relating to municipal zoning regulations and district boundaries. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 211, Local Government |
Code, is amended by adding Section 211.0025 to read as follows: |
CLASSIFICATION. For purposes of this chapter, a reference to a |
zoning regulation includes a zoning classification. |
SECTION 2. Sections 211.007(c) and (d), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(c) Before the 10th day before the hearing date, written |
notice of each public hearing before the zoning commission on a |
proposed change in a zoning classification shall be sent to each |
owner, as indicated by the most recently approved municipal tax |
roll, of real property within 200 feet of the property on which the |
change in classification is proposed. The notice must [may] be |
served by certified mail, return receipt requested, and [its |
deposit in the municipality,] properly addressed with postage paid, |
and if the commission or municipality maintains a publicly |
accessible Internet website, by posting the notice on that website |
[in the United States mail]. If the property within 200 feet of the |
property on which the change is proposed is located in territory |
annexed to the municipality and is not included on the most recently |
approved municipal tax roll, the notice must [shall] be given in the |
manner provided by Section 211.006(a). For purposes of this |
subsection, a proposed change in a zoning classification includes |
any change to a zoning district boundary or regulation under a |
zoning classification, including a regulation described by Section |
211.003. |
(d) The governing body of a home-rule municipality may, by a |
two-thirds vote, prescribe the type of notice to be given of the |
time and place of a public hearing held jointly by the governing |
body and the zoning commission. If notice requirements are |
prescribed under this subsection, the notice requirements |
prescribed by Subsection [Subsections] (b) [and (c)] and by Section |
211.006(a) do not apply. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter A, Chapter 211, Local Government |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 211.0155 and 211.020 to read as |
follows: |
DISTRICT BOUNDARY. (a) The governing body of a municipality shall |
conduct a public hearing to reconsider a zoning regulation or |
district boundary adopted under this chapter if, not later than the |
second anniversary of the date the regulation or boundary took |
effect, the governing body receives a petition signed by the owners |
of at least 40 percent of either: |
(1) the area of the lots or land covered by the |
regulation or boundary; or |
(2) the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining |
the area covered by the regulation or boundary and extending 200 |
feet from that area. |
(b) A zoning regulation or district boundary reconsidered |
under this section must receive the affirmative vote of at least |
three-fourths of all members of the governing body to remain in |
effect. If the regulation or boundary does not receive the votes |
necessary to remain in effect, as applicable on the date the hearing |
is conducted: |
(1) the regulation is void and unenforceable; or |
(2) the boundary reverts to the boundary as it existed |
before the boundary change that is reconsidered. |
REQUIREMENTS. (a) A landowner or resident of a municipality may |
bring an action against the municipality in a district court for |
declaratory relief on the grounds that the municipality or the |
municipality's zoning commission violated a procedural requirement |
of this subchapter in the adoption of a zoning regulation or zoning |
district boundary. |
(b) If the court determines in an action brought under this |
section that the municipality or commission violated a procedural |
requirement of this subchapter then either: |
(1) the zoning regulation that is the basis for the |
action is void and of no effect; or |
(2) the zoning district boundary that is the basis for |
the action reverts to the boundary as it existed before the boundary |
change that is the basis for the action. |
(c) The comptroller shall adopt rules to implement this |
section uniformly among the state agencies from which state |
economic development money is distributed to a municipality. |
(d) A prevailing claimant may recover court costs and |
reasonable and necessary attorney's fees incurred in bringing an |
action under this section. |
(e) The actions and remedies provided by this section are |
not exclusive and are in addition to any other action or remedy |
provided by law, including Section 211.011. |
(f) A municipality's governmental immunity from suit is |
waived in regard to an action brought under this section. |
SECTION 4. (a) Section 211.007(c), Local Government Code, |
as amended by this Act, applies only to a change to a zoning |
classification for which notice is provided on or after the |
effective date of this Act. A change to a zoning classification for |
which notice was provided before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect on the date the notice was provided, |
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
(b) Section 211.0155, Local Government Code, as added by |
this Act, applies only to a zoning regulation or district boundary |
adopted on or after the effective date of this Act. |
(c) Section 211.020, Local Government Code, as added by this |
Act, applies to a violation of Subchapter A, Chapter 211, Local |
Government Code, that occurs before, on or after the effective date |
of this Act, except that a final judgment for a violation that |
exists on the effective date of this Act is unaffected by this Act. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |