relating to the unauthorized entry, occupancy, sale, rental, lease, |
advertisement for sale, rental, or lease, or conveyance of real |
property, including the removal of certain unauthorized occupants |
of a dwelling; creating criminal offenses; increasing a criminal |
penalty; authorizing a fee. |
SECTION 1. Section 28.03(b), Penal Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
(b) Except as provided by Subsections (f) and (h), an |
offense under this section is: |
(1) a Class C misdemeanor if: |
(A) the amount of pecuniary loss is less than |
$100; or |
(B) except as provided in Subdivision (3)(A) or |
(3)(B), it causes substantial inconvenience to others; |
(2) a Class B misdemeanor if the amount of pecuniary |
loss is $100 or more but less than $750; |
(3) a Class A misdemeanor if: |
(A) the amount of pecuniary loss is $750 or more |
but less than $2,500; or |
(B) the actor causes in whole or in part |
impairment or interruption of any public water supply, or causes to |
be diverted in whole, in part, or in any manner, including |
installation or removal of any device for any such purpose, any |
public water supply, regardless of the amount of the pecuniary |
loss; |
(4) a state jail felony if the amount of pecuniary loss |
is: |
(A) $2,500 or more but less than $30,000; |
(B) except as provided in Subdivision (6)(B), |
less than $2,500, if the property damaged or destroyed is a |
habitation and if the damage or destruction is caused by a firearm |
or explosive weapon; |
(C) less than $2,500, if the property was a fence |
used for the production or containment of: |
(i) cattle, bison, horses, sheep, swine, |
goats, exotic livestock, or exotic poultry; or |
(ii) game animals as that term is defined by |
Section 63.001, Parks and Wildlife Code; |
(D) less than $30,000 and the actor: |
(i) causes wholly or partly impairment or |
interruption of property used for flood control purposes or a dam or |
of public communications, public transportation, public gas |
supply, or other public service; or |
(ii) causes to be diverted wholly, partly, |
or in any manner, including installation or removal of any device |
for any such purpose, any public communications or public gas |
supply; or |
(E) less than $30,000, if the property is a motor |
vehicle that is damaged, destroyed, or tampered with during the |
removal or attempted removal of a catalytic converter from the |
motor vehicle; |
(5) a felony of the third degree if: |
(A) the amount of the pecuniary loss is $30,000 |
or more but less than $150,000; |
(B) the actor, by discharging a firearm or other |
weapon or by any other means, causes the death of one or more head of |
cattle or bison or one or more horses; |
(C) the actor causes wholly or partly impairment |
or interruption of access to an automated teller machine, |
regardless of the amount of the pecuniary loss; or |
(D) the amount of pecuniary loss is less than |
$150,000 and the actor: |
(i) causes wholly or partly impairment or |
interruption of property used for public power supply; or |
(ii) causes to be diverted wholly, partly, |
or in any manner, including installation or removal of any device |
for any such purpose, any public power supply; |
(6) a felony of the second degree if the amount of |
pecuniary loss is: |
(A) $150,000 or more but less than $300,000; or |
(B) $1,000 or more but less than $300,000, if: |
(i) the property damaged or destroyed is a |
habitation; and |
(ii) it is shown on the trial of the offense |
that the actor committed the offense in the course of committing an |
offense under Section 30.05; or |
(7) a felony of the first degree if the amount of |
pecuniary loss is $300,000 or more. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter D, Chapter 32, Penal Code, is amended |
by adding Sections 32.56 and 32.57 to read as follows: |
CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY INTEREST. (a) A person commits an offense |
if, with intent to enter or remain on real property, the person |
knowingly presents to another person a false, fraudulent, or |
fictitious document purporting to be a lease agreement, deed, or |
other instrument conveying real property or an interest in real |
property. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. |
(c) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this |
section also constitutes an offense under any other law, the actor |
may be prosecuted under this section or the other law, but not both. |
RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY. (a) A person commits an offense if the |
person knowingly: |
(1) lists or advertises for sale, rent, or lease |
residential real property while knowing that the person offering to |
sell, rent, or lease the property does not have legal title or |
authority to sell, rent, or lease the property; or |
(2) sells, rents, or leases to another person |
residential real property to which the person does not have legal |
title or authority to sell, rent, or lease. |
(b) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a Class A |
misdemeanor. An offense under Subsection (a)(2) is a state jail |
felony. |
(c) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this |
section also constitutes an offense under any other law, the actor |
may be prosecuted under this section or the other law, but not both. |
SECTION 3. Title 4, Property Code, is amended by adding |
Chapter 24B to read as follows: |
OCCUPANT OF DWELLING BY SHERIFF. Notwithstanding any other law, an |
owner of residential real property or the owner's agent may request |
that the sheriff of the county in which the property is located |
remove a person who unlawfully entered and is occupying a dwelling |
on the property without the owner's consent if: |
(1) the property: |
(A) was not open to the public when the person |
entered the property; and |
(B) is not the subject of pending litigation |
between the owner and the person; |
(2) the owner or the owner's agent has directed the |
person to leave the property and the person has not done so; and |
(3) the person is not: |
(A) a current or former tenant of the owner under |
an oral or written lease; or |
(B) an immediate family member of the owner. |
OCCUPANT. (a) A property owner or the owner's agent may request |
the removal of a person under Section 24B.001 by submitting to the |
sheriff of the county in which the property is located a complaint |
in substantially the following form that complies with Subsection |
(b): |
I, _____ (name of complainant), declare under the penalty of |
perjury that: |
(Complete each item as applicable and initial each item.) |
___ 1. I am the owner of residential real property |
located at ______(property address) or the agent of the owner. |
___ 2. A person unlawfully entered and occupies a |
dwelling on the property without the owner's consent. |
___ 3. The property was not open to the public when the |
person entered the property. |
___ 4. The property is not the subject of pending |
litigation between the owner and the person. |
___ 5. The owner or the owner's agent has directed the |
person to leave the property and the person has not done so. |
___ 6. The person is not a current or former tenant of |
the owner under an oral or written lease and any lease produced by |
the person is fraudulent. |
___ 7. The person is not an owner or co-owner of the |
property and any title to the property that lists the person as an |
owner or co-owner is fraudulent. |
___ 8. The person is not an immediate family member of |
the owner. |
___ 9. I understand that a person removed from the |
property as a result of this complaint may bring an action against |
me for any false statement made in the complaint or for wrongfully |
submitting the complaint. |
___ 10. I understand that I may be held liable for |
actual damages, exemplary damages, court costs, and reasonable |
attorney's fees in an action described by Item 9. |
___ 11. I am requesting that the sheriff remove each |
person occupying the dwelling without the owner's consent. |
___ 12. A copy of my valid government-issued |
identification is attached and, if I am the owner's agent, a |
document evidencing my authority to act on the property owner's |
behalf is attached. |
____________(signature of complainant) |
(b) A complaint submitted under this section must be made |
under oath or made as an unsworn declaration under Section 132.001, |
Civil Practice and Remedies Code. |
Sec. 24B.003. VERIFICATION OF COMPLAINT. (a) A sheriff who |
receives a complaint under Section 24B.002 shall verify that the |
complainant is: |
(1) the record owner of the property that is the |
subject of the complaint or the owner's agent; and |
(2) otherwise entitled to the relief sought in the |
complaint. |
(b) During the verification of a complaint under Subsection |
(a), the sheriff shall make contact with the person occupying the |
dwelling and serve on the person in a manner described by Section |
24B.004(b) written notice informing the person of the complaint and |
the opportunity to submit an affidavit to the sheriff under |
Subsection (c). |
(c) Not later than the third day after the date that the |
notice is received under Subsection (b), the person occupying the |
dwelling may submit to the sheriff an affidavit asserting that the |
complainant is not entitled to the relief sought in the complaint. |
(d) If the person occupying the dwelling submits an |
affidavit to the sheriff under Subsection (c), the sheriff shall |
deliver the complaint and the affidavit to a justice court in the |
precinct in which the real property is located. The complaint and |
affidavit shall be filed with the justice court. |
(e) An affidavit submitted under this section must be made |
under oath or made as an unsworn declaration under Section 132.001, |
Civil Practice and Remedies Code. |
Sec. 24B.004. TRIAL. (a) On receipt of a complaint and |
affidavit under Section 24B.003(d), the justice court shall hold a |
nonjury trial to determine whether the complainant is entitled to |
relief under this chapter. |
(b) If the justice court determines that the complainant is |
entitled to relief under this chapter, the court shall order the |
sheriff to put the owner in possession of the dwelling in accordance |
with Section 24B.005. |
(c) In a proceeding under this section, a prevailing |
complainant may recover from the person occupying the dwelling the |
fair market rent for the dwelling for the duration of the person's |
occupancy, court costs, and any other appropriate relief. |
(d) A party may appeal the decision of the justice court to |
the court of appeals having jurisdiction over civil matters in the |
county in which the real property is located. |
If the sheriff verifies the complaint under Section 24B.003 and the |
occupant of the dwelling does not timely submit an affidavit under |
that section, or if the justice court orders the sheriff to put the |
owner in possession of the dwelling under Section 24B.004, the |
sheriff shall without delay: |
(1) serve notice to immediately vacate on the person |
occupying the dwelling without the owner's consent; and |
(2) put the owner in possession of the dwelling. |
(b) Service of notice to immediately vacate may be |
accomplished by: |
(1) hand delivery to an occupant of the dwelling; or |
(2) affixing the notice to the front door or entrance |
of the dwelling. |
(c) A sheriff serving notice to immediately vacate under |
this section shall attempt to verify the identity of each person |
occupying the dwelling and note each identity on the return of |
service. |
(d) A sheriff serving notice to immediately vacate under |
this section may arrest any person found in the dwelling for an |
outstanding warrant or for trespass or any other offense for which |
probable cause exists. |
(e) A sheriff who serves a notice to immediately vacate |
under this section is entitled to receive from the complainant a fee |
in an amount equal to the amount the sheriff would receive for |
executing a writ of possession. |
(f) After the service of notice to immediately vacate by the |
sheriff under Subsection (a), the property owner or owner's agent |
may request that the sheriff remain on the property to keep the |
peace while the owner or owner's agent: |
(1) changes any locks; and |
(2) removes any personal property of an occupant from |
the dwelling and places the personal property at or near the |
property line of the owner's property. |
(g) If a request described by Subsection (f) is made, the |
sheriff may charge the person making the request a reasonable |
hourly rate set by the sheriff for remaining on the property. |
Sec. 24B.006. LIABILITY. (a) A sheriff is not liable to an |
unauthorized occupant or any other person for loss or destruction |
of or damage to property resulting from the removal of a person or |
property under this chapter. |
(b) Subject to Section 24B.007, a property owner or the |
owner's agent is not liable to any person for loss or destruction of |
or damage to personal property resulting from the removal of the |
personal property from the owner's property under this chapter. |
Sec. 24B.007. ACTION FOR WRONGFUL REMOVAL. (a) A person |
who is wrongfully removed, or whose personal property is wrongfully |
removed, from a dwelling or other real property under this chapter |
may bring an action under this section to: |
(1) recover possession of the real property; and |
(2) recover from the person who requested the wrongful |
removal: |
(A) actual damages; |
(B) exemplary damages equal to three times the |
fair market rent of the dwelling; |
(C) court costs; and |
(D) reasonable attorney's fees. |
(b) The court shall set an action brought under this section |
for hearing at the earliest practicable date to expedite the |
action. |
Sec. 24B.008. NONEXCLUSIVITY. This chapter does not limit: |
(1) the rights of a property owner; or |
(2) the authority of a law enforcement officer to |
arrest an unauthorized occupant of a dwelling for trespassing, |
vandalism, theft, or another offense. |
SECTION 4. Section 28.03, Penal Code, as amended by this |
Act, applies only to an offense committed on or after the effective |
date of this Act. An offense committed before the effective date of |
this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the offense was |
committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that |
purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense was committed |
before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense |
occurred before that date. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |