relating to the police officers' public retirement system of |
certain municipalities. |
SECTION 1. Sections 2(4-a), (10), and (17-e), Article |
6243g-4, Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows: |
(4-a) "Catastrophic injury": |
(A) means a sudden, violent, life-threatening, |
duty-related injury sustained by an active member that is due to an |
externally caused motor vehicle collision, gunshot wound, |
aggravated assault, or other physical external event or events and |
results, as supported by evidence, in one of the following |
conditions: |
(i) [(A)] total, complete, and permanent |
loss of sight in one or both eyes; |
(ii) [(B)] total, complete, and permanent |
loss of the body part [use] of one or both feet at or above the |
ankle; |
(iii) [(C)] total, complete, and permanent |
loss of the body part [use] of one or both hands at or above the |
wrist; |
(iv) [(D)] injury to the spine that results |
in a total, permanent, and complete paralysis of both arms, both |
legs, or one arm and one leg; or |
(v) [(E)] an externally caused physical |
traumatic injury to the brain that, as determined using |
evidence-based medicine, results in a permanent major |
neurocognitive disorder for which the member requires occasional |
supervision in the performance of routine daily tasks of self-care |
and that renders the member permanently unemployable; and |
(B) does not include the following diseases, |
disorders, or injuries: |
(i) infectious diseases; |
(ii) noninfectious diseases, including |
heart disease or lung disease, contracted as a result of repeated |
exposure to occupational environmental conditions over a period of |
months or years; |
(iii) an anxiety disorder, including |
post-traumatic stress disorder; or |
(iv) a soft-tissue back, neck, or spine |
injury, including a sprain, strain, subluxation, or repetitive |
stress injury, that does not result in paralysis, as determined by a |
physician chosen and compensated by the board [rendering the member |
physically or mentally unable to perform the member's duties as a |
police officer]. |
(10) "Employee" means an individual who holds a |
classified or appointed position in the police department of a city |
subject to this article. |
(17-e) "Salary" means pay provided for the classified |
or appointed position in the police department held by the |
employee. |
SECTION 2. Sections 3(d) and (f), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, are amended to read as follows: |
(d) The terms of office of the board members elected as |
described by Subsection (b)(3) of this section shall be three |
years, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. Beginning |
in 1999, and each third succeeding year, one board member shall be |
elected at an election called by the board and held before the end |
of the calendar year [in December]. Beginning in 2000, and each |
third succeeding year, a second board member shall be elected at an |
election called by the board and held before the end of the calendar |
year [in December]. If a vacancy occurs among the two elected |
retired members of the board, the board shall hold an election |
within 60 days after the date the vacancy occurred. At that |
election, a retired member shall be elected to serve for the |
remainder of the term of the vacant position or for a full term if |
the term of the board member that caused the vacancy would have |
ended in that year. A board member who is a retired member and who |
was appointed to the board before January 1999 shall serve the |
remainder of the board member's term. On expiration of the |
appointed term, the appointed board member is eligible to run for |
the board position described by Subsection (b)(3) of this section |
in the same manner as any other retired member. |
(f) The following individuals are prohibited from being |
elected to or otherwise serving on the board: |
(A) an [An] individual who is an elected or |
appointed member [officer] or employee of, or who receives |
compensation or gifts directly or indirectly from, any employee |
[organization] or retiree organization; |
(B) an individual who is [or] an employee of the |
pension system or was an employee of the pension system during the |
60-day period preceding the announcement of the trustee election; |
or |
(C) an individual who holds a position that |
creates or may have the potential to create a conflict of interest |
with the fiduciary responsibility imposed on each member of [is |
prohibited from being elected to] the board, as determined by |
[appointed to] the board[, or in any other way serving as a member |
of the board]. |
SECTION 3. Section 4, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, is |
amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to |
read as follows: |
(b) The board, by an affirmative vote of at least four board |
members, may elect to provide a stipend to [reimburse] board |
members who are not employees of the city for their time while |
attending to official business of the pension system. The amount of |
any stipend [reimbursement] may not exceed $750 a month for each |
affected board member. |
(c) Board members are entitled to reimbursement for actual |
expenses incurred in performing official duties and business, as |
determined by board rule. |
SECTION 4. Section 12, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, |
is amended by amending Subsections (b) and (m) and adding |
Subsection (n) to read as follows: |
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this section, including |
Subsection (b-3) of this section, the monthly service pension of a |
member who: |
(1) is hired before October 9, 2004, including a |
member hired before October 9, 2004, who involuntarily separated |
from service but has been retroactively reinstated under |
arbitration, civil service, or a court ruling, is equal to the sum |
of: |
(A) 2.75 percent of the member's final average |
pay multiplied by the member's years or partial years of service for |
the member's first 20 years of service; and |
(B) two percent of the member's final average pay |
multiplied by the member's years or partial years of service for the |
member's years of service in excess of the 20 years of service |
described by Paragraph (A) of this subdivision; or |
(2) except as provided by Subdivision (1) of this |
subsection and subject to Subsection (b-3) of this section, is |
hired or rehired as an active member on or after October 9, 2004, is |
equal to [the sum of]: |
(A) for members with less than 20 years of |
service, 2.25 percent of the member's final average pay multiplied |
by the member's years or partial years of service [for the member's |
first 20 years of service]; or |
(B) for members with at least 20 years of |
service, the sum of: |
(i) 2.75 percent of the member's final |
average pay multiplied by the members first 20 years of service; and |
(ii) [(B)] two percent of the member's |
final average pay multiplied by the member's years or partial years |
of service in excess of 20 years of service described by |
Subparagraph (i) [Paragraph (A)] of this paragraph [subdivision]. |
(m) For a member who is promoted or appointed to a position |
above the rank of commander or a similar position that is the |
highest classified or non-appointed position in the police |
department: |
(1) before the year 2017 effective date, the member's |
monthly service pension and member contributions shall be based on |
the member's initial pay for that position, regardless of |
subsequent promotions or appointments; and |
(2) [captain] on or after the year 2017 effective |
date, the member's monthly service pension and member contributions |
shall be based on, as determined by the board: |
(A) [(1)] the member's pay for the position the |
member held immediately before being promoted or appointed; or |
(B) [(2)] the pay of the highest civil rank for |
classified police officers for those members who have no prior |
service with the city, which pay must be calculated based on the |
three-year average prior to retirement. |
(n) Except as provided by Subsection (m)(1) of this section, |
a member's monthly service pension and contributions may not be |
based on final average pay and contributions that exceed the salary |
and contributions made by a member who: |
(1) achieves the position of commander or a similar |
position that is the highest classified or non-appointed position |
in the police department; and |
(2) retires or elects to participate in DROP on or |
after the year 2017 effective date. |
SECTION 5. Sections 14(b), (e), and (i), Article 6243g-4, |
Revised Statutes, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) An active member who [was hired before October 9, 2004, |
including a member hired before October 9, 2004, who] has attained |
normal retirement age [been reinstated under arbitration, civil |
service, or a court ruling after that date, and has at least 20 |
years of service with the police department] may file with the |
pension system an election to participate in DROP and receive a DROP |
benefit instead of the standard form of pension provided by this |
article on or after [as of] the date the active member attained |
normal retirement age [20 years of service]. The election may be |
made, under procedures established by the board, by an eligible |
active member who has attained the required years of service. A |
DROP election that is made and accepted by the board may not be |
revoked. |
(e) As of the end of each month an amount is credited to each |
active member's notional DROP account at the rate of one-twelfth of |
a hypothetical earnings rate on amounts in the account. The |
hypothetical earnings rate is determined for each calendar year |
based on the compounded average of the aggregate annual rate of |
return on investments of the pension system for the five |
consecutive fiscal years ending June 30 preceding the calendar year |
to which the earnings rate applies, multiplied by: |
(1) except as provided by Subdivision (2) of this |
subsection, 65 percent; or |
(2) once the funded ratio is equal to or greater than |
95 percent and regardless of the funded ratio in subsequent years, |
70 percent. [The hypothetical earnings rate may not be less than |
2.5 percent.] |
(i) A retired member who has not attained the applicable age |
required under the code to make a minimum distribution [70-1/2], |
whether or not a DROP participant before retirement, may elect to |
have part or all of an amount equal to the monthly service pension |
the retired member would otherwise be entitled to receive, less any |
amount required to pay the retired member's share of group medical |
insurance costs, credited to a DROP account, in which case the |
amounts will become eligible to be credited with hypothetical |
earnings in the same manner as the amounts described by Subsection |
(g) of this section. On and after the year 2017 effective date, |
additional amounts may not be credited to a DROP account under this |
subsection. Any amounts credited under this subsection before the |
year 2017 effective date shall remain accrued in a retired member's |
DROP account. |
SECTION 6. Section 14(k), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is redesignated as Section 14A, Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, and amended to read as follows: |
This section applies only to [(k) If] a retired member and [who is |
a] DROP participant who is rehired by [as an employee of] the police |
department in a classified or appointed position. |
(b) The pension system shall, during the period of |
subsequent service by a member subject to this section: |
(1) in accordance with Section 17(f) of this article, |
reinstate the member as an active member of the pension system; |
(2) suspend the member's monthly service [, any] |
pension and any [or] DROP distribution that was being paid to the |
member; and |
(3) except as provided by Subsection (c)(2)(B) of this |
section, credit to the member's DROP account a [shall be suspended |
and the] monthly amount equal to the member's monthly service |
pension determined as if the member had remained separated from |
service [described by Subsection (d) of this section will again |
begin to be credited to the DROP account while the member continues |
to be an employee]. [If the member's DROP account has been |
completely distributed, a new notional account may not be created |
and the monthly amount described by Subsection (d) of this section |
may not be credited to a DROP account on behalf of the member.] |
(c) During the period of a member's subsequent service: |
(1) in accordance with Section 9 of this article, the |
city shall make employer contributions attributable to the member's |
subsequent service; and |
(2) the member: |
(A) in accordance with Section 8 of this article, |
shall make member contributions; and |
(B) may not: |
(i) receive any annual adjustments under |
Section 12(c) of this article; |
(ii) accrue additional years of service or |
establish additional service credit; and |
(iii) in accordance with Section 14 of this |
article, receive a distribution of the member's DROP account. |
(d) Once the member again separates from service, payment of |
the member's monthly service pension shall resume, including |
application of annual adjustments under Section 12(c) of this |
article. The member's monthly service pension may not be adjusted |
to reflect years of service, service credit, or pay for the member's |
subsequent period of service. |
(e) A member is not eligible for a refund of the member |
contributions made during the member's subsequent period of |
service. |
SECTION 7. Section 15, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, |
is amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (d), (e), and (i) and |
adding Subsections (d-1), (d-2), (d-3), (d-4), and (i-1) to read as |
follows: |
(a) An active member who becomes totally and permanently |
incapacitated for the performance of the member's duties as a |
result of a bodily injury received in, or illness caused by, the |
performance of those duties shall, on presentation to the board's |
satisfaction [board] of proof of total and permanent incapacity, be |
retired and shall receive an immediate duty-connected disability |
pension equal to: |
(1) for members hired or rehired before October 9, |
2004, the greater of 55 percent of the member's final average pay at |
the time of retirement or the member's accrued service pension; or |
(2) for members hired or rehired on or after October 9, |
2004, the greater of 45 percent of the member's: |
(A) final average pay at the time of retirement; |
or |
(B) accrued service pension. |
(b) A member who becomes totally and permanently |
incapacitated for the performance of the member's duties and is not |
eligible for either an immediate service pension or a |
duty-connected disability pension is eligible for an immediate |
monthly pension computed in the same manner as a service retirement |
pension but based on final average pay and service accrued to the |
date of the disability. The pension under this subsection may not |
be less than[: |
[(1) for members hired before October 9, 2004, |
including a member who involuntarily separated from service but has |
been retroactively reinstated under arbitration, civil service, or |
a court ruling,] 27.5 percent of the member's final average pay[; or |
[(2) except as provided by Subdivision (1) of this |
subsection, for members hired or rehired on or after October 9, |
2004, 22.5 percent of the member's final average pay]. |
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (d-1) of this section, |
a [A] person may not receive a disability pension unless the person |
files with the board an application for a disability pension not |
later than the later of: |
(1) 180 days after the date of separation from |
service; or |
(2) the 18th month after the date the injury or illness |
described by Subsection (a) of this section occurs or began, as |
applicable. |
(d-1) The board may accept an application filed after the |
deadline prescribed by Subsection (d) of this section on a showing |
of good cause, as determined by the board. |
(d-2) On filing and acceptance by the board of an |
application for a disability pension, [at which time] the board |
shall have the person examined, not later than the 90th day after |
the date the member files the application, by a physician or |
physicians chosen and compensated by the board. The physician |
shall make a report and recommendations to the board regarding, |
based on reasonable medical probability: |
(1) the extent of any disability; and |
(2) whether any disability that is diagnosed is a |
duty-connected disability. |
(d-3) A [Except as provided by Subsection (j) of this |
section, a] person may not receive a disability pension for an |
injury received or illness incurred after separation from service. |
(d-4) In accordance with Section 6(g) of this article, the |
board may, through its presiding officer, issue process, administer |
oaths, examine witnesses, and compel witnesses to testify as to any |
matter affecting retirement, disability, or death benefits under |
any pension plan within the pension system. |
(e) A retired member who has been retired for disability is |
subject at all times to reexamination by a physician chosen and |
compensated by the board and shall submit to further examination as |
the board may require. If a retired member refuses to submit to an |
examination, the board shall order the payments stopped. If a |
retired member who has been receiving a disability pension under |
this section recovers so that in the opinion of the board the |
retired member is able to perform the usual and customary duties |
formerly performed for the police department, or if a [and the] |
retired member is reinstated or offered reinstatement to the |
position, or hired by another law enforcement agency to a |
comparable position, the board shall order the member's disability |
pension stopped. A member may apply for a normal pension benefit, |
if eligible, if the member's disability benefit payments are |
stopped by the board under this subsection. |
(i) Except as provided by Subsection (i-1) of this section, |
[Effective for payments that become due after April 30, 2000, and] |
instead of the disability benefit provided by Subsection (a) or (b) |
of this section, a member who suffers a catastrophic injury shall |
receive a monthly benefit equal to 90 [100] percent of the member's |
final average pay determined as of the date of retirement, and the |
member's DROP balance, if any. |
(i-1) A member who attains normal retirement age is not |
eligible to receive a disability pension under Subsection (i) of |
this section. |
SECTION 8. Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, is amended by |
adding Section 15A to read as follows: |
shall require any member who is receiving a disability pension to |
provide the board annually, on or before July 1 of each year, with a |
true and complete copy of those portions of the person's federal |
and, if applicable, state tax return, including appropriate |
schedules, for the previous calendar year that indicate the |
person's occupations, if any, and earned income for the previous |
calendar year. If the member did not file a tax return for the |
previous calendar year, the board may require other documentation |
reflecting the member's occupation or earned income that the board |
determines appropriate. |
(b) The pension system may grant an extension of the July 1 |
date under Subsection (a) of this section to a date later in the |
same calendar year if the member provides the board with a true and |
complete copy of a grant of the extension of time for filing the |
person's tax return from the appropriate governmental entity or a |
true and complete copy of an extension request that results in an |
automatic extension. |
(c) If, after evaluating the information received under |
this section, the board finds the member is or has been receiving |
earned income from one or more employments, including |
self-employment, during the preceding year, the board shall reduce |
future disability pension payments to the member by the amount of $1 |
for each month for each $2 of income earned by the member from the |
other employment during each month of the previous year, except |
that the disability pension payment may not be decreased below the |
amount determined for a monthly service pension under Section 12 of |
this article. |
(d) If a retired member who has been receiving a disability |
pension for a catastrophic injury recovers such that in the opinion |
of the board the member no longer has a catastrophic injury, the |
board shall reclassify the benefit as a duty-connected disability |
pension in accordance with Section 15(a) of this article. |
SECTION 9. Section 16(i), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
(i) If a member or individual receiving a survivor's pension |
dies before monthly payments have been made for at least five years, |
leaving no person otherwise eligible to receive further monthly |
payments with respect to the member, the monthly payments shall |
continue to be made in the same amount as the last monthly payment |
made to the member or survivor until payments have been made for |
five years with respect to the member. The payments shall be made |
to the spouse of the member, if living, and if no spouse is living, |
to the natural or adopted children of the member, to be divided |
equally among the children if the member has more than one child. |
If the member has no spouse or children who are living, the benefit |
may not be paid. If the member dies after becoming eligible to |
receive benefits but before payments begin, leaving no survivors |
eligible for benefits, the amount of each monthly payment over the |
five-year period shall be the same as the monthly payment the member |
would have received if the member had taken disability retirement |
on the date of the member's death and shall be paid to the member's |
spouse or children in the manner provided by this subsection. If |
the member has no spouse or children who are living, then the |
benefit may not be paid. The member's estate or a beneficiary who |
is not a survivor or dependent is not eligible to receive the |
payment described by Subsection (g) of this section and the final |
monthly payment owed but not received before the member's or |
surviving spouse's death. |
SECTION 10. Section 17(b), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) A member of the pension system who has not completed 20 |
years of service at the time of separation from service with the |
police department is eligible for a refund of the total of the |
contributions the member made to the pension system[, plus any |
amount that was contributed for the member by the city and not |
applied in accordance with this section to provide the member with |
10 years of service]. The refund does not include interest, and |
neither the city nor the member is eligible for a refund of the |
contributions the city made on the member's behalf, except as |
expressly provided by this subsection. By receiving the refund, |
the member forfeits any service earned before separation from |
service, even if it is otherwise nonforfeitable. |
SECTION 11. The heading to Section 19, Article 6243g-4, |
Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 12. Section 21(b), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) The city, not later than the 14th day after the date the |
city receives a request by or on behalf of the board, shall, unless |
otherwise prohibited by law, supply the pension system with |
personnel, payroll, and financial records in the city's possession |
that the pension system determines necessary to provide pension |
administrative and fiduciary services under this section, to |
establish beneficiaries' eligibility for any benefit, or to |
determine a member's credited service or the amount of any |
benefits, including disability benefits, and such other |
information the pension system may need, including: |
(1) information needed to verify service, including |
the following information: |
(A) the date a person is sworn in to a position; |
(B) the days a person is under suspension; |
(C) the days a person is absent without pay, |
including the days a person is on maternity leave; |
(D) the date of a person's termination from |
employment; and |
(E) the date of a person's reemployment with the |
city; |
(2) medical records; |
(3) workers' compensation records and pay information; |
(4) payroll information; |
(5) information needed to verify whether a member is |
on military leave; [and] |
(6) information regarding phase-down participants, |
including information related to entry date and phase-down plan; |
and |
(7) personnel files, including any disciplinary |
action taken against a person and the result of any appeal of the |
disciplinary action. |
SECTION 13. Section 25(g), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
(g) Distribution of benefits must begin not later than April |
1 of the year following the calendar year during which the member |
eligible for the benefits becomes the applicable [70-1/2 years of] |
age under the code to make a minimum distribution or terminates |
employment with the employer, whichever is later, and must |
otherwise conform to Section 401(a)(9) of the code. |
SECTION 14. Section 30(b), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) After the member described by Subsection (a) of this |
section is finally convicted, the member's survivors, including |
their representatives, [spouse] may apply for benefits if the |
member, but for application of Subsection (a) of this section, |
would have been eligible for a pension benefit or a delayed payment |
of benefits. If the member would not have been eligible for a |
pension benefit or a delayed payment of benefits, the member's |
survivors, including their representatives, [spouse] may apply for |
a refund of the member's contributions. A refund under this |
subsection does not include interest and does not include |
contributions the city made on the member's behalf. The city may |
not receive a refund of any contributions the city made on the |
member's behalf. |
SECTION 15. The following provisions of Article 6243g-4, |
Revised Statutes, are repealed: |
(1) Section 12(k); |
(2) Section 13; |
(3) Section 16(j); |
(4) Section 17(i); and |
(5) Section 19(f). |
SECTION 16. Sections 12(b) and 17(b), Article 6243g-4, |
Revised Statutes, as amended by this Act, apply only to a member who |
retires on or after the effective date of this Act. A member who |
retires before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law |
in effect immediately before that date, and the former law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 17. Section 13, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, |
as repealed by this Act, and Section 14A, Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, as added by this Act, apply only to a retired member who |
resumes service with the police department on or after the |
effective date of this Act. A person who resumes service with the |
police department before the effective date of this Act is governed |
by the law in effect immediately before that date, and the former |
law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 18. Section 15(i), Article 6243g-4, Revised |
Statutes, as amended by this Act, and Section 15(i-1), Article |
6243g-4, Revised Statutes, as added by this Act, apply only to a |
disability pension granted after June 1, 2025. A disability |
pension granted on or before June 1, 2025, is governed by the law in |
effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 19. Section 15A, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, |
as added by this Act, applies only to a member who is granted a |
disability pension after July 1, 2025. A member who is granted a |
disability pension on or before July 1, 2025, is governed by the law |
in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 20. The changes in law made by this Act do not |
affect any nonconflicting provisions of an agreement entered into |
in accordance with Section 27, Article 6243g-4, Revised Statutes, |
and those provisions remain in full force and effect. |
SECTION 21. If this Act conflicts with another Act of the |
89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025, this Act controls unless |
the conflict is expressly resolved by the legislature by reference |
to this Act. |
SECTION 22. This Act takes effect July 1, 2025, if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that |
date, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |