relating to the establishment of a work group to conduct a study on |
the feasibility of implementing an acute psychiatric bed registry. |
SECTION 1. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Commission" means the Health and Human Services |
Commission. |
(2) "Executive commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the commission. |
(3) "Inpatient mental health facility" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 571.003, Health and Safety Code. |
(b) The commission shall establish a work group to conduct a |
study on the feasibility of implementing a statewide or regional |
acute psychiatric bed registry to list available beds at inpatient |
mental health facilities for the inpatient psychiatric treatment of |
certain individuals. |
(c) The work group consists of the following members |
appointed by the executive commissioner unless otherwise provided: |
(1) one member with appropriate expertise appointed by |
the governor; |
(2) two members with appropriate expertise appointed |
by the lieutenant governor; |
(3) two members with appropriate expertise appointed |
by the speaker of the house of representatives; |
(4) the chair of the Texas Hospital Association or the |
chair's designee; |
(5) the president of the Texas Medical Association or |
the president's designee; |
(6) the president of the Texas Nurses Association or |
the president's designee; |
(7) two members who are experts in the field of |
technology; |
(8) one member who is a licensed psychiatrist; |
(9) one member who is a licensed professional |
counselor, as defined by Section 503.002, Occupations Code; |
(10) one member who works in a substance use treatment |
facility; |
(11) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in a rural area of this state; |
(12) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in a county with a population of four million or more; |
(13) one member who is a representative of a hospital |
located in an urban area of this state in a county with a population |
of less than four million; |
(14) one member who is a representative of a public |
hospital; |
(15) one member who is a representative of a private |
hospital; |
(16) one member who is a statistician; |
(17) one member who is a public health expert; and |
(18) any other member with appropriate expertise as |
the executive commissioner determines necessary. |
(d) The work group shall elect from among the membership a |
presiding officer. |
(e) The work group shall meet periodically and at the call |
of the presiding officer. |
(f) Not later than September 1, 2026, the commission shall |
prepare and submit to each standing committee of the senate and |
house of representatives having primary jurisdiction over mental |
health a written report that summarizes the results of the study |
conducted under this section. The report must: |
(1) evaluate the effect of bed registries; |
(2) include recommendations for increasing public |
awareness of bed registries; |
(3) include recommendations for leveraging financial |
incentives and legislative, regulatory, or contractual mechanisms |
to expedite the entry of data for bed registries; |
(4) assess the effect of hospital reimbursements in |
increasing bed availability; |
(5) evaluate psychiatric treatment capacity in |
relation to bed availability; and |
(6) include any other information the commission |
considers necessary. |
(g) The work group is abolished and this section expires |
September 1, 2027. |
SECTION 2. As soon as practicable after the effective date |
of this Act, the applicable appointing authorities shall appoint |
the members to the work group established by this Act. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |