relating to the right of an employee to time off from work if the |
employee or the employee's child is a victim of family violence or a |
violent felony offense. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle D, Title 2, Labor Code, is amended by |
adding Chapter 83 to read as follows: |
Sec. 83.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Employee" and "employer" have the meanings |
assigned by Section 21.002. |
(2) "Family violence" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 71.004, Family Code. |
(3) "Violent felony offense" means an offense under: |
(A) Section 20.04(a)(4), Penal Code, if the |
offense is committed with the intent to violate or abuse the victim |
sexually; |
(B) Section 21.11, Penal Code; |
(C) Section 22.011, Penal Code; |
(D) Section 22.02, Penal Code; |
(E) Section 22.021, Penal Code; |
(F) Section 30.02, Penal Code, if the offense is |
punishable under Subsection (d) of that section; or |
(G) Section 43.25, Penal Code. |
Sec. 83.002. APPLICATION. This chapter applies only to an |
employee: |
(1) who is a victim of family violence or a violent |
felony offense; or |
(2) whose child is a victim of family violence or a |
violent felony offense. |
Sec. 83.003. RIGHT TO TIME OFF; LIMITATIONS. (a) Except as |
otherwise provided by this section, an employee to whom this |
chapter applies is entitled to time off as provided by this section |
to: |
(1) seek medical attention for, or recover from, |
physical or psychological injuries suffered by the employee or the |
employee's child as a result of family violence or a violent felony |
offense; |
(2) obtain services from a victim services |
organization for the employee or the employee's child in relation |
to the occurrence of family violence or a violent felony offense; |
(3) obtain psychological or other counseling for the |
employee or the employee's child in relation to the occurrence of |
family violence or a violent felony offense; |
(4) participate in safety planning or temporary or |
permanent relocation or take any other action necessary to increase |
the safety of the employee or the employee's child or to ensure the |
economic security of the employee or the employee's child following |
the occurrence of family violence or a violent felony offense; or |
(5) seek legal assistance or remedies to ensure the |
health and safety of the employee or the employee's child, |
including preparing for or participating in any civil or criminal |
legal or investigative proceeding relating to the occurrence of |
family violence or a violent felony offense. |
(b) Before taking time off under this section, an employee |
must provide the employer with at least 24 hours advance written |
notice of the planned absence of the employee, unless providing |
advance notice is not feasible. |
(c) An employer may require an employee who is taking time |
off under this chapter to report periodically to the employer on the |
status and intention of the employee to return to work. |
(d) An employee is entitled under this section to not more |
than 30 work days of leave in any 12-month period. |
Sec. 83.004. CERTIFICATION. (a) An employer may require an |
employee to provide, within a reasonable time after the employee's |
initial absence from work, certification to the employer that: |
(1) the employee or the employee's child is a victim of |
family violence or a violent felony offense; and |
(2) the time off from work requested by the employee is |
being used by the employee to engage in an activity described by |
Section 83.003(a). |
(b) An employee may satisfy the requirements of Subsection |
(a) by providing to the employer a sworn statement by the employee |
and the following documentation attesting to the circumstances: |
(1) medical documentation; |
(2) a police report; |
(3) an active protective order; or |
(4) a signed statement or other written documentation |
from a family violence center, as defined by Section 51.002, Human |
Resources Code. |
Sec. 83.005. USE OF LEAVE TIME. An employee who has |
existing vacation leave time, personal leave time, sick leave time, |
or compensatory leave time must use that leave time for a planned |
absence authorized by this chapter. |
employer is not required to compensate an employee during a planned |
absence authorized by this chapter unless the employee is using |
leave time under Section 83.005. |
(b) An employer shall maintain any health coverage provided |
by the employer to the employee or a member of the employee's family |
or household under any group health plan for the duration of the |
employee's absence under this chapter. |
(c) The employer may recover the premium that the employer |
paid for maintaining health coverage under Subsection (b) if the |
employee fails to return to work after the period of time off to |
which the employee is entitled under this chapter has expired for a |
reason other than the continuation, recurrence, or onset of family |
violence or a violent felony offense. |
(d) An employer may require an employee who claims the |
employee is unable to return to work because of the continuation, |
recurrence, or onset of family violence or a violent felony offense |
to provide, within a reasonable time after making the claim, |
certification to the employer that the employee is unable to return |
to work because of that reason. An employee may satisfy the |
certification requirement by providing to the employer a sworn |
statement by the employee and the documentation described by |
Section 83.004(b). |
Sec. 83.007. CONFIDENTIALITY. An employer shall maintain |
the confidentiality of the fact that an employee has requested or |
obtained time off under this chapter and any written document or |
record submitted to the employer by the employee relating to a |
request for time off under this chapter, except to the extent that |
disclosure is: |
(1) requested or consented to in writing by the |
employee; or |
(2) required by other state or federal law. |
returning from time off under this chapter, an employee is entitled |
to: |
(1) reinstatement to the employee's former position or |
a position that is comparable in terms of compensation, benefits, |
and other conditions of employment; and |
(2) any benefits accrued by the employee before the |
employee's time off under this chapter. |
(b) This section does not entitle the employee to: |
(1) any seniority or employment benefit that would |
have accrued during the employee's time off under this section; or |
(2) any other right, benefit, or position of |
employment other than a right, benefit, or position the employee |
accrued before the employee took the time off under this chapter. |
employer may not suspend or terminate the employment of, or |
otherwise discriminate against, an employee who takes time off |
authorized by this chapter if the employee has provided written |
notice or certification as required by this chapter. |
(b) An employee whose employment is suspended or terminated |
in violation of this chapter is entitled to: |
(1) reinstatement to the employee's former position or |
a position that is comparable in terms of compensation, benefits, |
and other conditions of employment; |
(2) compensation for wages lost during the period of |
suspension or termination; and |
(3) reinstatement of any fringe benefits and seniority |
rights lost because of the suspension or termination. |
Sec. 83.010. NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES. (a) Each employer shall |
inform its employees of their rights under this chapter by posting a |
conspicuous sign in a prominent location in the employer's |
workplace. |
(b) The Texas Workforce Commission by rule shall prescribe |
the design and content of the sign required by this section. |
SECTION 2. This Act applies only to a suspension, |
termination, or other adverse employment action that is taken by an |
employer against an employee because of an employee absence |
authorized under Chapter 83, Labor Code, as added by this Act, that |
occurs on or after the effective date of this Act. A suspension, |
termination, or other adverse employment action that is taken by an |
employer against an employee before the effective date of this Act |
is governed by the law in effect on the date that the employment |
action is taken, and the former law is continued in effect for that |
purpose. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |