relating to establishment of the Texas Rare Disease Advisory |
Council. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle E, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 101A to read as follows: |
Sec. 101A.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Advisory council" means the Texas Rare Disease |
Advisory Council established under this chapter. |
(2) "Rare disease" means a disease, disorder, or |
condition that affects fewer than 200,000 individuals in the United |
States. |
Sec. 101A.002. ESTABLISHMENT. (a) The Texas Rare Disease |
Advisory Council is established to advise the governor, state |
agencies, and private entities that provide health care services or |
other treatment to individuals diagnosed with rare diseases in this |
state on strategies for improving health outcomes for those |
individuals. |
(b) The department shall provide to the advisory council |
resources, personnel, and other administrative support as |
necessary for the council to carry out its duties under this |
chapter. |
Sec. 101A.003. ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS. (a) The advisory |
council is composed of 23 members appointed as follows: |
(1) 11 members appointed by the governor as follows: |
(A) one representative of the department; |
(B) one representative of the commission; |
(C) one representative of the Texas Department of |
Insurance; |
(D) one representative of the Texas Education |
Agency; |
(E) one geneticist practicing in this state; |
(F) one registered nurse or advanced practice |
registered nurse licensed and practicing in this state with |
experience in treating rare diseases; |
(G) one hospital administrator of a hospital in |
this state that provides care to individuals diagnosed with a rare |
disease; |
(H) one pharmacist licensed and practicing in |
this state with experience dispensing prescription drugs used in |
treating rare diseases; |
(I) one representative of the biotechnology |
industry; |
(J) one representative of a health insurance |
company; and |
(K) one physician licensed and practicing in this |
state with experience in treating rare diseases; |
(2) six members appointed by the lieutenant governor |
as follows: |
(A) one representative of an academic research |
institution in this state that receives grant funding for rare |
disease research; |
(B) one physician licensed and practicing in this |
state with experience in treating rare diseases; |
(C) one individual who is 18 years of age or older |
and who is diagnosed with a rare disease; |
(D) two individuals who are, or previously served |
as, caregivers for an individual diagnosed with a rare disease; and |
(E) one representative of an organization that |
provides care or other support to individuals diagnosed with a rare |
disease in this state; and |
(3) six members appointed by the speaker of the house |
of representatives as follows: |
(A) one representative of an academic research |
institution in this state that receives grant funding for rare |
disease research; |
(B) one physician licensed and practicing in this |
state with experience in treating rare diseases; |
(C) one individual who is 18 years of age or older |
and who is diagnosed with a rare disease; |
(D) two individuals who are, or previously served |
as, caregivers for an individual diagnosed with a rare disease; and |
(E) one representative of an organization that |
provides care or other support to individuals diagnosed with a rare |
disease in this state. |
(b) Advisory council members serve staggered four-year |
terms, with the terms of one-half of the members, or as near to |
one-half as possible, expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered |
year. |
(c) A vacancy on the advisory council shall be filled for |
the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. |
OFFICER. The governor shall annually select from among the |
advisory council members a presiding officer and an assistant |
presiding officer. |
Sec. 101A.005. COUNCIL MEETINGS. (a) The advisory council |
shall meet: |
(1) at the call of the advisory council's presiding |
officer; and |
(2) on request by a majority of the advisory council |
members. |
(b) A majority of the voting members of the advisory council |
constitutes a quorum. |
(c) A meeting conducted under this section may be in person |
or by video conference call, as determined by the advisory |
council's presiding officer. |
(d) The advisory council shall provide notice of upcoming |
advisory council meetings on the department's Internet website. |
Sec. 101A.006. DUTIES. (a) The advisory council shall: |
(1) consult with experts on rare diseases and solicit |
public comment to develop policy recommendations for improving the |
treatment of rare diseases in this state; |
(2) develop strategy recommendations for academic |
research institutions of higher education in this state to |
facilitate continued research on rare diseases; |
(3) develop strategy recommendations for health care |
providers to better recognize and diagnose rare diseases to improve |
patient treatment; and |
(4) make recommendations to the department and other |
state agencies on matters affecting individuals diagnosed with a |
rare disease, including emergency preparedness and response |
resources for a pandemic or natural disaster. |
(b) The advisory council shall provide the department with |
the strategy recommendations developed under Subsection (a)(3) for |
publication on the department's Internet website. |
Sec. 101A.007. ANNUAL REPORT. (a) Not later than September |
1 of each year, the advisory council shall prepare and submit to the |
governor and commissioner a report that includes: |
(1) a summary of the advisory council's activities for |
the preceding year; and |
(2) recommendations for legislative or other action on |
rare disease research and care. |
(b) The advisory council shall publish the report prepared |
and submitted under Subsection (a) on the department's Internet |
website. |
Sec. 101A.008. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. Section |
2110.008, Government Code, does not apply to the advisory council. |
SECTION 2. Not later than December 1, 2025, the appropriate |
appointing authority shall appoint the initial members to the Texas |
Rare Disease Advisory Council as required by Section 101A.003(a), |
Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, with the initial |
members' terms expiring as follows: |
(1) the terms of five members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(1), of three members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(2), and of three members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(3) expiring February 1, 2029; and |
(2) the terms of six members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(1), of three members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(2), and of three members appointed under Section |
101A.003(a)(3) expiring February 1, 2031. |
SECTION 3. Notwithstanding Section 101A.005, Health and |
Safety Code, as added by this Act, the Texas Rare Disease Advisory |
Council shall conduct the council's first meeting not later than |
January 1, 2026. |
SECTION 4. Notwithstanding Section 101A.007, Health and |
Safety Code, as added by this Act, the Texas Rare Disease Advisory |
Council shall submit the first report required by that section not |
later than September 1, 2026. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |