relating to multifamily residential developments owned by public |
facility corporations. |
SECTION 1. Section 303.003, Local Government Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivisions (7-a) and (7-b) and amending |
Subdivision (11) to read as follows: |
(7-a) "Rent" means any recurring fee or charge a |
tenant is required to pay as a condition of occupancy, including but |
not limited to, a fee or charge for the use of a common area or |
facility reasonably associated with a multifamily residential |
rental property. "Rent" does not include fees and charges for |
services or amenities which are optional for a tenant, such as pet |
fees and fees for storage or covered parking. |
(7-b) "Rent reduction" means the difference between |
(i) the total rent charged during the tax year for the |
income-restricted units in the multifamily residential |
development, and (ii) the maximum total rent that could be charged |
during the tax year for the same units in the absence of any rent or |
income restrictions on such units. |
(11) "Sponsor" means a municipality, county, [school |
district,] housing authority or special district that causes a |
corporation to be created to act in accordance with this chapter. |
SECTION 2. Section 303.0421(b), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding Section 303.042(c) and subject to |
Subsections (c) and (d) of this section, an exemption under Section |
303.042(c) for a multifamily residential development to which |
Subsection (a) applies is available only if: |
(1) the requirements under Sections [Section] |
303.0425, 303.0426 and 303.0427 are met; |
(2) for a development not covered under Subdivision |
(5), at least: |
(A) 10 percent of the units in the multifamily |
residential development are reserved for occupancy as lower income |
housing units, as defined under Section 303.0425; and |
(B) 40 percent of the units in the multifamily |
residential development are reserved for occupancy as moderate |
income housing units, as defined under Section 303.0425; |
(3) the corporation delivers to the presiding officer |
of the governing body of each taxing unit in which the development |
is to be located written notice of the development, at least 30 days |
before the date: |
(A) the corporation takes action to approve a new |
multifamily residential development or the acquisition of an |
occupied multifamily residential development; and |
(B) of any public hearing required to be held |
under this section; |
(4) if a majority of the members of the board are not |
elected officials, the development is approved by the governing |
body of the municipality in which the development is located or, if |
the development is not located in a municipality, the county in |
which the development is located; |
(5) for [an occupied] a multifamily residential |
development [that is] acquired by a corporation [and not otherwise |
subject to a land use restriction agreement under Section 2306.185, |
Government Code] that was occupied at the time of acquisition or was |
occupied at any time within the two-year period preceding the date |
of the acquisition: |
(A) at least 10 percent of the units in the |
development are reserved for occupancy as lower income housing |
units, as defined under Section 303.0425; at least 40 percent of the |
units in the development are reserved for occupancy as moderate |
income housing units, as defined under Section 303.0425; and not |
less than 15 percent of the total gross cost of acquiring the |
[existing] development, as shown in the settlement statement |
related to the acquisition, is expended on rehabilitating, |
renovating, reconstructing, or repairing the development, with |
initial expenditures and construction activities: |
(i) beginning not later than the first |
anniversary of the date of the acquisition; and |
(ii) finishing not later than the third |
anniversary of the date of the acquisition; or |
(B) at least: |
(i) 25 percent of the units in the |
development are reserved for occupancy as lower income housing |
units, as defined under Section 303.0425[, and the development is |
approved by the governing body of the municipality in which the |
development is located or, if the development is not located in a |
municipality, the county in which the development is located; and |
(ii) at least 25 percent of the units in the |
development are reserved for occupancy as moderate income housing |
units, as defined under Section 303.0425; |
(6) [not less than 30 days before final approval of the |
development: (A)] the corporation or corporation's sponsor |
conducts, or obtains from a professional entity that has experience |
underwriting affordable multifamily residential developments and |
does not have a financial interest in the applicable development, |
developer, or public facility user, an underwriting assessment of |
the proposed development that [allows the corporation to make a |
good faith determination that:] is dated within six months of the |
corporation's approval of the development; |
(7) not less than 30 days before final approval of the |
development, the corporation or corporation's sponsor makes a good |
faith determination based on the underwriting assessment that |
[(i) for an occupied multifamily |
residential development acquired by the corporation,] the total |
annual amount of rent reduction [on the income-restricted units |
provided] at the development will be not less than 60 percent of the |
estimated amount of the annual ad valorem taxes that would be |
imposed on the property [without an exemption under Section |
303.042(c) for the second, third, and fourth years after the date of |
acquisition by the corporation; and] in the same tax year if the |
property did not have the income restrictions and did not have an |
exemption from those taxes under Section 303.042(c): |
(A) for occupied developments acquired by the |
corporation, for each of the third, fourth, and fifth tax years |
after the date of acquisition; and |
(B) for other developments, for each of the |
second, third, and fourth tax years after the development first |
becomes occupied by one or more tenants while owned by the |
corporation; and |
[(ii) for a newly constructed multifamily |
residential development, the development would not be feasible |
without the participation of the corporation; and] |
(8) [(B)] the corporation publishes on its Internet |
website a copy of the underwriting assessment described by |
[Paragraph (A)] Subdivision (6). |
SECTION 3. Sections 303.0421(h) and 303.0421(i), Local |
Government Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 4. Chapter 303, Local Government Code, is amended |
by adding Section 303.0422 to read as follows: |
(a) This section does not apply to a multifamily |
development that: |
(1) has at least 20 percent of its residential |
units reserved for public housing units; |
(2) participates in the Rental Housing |
Assistance Demonstration program administered by the United States |
Department of Housing and Urban Development; |
(3) receives financial assistance administered |
under Subchapter 2306, Government Code. |
(b) An exemption under Section 303.042(c) does not |
apply in a tax year to a multifamily residential development if the |
difference in the rent charged for the income-restricted |
residential units in the development in the immediately prior tax |
year and the estimated maximum market rents that could be charged |
for those units without the rent or income restrictions in such tax |
year, as reported in the audit under Section 303.0426, is less than |
60 percent of the amount of the ad valorem taxes that would have |
been imposed on the property in the same prior tax year if the |
property did not have the income restrictions and did not have an |
exemption from those taxes under Section 303.042(c): |
(1) beginning with the first tax year after the |
tax year in which the development first becomes occupied by one or |
more residential tenants; |
(2) notwithstanding Subdivision (1), for an |
existing multifamily residential development that is acquired by |
the corporation, beginning with the third tax year after the tax |
year that the corporation acquires the development; and |
(3) notwithstanding Subdivisions (1) and (2), |
for a multifamily residential development owned by the corporation |
as of September 1, 2025, beginning with the 2028 tax year. |
SECTION 5. Section 303.0426, Local Government Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (a-1) and (e-1) and amending Sections |
303.0426(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) to read as follows: |
(a-1) This section does not apply to a multifamily |
residential development that: |
(1) has at least 20 percent of its residential units |
reserved for public housing units; |
(2) participates in the Rental Housing Assistance |
Demonstration program administered by the United States Department |
of Housing and Urban Development; |
(3) receives financial assistance administered under |
Subchapter 2306, Government Code. |
(b) A public facility user of any [a] multifamily |
residential development claiming an exemption under Section |
303.042(c) [and to which Section 303.0421 applies] must annually |
submit to the department and the chief appraiser of the appraisal |
district in which the development is located an audit report for a |
compliance audit, prepared at the expense of the public facility |
user and conducted by an independent auditor or compliance expert |
with an established history of providing similar audits on housing |
compliance matters, to: |
(1) determine whether the public facility user and |
development is in compliance with Sections 303.0421, 303.0422 and |
303.0425, if applicable; and |
(2) identify the difference in the rent charged for |
income-restricted residential units and the estimated maximum |
market rents that could be charged for those units without the rent |
or income restrictions. |
(c) Not later than the 60th day after the date of receipt of |
the audit conducted under Subsection (b), the department shall |
examine the audit report and publish a report summarizing the |
findings of the audit. The report must: |
(1) be made available on the department's Internet |
website; |
(2) be issued to a public facility user that has an |
interest in a development that is the subject of an audit, the |
comptroller, the applicable corporation, the governing body of the |
corporation's sponsor, and, if the corporation's sponsor is a |
housing authority, the elected officials who appointed the housing |
authority's governing board; and |
(3) describe in detail the nature of any failure to |
comply with the requirements in Sections 303.0421, 303.0422 and |
303.0425, if applicable. |
(d) If an audit report submitted under Subsection (b) |
indicates noncompliance with Sections 303.0421(b)(2), |
303.0421(b)(5), 303.0422, or 303.0425: |
(1) a public facility user[:] [(1)]must be given[: |
(A)] written notice from the department or appropriate appraisal |
district that: |
(A) [(i)] is provided not later than the 60th |
[45th] day after the date a report has been submitted under |
Subsection (b); |
(B) [(ii)] specifies the reasons for |
noncompliance; |
(C) [(iii)] for noncompliance with Section |
303.0425: |
(i) contains at least one option for a |
corrective action to resolve the noncompliance; and |
(ii)[(iv)] informs the public facility user |
that failure to resolve the noncompliance will result in the loss of |
an exemption under Section 303.042(c); and |
(2) If the audit report indicates noncompliance for |
noncompliance with Section 303.0425, a public facility user must |
also be given: |
(A)[(B)] 60 days after the date notice is |
received under [this] subdivision (1), to resolve the matter that |
is the subject of the notice; and |
(B)[(C)] if a matter that is the subject of a |
notice provided under [this]subdivision (1) is not resolved to the |
satisfaction of the department and the appropriate appraisal |
district during the period provided by Paragraph (A)[(B)], a second |
notice that informs the public facility user of the loss of the |
exemption under Section 303.042(c) due to noncompliance with |
Section [Sections 303.0421 and] 303.0425.[; and (2) is considered |
to be incompliance with Sections 303.0421 and 303.0425 if notice |
under Subdivision (1)(A) is not provided as specified by |
Subparagraph(i) of that paragraph.] |
(e) An exemption under Section 303.042(c) does not apply to |
a multifamily residential development owned by a public facility |
corporation for a tax year in which: |
(1) the department determines that the public facility |
user for the development is not in compliance with the audit report |
requirements of Subsection (b); or |
(2) based on the audit conducted under Subsection (b), |
the department complies with the applicable notice requirements in |
Subsection (d) and: |
(i) the department determines that public |
facility user or development is not in compliance with the |
requirements of Section 303.0425 and the matter is not resolved to |
the satisfaction of the department within 60 days after the date |
notice is received under Subsection (d); or |
(ii) the department determines that the |
development is not in compliance with the requirements of Sections |
303.0421(b)(2) or 303.0421(b)(5). [a multifamily residential |
development that is owned by a public facility corporation created |
under this chapter is determined by the department based on an audit |
conducted under Subsection (b) to not be in compliance with the |
requirements of Section 303.0421 or 303.0425.] |
(e-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (e), a public facility |
user and development is considered to be in compliance with: |
(1) Section 303.0425 to the extent the applicable |
notice required under Subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) is not |
provided; and |
(2) Sections 303.0421 (b)(2) and (b)(5) to the extent |
the applicable notice required under Subsection (d)(1) is not |
provided. |
(f) Notwithstanding Subsection (g), the [The] initial audit |
report required by Subsection (b) is due not later than June 1 of |
the year following the first anniversary of: |
(1) the date of acquisition for an occupied |
multifamily residential development that is acquired by a |
corporation; or |
(2) the date a new multifamily residential development |
first becomes occupied by one or more tenants. |
(g) An audit report required by this section is [Subsequent |
audit reports following the issuance of the initial audit report |
under Subsection (f) are] due not later than June 1 of each year. |
SECTION 6. Subchapter B, Chapter 303, Local Government |
Code, is amended by adding Section 303.0427 to read as follows: |
DEVELOPMENTS. (a) In this section, "public facility user" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 303.0425. |
(b) A multifamily residential development owned by a public |
facility corporation to which Section 303.0426 applies is |
ineligible for an exemption under Section 303.042(c) unless the |
corporation, the corporation's sponsor, or public facility user for |
the development submits to the Texas Department of Housing and |
Community Affairs and to the chief appraiser for each appraisal |
district in which the exemption is sought a one-time exemption |
application on a form promulgated by the comptroller. |
SECTION 7. (a) This Act applies only to a tax imposed for a |
tax year beginning after the effective date of this Act. |
(b) Sections 303.003 and 303.0421, Local Government Code, |
as amended by this Act, apply only to a multifamily residential |
development that is approved on or after the effective date of this |
Act by a public facility corporation or the sponsor of a public |
facility corporation. A multifamily residential development that |
was approved by a public facility corporation or the sponsor of a |
public facility corporation before the effective date of this Act |
is governed by the law in effect on the date the development was |
approved by the corporation or sponsor, and the former law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), Subdivision (1) of |
Subsection 303.0421(b), as amended by this Act, applies to all |
multifamily residential developments, regardless of the date they |
were acquired or approved by a public facility corporation or |
sponsor of the public facility corporation. |
(d) Section 303.0422, Local Government Code, as added by |
this Act, applies to all multifamily residential developments, |
regardless of the date they were acquired or approved by a public |
facility corporation or sponsor of the public facility corporation. |
(e) Notwithstanding Section 10(d)(1), Chapter 1169 (H.B. |
2071), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, Section |
303.0426, Local Government Code, as amended by this Act, applies to |
all multifamily residential developments claiming an exemption |
under Section 303.042(c), Local Government Code, regardless of when |
the developments were approved or acquired and regardless of |
whether Sections 303.0421, 303.0422 and 303.0425, Local Government |
Code, apply to those developments. |
(f) Section 303.0427, Local Government Code, as added by |
this Act, applies to all multifamily residential developments |
claiming an exemption under Section 303.042(c), Local Government |
Code, regardless of when the developments were approved or acquired |
and regardless of whether Sections 303.0421 and 303.0425, Local |
Government Code, apply to those developments. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |