relating to the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 533, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 533.0021 and 533.0022 to read as follows: |
The commission may periodically issue a request for applications to |
enter into a contract with the commission to provide health care |
services to recipients. |
(b) The commission shall not enter into a contract under |
this section with a managed care organization until the commission |
has: |
(1) Certified the managed care organization under |
Section 533.0035 for any service delivery area for which the |
managed care organization will provide services to recipients under |
the contract; |
(2) Determined in writing the managed care |
organization has provided satisfactory assurances regarding its |
financial solvency; and |
(3) Determined in writing the managed care |
organization complies with the performance measures outlined in |
Section 533.0036. |
(c) Any contract entered under this section shall contain |
the required contract provisions in Section 533.005 and all other |
provisions required to be included in a contract between a managed |
care organization and the commission under this chapter. |
(d) The managed care organization shall not provide any |
services to recipients, and the commission shall not make any |
payments, under any contract entered into under this section until |
the managed care organization completes readiness review as |
required by federal law. |
(e) The commission shall offer to contract with any managed |
care organization that submits an application in response to a |
request for applications under Section 533.011 and meets the |
requirements of Subsection (a) of this section for the programs and |
service delivery areas for which the managed care organization will |
provide services under the contract. |
(f) The programs to which this section applies include STAR, |
CHIP, STAR Kids, and STAR + PLUS. This section does not apply to the |
STAR Health program. |
(g) The commission shall ensure that a recipient may select |
any managed care plan offered by a managed care organization in good |
standing that has entered into a contract with the commission under |
this section to provide services in the recipient’s service |
delivery area for the program under which the recipient is eligible |
for services. |
(h) If a managed care organization that has contracted with |
the commission under this section fails to comply with a material |
requirement of this section or its contract with the commission, or |
does not comply with the performance measures defined in Section |
533.0036, the commission may pursue any or all of the following |
remedies in addition to any remedies available to the commission |
under the contract: |
(1) require submission of and compliance with a |
corrective action plan; |
(2) seek recovery of actual damages or liquidated |
damages specified in the contract; |
(3) suspend automatic enrollment process of |
recipients to the managed care organization in one or more service |
delivery areas; or |
(4) terminate the contract for cause. |
Sec. 533.0022. MINIMUM SELECTION CRITERIA. (a) The |
commission shall publish criteria by which managed care |
organizations will be measured prior to participation in the |
managed care program consistent with the performance measures in |
Section 533.0036. |
(b) An applicant managed care organization is responsible |
for providing the necessary data for analysis to determine |
performance on the minimum selection criteria published by the |
commission under subsection (a). The commission shall allow the |
applicant managed care organization an adequate opportunity to cure |
any deficiency identified by the commission related to the minimum |
selection criteria. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 533, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 533.0036 fto read as follows: |
Sec. 533.0036. PERFORMANCE MEASURES. (a) The commission |
shall establish quality and performance measures to evaluate |
managed care organizations participating in the Managed Care |
Consumer Choice Program under Section 533.0021 based on experience |
in the Texas Medicaid and CHIP market. |
(b) In adopting the measures under Subsection (a), the |
commission shall consider: |
(1) cost efficiency, quality of care, experience of |
care, member and provider satisfaction; |
(2) the quality of a managed care organization’s |
provider network; and |
(3) provider experience with the managed care |
organization. |
(c) The commission shall: |
(1) annually evaluate a managed care organization’s |
performance and quality by service delivery area; and |
(2) post on its Internet website the results of the |
annual performance evaluations conducted under this section in a |
format that is readily accessible to and understandable by a member |
of the public. |
SECTION 3. Section 62.155(a), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 62.155 HEALTH PLAN PROVIDERS. (a) Beginning with |
services provided on or after September 1, 2027, the commission |
shall contract with [select the] health plan providers under the |
program through the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program in Section |
533.0021[a competitive procurement process]. A health plan |
provider, other than a state administered primary care case |
management network, must hold a certificate of authority or other |
appropriate license issued by the Texas Department of Insurance |
that authorizes the health plan provider to provide the type of |
child health plan offered and must satisfy, except as provided by |
this chapter, any applicable requirement of the Insurance Code or |
another insurance law of this state. |
SECTION 4. As soon as practicable after the effective date |
of this act, but not later than September 1, 2026, the Health and |
Human Services Commission shall begin requesting applications for |
the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program, and begin entering into |
contracts with managed care organizations under Section 533.0021, |
Government Code. |
SECTION 5. (a) The Health and Human Services Commission |
shall extend contracts that were in effect as of January 1, 2025 |
with managed care organizations for the STAR, CHIP, STAR Kids, and |
STAR + PLUS programs until new contracts are entered under |
Subsections (b) or (c). The commission shall cancel all |
procurements for the STAR, CHIP, or STAR Kids programs that were |
pending as of January 1, 2025. |
(b) The commission shall enter into contracts with managed |
care organizations under the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program, |
Section 533.0021, Government Code, for the STAR and CHIP programs |
with services to recipients under such contracts no later than |
September 1, 2027. |
(c) The commission shall enter into contracts with managed |
care organizations under the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program, |
Section 533.0021, Government Code, for the STAR Kids and STAR + PLUS |
program with services to recipients under such contracts on |
September 1, 2030. |
(d) The Managed Care Consumer Choice Program, Section |
533.0021, Government Code, shall be the exclusive means by which |
the commission may enter into new contracts with managed care |
organizations for the STAR, CHIP, STAR Kids, and STAR + PLUS |
programs after the effective date of this Act. |
(e) A recipient enrolled in a managed care plan prior to the |
date services are provided under a contract entered into under |
Subsections (b) or (c) shall, until such time as the recipient |
chooses to be enrolled in a different managed care plan or is no |
longer eligible for services continue enrollment in the same |
managed care plan if the managed care organization contracts to |
provide services in the recipient’s service delivery area under |
Section 533.0021. |
SECTION 6. If before implementing any provision of this Act |
a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a |
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, |
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or |
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the |
waiver or authorization is granted. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |