relating to the Collaborative Task Force on Public School Mental |
Health Services. |
SECTION 1. Section 38.302, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 38.302. ESTABLISHMENT. The Collaborative Task Force |
on Public School Mental Health Services is established to study and |
evaluate: |
(1) mental health services that are funded by this |
state and provided at a school district or open-enrollment charter |
school for purposes of Sections 37.115 and 38.351 directly to: |
(A) a student enrolled in the district or school; |
(B) a parent or family member of or person |
standing in parental relation to a student enrolled in the district |
or school; or |
(C) an employee of the district or school; |
(2) training provided to an educator employed by the |
district or school to provide the mental health services described |
by Subdivision (1); and |
(3) the impact the mental health services described by |
Subdivision (1) have on: |
(A) the number of violent incidents that occur at |
school districts or open-enrollment charter schools; |
(B) the suicide rate of the individuals who are |
provided the mental health services described by Subdivision (1); |
(C) the number of public school students referred |
to the Department of Family and Protective Services for |
investigation services and the reasons for those referrals; |
(D) the number of individuals who are transported |
from each school district or open-enrollment charter school for an |
emergency detention under Chapter 573, Health and Safety Code; |
[and] |
(E) the number of public school students referred |
to outside providers for mental health care, including outside |
counselors referred to in accordance with Section 38.010; and |
(F) fostering a positive school climate as |
defined by Section 38.351(d). |
SECTION 2. Subchapter F-1, Chapter 38, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 38.3031 to read as follows: |
Sec. 38.3031. TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Members of the task |
force serve staggered three-year terms. A member may serve more |
than one term. |
(b) A vacancy on the task force shall be filled in the same |
manner as the original placement or appointment, as applicable. |
SECTION 3. Section 38.308(a), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The task force shall: |
(1) gather data on: |
(A) the number of students enrolled in each |
school district and open-enrollment charter school; |
(B) the number of individuals to whom each school |
district or open-enrollment charter school provides the mental |
health services described by Section 38.302(1); |
(C) the number of individuals for whom each |
school district or open-enrollment charter school has the resources |
to provide the mental health services described by Section |
38.302(1); |
(D) the number of individuals described by |
Paragraph (B) who are referred to an inpatient or outpatient mental |
health provider; |
(E) the number of individuals who are transported |
from each school district or open-enrollment charter school for an |
emergency detention under Chapter 573, Health and Safety Code; |
(F) the race, ethnicity, gender, special |
education status, educationally disadvantaged status, and |
geographic location of: |
(i) individuals who are provided the mental |
health services described by Section 38.302(1); |
(ii) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (D); |
(iii) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (E); |
(iv) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (H); [and] |
(v) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (I); |
(vi) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (L)(ii); |
(vii) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (M)(iii); and |
(viii) individuals who are described by |
Paragraph (N)(iii); |
(G) mental health services and trainings |
provided by: |
(i) school districts, at both the campus |
and district level; and |
(ii) open-enrollment charter schools; |
(H) the number of individuals who were placed in |
a disciplinary alternative education program or out-of-school |
suspension or expelled; |
(I) the number of threat assessments conducted |
under Section 37.115; [and] |
(J) the number of reports made from each school |
district or open-enrollment charter school by an employee of the |
district or school or by a school resource officer, to the |
Department of Family and Protective Services regarding an alleged |
incident of abuse or neglect; |
(K) the mental health supports and services |
offered directly to students by a school district or |
open-enrollment charter school through the systemic and |
coordinated multitiered support system for mental health under |
Section 37.115 and in accordance with Section 38.351; |
(L) the number of referrals to mental health |
supports and services offered directly to students by a school |
district or open-enrollment charter school through the systemic and |
coordinated multitiered support system for mental health under |
Section 37.115 and in accordance with Section 38.351, including: |
(i) the number of referrals resulting from |
a threat assessment; and |
(ii) the number of students who received |
the support or service to which the student was referred; |
(M) the number of referrals to a partner or |
community-based provider, including: |
(i) the number of referrals made to each |
provider; |
(ii) the number of referrals resulting from |
a threat assessment; and |
(iii) the number of students who received |
the support or service to which the student was referred; and |
(N) the number of referrals to a psychiatric |
hospital, acute care hospital, or emergency room to address acute |
mental health risks, including: |
(i) the number of referrals made to each |
provider; |
(ii) the number of referrals resulting from |
a threat assessment; and |
(iii) the number of students who received |
the support or service to which the student was referred; and |
(2) study, evaluate, and make recommendations |
regarding the mental health services described by Section |
38.302(1), the training described by Section 38.302(2), and the |
impact of those mental health services, as described by Section |
38.302(3), including addressing: |
(A) the outcomes and the effectiveness of the |
services and training provided, including the outcomes and |
effectiveness of the service and training providers and the |
programs under which services and training are provided, in: |
(i) improving student academic achievement |
and attendance; |
(ii) reducing student disciplinary |
proceedings, suspensions, placements in a disciplinary alternative |
education program, and expulsions; and |
(iii) delivering prevention and |
intervention services to promote early mental health skills, |
including: |
(a) building skills relating to |
managing emotions, establishing and maintaining positive |
relationships, and making responsible decisions; |
(b) preventing substance abuse; |
(c) preventing suicides; |
(d) adhering to the purpose of the |
relevant program services or training; |
(e) promoting trauma-informed |
practices; |
(f) promoting a positive school |
climate, as defined by Section 38.351(d), in the district or |
school; and |
(g) improving physical and emotional |
safety and well-being in the district or school and reducing |
violence in the district or school; |
(B) best practices for districts and schools in |
implementing the services or training in accordance with Sections |
37.115 and 38.351, including best practices for: |
(i) funding for mental health services and |
training provided by a district or school; |
(ii) improving psychological safety; |
(iii) coordinating systemic and |
multitiered support systems that address school climate, as defined |
by Section 39.351(d), the social and emotional domain, and |
behavioral and mental health; |
(iv) increasing contract-based |
collaborative efforts or partnerships with local community |
programs, agencies, and providers; and |
(v) district or school and campus level |
policies and procedures related to referral pathways to increase |
access to mental health services; |
(C) disparities in the race, ethnicity, gender, |
special education status, and geographic location of individuals |
receiving the services; and |
(D) best practices to replicate the services or |
training for all districts and schools. |
SECTION 4. Section 38.312, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 38.312. EXPIRATION. The task force is abolished and |
this subchapter expires December 1, 2031 [2025]. |
SECTION 5. As soon as practicable after the effective date |
of this Act, the members of the Collaborative Task Force on Public |
School Mental Health Services shall draw lots to determine which |
members serve a term expiring September 1, 2026, which members |
serve a term expiring September 1, 2027, and which members serve a |
term expiring September 1, 2028. The lots must be split into thirds |
or as near to thirds as possible. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |