relating to artificial intelligence training programs for certain |
employees and officials of state agencies and local governments. |
SECTION 1. Section 11.175(h-1), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(h-1) Notwithstanding Section 2054.5191, Government Code, |
only the district's cybersecurity coordinator is required to |
complete the cybersecurity training and the artificial |
intelligence training under that section on an annual basis. Any |
other school district employee required to complete the |
cybersecurity training and the artificial intelligence training |
shall complete the training as determined by the district, in |
consultation with the district's cybersecurity coordinator. |
SECTION 2. The heading to Section 772.012, Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 3. Sections 772.012(b) and (c), Government Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) To apply for a grant under this chapter, a local |
government must submit with the grant application a written |
certification of the local government's compliance with the |
cybersecurity training and the artificial intelligence training |
required by Section 2054.5191. |
(c) On a determination by the criminal justice division |
established under Section 772.006 that a local government awarded a |
grant under this chapter has not complied with the cybersecurity |
training or the artificial intelligence training required by |
Section 2054.5191, the local government shall pay to this state an |
amount equal to the amount of the grant award. A local government |
that is the subject of a determination described by this subsection |
is ineligible for another grant under this chapter until the second |
anniversary of the date the local government is determined |
ineligible. |
SECTION 4. The heading to Subchapter N-1, Chapter 2054, |
Government Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 5. The heading to Section 2054.5191, Government |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 6. Sections 2054.5191(a), (a-1), (b), (c), and (e), |
Government Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Each state agency shall identify state employees who use |
a computer to complete at least 25 percent of the employee's |
required duties. At least once each year, an employee identified by |
the state agency and each elected or appointed officer of the agency |
shall complete a cybersecurity training program certified under |
Section 2054.519 and an artificial intelligence training program |
certified under Section 2054.5193. |
(a-1) At least once each year, a local government shall: |
(1) identify local government employees and elected |
and appointed officials who have access to a local government |
computer system or database and use a computer to perform at least |
25 percent of the employee's or official's required duties; and |
(2) require the employees and officials identified |
under Subdivision (1) to complete: |
(A) a cybersecurity training program certified |
under Section 2054.519; and |
(B) an artificial intelligence training program |
certified under Section 2054.5193. |
(b) The governing body of a local government may select the |
most appropriate cybersecurity training program certified under |
Section 2054.519 and the most appropriate artificial intelligence |
training program certified under Section 2054.5193 for employees |
and officials of the local government to complete. The governing |
body shall: |
(1) verify and report on the completion of a |
cybersecurity training program and an artificial intelligence |
training program by employees and officials of the local government |
to the department; and |
(2) require periodic audits to ensure compliance with |
this section. |
(c) A state agency may select the most appropriate |
cybersecurity training program certified under Section 2054.519 |
and the most appropriate artificial intelligence training program |
certified under Section 2054.5193 for employees of the state |
agency. The executive head of each state agency shall verify |
completion of a cybersecurity training program and an artificial |
intelligence training program by employees of the state agency in a |
manner specified by the department. |
(e) The department shall develop a form for use by state |
agencies and local governments in verifying completion of |
cybersecurity training program and artificial intelligence |
training program requirements under this section. The form must |
allow the state agency and local government to indicate the |
percentage of employee completion. |
SECTION 7. Subchapter N-1, Chapter 2054, Government Code, |
is amended by adding Section 2054.5193 to read as follows: |
TRAINING PROGRAMS. (a) The department, in consultation with the |
cybersecurity council established under Section 2054.512 and |
interested persons, shall annually: |
(1) certify at least five artificial intelligence |
training programs for state and local government employees; |
(2) update standards for maintenance of certification |
by the artificial intelligence training programs under this |
section; and |
(3) ensure that the artificial intelligence training |
programs are equal in length to the cybersecurity training programs |
certified under Section 2054.519. |
(b) To be certified under Subsection (a), an artificial |
intelligence training program must: |
(1) focus on forming an understanding of how |
artificial intelligence technology may be used in relation to a |
state employee's responsibilities and duties; and |
(2) teach best practices on literacy in deploying and |
operating the artificial intelligence technologies. |
(c) The department may identify and certify under |
Subsection (a) training programs provided by state agencies and |
local governments that satisfy the training requirements described |
by Subsection (b). |
(d) The department may contract with an independent third |
party to certify artificial intelligence training programs under |
this section. |
(e) The department shall annually publish on the |
department's Internet website the list of artificial intelligence |
training programs certified under this section. |
SECTION 8. Section 2056.002(b), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The Legislative Budget Board and the governor's office |
shall determine the elements required to be included in each |
agency's strategic plan. Unless modified by the Legislative Budget |
Board and the governor's office, and except as provided by |
Subsection (c), a plan must include: |
(1) a statement of the mission and goals of the state |
agency; |
(2) a description of the indicators developed under |
this chapter and used to measure the output and outcome of the |
agency; |
(3) identification of the groups of people served by |
the agency, including those having service priorities, or other |
service measures established by law, and estimates of changes in |
those groups expected during the term of the plan; |
(4) an analysis of the use of the agency's resources to |
meet the agency's needs, including future needs, and an estimate of |
additional resources that may be necessary to meet future needs; |
(5) an analysis of expected changes in the services |
provided by the agency because of changes in state or federal law; |
(6) a description of the means and strategies for |
meeting the agency's needs, including future needs, and achieving |
the goals established under Section 2056.006 for each area of state |
government for which the agency provides services; |
(7) a description of the capital improvement needs of |
the agency during the term of the plan and a statement, if |
appropriate, of the priority of those needs; |
(8) identification of each geographic region of this |
state, including the Texas-Louisiana border region and the |
Texas-Mexico border region, served by the agency, and if |
appropriate the agency's means and strategies for serving each |
region; |
(9) a description of the training of the agency's |
contract managers under Section 656.052; |
(10) an analysis of the agency's expected expenditures |
that relate to federally owned or operated military installations |
or facilities, or communities where a federally owned or operated |
military installation or facility is located; |
(11) an analysis of the strategic use of information |
resources as provided by the instructions prepared under Section |
2054.095; |
(12) a written certification of the agency's |
compliance with the cybersecurity training and the artificial |
intelligence training required under Sections 2054.5191 and |
2054.5192; and |
(13) other information that may be required. |
SECTION 9. As soon as practicable after the effective date |
of this Act, the Department of Information Resources shall adopt |
the rules necessary to develop and implement the artificial |
intelligence training programs required by Section 2054.5193, |
Government Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 10. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |