be issued in conformity with the |
requirements stated in the quarantine notice. |
(c) If the department [commission] finds animals that have |
been moved in violation of a quarantine established under this |
chapter or in violation of any other livestock sanitary law, the |
department [commission] shall quarantine the animals until they |
have been properly treated, vaccinated, tested, or disposed of in |
accordance with the rules of the department [commission]. |
SECTION 49. Section 161.081, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.081. IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS. (a) The department |
[commission] by rule may regulate the movement, including movement |
by a railroad company or other common carrier, of livestock, exotic |
livestock, domestic animals, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl into |
this state from another state, territory, or country. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule may provide the |
method for inspecting and testing animals before and after entry |
into this state. |
(c) The department [commission] by rule may provide for the |
issuance and form of health certificates and entry permits. The |
rules may include standards for determining which veterinarians of |
this state, other states, and departments of the federal government |
are authorized to issue the certificates or permits. |
SECTION 50. Section 161.101, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.101. DUTY TO REPORT. (a) A veterinarian, a |
veterinary diagnostic laboratory, or a person having care, custody, |
or control of an animal shall report to the department [commission] |
the existence of diseases listed in rules adopted by the department |
[commission] among livestock, exotic livestock, bison, domestic |
fowl, or exotic fowl within 24 hours after diagnosis of the disease. |
The department [commission] shall adopt and periodically update |
rules listing the diseases that the department [commission] |
determines require reporting under this section. Section |
2001.0045, Government Code, does not apply to rules adopted under |
this subsection. |
(b) In addition to reporting required by Subsection (a), the |
department [commission] may adopt rules that require a |
veterinarian, a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, or a person |
having care, custody, or control of an animal to report the |
existence of a disease other than bluetongue in an animal to the |
department [commission] within 24 hours after diagnosis if the |
disease: |
(1) is recognized by the United States Department of |
Agriculture as: |
(A) a foreign animal disease; or |
(B) a reportable animal disease; |
(2) is the subject of a cooperative eradication |
program with the United States Department of Agriculture; |
(3) is an animal disease reportable to the World |
Organisation for Animal Health; or |
(4) is the subject of a state of emergency, as declared |
by the governor. |
(c) The department [commission] may adopt rules that |
require a veterinarian, a veterinary diagnostic laboratory, or a |
person having care, custody, or control of an animal to report a |
disease not covered by Subsection (a) or (b) if the department |
[commission] determines that action to be necessary for the |
protection of animal health in this state. The department |
[commission] shall immediately deliver a copy of a rule adopted |
under this subsection to the appropriate legislative oversight |
committees. |
(d) The department [commission] may not adopt, amend, or |
repeal a rule under this section unless the department [commission] |
holds a public hearing on the proposed action following public |
notice of the hearing. |
SECTION 51. Section 161.102, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Immediately after pronouncing that an animal has died from anthrax, |
as evidenced by a clinical or postmortem examination, a |
veterinarian shall prepare and submit to the department |
[commission] or a laboratory approved by the department |
[commission]: |
(1) a suitable specimen from the animal; |
(2) the name and address of the owner or caretaker of |
the animal; and |
(3) the location of the premises on which the animal |
died. |
SECTION 52. Section 161.112, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.112. RULES. (a) Following notice and public |
hearing, the department [commission] shall adopt rules relating to |
the movement of livestock, exotic livestock, and exotic fowl from |
livestock markets and shall require tests, immunization, or |
treatment as necessary to protect against the spread of |
communicable diseases. |
(b) Following notice and public hearing, the department |
[commission] may adopt rules requiring permits for moving exotic |
livestock and exotic fowl from livestock markets as necessary to |
protect against the spread of communicable diseases. |
SECTION 53. Section 161.113, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
LIVESTOCK. (a) The department [commission] shall adopt rules for |
testing, treatment, or vaccination under this subchapter. The |
state may not be required to pay the cost of fees charged for the |
testing, treatment, or vaccination. |
(b) If the department [commission] requires the dipping of |
livestock under this subchapter, the livestock shall be treated in |
a manner prescribed by department rule [of the commission]. |
(c) The department [commission] may require the owner or |
operator of a livestock market to furnish adequate equipment or |
facilities or have access to essential equipment or facilities |
within the immediate vicinity of the livestock market. |
SECTION 54. Section 161.115, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 161.115. ENTRY POWER. An agent of the department |
[commission] is entitled to enter any livestock market for the |
exercise of authority or performance of a duty under this |
subchapter. |
SECTION 55. Sections 161.116(a), (b), (d), (e), and (g), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) In this section [action], "diseased" means affected by |
actinobacillosis, actinomycosis, carcinoma, mastitis, or any other |
disease that renders the carcass of an animal potentially dangerous |
for human consumption and has been so designated by department rule |
[of the commission]. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c) [of this section], |
a person may not sell diseased cattle unless: |
(1) the cattle are sold through a livestock market |
where visual examination of livestock is made by an agent of the |
department [commission] or by the United States Department of |
Agriculture; or |
(2) the cattle are sold by a recognized slaughtering |
establishment maintaining federal, state, or state-approved |
veterinary postmortem inspection. |
(d) A person may not release diseased cattle from a |
livestock market unless the cattle are: |
(1) consigned directly to a federally approved |
terminal market or to a slaughtering establishment maintaining |
federal, state, or state-approved veterinary postmortem |
inspection; and |
(2) accompanied by a certificate or permit issued by a |
representative of the department [commission] or the United States |
Department of Agriculture naming the terminal market or |
slaughtering establishment. |
(e) This section does not prevent the original owner of |
diseased cattle, or an agent of the owner, from voiding the sale of |
the cattle if the owner is not satisfied with the top bid price, but |
the owner shall obtain a certificate or permit under Subsection (d) |
[of this section] and shall deliver the cattle to the place |
specified on the certificate or permit. A person is not liable for |
a violation of this subsection unless the agent of the department |
[commission] shows the person a list of approved establishments to |
which the cattle may be consigned and allows the person to select an |
establishment from that list. |
(g) A person may not release diseased cattle from a terminal |
market or slaughtering establishment to which the cattle have been |
consigned under a certificate or permit issued under Subsection (d) |
[of this section] except on authority of the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 56. Section 161.134, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
trial of any case involving the compliance of an owner or caretaker |
with a provision of this chapter requiring the treatment or |
vaccination of livestock, a person may not attempt to prove that the |
action was taken by a person other than an authorized |
representative of the department [commission]. |
SECTION 57. Section 161.136(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if, without a certificate |
required by department rule [of the commission] under Section |
161.043 [of this code], the person: |
(1) enters livestock, exotic livestock, domestic |
animals, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl into an exhibition, show, or |
fair; or |
(2) brings livestock, exotic livestock, domestic |
animals, domestic fowl, or exotic fowl on the grounds of an |
exhibition, show, or fair for the purpose of entering. |
SECTION 58. Section 161.137(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) removes livestock from a stockyard or railway |
shipping pen without a certificate required by department rule [of |
the commission] under Section 161.044 [of this code]; or |
(2) as the owner or person in charge of the stockyard |
or pen, permits the removal of livestock under Subdivision (1) [of |
this section]. |
SECTION 59. Section 161.1375(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly: |
(1) moves feral swine in a manner that is not in |
compliance with department rules adopted [by the commission] under |
Section 161.0412 or 161.054; or |
(2) as the owner or person in charge of a holding |
facility in which a feral swine is held, permits another to remove |
feral swine from the holding facility in a manner that is not in |
compliance with those rules. |
SECTION 60. Section 161.138(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person refuses to |
permit a representative of the department [commission] to enter |
property or premises of which the person is the owner, tenant, or |
caretaker for the purpose of carrying out a provision of this |
chapter. |
SECTION 61. Section 161.139(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) refuses to permit inspection of animals under |
Section 161.048 [of this code]; or |
(2) fails to stop a truck, trailer, wagon, or |
automobile suspected of carrying animals or animal products if |
requested or signaled to do so by an agent of the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 62. Section 161.140(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) refuses to allow the department [commission] or an |
agent of the department [commission] to examine an animal or all or |
part of an animal carcass that is owned by or possessed by the |
person and that the department [commission] or agent has reason to |
believe is affected by a communicable disease; or |
(2) hinders or obstructs the department [commission] |
or its agent in an examination under Subdivision (1) [of this |
subsection]. |
SECTION 63. Section 161.1405(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person who is the owner or caretaker of livestock, |
exotic livestock, fowl, or exotic fowl commits an offense if the |
person knowingly refuses to gather the animals for testing, |
identification, inspection, or another procedure required by |
department [commission] rule. |
SECTION 64. Sections 161.143(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person, including a railroad company or other common |
carrier, commits an offense if the person knowingly moves an animal |
into this state in violation of a department rule [of the |
commission] adopted under Section 161.081 [of this code]. |
(c) A person commits a separate offense for each animal |
moved in violation of a department rule [of the commission]. |
SECTION 65. Sections 161.146(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person, as the owner |
or operator of a livestock market, fails or refuses to furnish |
adequate facilities in accordance with Section 161.113(c) [of this |
code] or fails or refuses to permit an agent of the department |
[commission] to enter the market, exercise an authority, or perform |
a duty under Subchapter G [of this chapter]. A person commits a |
separate offense for each day of failure or refusal. |
(b) A person commits an offense if the person removes |
livestock from a livestock market without a certificate required by |
department rule [of the commission] adopted under Subchapter G [of |
this chapter]. |
SECTION 66. Sections 161.148(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), |
(i), (j), (k), (l), (m), and (n), Agriculture Code, are amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may impose an |
administrative penalty on a person who violates this subtitle or a |
rule or order adopted under this subtitle. |
(d) If the department [An executive director who] |
determines that a violation has occurred, the department may issue |
[to the commission] a report that states the facts on which the |
determination is based and the department's [director's] |
recommendation on the imposition of a penalty, including a |
recommendation on the amount of the penalty. |
(e) Within 14 days after the date the report is issued, the |
department [executive director] shall give written notice of the |
report to the person. The notice may be given by certified mail. |
The notice must include a brief summary of the alleged violation and |
a statement of the amount of the recommended penalty and must inform |
the person that the person has a right to a hearing on the |
occurrence of the violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the |
occurrence of the violation and the amount of the penalty. |
(f) Within 20 days after the date the person receives the |
notice, the person in writing may accept the determination and |
recommended penalty of the department [executive director] or may |
make a written request for a hearing on the occurrence of the |
violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the |
violation and the amount of the penalty. |
(g) If the person accepts the determination and recommended |
penalty of the department [executive director], the department |
[commission] by order shall approve the determination and impose |
the recommended penalty. |
(h) If the person requests a hearing or fails to respond |
timely to the notice, an administrative law judge of the State |
Office of Administrative Hearings [the executive director] shall |
set a hearing and the department shall give notice of the hearing to |
the person. The hearing shall be held by the [an] administrative |
law judge [of the State Office of Administrative Hearings]. The |
administrative law judge shall make findings of fact and |
conclusions of law and promptly issue to the department |
[commission] a proposal for a decision about the occurrence of the |
violation and the amount of a proposed penalty. Based on the |
findings of fact, conclusions of law, and proposal for a decision, |
the department [commission] by order may find that a violation has |
occurred and impose a penalty or may find that no violation |
occurred. |
(i) The notice of the department's [commission's] order |
given to the person under Chapter 2001, Government Code, must |
include a statement of the right of the person to judicial review of |
the order. |
(j) Within 30 days after the date the department's |
[commission's] order becomes final as provided by Section 2001.144, |
Government Code, the person shall: |
(1) pay the amount of the penalty; |
(2) pay the amount of the penalty and file a petition |
for judicial review contesting the occurrence of the violation, the |
amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the violation and |
the amount of the penalty; or |
(3) without paying the amount of the penalty, file a |
petition for judicial review contesting the occurrence of the |
violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the |
violation and the amount of the penalty. |
(k) Within the 30-day period, a person who acts under |
Subsection (j)(3) [of this section] may: |
(1) stay enforcement of the penalty by: |
(A) paying the amount of the penalty to the court |
for placement in an escrow account; or |
(B) giving to the court a supersedeas bond that |
is approved by the court for the amount of the penalty and that is |
effective until all judicial review of the department's [board's] |
order is final; or |
(2) request the court to stay enforcement of the |
penalty by: |
(A) filing with the court a sworn affidavit of |
the person stating that the person is financially unable to pay the |
amount of the penalty and is financially unable to give the |
supersedeas bond; and |
(B) giving a copy of the affidavit to the |
department [executive director] by certified mail. |
(l) The department, on receipt of [An executive director who |
receives] a copy of an affidavit under Subsection (k)(2), [of this |
section] may file with the court[,] within five days after the date |
the copy is received[,] a contest to the affidavit. The court shall |
hold a hearing on the facts alleged in the affidavit as soon as |
practicable and shall stay the enforcement of the penalty on |
finding that the alleged facts are true. The person who files an |
affidavit has the burden of proving that the person is financially |
unable to pay the amount of the penalty and to give a supersedeas |
bond. |
(m) If the person does not pay the amount of the penalty and |
the enforcement of the penalty is not stayed, the department |
[executive director] may refer the matter to the attorney general |
for collection of the amount of the penalty. |
(n) Judicial review of the order of the department |
[commission]: |
(1) is instituted by filing a petition as provided by |
Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code; and |
(2) is under the substantial evidence rule. |
SECTION 67. Section 162.001(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) In this chapter, "caretaker" means a caretaker of an |
animal as described[: |
[(1) "Caretaker" has the meaning assigned] by Section |
161.002 [of this code]. |
[(2) "Commission" means the Texas Animal Health |
Commission.] |
SECTION 68. Section 162.002, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 162.002. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM. (a) The department |
[commission] may cooperate with the United States Department of |
Agriculture and the county commissioners courts in a cooperative |
program for the eradication of tuberculosis among cattle and the |
establishment of areas based on prevalence of the disease. |
(b) The commissioners court of each county may cooperate |
with the department [commission] and the United States Department |
of Agriculture in a cooperative program under this chapter, but |
shall cooperate if presented with a petition signed by at least 75 |
percent of the owners of cattle in the county as shown by the county |
tax rolls. |
SECTION 69. Section 162.003, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 162.003. TESTING. The department [commission] by rule |
shall prescribe the manner, method, and system of testing cattle |
for tuberculosis under a cooperative program. |
SECTION 70. Section 162.004, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
OR OTHER ANIMALS. (a) For each tuberculosis test performed on |
cattle, hogs, or fowl, a veterinarian shall file a certificate with |
the department [commission] that identifies the animals tested and |
shows: |
(1) the name and post office address of the owner; |
(2) the location of the premises and the animals; |
(3) the date of the test; |
(4) the kind of test conducted; |
(5) the result of the test; and |
(6) whether the test was an interstate, accredited |
herd, municipal, or private test. |
(b) For each vaccination of hogs, a veterinarian shall file |
a certificate with the department [commission] that shows: |
(1) the name and post office address of the owner; |
(2) the location of the premises; |
(3) the number of hogs vaccinated; and |
(4) the amount and serial number of the serum and virus |
or other biologics used. |
(c) A certificate under this section must be: |
(1) in a form prescribed by the department |
[commission]; and |
(2) sent to the department [commission] within the |
time prescribed by the department [commission] by rule. |
SECTION 71. Section 162.005, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 162.005. IDENTIFICATION OF CATTLE. If cattle examined |
by a veterinarian show a positive reaction to the tuberculin test or |
show evidence of tuberculosis infection by clinical or laboratory |
examination, the veterinarian shall: |
(1) comply with any identification requirements of the |
department [commission]; and |
(2) not later than 48 hours after the identification, |
report the identification to the department [commission], together |
with the location, description, and number of animals identified. |
SECTION 72. Sections 162.006(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] shall immediately |
quarantine cattle and the premises on which the cattle are located |
if the cattle show a positive reaction when tested for tuberculosis |
by a veterinarian recognized by the department [commission] for |
that purpose. |
(b) Before the establishment of a quarantine a person may |
not move the cattle that show a positive reaction from the enclosure |
in which they were located at the time of testing, and may not sell, |
trade, barter, grant, or loan those animals. After a quarantine is |
established, a person may not move any cattle from the quarantined |
premises without first obtaining a written permit from the |
department [commission]. |
SECTION 73. Section 162.009, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
AND TUBERCULOSIS FREE AREAS. (a) As part of a cooperative program, |
the department [commission] or its representative may examine, |
test, and retest any cattle in this state as necessary to maintain |
an area of this state as a tuberculosis modified accredited |
advanced area or to establish or maintain each area of this state as |
a tuberculosis free area under the uniform methods and rules of the |
United States Department of Agriculture and the rules of the |
department [commission]. |
(b) The department [commission] or its representative may |
test or retest all or part of a herd of cattle at intervals |
considered necessary or advisable by the department [commission] to |
control and eliminate tuberculosis in animals. |
SECTION 74. Section 162.010, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) On written notice by the department [commission] or its |
representative, the owner, part owner, or caretaker of cattle shall |
assemble and submit the cattle for tuberculosis examination and |
testing. The notice must set the date and approximate time the |
cattle are to be tested and must be delivered by registered mail not |
later than the 10th day before that date. |
(b) The person receiving the notice shall provide |
reasonable assistance in confining the cattle and providing |
facilities for proper administration of the test. The person shall |
return the cattle to the same place for observation at a time |
designated by the department [commission] or its representative. |
SECTION 75. Section 162.013(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if, as the owner, part |
owner, or caretaker of cattle, the person fails or refuses to |
assemble the cattle or to provide assistance in accordance with |
Section 162.010 [of this code] at the time and place provided in the |
notice issued by the department [commission]. |
SECTION 76. Section 162.014(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The following agencies, colleges, and services jointly |
shall conduct a review of the state's current programs to research, |
control, and eradicate animal tuberculosis in both traditional and |
nontraditional farm and ranch animals: |
(1) the department [commission]; |
(2) [the Department of Agriculture; |
[(3) the] Texas A&M AgriLife Research [Agricultural |
Experiment Station]; |
(3) [(4)] the Texas A&M AgriLife [Agricultural] |
Extension Service; |
(4) [(5) the Texas Animal Damage Control Service; |
[(6)] the [Texas] Department of State Health Services; |
(5) The Texas A&M University [(7) the] College of |
Veterinary Medicine[, Texas A&M University]; and |
(6) [(8)] the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic |
Laboratory. |
SECTION 77. Section 163.001(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) In this chapter, "caretaker" means a caretaker of an |
animal as described[: |
[(1) "Caretaker" has the meaning assigned] by Section |
161.002 [of this code]. |
[(2) "Commission" means the Texas Animal Health |
Commission.] |
SECTION 78. Section 163.002, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.002. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM. In order to bring about |
effective control of bovine brucellosis, to allow Texas cattle to |
move in interstate and international commerce with the fewest |
possible restrictions, and to accomplish those purposes in the most |
effective, practical, and expeditious manner, the department |
[commission] may enforce this chapter and enter into cooperative |
agreements with the United States Department of Agriculture. |
SECTION 79. Section 163.003, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.003. FEES. The department [commission] may |
establish fees in amounts necessary to cover the cost of |
administering this chapter when combined with funds received from |
other sources. |
SECTION 80. Section 163.021, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.021. CLASSIFICATION OF AREAS. (a) The department |
[commission] by rule may prescribe criteria for classifying areas |
in the state for purposes of brucellosis control. The department |
[commission] may prescribe differing control measures and |
procedures according to the classification of the areas. The |
classifications shall be based on criteria that use sound |
epidemiological principles and are similar to the criteria provided |
by federal brucellosis control regulations. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule may designate as a |
particular classification any area consisting of one county or two |
or more contiguous counties. The designation of an area for state |
purposes need not be the same as the designation of the area for |
federal purposes. |
SECTION 81. Section 163.061, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.061. RULES; REPORTS. Following notice and a |
hearing, the department [commission] may adopt rules and require |
reports and records as necessary to carry out Subchapters A, B, and |
D [A-D of this chapter], including rules, reports, and records that |
relate to the testing or vaccination of cattle or to the movement of |
cattle into and within an area. |
SECTION 82. Section 163.062, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.062. EMPLOYEES. The department [commission] may |
employ personnel, including veterinarians, inspectors, |
stenographers, and clerks, as necessary to the enforcement of |
Subchapter A, B, or D [Subchapters A-D of this chapter] or the |
performance of duties under those subchapters. The department |
[commission] may assign to those employees any duty under those |
subchapters. |
SECTION 83. Section 163.063, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.063. ENTRY POWER. (a) A representative of the |
department [commission, including a member of the commission,] is |
entitled to enter any public or private property for the exercise of |
authority or performance of a duty under Subchapter A, B, or D |
[Subchapters A-D of this chapter]. |
(b) A representative of the department [commission] under |
Subsection (a) [of this section] who desires to be accompanied by a |
peace officer may apply for and be issued a search warrant in the |
manner provided by Section 161.047 [of this code]. |
SECTION 84. Section 163.064, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.064. TESTING AND VACCINATION. (a) Only a person |
approved by the department [commission] may perform testing and |
vaccinating for brucellosis, regardless of whether the person is a |
veterinarian. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule shall prescribe |
criteria for classifying cattle as negative, infected with |
brucellosis, or suspected of being infected with brucellosis. Each |
classification must be based on the testing of cattle. The testing |
may include serological testing, microbiological culturing of |
blood, tissue, secretions, or excretions, or both. |
(c) The department [commission] may by rule regulate and |
require the vaccination of female cattle within all or any of the |
area classifications. Among other rules, the department |
[commission] may adopt rules providing for: |
(1) the identification of cattle to be vaccinated; |
(2) approval of the vaccine used; and |
(3) the method of administering the vaccine. |
(d) The department [commission] by rule may regulate the |
sale and use of brucellosis antigens and vaccines. A person may not |
sell a brucellosis antigen or vaccine unless the antigen or vaccine |
is approved by the department [commission]. A person may not |
administer a brucellosis antigen or vaccine unless the antigen or |
vaccine is approved by the department [commission] and the person |
is authorized by the department [commission] to administer the |
antigen or vaccine. |
SECTION 85. Section 163.065, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) If a tested animal shows evidence of infection with |
brucellosis, the person performing the test shall handle the animal |
in accordance with department [the] rules [of the commission]. The |
department [commission] may prescribe requirements according to |
the classification of the area in which the animal is located. |
Among other requirements, the department [commission] may require |
the person performing the test to: |
(1) furnish the owner of the animal with written data |
showing that the animal is infected; |
(2) fire brand the animal on the left jaw with the |
letter "B"; |
(3) place an approved, numbered identification on the |
animal; and |
(4) report the identification number in writing to the |
department [commission]. |
(b) If an animal shows evidence of infection, the herd of |
which it is a part shall also be handled in accordance with |
department [the] rules [of the commission], which may provide for: |
(1) quarantines; |
(2) the manner, method, and system of disposing of |
reactor cattle; |
(3) the testing and retesting of the herd; or |
(4) other measures, such as quarantine only, where the |
animals from the herd are sold exclusively for slaughter and where |
the department's [commission's] rules are in compliance with the |
current requirements of the Brucellosis Eradication Uniform |
Methods and Rules of the cooperative state-federal brucellosis |
eradication program. |
SECTION 86. Section 163.066, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) As a control measure, the department [commission] by rule may |
regulate the movement of cattle. The department [commission] may |
restrict the intrastate movement of cattle even though the movement |
of the cattle is unrestricted in interstate or international |
commerce. The department [commission] may require testing, |
vaccination, or another procedure that is epidemiologically sound |
before or following the movement of cattle. |
(b) The department [commission] may not adopt a rule that |
prohibits a person from moving cattle owned by that person within |
unquarantined contiguous lands owned or controlled by that person. |
(c) Any restriction on the movement of cattle imposed under |
provisions of this chapter may be modified or set aside by the |
department [commission] upon application by the cattle owner, |
provided that the owner can show impending unusual hardship |
resulting from such restriction. Contributory factors may include |
but are not limited to prolonged drought, inadequacy of pasturage |
or usual feed supply resulting from disaster or other unforeseeable |
circumstance, or economic hardship of the cattle owner; provided |
that individual animals under restriction shall be handled in a |
manner to be prescribed by the department [commission]. |
SECTION 87. Section 163.069, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.069. INDIVIDUAL HERD PLANS. (a) The department |
[commission] by rule may provide for the handling and treatment of |
individual herds in which testing or epidemiology has produced |
evidence of infection or which was adjacent to a herd in which |
infection is found. Each plan shall be designed to aid the |
caretaker of the herd in preventing or reducing spread of the |
infection and in eliminating the infection. |
(b) Each herd plan must be based on sound epidemiological |
principles and the classification of the area in which the herd is |
located. In prescribing a herd plan, the department [commission] |
may consider, among other items: |
(1) the risk of the infection spreading to other |
herds; |
(2) the cost to other herd owners resulting from |
spread of the infection; |
(3) the extent of infection and of possible exposure |
within the herd; |
(4) the type of cattle operation conducted by the |
herd's caretaker; and |
(5) the conditions affecting the economics and |
management of the herd. |
SECTION 88. Section 163.070, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 163.070. REQUIRED ASSISTANCE. If ordered by the |
department [commission] or its representative, the owner or |
caretaker of cattle shall submit the cattle and furnish labor and |
facilities used in normal operation in order that the cattle may be |
tested, vaccinated, or otherwise handled in accordance with |
department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 89. Sections 163.072(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may require slaughter |
plants to collect and submit blood samples for brucellosis testing. |
(b) The department [commission] by rule shall determine the |
method of collecting, submitting, and testing of blood samples. |
SECTION 90. Section 163.081(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person refuses to |
vaccinate a female calf owned by that person in accordance with |
department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 91. Section 163.083(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person refuses to |
permit a representative of the department [commission] to enter |
property or premises of which the person is the owner, tenant, or |
caretaker for the purposes of carrying out a provision of this |
chapter. |
SECTION 92. The heading to Section 163.084, Agriculture |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 93. Section 163.084(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person, including a railway or a common carrier, |
commits an offense if the person knowingly moves an animal in |
violation of a department rule [of the commission]. |
SECTION 94. Section 163.085(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly |
refuses to handle in accordance with department [the] rules [of the |
commission] an animal that the department [commission] has |
classified as infected with brucellosis. |
SECTION 95. Section 164.002(d), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) If an inspector determines that a scabies infection |
exists among cattle, sheep, or goats or that cattle, sheep, or goats |
have been exposed to scabies, the infection or exposure is |
considered to continue until the department [commission] |
determines that the infection or exposure has been eradicated |
through methods prescribed by department rule [of the commission]. |
SECTION 96. Section 164.003(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) For the purpose of eradicating scabies, the department |
[commission] may employ a chief inspector, district supervising |
inspectors, and local inspectors. |
SECTION 97. Section 164.005(c), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The person who owns or controls the place to be entered |
under this section or who owns or controls the animals shall, on |
request of the inspector or [a member of] the department |
[commission], gather the animals on the range for inspection. |
Failure or refusal to gather the animals is prima facie evidence |
that the premises and the animals are infected with scabies and |
authorizes the department [commission] to quarantine the premises |
or animals in accordance with this chapter. |
SECTION 98. The heading to Section 164.021, Agriculture |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 99. Sections 164.021(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] by written order may direct |
a person who owns, controls, or cares for cattle or sheep that are |
scabies-infected or are exposed to scabies, to treat any or all of |
those animals for the purpose of destroying, eradicating, curing, |
or removing a scabies infection or a source of exposure to scabies. |
(b) An order of the department [commission] under this |
section must be signed by a department representative [the |
commission or the presiding officer of the commission] and must |
contain the following: |
(1) the date of issuance; |
(2) the name of the person to whom the order is made; |
(3) the approximate location of the premises on which |
the animals are located; |
(4) the county in which the premises are located; |
(5) a statement in clear and intelligible language |
that the sheep or cattle that the person owns, controls, or cares |
for are infected with or exposed to scabies; |
(6) an order directing the person to treat the |
animals, under the supervision of an inspector and in the manner |
prescribed by the department [commission]; and |
(7) a designation of the date, time, and place that the |
treatment is to occur. |
SECTION 100. Section 164.022, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 164.022. HEARING. (a) Not later than the fifth day |
following the day on which a person receives an order to treat |
cattle or sheep, the person may file with the department |
[commission or the presiding officer of the commission] a written |
affidavit that: |
(1) denies that the animals are subject to being |
treated under this chapter, or states that, for good and sufficient |
reason set out in the affidavit, the person is entitled to have the |
order rescinded or the treatment postponed; and |
(2) requests that the department [commission] |
withhold enforcement of the order and grant a hearing on the matter |
or investigate the matter as necessary to determine the correctness |
of the statement contained in the affidavit. |
(b) Not later than the fifth day following the day on which |
the department [commission] receives an affidavit under Subsection |
(a) [of this section], the department [commission] shall, if |
desired by the affiant, grant the affiant a hearing in the office of |
the commissioner [presiding officer]. The department [commission] |
shall give the affiant notice of the hearing by telegram or |
registered mail and shall hold the hearing not earlier than the |
fourth day following the day of giving that notice. |
(c) The department [commission] shall consider the |
affidavit at the hearing and shall, in person or by agent, |
investigate the matter as the department [commission] considers |
necessary. |
(d) If the department [commission] finds that the statement |
in the affidavit is correct, the department [commission] shall |
rescind the order or postpone the treatment until a time that the |
department [commission] considers proper. If the department |
[commission] finds that the statement in the affidavit is not |
correct, the department [commission] shall enforce the order on the |
date and at the time designated in the order. |
(e) Following a hearing, the department [commission] shall |
deliver its written findings to the affiant not later than the |
fourth day before the date and time that the order requires the |
animals to be treated. |
(f) A person who is dissatisfied with the findings of the |
department [commission] under this section may apply to a court of |
proper venue and jurisdiction for an injunction or other relief. |
SECTION 101. Section 164.023, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 164.023. METHOD OF TREATMENT. The department |
[commission] by rule shall prescribe the methods of treatment |
available for the treatment of scabies under this chapter. |
SECTION 102. Section 164.041, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 164.041. ESTABLISHMENT. (a) The department |
[commission] may establish a quarantine against all or the portion |
of a state, territory, or country in which the department |
[commission] determines scabies exists. A quarantine established |
under this section is governed by Chapter 161, except that only a |
scabies inspector recognized by the department [commission] for |
that purpose in the quarantine notice may issue certificates or |
permits for the movement of cattle subject to the quarantine. A |
person who violates the quarantine is subject to the penalties |
provided by Chapter 161. |
(b) If an inspector determines that a scabies infection or |
exposure exists in a county or area of this state, on any premises, |
including a road, pasture, lot, yard, stockyard, or enclosure, or |
among any cattle or sheep, the department [commission] may |
quarantine the area, premises, or animals. |
SECTION 103. Section 164.042, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 164.042. NOTICE. The department [commission] shall |
give notice of a quarantine established under Section 164.041(b) |
[of this code] in one of the following manners: |
(1) by posting written notice of the quarantine at the |
courthouse door of the county in which the quarantine is |
established and at two other conspicuous places in the area or on |
the premises quarantined; |
(2) by publishing notice in a newspaper in the county |
or, if there is no newspaper in the county, by publishing notice in |
a newspaper in an adjoining county; or |
(3) by delivering written or printed notice to the |
owner or caretaker of the animals or premises to be quarantined, |
with the delivery made in person by a department [commission] |
inspector, employee, or member or with the delivery made by United |
States mail. |
SECTION 104. Section 164.044, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
OF QUARANTINED ANIMALS. (a) A person may not move or permit to be |
moved cattle or sheep that are under quarantine for scabies |
infection or exposure or that are on premises quarantined for |
scabies infection or exposure unless the cattle or sheep are |
certified by a department [commission] inspector. |
(b) If the department [commission] finds animals that have |
been moved in violation of a quarantine established under this |
chapter, the department [commission] shall quarantine the animals |
until they have been properly tested or treated in accordance with |
department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 105. Section 164.046(c), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) Disinfection under this section must be performed under |
the supervision of a department [commission] inspector and before |
uninfected or unexposed sheep are permitted to enter the places to |
be disinfected. |
SECTION 106. Section 164.064, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS. The department [commission] may adopt |
rules designating areas as infected or free from infection and |
shall establish treatment requirements for the importation of sheep |
into this state. |
SECTION 107. Section 164.065, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 164.065. EXHIBITIONS. The department [commission] |
shall provide an importer of show sheep a reasonable length of time, |
not to exceed 60 days after the date of importation, in which to |
display the sheep at county fairs or livestock exhibitions. The |
importer shall keep the sheep separate from all sheep other than |
show sheep and shall treat the sheep as required by the department |
[commission] before they are distributed to the range. |
SECTION 108. Section 164.083(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) owns, controls, or cares for cattle or sheep |
infected with scabies or cattle or sheep that have been exposed to |
scabies infection within six months prior to the date of an order to |
treat under Section 164.021; and |
(2) fails or refuses to treat the sheep or cattle at |
the time and in the manner provided by the order of the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 109. Section 165.021, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
AGRICULTURE. The department [commission] may cooperate with the |
United States Department of Agriculture in the eradication of |
vesicular exanthema, foot and mouth disease of swine, classical |
swine fever, and other diseases of swine. |
SECTION 110. Section 165.022, Agriculture Code, as amended |
by Chapters 623 (S.B. 1997) and 849 (S.B. 705), Acts of the 87th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, is reenacted and amended to |
read as follows: |
Following notice and public hearing, the department [commission] |
shall adopt rules for the enforcement of this subchapter, including |
rules providing for the manner, method, and system of eradicating |
swine diseases. |
(b) The department [commission] may [by a two-thirds vote] |
adopt rules under this section that are more stringent than the |
minimum standards for cooperative programs adopted by the Animal |
and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department |
of Agriculture. |
SECTION 111. Section 165.023, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 165.023. USE OF BIOLOGICS. The department |
[commission] shall adopt rules governing the use of biologics as a |
protection against dissemination of communicable swine diseases. |
SECTION 112. Sections 165.026(b), (c), (d), (e), and (g), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) A person may feed unrestricted garbage to swine only if |
the person first registers with and secures a permit from the |
department [commission]. |
(c) The department [commission] may adopt rules for |
registration under this section, including rules providing for |
registration issuance, revocation, and renewal, disease tests, |
inspections, bookkeeping, and appropriate handling and treatment |
of unrestricted garbage. Registration with the department |
[commission] shall be made on forms prescribed by the department |
[commission,] and the department [commission] shall furnish those |
forms on request. The department [commission] may impose a |
registration fee not to exceed $25 a year. |
(d) The department [commission] or the commissioner |
[executive director of the commission] may issue an emergency |
administrative order to suspend a registration under this section |
or require the immediate quarantine and closure of a garbage |
feeding facility if the department [commission] or the commissioner |
[executive director] determines that the practice presents a danger |
to public health or the livestock industry, including any danger |
related to an insect infestation or the transmission of a disease. |
An order must expire not later than the end of the second month |
after the effective date of the order. |
(e) The department [commission] or the commissioner may |
issue an order prohibiting the feeding of restricted garbage to |
swine in all or part of the state if the department [commission] or |
the commissioner determines that the practice presents a danger to |
public health or the livestock industry, including any danger |
related to an insect infestation or the transmission of a disease. |
(g) The department [commission], in cooperation with [the |
department and] any other appropriate state agencies and political |
subdivisions, shall: |
(1) attempt to inform each supplier of restricted |
garbage and each individual feeding garbage to swine of the |
provisions of this section; |
(2) assist garbage feeding facilities and individuals |
feeding garbage to swine in identifying a source for obtaining |
unrestricted garbage; and |
(3) adopt measures designed to ensure compliance with |
this section. |
SECTION 113. Section 165.027(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A representative of the department [commission, |
including a member of the commission,] is entitled to enter the |
premises of any person for the purpose of inspecting swine or the |
heating or cooking equipment required by this subchapter or for the |
purpose of performing another duty under this subchapter. |
SECTION 114. Section 167.001(3), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Inspector" means an inspector of the department |
[commission], including a local inspector, a county or district |
supervising inspector, and the chief inspector. |
SECTION 115. Section 167.003, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
[COMMISSION]. (a) In accordance with this chapter, the department |
[commission] shall eradicate all ticks capable of carrying Babesia |
in this state and shall protect all land, premises, and animals in |
this state from those ticks and exposure to those ticks. |
(b) In carrying out this chapter, the department |
[commission] may: |
(1) adopt necessary rules; |
(2) employ necessary personnel, including a chief |
inspector, chief clerk, stenographers, and clerks, and assign the |
personnel to perform duties authorized by this chapter or |
incidental to its enforcement; |
(3) assist and cooperate with county officials; and |
(4) enter into cooperative agreements with other state |
agencies or agencies of the federal government. |
(c) The department [commission] by rule may provide for the |
manner and method of treating saddle stock and stock used for gentle |
work and for the handling and certifying of that stock for movement, |
but unless the department [commission] so provides, the stock is |
subject to this chapter as other animals. |
SECTION 116. Sections 167.004(b), (c), and (d), Agriculture |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The department [commission] by rule shall define what |
animals and premises are to be classified as exposed to ticks. The |
department [commission] shall classify as exposed to ticks animals |
that have been on land or in an enclosure that the department |
[commission] determines to be tick infested or exposed to ticks or |
to have been tick infested or exposed to ticks before or after the |
removal of the animals, unless the department [commission] |
determines that the infestation or exposure occurred after the |
animals were removed and that the animals did not become infested or |
exposed before removal. |
(c) Animals, land, and premises classified as tick infested |
or exposed to ticks retain that classification until the |
classification is changed by the department [commission] in |
accordance with this chapter. |
(d) Animals, land, and premises in the tick eradication area |
may not be considered to be free from exposure to ticks unless: |
(1) the department [commission] has officially |
classified the animals or premises as free from exposure and filed a |
copy of the order making that classification in the office of the |
supervising inspector of the county in which the animals or |
premises are located; or |
(2) the supervising inspector of the county in which |
the animals or premises are located, under the authority of the |
department [commission], has classified the animals or premises in |
writing as free from exposure and filed the written classification |
in the supervising inspector's office. |
SECTION 117. Sections 167.005(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The free area and the inactive quarantine area are |
composed of counties and parts of counties designated by the |
department [commission] to be part of the applicable area. |
(c) The department [commission] may transfer a county or |
part of a county from the tick eradication area, the free area, or |
the inactive quarantine area to another type of area as the |
department [commission] considers advisable or necessary. |
SECTION 118. Sections 167.006(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may designate for tick |
eradication any county or part of a county that the department |
[commission] determines may contain ticks. |
(b) The department [commission] shall give notice that a |
county or part of a county is designated for tick eradication by: |
(1) publishing a brief notice of the designation in a |
newspaper published in that county or that part of the county, as |
applicable; or |
(2) posting a brief notice of the designation at the |
courthouse door of the county. |
SECTION 119. Section 167.007, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.007. TICK ERADICATION IN FREE AREA. (a) The |
department [commission] may conduct tick eradication in the free |
area and may establish quarantines and require the treatment of |
animals in the free area as provided by this chapter. The |
department [commission] shall designate in writing the land or |
premises in the free area in which tick eradication is to be |
conducted. |
(b) An owner or caretaker of animals in the free area and the |
commissioners court of a county all or part of which is located in |
the free area shall cooperate with the department [commission] in |
the manner provided by this chapter for tick eradication in the tick |
eradication area. |
SECTION 120. Section 167.008, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.008. INSPECTIONS. The department [commission] may |
order the owner, part owner, or caretaker of animals to gather the |
animals for inspection at a time and place prescribed in the order |
of the department [commission]. The department [commission] shall |
serve written notice of the order not later than the 12th day before |
the day of inspection. A person on whom an order is served is |
entitled to request and obtain a hearing in the manner provided by |
this chapter for hearings on orders to treat animals. |
SECTION 121. Section 167.021, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.021. GENERAL QUARANTINE POWER. (a) The |
department [commission] may establish quarantines on land, |
premises, and animals as necessary for tick eradication. |
(b) The department [commission] in writing may release a |
quarantine established under this chapter if the department |
[commission] considers it necessary or advisable to do so. |
SECTION 122. Section 167.023, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.023. QUARANTINE OF FREE AREA. (a) The department |
[commission] by written order may establish a quarantine in the |
free area if necessary for the purpose of regulating the handling of |
animals and eradicating ticks or exposure to ticks in the free area |
or for the purpose of preventing the spread of tick infestation into |
the free area. |
(b) The order of the department [commission] establishing a |
quarantine in the free area shall designate the land or premises to |
be quarantined. |
(c) The department [commission] shall give notice of a |
quarantine established in the free area by: |
(1) delivering notice to each owner or caretaker of |
animals in the area to be quarantined or to each owner or caretaker |
of land or premises in the area on which animals are located; |
(2) posting written notice at the courthouse door of |
each county in which the area to be quarantined is located; or |
(3) publishing notice in a newspaper published in each |
county in which the area to be quarantined is located. |
SECTION 123. Sections 167.024(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Unless the person first obtains a permit or a |
certificate from an authorized inspector, the owner or caretaker of |
animals in a quarantined area may not move the animals, or permit |
the animals to be moved, from an enclosure owned, leased, or |
occupied by that person, from any open range, street, road, or |
thoroughfare, or from any land that the person does not own or |
control, into any other enclosure or other land owned, cared for, or |
controlled by that person, if: |
(1) the animals are subject to treatment under this |
chapter and the land or enclosure to which the animals are moved: |
(A) is classified in the records of the county |
supervising inspector as being free from ticks; or |
(B) has been released from quarantine by the |
department [commission]; or |
(2) the animals are subject to treatment but are not |
being treated under this chapter in the conduct of regular |
systematic tick eradication by the department [commission] and the |
land or enclosure to which the animals are moved is owned or |
controlled by that person and: |
(A) tick eradication work is being conducted |
there; or |
(B) the land or enclosure is vacated under the |
direction of the department [commission] for the purpose of tick |
eradication. |
(c) The owner or caretaker of animals located in a |
quarantined area may move animals, or permit animals to be moved, to |
and from treatment facilities for the purpose of treating the |
animals on a regular treatment date at the treatment facility to |
which the animals are to be moved or on another date designated by |
the inspector in charge of the treatment facility. The movement of |
animals under this subsection must be in accordance with department |
[the] rules [of the commission]. Any other movement is considered |
to be in violation of the quarantine. |
SECTION 124. Section 167.025, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
AREA. A person may not move animals or permit animals to be moved |
from or within the inactive quarantined area except in accordance |
with department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 125. Sections 167.026(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) A person may not move goats, hogs, sheep, exotic |
livestock, or circus animals into this state from an area of another |
state, territory, or country that is under state or federal |
quarantine for tick infestation unless the animals: |
(1) have been treated free from infestation or |
exposure; and |
(2) are certified as having been so treated by an |
inspector of the department [commission] or of the Animal and Plant |
Health Inspection Service, United States Department of |
Agriculture. |
(c) A person may not move hay, straw, grass, packing straw, |
pine straw, corn shucks, weeds, plants, litter, manure, dirt, |
posts, sand, gravel, caliche, or animal by-products into this state |
for any purpose from an area of another state, territory, or country |
that is under state or federal quarantine for tick infestation |
unless the articles: |
(1) have been treated in accordance with the |
requirements of the department [commission] or the Animal and Plant |
Health Inspection Service, United States Department of |
Agriculture; and |
(2) are certified as having been so treated by an |
inspector of the department [commission] or the Animal and Plant |
Health Inspection Service, United States Department of |
Agriculture. |
SECTION 126. Sections 167.029(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] by rule shall provide the |
conditions for and the manner and method of handling and moving |
animals: |
(1) into, in, and from the tick eradication area; |
(2) into, in, and from quarantined land or premises in |
the free area; |
(3) into the released part of the free area; and |
(4) into, in, and from the inactive quarantined area. |
(c) The department [commission] may adopt rules relating to |
testing, immunizing, treating, certifying, or marking or branding |
animals moving into this state from another state or country. |
SECTION 127. Section 167.030(b), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The department [commission] shall adopt rules relating |
to the cleaning and disinfecting of conveyances. |
SECTION 128. Section 167.031, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
department [commission] may establish quarantines and restrict the |
use of sand as bedding in an animal conveyance except for sand from |
known tick-free sand pits. |
SECTION 129. Section 167.032, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.032. MOVEMENT OF COMMODITIES. The department |
[commission] may establish quarantines and restrict the movement |
from quarantined areas of hay, hides, carcasses, or other |
commodities that are capable of carrying ticks. |
SECTION 130. Section 167.033, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
INJURED ANIMALS. The department [commission] may establish |
quarantines and regulate the removal and handling of refuse matter |
from quarantined stockyards, quarantined stock pens, and other |
quarantined places and may establish quarantines and regulate the |
handling or removal of animals that die or are injured in transit. |
SECTION 131. Sections 167.051(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Animals located in the free area are subject to |
treatment if: |
(1) the animals are infested with ticks; |
(2) the animals were exposed to ticks within the nine |
months preceding an order to treat; |
(3) the animals are on premises described in an order |
to treat during the time the order is in effect and the person to |
whom the order is issued is the owner, part owner, or caretaker of |
the animals; or |
(4) the department [commission] determines that |
treatment is necessary to ensure that the animals are entirely free |
from infestation. |
(c) The department [commission] may require the treatment |
of animals that are located in the free area and are tick infested |
or have been exposed to ticks regardless of whether the animals or |
the area in which the animals are located is under quarantine. |
SECTION 132. Sections 167.052(a), (d), (f), and (g), |
Agriculture Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may order the owner, part |
owner, or caretaker of animals to treat the animals in accordance |
with the directions of the department [commission]. The order must |
be dated, in writing, and signed or stamped with the signature of |
the department [commission] or the commissioner [presiding officer |
of the commission]. |
(d) An order may require the treatment of the animals on as |
many dates as the department [commission] considers necessary for |
eradicating the infestation or exposure of the animals or the |
premises on which the animals are located. |
(f) A person to whom an order to treat is directed shall |
comply with the order and treat the animals in accordance with the |
directions of the department [commission]. If the order is not |
delivered within the time provided by Subsection (e), the person |
receiving the order shall begin treatment on the first treatment |
date that is more than 12 days after the date of receipt of the order |
and shall continue treatment on subsequent dates as specified in |
the order. |
(g) If the animals or the premises are not freed from ticks |
or exposure to ticks before an order to treat expires, the |
department [commission] may issue additional orders regardless of |
whether the animals were exposed to ticks in the nine months |
preceding the date of the subsequent order. |
SECTION 133. Sections 167.053(b) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Following a hearing, the department [commission] shall |
transmit its written decision to the supervising inspector, who |
shall transmit it to the protesting person by delivering it in |
person or by mailing it by registered mail to the address shown in |
the hearing application. If the department [commission] overrules |
the protest, the person to whom the order was directed shall comply |
with the order. |
(c) If the department's [commission's] decision is |
delivered in person, a person whose protest is overruled shall |
begin treatment of the animals on the first treatment date in the |
order that is more than two days after the day on which the decision |
is received. If the decision is delivered by mail, the person shall |
begin treatment on the first treatment date in the order that is |
more than four days after the day on which the decision was |
deposited in the mail. |
SECTION 134. Section 167.056, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.056. MANNER OF TREATMENT. If the department |
[commission] requires animals to be treated, the animals shall be |
treated in the manner prescribed by the department [commission]. |
SECTION 135. Section 167.057(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] shall prescribe by rule the |
official materials in which animals are to be treated under this |
chapter. A person may not treat animals for purposes of this |
chapter in a material other than an official material prescribed by |
the department [commission]. |
SECTION 136. Sections 167.059(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners court of each county, including a |
county in the free area, in all or part of which the department |
[commission] conducts tick eradication shall cooperate with the |
department [commission] and shall furnish facilities necessary to |
the treatment of animals in that county. The commissioners court |
shall furnish dipping vats, pens, chutes, and other necessary |
facilities in the number, at the locations, and of the type |
specified by the department [commission]. In addition, the county, |
at its expense, shall maintain the facilities and repair or remodel |
them as necessary, shall provide the water for filling the vats, and |
shall clean and refill the vats as necessary. |
(c) For the purpose of acquiring necessary land for the |
construction or maintenance of treatment facilities, for the |
purpose of acquiring treatment facilities that have already been |
constructed, or for the purpose of acquiring land necessary for |
ingress and egress to and from those facilities, a commissioners |
court has the power of eminent domain. The commissioners court |
shall exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided by |
law for acquiring land for the building and maintenance of public |
buildings, except that the court shall institute and prosecute |
condemnation proceedings on written request from the commissioner |
[presiding officer of the commission]. The request from the |
commissioner [commission] shall designate: |
(1) the land to be condemned and its location; |
(2) the name of the owner of the land to be condemned; |
and |
(3) the easement to be acquired for ingress and |
egress. |
SECTION 137. Section 167.060, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
QUARANTINED AREA. (a) An inspector may not issue a certificate or |
permit for the movement of animals from a quarantined enclosure |
unless the owner or caretaker of the animals: |
(1) is cooperating with the department [commission] in |
the regular systematic treatment of the animals listed in |
Subsection (b); and |
(2) has treated those animals on the last two |
treatment dates that were prescribed for the area in which the |
animals are located and that preceded the date of movement. |
(b) In order to be issued the permit or certificate, the |
owner or caretaker must cooperate with the department [commission] |
in the regular systematic treatment of animals of which the person |
is the owner or caretaker and which: |
(1) are located in the enclosure from which the |
animals are to be moved; |
(2) are located in quarantined enclosures that connect |
with the enclosure from which the animals are to be moved, including |
an enclosure that: |
(A) connects with an enclosure that connects with |
the enclosure from which the animals are to be moved; or |
(B) is on the opposite side of a lane or road from |
the enclosure from which the animals are to be moved; or |
(3) are located on the quarantined open range that |
connects with any of the enclosures under Subdivision (1) or (2). |
(c) If ticks are found on any of the animals submitted for |
movement, before the certificate or permit is issued, each head of |
the animals must be treated as prescribed by department |
[commission] rules. |
(d) The department [commission] may waive the enforcement |
of this section for good cause. A waiver of the department |
[commission] must be in writing. |
SECTION 138. Section 167.081, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
LIVESTOCK. (a) The department [commission] may designate a |
stockyard that is in the tick eradication area or in the free area |
and is open to the public for yarding, marketing, and selling |
livestock as a facility to handle intrastate movements of livestock |
certified by an inspector to be free from ticks or exposure to |
ticks. A stockyard so designated shall provide tick-free |
facilities for the handling of that livestock in accordance with |
this subchapter. |
(b) A designation under this section is effective for 24 |
months following the day on which notice is served, and the |
department [commission] may redesignate a facility for the purpose |
of this section. |
SECTION 139. Section 167.082, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.082. NOTICE AND HEARING. (a) The department |
[commission] shall give written notice of a designation under this |
subchapter to the stockyard company or to the owner, operator, or |
other person in control of the stockyard. |
(b) A person to whom a notice is directed may request a |
hearing for the purpose of protesting the designation in the manner |
provided by Section 167.053 for requesting a hearing on an order to |
treat. The department [commission] shall grant the hearing and |
give notice of its decision in the manner provided by that section. |
(c) A person whose protest is overruled shall complete the |
work required to provide tick-free facilities not later than the |
60th day following the day on which the person receives notice of |
the department's [commission's] decision. |
SECTION 140. Section 167.101, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 167.101. INSPECTORS. (a) The commissioners court of a |
county in which the department [commission] conducts tick |
eradication may nominate the number of local inspectors found by |
the department [commission] to be necessary for tick eradication in |
that county. The department [commission] shall appoint those |
persons nominated unless, following appointment of local |
inspectors, the department [commission] finds that the county is |
trying to retard tick eradication or is nominating persons who are |
incompetent or negligent in the performance of duty. In that case, |
the department [commission] may ignore the nominations of the |
county. |
(b) If a commissioners court fails or refuses to nominate |
persons as local inspectors, the department [commission] shall |
appoint local inspectors without nomination. |
(c) Local inspectors work under the direction and orders of |
the department [commission] and are subject to discharge by the |
department [commission]. The department [commission] shall fix and |
the state shall pay the salaries of local inspectors, but a county |
may pay the salary and traveling expenses of a local inspector. |
(d) The department [commission] may employ county and |
district supervising inspectors without nomination by the |
commissioners courts. |
(e) Only an inspector appointed for the purpose may conduct |
tick eradication or issue permits and certificates certifying |
animals to be free from ticks or exposure to ticks. An inspector |
shall issue those permits and certificates in accordance with |
department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 141. Section 167.103(b), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The peace officer shall deputize a sufficient number of |
assistants, to be designated by the supervising inspector of the |
county, shall enter the property on which the animals are located, |
and shall gather and treat the animals under the supervision of an |
inspector and in accordance with the directions of the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 142. Section 167.104(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) An inspector may request a peace officer to seize |
animals if: |
(1) the inspector determines the animals to be running |
at large or on the open range of a county or part of a county in |
which the department [commission] is conducting tick eradication |
under this chapter; and |
(2) the inspector is unable to locate the owner or |
caretaker of the animals. |
SECTION 143. Sections 167.106(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] or a resident of this state |
may sue for an injunction to compel compliance with a provision of |
this chapter or to restrain a threatened violation of a provision of |
this chapter. |
(c) The department [commission] or a resident of a county or |
part of a county in which tick eradication is being conducted may |
sue for permanent or temporary relief to compel a person who is an |
owner, part owner, or caretaker of animals to treat the animals in |
accordance with this chapter if the person has failed or refused to |
treat the animals or has threatened to fail or refuse to treat the |
animals. If the court finds that the defendant has been served with |
an order of the department [commission] to treat the animals, that |
the animals are subject to treatment, and that the material |
allegations of the plaintiff's petition are true, the court shall |
enter an order commanding the defendant to treat the animals in |
accordance with the directions of the department [commission] at |
the time and place designated in the order of the department |
[commission] or in the order of the court. If the defendant fails |
to comply with the order of the court, the court may hold the |
defendant in contempt and punish the defendant accordingly and |
shall order a peace officer to deputize assistants and treat the |
animals in accordance with the order of the court. The expense of |
treating the animals and employing the peace officer and assistants |
shall be taxed against the defendant as a cost of suit. |
SECTION 144. The heading to Section 167.109, Agriculture |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 145. Sections 167.109(a) and (c), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A copy of a written instrument issued by the department |
[commission] is admissible as evidence in any court of this state if |
the copy is certified by the commissioner [presiding officer of the |
commission]. |
(c) In the trial of a civil or criminal case under this |
chapter, in which a certified copy of a department [commission] |
written instrument or a proclamation is to be introduced in |
evidence, the instrument or proclamation is not required to be |
filed with the papers of the cause and the party introducing it is |
not required to give notice of it to the other party. |
SECTION 146. Section 167.110(c), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) If it is necessary in a court proceeding to prove the |
test of a treatment chemical, it is only necessary to prove that: |
(1) the treatment chemical used was one of the |
official treatment chemicals prescribed by the department |
[commission]; and |
(2) the inspector tested the treatment chemical in |
accordance with department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 147. Section 167.131(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if, as the owner, part |
owner, or caretaker of animals, the person fails to gather the |
animals for inspection at the time and place ordered by the |
department [commission] under Section 167.008. |
SECTION 148. Sections 167.132(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person moves, or as |
owner, part owner, or caretaker permits the movement of, animals |
from any land, premises, or enclosure that is under quarantine for |
tick infestation or exposure in violation of the quarantine without |
a permit issued by an inspector of the department [commission] or of |
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States |
Department of Agriculture. |
(b) A railroad or other transportation company commits an |
offense if it permits an animal to enter stock pens in the tick |
eradication area under the company's control without a written |
certificate or permit from an inspector of the department |
[commission] or of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, |
United States Department of Agriculture. |
SECTION 149. Section 167.137(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person required by Section 167.030 [of this code] to |
clean and disinfect a conveyance commits an offense if the person |
fails or refuses to clean and disinfect the conveyance in |
accordance with department [the] rules [of the commission]. |
SECTION 150. Section 167.138(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person uses sand as |
bedding in an animal conveyance in violation of a quarantine |
established or a department [commission] rule adopted under Section |
167.031. |
SECTION 151. Section 167.139(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person moves a |
commodity capable of carrying ticks from a quarantined area in |
violation of a quarantine established or a department [commission] |
rule adopted under Section 167.032 [of this code]. |
SECTION 152. Section 167.140(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person violates a |
quarantine established or a department [commission] rule adopted |
under Section 167.033 [of this code]. |
SECTION 153. Section 167.143(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A stockyard company or an owner, operator, or person in |
charge of a stockyard commits an offense if the person fails or |
refuses to provide and complete facilities required by the |
department [commission] under Subchapter D [of this chapter] within |
60 days after the day on which notice of designation is served under |
that subchapter. |
SECTION 154. Sections 168.004(a) and (b), Agriculture Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) If the laboratory determines that any part of a flock is |
infected, it shall certify that information to the department |
[commission,] and the department [commission] shall verify the |
infection and immediately quarantine part or all of the flock. The |
department [commission] may authorize the laboratory to quarantine |
an infected flock on behalf of the department [commission]. The |
department [commission] shall give notice of the quarantine in the |
same manner as provided by law for the quarantine of other livestock |
and fowl. The department [commission] shall also order a cessation |
in the sale, movement, or exhibition of quarantined poultry or eggs |
and may seek an injunction to enforce an order concerning infected |
flocks. |
(b) A quarantined flock shall be disposed of in a manner |
prescribed by the department [commission]. If disposal involves |
movement to a state or federally inspected poultry processing |
establishment, the department [commission] shall issue a |
certificate to accompany the flock. When the flock is disposed of |
and other measures necessary to the control and eradication of |
pullorum disease and fowl typhoid are taken, the department |
[commission] shall remove the quarantine. |
SECTION 155. Section 168.006, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 168.006. ASSISTANCE BY FLOCK OWNER. The owner of a |
flock shall assist the laboratory and the department [commission] |
in handling the poultry and shall pen and present the flock on |
request. |
SECTION 156. Section 168.007, Agriculture Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 168.007. NO FEE CHARGED. Neither the laboratory nor |
the department [commission] may charge a fee for testing or |
laboratory examination provided for under this chapter. |
SECTION 157. Section 168.008(a), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person refuses to: |
(1) comply with an order of the department |
[commission] or laboratory concerning an infected flock; or |
(2) admit a person with a search warrant obtained as |
provided in Section 168.003 [of this code]. |
SECTION 158. Section 56.102, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 56.102. ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM. The Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] shall administer the |
program in accordance with the rules adopted by the committee. |
SECTION 159. Sections 56.103(a), (b), and (e), Education |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The rural veterinarian incentive program committee |
consists of: |
(1) the commissioner [executive director] of |
agriculture [the Texas Animal Health Commission], or the |
commissioner's [executive director's] designee; |
(2) the executive director of the State Board of |
Veterinary Medical Examiners, or the executive director's |
designee; |
(3) the dean of each accredited college of veterinary |
medicine located in this state, or the dean's designee; |
(4) a veterinarian with a mixed animal practice, |
representing each university system located in Texas with an |
accredited college of veterinary medicine, appointed by the board |
of regents of each university system; |
(5) a veterinarian with a large animal practice, |
representing each university system located in Texas with an |
accredited college of veterinary medicine, appointed by the board |
of regents of each university system; and |
(6) a practitioner of veterinary medicine, |
representing [who serves as a commissioner of] the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission], appointed by the |
Department of Agriculture [chair of the Texas Animal Health |
Commission]. |
(b) The commissioner [executive director] of agriculture or |
the commissioner's designee under Subsection (a)(1) [the Texas |
Animal Health Commission] serves as the presiding officer of the |
committee. |
(e) In adopting rules under this section related to the |
selection, submission, or certification of areas identified as |
having a veterinary shortage for the purpose of this subchapter, |
the committee shall consider any applicable regulations adopted |
under 7 U.S.C. Section 3151a and previous work of the Department of |
Agriculture or the former Texas Animal Health Commission. |
SECTION 160. Sections 61.9965(a) and (c), Education Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall |
administer the rural veterinarian incentive program account in |
accordance with Subchapter G, Chapter 56, to provide assistance in |
the repayment of student loans for eligible veterinarians who apply |
and qualify for the assistance under the rules of the [Texas Animal |
Health Commission] rural veterinarian incentive program committee |
established under Section 56.103. |
(c) Money and resources in the account shall be made |
available and payable as soon as practicable at the request of the |
Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] and may |
be used only for the following purposes: |
(1) to provide financial support as a lump sum to an |
eligible participant under Subchapter G, Chapter 56, the lender or |
other holder of the participant's affected loan, or the |
participant's university system; |
(2) a reasonable amount, not to exceed seven percent |
of the account value, to cover the costs of administration of the |
program; or |
(3) a reasonable amount, not to exceed three percent |
of the account value, as specifically required for the coordinating |
board for administration of the account. |
SECTION 161. Section 418.190, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
coordination with the division, the Department of Agriculture [and |
the Texas Animal Health Commission] shall prepare and keep current |
an agriculture emergency response plan as an annex to the state |
emergency management plan. The plan must include provisions for: |
(1) identifying and assessing necessary training, |
resource, and support requirements; |
(2) providing information on recovery, relief, and |
assistance requirements following all types of disasters, |
including information on biological and radiological response; and |
(3) all other information the Department of |
Agriculture determines [and the Texas Animal Health Commission |
determine] to be relevant to prepare for an all-hazards approach to |
agricultural disaster management. |
(b) The Department of Agriculture [and the Texas Animal |
Health Commission] shall include the plan developed under |
Subsection (a) in an annual report to the legislature and the office |
of the governor. |
SECTION 162. Section 421.021(a), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The Homeland Security Council is composed of the |
governor or the governor's designee, the speaker of the house of |
representatives or the speaker's designee, the lieutenant governor |
or the lieutenant governor's designee, and one representative of |
each of the following entities, appointed by the single statewide |
elected or appointed governing officer, administrative head, or |
chair, as appropriate, of the entity: |
(1) Department of Agriculture; |
(2) office of the attorney general; |
(3) General Land Office; |
(4) Public Utility Commission of Texas; |
(5) Department of State Health Services; |
(6) Department of Information Resources; |
(7) Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas; |
(8) Texas Division of Emergency Management; |
(9) Texas Military Department; |
(10) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; |
(11) Railroad Commission of Texas; |
(12) Texas Military Preparedness Commission; |
(13) Texas Department of Transportation; |
(14) Commission on State Emergency Communications; |
(15) Office of State-Federal Relations; |
(16) secretary of state; |
(17) the committee of the senate having jurisdiction |
over veterans affairs; |
(18) the committee of the senate having jurisdiction |
over homeland security; |
(19) the committee of the house of representatives |
having jurisdiction over veterans affairs; |
(20) the committee of the house of representatives |
having jurisdiction over homeland security; |
(21) [Texas Animal Health Commission; |
[(22)] Texas Commission on Law Enforcement; |
(22) [(23)] state fire marshal's office; |
(23) [(24)] Texas Education Agency; |
(24) [(25)] Texas Commission on Fire Protection; |
(25) [(26)] Parks and Wildlife Department; |
(26) [(27)] Texas A&M Forest Service; and |
(27) [(28)] Texas Water Development Board. |
SECTION 163. Section 81.008, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
INFORMATION. The Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] and the Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical |
Diagnostic Laboratory shall each adopt by rule a memorandum of |
understanding, adopted also by rule by the executive commissioner, |
governing the exchange of information on communicable diseases in |
animals between the Department of State Health Services |
[department] and those entities. |
SECTION 164. Section 435.006(d), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) The department may not issue a permit to a person for a |
producer dairy located in an area infected with or at a high risk |
for bovine tuberculosis, as determined epidemiologically and |
defined by rule of the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal |
Health Commission]. |
SECTION 165. Sections 801.256(a) and (f), Occupations Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board may issue a special license to practice |
veterinary medicine to an applicant who is: |
(1) a member of the faculty or staff of a |
board-approved veterinary program at an institution of higher |
education; |
(2) a veterinarian employee of the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission]; |
(3) a veterinarian employee of the Texas A&M |
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory; or |
(4) a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine |
in another jurisdiction, if the board determines that the person's |
specialty practice is unrepresented or underrepresented in this |
state. |
(f) The following people may provide a statement under |
Subsection (b)(1)(B): |
(1) the dean of a board-approved veterinary medicine |
program at an institution of higher education in this state; |
(2) the commissioner [executive director] of |
agriculture [the Texas Animal Health Commission]; or |
(3) the executive director of the Texas A&M Veterinary |
Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. |
SECTION 166. Section 801.361(d), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality may not |
adopt a rule that relates to the disposal of animal remains under |
this section unless the rule is developed in cooperation with and is |
approved by the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission]. |
SECTION 167. Section 801.403, Occupations Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 801.403. FAILURE TO REPORT DISEASE. The board may |
suspend or revoke a license to practice veterinary medicine, place |
a veterinarian on probation, or reprimand a veterinarian if the |
veterinarian knowingly fails to report a disease to the Department |
of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] as required by |
Section 161.101, Agriculture Code. |
SECTION 168. Section 12.014, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Notwithstanding any law restricting the disclosure of information |
by the department and subject to Subsection (b), if the department |
becomes aware of a wildlife disease outbreak on a property, the |
department shall provide notice of the location and nature of the |
outbreak to: |
(1) each owner of adjacent property; and |
(2) the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission]. |
(b) Subsection (a) applies only to a disease that the |
Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] has |
designated as reportable. |
SECTION 169. Section 12.0251(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) The commission or the department may disclose |
information described by this section only to: |
(1) the landowner; |
(2) another person if the landowner consents to full |
or specified partial disclosure of information and the consent is |
in writing and is attached to the plan or recommendation report; or |
(3) the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] as needed to carry out a governmental purpose. |
SECTION 170. Section 12.103(d-1), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d-1) The department may disclose information collected |
under this section to the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal |
Health Commission] as needed to carry out a governmental purpose. |
SECTION 171. Sections 43.369(b), (c), (d), and (e), Parks |
and Wildlife Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The department in conjunction with the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission, not later than June 1, |
2010,] shall [develop and] maintain a process for a database to be |
shared by both agencies. The database must include the reporting |
data required to be provided by each deer breeder: |
(1) to the Parks and Wildlife Department [department] |
under this subchapter; and |
(2) to the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal |
Health Commission]. |
(c) To the extent possible, the Parks and Wildlife |
Department [department] and the Department of Agriculture [Texas |
Animal Health Commission] shall share the database to eliminate the |
need for a deer breeder to submit duplicate reports to the two |
agencies. |
(d) The Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission], by rule, shall |
provide incentives to deer breeders whose cooperation results in |
reduced costs and increased efficiency by offering: |
(1) reduced fees for the deer breeder permit; and |
(2) a permit with an extended duration. |
(e) The Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] may adopt rules to |
implement this section. |
SECTION 172. Section 43.953(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Before any deer may be destroyed under this subchapter: |
(1) an agent of the Department of Agriculture [animal |
health commission] may conduct an epidemiological assessment: |
(A) if the assessment can be conducted in a |
timely manner; and |
(B) contingent on the availability of funding; |
and |
(2) the Parks and Wildlife Department [department] |
must consider the results of an assessment, if conducted, under |
Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 173. Sections 43.955(a) and (c), Parks and Wildlife |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The applicable permit holder shall pay all costs |
associated with: |
(1) an epidemiological assessment conducted under |
this subchapter to the Department of Agriculture [animal health |
commission]; and |
(2) except as provided by Subsection (b), the |
destruction of deer under this subchapter to the Parks and Wildlife |
Department [department]. |
(c) The department may not waive costs under Subsection (b) |
if the department determines that the permit holder or an agent of |
the permit holder, in violation of this chapter or a regulation of |
the Department of Agriculture [commission], caused: |
(1) the introduction of chronic wasting disease into |
the facility; or |
(2) a delay in the detection of chronic wasting |
disease at the facility. |
SECTION 174. Sections 66.007(i) and (l), Parks and Wildlife |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(i) The department may coordinate with the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] regarding testing for |
diseases. |
(l) On receiving notice from an owner of the observance of |
manifestations of disease, the department shall immediately: |
(1) notify the Department of Agriculture and [,] the |
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality[, and the Texas Animal |
Health Commission]; and |
(2) advise the Department of Agriculture and [,] the |
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality[, and the Texas Animal |
Health Commission] regarding the appropriate action to be taken. |
SECTION 175. Section 28.03(i), Penal Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(i) Notwithstanding Subsection (b), an offense under this |
section is a felony of the first degree if the property is livestock |
and the damage is caused by introducing bovine spongiform |
encephalopathy, commonly known as mad cow disease, or a disease |
listed in rules adopted by the Department of Agriculture [Texas |
Animal Health Commission] under Section 161.041(a), Agriculture |
Code. In this subsection, "livestock" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 161.001, Agriculture Code. |
SECTION 176. Sections 23.426(a), (b), and (d), Tax Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The entitlement of an individual to have land the |
individual owns designated for agricultural use under this |
subchapter does not end because the individual ceases exclusively |
or continuously using the land for agriculture as an occupation or a |
business venture for profit for the period prescribed by Subsection |
(b) if the land: |
(1) is subject to a temporary quarantine established |
at any time during the tax year by the Department of Agriculture |
[Texas Animal Health Commission] for the purpose of regulating the |
handling of livestock and eradicating ticks or exposure to ticks |
under Chapter 167, Agriculture Code; and |
(2) otherwise continues to qualify for the designation |
under Section 23.42. |
(b) Subsection (a) applies to land eligible for appraisal |
under this subchapter only during the period that begins on the date |
the land is designated as a tick eradication area and that ends on |
the date the land is released from quarantine by the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
(d) The owner of land to which this section applies must, |
not later than the 30th day after the date the land is released from |
quarantine by the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission], notify in writing the chief appraiser for each |
appraisal district in which the land is located that the land has |
been released from quarantine by the Department of Agriculture |
[Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
SECTION 177. Sections 23.48(a), (e), and (f), Tax Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) An owner of land designated for agricultural use on |
which the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] has established a temporary quarantine of at least 90 |
days in length in the current tax year for the purpose of regulating |
the handling of livestock and eradicating ticks or exposure to |
ticks at any time during a tax year is entitled to a reappraisal of |
the owner's land for that year on written request delivered to the |
chief appraiser. |
(e) In appraising the land for any subsequent tax year in |
which the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] quarantine remains in place, the chief appraiser shall |
continue to take into account the effect on the value of the land |
caused by the infestation of ticks. |
(f) If the owner of the land is informed by the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] that the quarantine is |
no longer in place, not later than the 30th day after the date on |
which the owner received that information the owner of the land |
shall so notify the chief appraiser in writing. If the owner fails |
to notify the chief appraiser as required by this subsection, a |
penalty is imposed on the property equal to 10 percent of the |
difference between the taxes imposed on the property in each year it |
is erroneously allowed appraisal under this section and the taxes |
that would otherwise have been imposed. |
SECTION 178. Sections 23.526(a), (b), and (d), Tax Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The eligibility of land for appraisal under this |
subchapter does not end because the land ceases to be devoted |
principally to agricultural use to the degree of intensity |
generally accepted in the area for the period prescribed by |
Subsection (b) if the land: |
(1) is subject to a temporary quarantine established |
at any time during the tax year by the Department of Agriculture |
[Texas Animal Health Commission] for the purpose of regulating the |
handling of livestock and eradicating ticks or exposure to ticks |
under Chapter 167, Agriculture Code; |
(2) is appraised under this subchapter primarily on |
the basis of the livestock located in the area subject to quarantine |
in the tax year; and |
(3) otherwise continues to qualify for appraisal under |
this subchapter. |
(b) Subsection (a) applies to land eligible for appraisal |
under this subchapter only during the period that begins on the date |
the land is designated as a tick eradication area and that ends on |
the date the land is released from quarantine by the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
(d) The owner of land to which this section applies must, |
not later than the 30th day after the date the land is released from |
quarantine by the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission], notify in writing the chief appraiser for each |
appraisal district in which the land is located that the land has |
been released from quarantine by the Department of Agriculture |
[Texas Animal Health Commission]. |
SECTION 179. Sections 23.60(a), (e), and (f), Tax Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) An owner of qualified open-space land, other than land |
used for wildlife management, on which the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] has established a |
temporary quarantine of at least 90 days in length in the current |
tax year for the purpose of regulating the handling of livestock and |
eradicating ticks or exposure to ticks at any time during a tax year |
is entitled to a reappraisal of the owner's land for that year on |
written request delivered to the chief appraiser. |
(e) In appraising the land for any subsequent tax year in |
which the Department of Agriculture [Texas Animal Health |
Commission] quarantine remains in place, the chief appraiser shall |
continue to take into account the effect on the value of the land |
caused by the infestation of ticks. |
(f) If the owner of the land is informed by the Department of |
Agriculture [Texas Animal Health Commission] that the quarantine is |
no longer in place, not later than the 30th day after the date on |
which the owner received that information the owner of the land |
shall so notify the chief appraiser. If the owner fails to notify |
the chief appraiser as required by this subsection, a penalty is |
imposed on the property equal to 10 percent of the difference |
between the taxes imposed on the property in each year it is |
erroneously allowed appraisal under this section and the taxes that |
would otherwise have been imposed. |
SECTION 180. (a) The following provisions of the |
Agriculture Code are repealed: |
(1) Section 146.022(b); |
(2) Section 161.001(a)(2); |
(3) Section 161.008; |
(4) Subchapter B, Chapter 161; |
(5) Sections 161.046 and 161.053; |
(6) Sections 161.061(d) and 161.0615(b); |
(7) Section 164.001(1); |
(8) Sections 164.006 and 165.001; and |
(9) Sections 167.001(1-a) and 168.001(1). |
(b) Section 43.952(1), Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
repealed. |
SECTION 181. Section 165.002, Agriculture Code, as repealed |
by Chapter 849 (S.B. 705), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2021, and amended by Chapter 623 (S.B. 1997), Acts of the |
87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, is repealed. |
SECTION 182. (a) The Texas Animal Health Commission is |
abolished and its powers and duties are transferred to the |
Department of Agriculture. A reference in law to: |
(1) the Texas Animal Health Commission means the |
Department of Agriculture; and |
(2) the executive director of the Texas Animal Health |
Commission means the commissioner of agriculture. |
(b) The Department of Agriculture assumes the position of |
the Texas Animal Health Commission in relation to any liability, |
obligation, agreement, or contract of the commission. |
(c) The records, other property, and unobligated and |
unexpended appropriations of the Texas Animal Health Commission |
become the records, property, and appropriations of the Department |
of Agriculture. The employees of the commission continue as |
employees of the Department of Agriculture. |
(d) A rule or form adopted by the Texas Animal Health |
Commission that is in effect immediately before the effective date |
of this Act becomes a rule or form of the commissioner of |
agriculture and remains in effect until amended or repealed by the |
commissioner. A permit, registration, certification, license, or |
other authorization issued by the Texas Animal Health Commission |
that is in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, |
or a designation made by the Texas Animal Health Commission that is |
in effect immediately before that date, remains in effect until: |
(1) the permit, registration, certification, license, |
or other authorization expires or is revoked in accordance with |
law; or |
(2) the designation is amended or revoked by the |
Department of Agriculture in accordance with law. |
(e) The validity of any action taken by the Texas Animal |
Health Commission, including by the executive director of the |
commission, before the effective date of this Act is not affected by |
this Act. To the extent an action continues to have effect on or |
after the effective date of this Act, the action is considered to be |
the action of the Department of Agriculture or the commissioner of |
agriculture, as applicable. |
SECTION 183. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |