relating to the regulation of certain political communications, a |
prohibition on electioneering by school district and |
open-enrollment charter school officials and employees, and |
actions and other proceedings by a public school challenging the |
operations of the public school system; authorizing an |
administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense. |
SECTION 1. Section 11.061, Education Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows: |
(b-1) A person who the State Board for Educator |
Certification or the commissioner has determined to have violated |
Section 22B.003 may not serve as a member of the board of trustees |
of a school district for the period beginning on the date on which |
the determination was made and ending the day after the date on |
which the first trustee election occurring at least three years |
after the date on which the determination was made is held. |
SECTION 2. Section 12.120, Education Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) A person who the State Board for Educator Certification |
or the commissioner has determined to have violated Section 22B.003 |
may not serve as a member of the governing body of an |
open-enrollment charter school for the three-year period after the |
date on which the determination was made. |
SECTION 3. Section 22.092, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as |
follows: |
(c) The registry maintained under this section must list the |
following persons as not eligible to be employed by public schools: |
(1) a person determined by the agency under Section |
22.0832 as a person who would not be eligible for educator |
certification under Subchapter B, Chapter 21; |
(2) a person determined by the agency to be not |
eligible for employment based on the person's criminal history |
record information review, as provided by Section 22.0833; |
(3) a person who is not eligible for employment based |
on criminal history record information received by the agency under |
Section 21.058(b); |
(4) a person whose certification or permit issued |
under Subchapter B, Chapter 21, is revoked by the State Board for |
Educator Certification on a finding that the person engaged in |
misconduct described by Section 21.006(b)(2)(A) or (A-1); [and] |
(5) subject to Subsection (c-1), a person who is |
determined by the State Board for Educator Certification to have |
engaged in electioneering under Section 22B.003; |
(6) a person who is determined by the commissioner |
under Section 22.094 to have engaged in misconduct described by |
Section 22.093(c)(1)(A) or (B); and |
(7) subject to Subsection (c-1), a person who is |
determined by the commissioner under Section 22B.005 or by another |
governmental body to have engaged in electioneering under Section |
22B.003. |
(c-1) The agency shall remove a person included in the |
registry under Subsection (c)(5) or (7) not later than: |
(1) the third anniversary of the date on which the |
person was included in the registry under the applicable |
subdivision if the person was the superintendent or director of a |
school district, district of innovation, open-enrollment charter |
school, other charter entity, regional education service center, or |
shared services arrangement at the time the person was included in |
the registry; or |
(2) the first anniversary of the date on which the |
person was included in the registry under the applicable |
subdivision if the person held a position other than a position |
described by Subdivision (1) of this subsection at the time the |
person was included in the registry. |
SECTION 4. The heading to Subtitle D, Title 2, Education |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 5. Subtitle D, Title 2, Education Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 22B to read as follows: |
Sec. 22B.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Electioneering" includes: |
(A) posting, using, or distributing political |
signs or literature; |
(B) proposing, endorsing, or expressing support |
for or opposition to a measure before a governmental body other than |
a school district; and |
(C) engaging in conduct prohibited by: |
(i) Section 255.003 or 255.0031, Election |
Code; or |
(ii) Section 305.027 or 556.0055, |
Government Code. |
(2) "Measure" includes: |
(A) a question or proposal submitted in an |
election for an expression of the voters' will, including the |
circulation and submission of a petition to determine whether a |
question or proposal is required to be submitted in an election for |
an expression of the voters' will; |
(B) a bill, resolution, order, or other proposal |
to adopt, enact, amend, or repeal a statute, ordinance, rule, or |
policy of general application; and |
(C) a proposal to adopt, enact, amend, or repeal, |
or to grant a variance or other exception to, a zoning ordinance. |
(3) "Other charter entity" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 21.006. |
Sec. 22B.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies only to: |
(1) the board of trustees or a member of the board of |
trustees of a school district; |
(2) the governing body or a member of the governing |
body of an open-enrollment charter school; |
(3) an educator; and |
(4) a school district or open-enrollment charter |
school employee, agent, or contractor. |
Notwithstanding any other law, a person to whom this chapter |
applies may not use federal, state, or local money or other school |
resources to engage in electioneering, or assist another person in |
engaging in electioneering, for or against any candidate, measure, |
or political party. |
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, a person to whom |
this chapter applies may not use federal, state, or local money or |
other school resources to encourage or discourage participation in |
an election. |
(c) The board of trustees of a school district and the |
governing body of an open-enrollment charter school shall adopt |
protocols and policies and take actions necessary to ensure |
compliance with this section. |
(d) The State Board for Educator Certification shall adopt |
standards of conduct prohibiting an educator from engaging in |
conduct that violates this section. |
PENALTIES. (a) The superintendent or director of a school |
district, district of innovation, open-enrollment charter school, |
other charter entity, regional education service center, or shared |
services arrangement shall report an alleged violation of Section |
22B.003, not later than the seventh day after the date the |
superintendent or director becomes aware of the alleged violation, |
to: |
(1) the State Board for Educator Certification if the |
alleged violation was committed by an educator; or |
(2) the commissioner if the alleged violation was |
committed by a person other than an educator. |
(b) The report required by Subsection (a) must be: |
(1) in writing; and |
(2) in a form prescribed by: |
(A) the State Board for Educator Certification if |
an educator is the subject of the report; or |
(B) the commissioner if a person other than an |
educator is the subject of the report. |
(c) The principal of a school district, district of |
innovation, open-enrollment charter school, or other charter |
entity shall report an alleged violation of Section 22B.003, not |
later than the seventh day after the date the principal becomes |
aware of the alleged violation, to the superintendent or director |
of the district, school, or entity at which the principal is |
employed. |
(d) A person required to report an alleged violation of |
Section 22B.003 under this section and who in good faith reports the |
alleged violation in accordance with this section is immune from |
civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or |
imposed. |
(e) A person required to report an alleged violation of |
Section 22B.003 under this section commits an offense if the person |
fails to report the alleged violation by the date required under |
this section with the intent to conceal the alleged violation. An |
offense under this subsection is a state jail felony. |
(f) If a person required to report an alleged violation of |
Section 22B.003 under this section fails to report the alleged |
violation in accordance with this section, the State Board for |
Educator Certification: |
(1) shall determine whether to impose sanctions |
against the person, including an administrative penalty of not less |
than $500 and not more than $10,000; and |
(2) if the board imposes an administrative penalty on |
the person, may not renew the person's educator certification until |
the penalty is paid. |
(g) The commissioner may review the records of a school |
district, district of innovation, open-enrollment charter school, |
other charter entity, regional education service center, or shared |
services arrangement to ensure compliance with this section. |
(h) The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to |
implement this section. |
INELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT. (a) This section applies only to a |
person to whom this chapter applies who does not hold a |
certification or permit issued under Subchapter B, Chapter 21. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), a person who is |
alleged to have violated Section 22B.003 is entitled to a hearing on |
the merits of the allegation under the procedures provided by |
Chapter 2001, Government Code. |
(c) A person who is alleged to have violated Section 22B.003 |
is not entitled to a hearing under this section if: |
(1) a final decision has been entered under other law |
finding the person to have engaged in conduct that constitutes |
electioneering; or |
(2) another governmental body has jurisdiction over |
the alleged violation and the commissioner elects not to pursue |
enforcement under this section. |
(d) On receiving a report under Section 22B.004, or pursuant |
to an investigation conducted under Section 39.003, of an alleged |
violation of Section 22B.003 by a person who is entitled to a |
hearing under this section, the commissioner shall promptly send to |
the person written notice that includes: |
(1) a statement informing the person that the person |
must request, not later than the 10th day after the date the person |
receives the notice, a hearing on the merits of the allegation; |
(2) a request that the person submit, not later than |
the 10th day after the date the person receives the notice, a |
written response to show cause why the commissioner should not |
pursue an investigation under this section; and |
(3) a statement informing the person that if the |
person does not timely submit a written response to show cause as |
provided by Subdivision (2), the commissioner will instruct the |
agency to make available on the Internet portal described by |
Section 22.095 information indicating the person is under |
investigation for an alleged violation of Section 22B.003. |
(e) If a person who is entitled to a hearing under this |
section does not request a hearing before the date required by |
Subsection (d)(1), the commissioner shall make a determination on |
whether the person violated Section 22B.003 based on the contents |
of the report submitted under Section 22B.004 or the results of the |
investigation under Section 39.003, as applicable. |
(f) If the commissioner determines under this section that a |
person violated Section 22B.003, the commissioner shall instruct |
the agency to add the person to the registry of persons not eligible |
for employment in public schools under Section 22.092. |
(g) If the commissioner determines that a person did not |
violate Section 22B.003 and the agency made available on the |
Internet portal described by Section 22.095 information indicating |
the person was under investigation in accordance with Subsection |
(d)(3), the commissioner shall instruct the agency to immediately |
remove the information from the Internet portal. |
(h) The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to |
implement this section. |
Sec. 22B.006. EXCEPTION. Notwithstanding any other |
provision of this chapter, the State Board for Educator |
Certification or the commissioner may elect not to take action |
against a person determined to have violated Section 22B.003 if the |
person: |
(1) was ordered to take the action by another person in |
a position of actual or apparent authority over the person; and |
(2) could not reasonably have been expected to know |
the person's action constituted a violation of that section. |
commissioner determines that an action taken by the board of |
trustees of a school district or the governing body of an |
open-enrollment charter school against a person determined to have |
violated Section 22B.003 is not sufficient to deter future |
violations of that section, the commissioner may substitute a |
remedial action the commissioner determines appropriate. |
agency's authority to investigate an alleged violation of Section |
22B.003 is concurrent with the authority of any other person |
charged with investigating such a violation under this chapter. |
(b) Another person's dismissal of an alleged violation of |
Section 22B.003 does not affect the agency's authority to |
investigate the alleged violation. |
SECTION 6. Section 39.003(a), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The commissioner may authorize special investigations |
to be conducted: |
(1) when excessive numbers of absences of students |
eligible to be tested on state assessment instruments are |
determined; |
(2) when excessive numbers of allowable exemptions |
from the required state assessment instruments are determined; |
(3) in response to complaints submitted to the agency |
with respect to alleged violations of civil rights or other |
requirements imposed on the state by federal law or court order; |
(4) in response to established compliance reviews of |
the district's financial accounting practices and state and federal |
program requirements; |
(5) when extraordinary numbers of student placements |
in disciplinary alternative education programs, other than |
placements under Sections 37.006 and 37.007, are determined; |
(6) in response to an allegation involving a conflict |
between members of the board of trustees or between the board and |
the district administration if it appears that the conflict |
involves a violation of a role or duty of the board members or the |
administration clearly defined by this code; |
(7) when excessive numbers of students in special |
education programs under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, are assessed |
through assessment instruments developed or adopted under Section |
39.023(b); |
(8) in response to an allegation regarding or an |
analysis using a statistical method result indicating a possible |
violation of an assessment instrument security procedure |
established under Section 39.0301, including for the purpose of |
investigating or auditing a school district under that section; |
(9) when a significant pattern of decreased academic |
performance has developed as a result of the promotion in the |
preceding two school years of students who did not perform |
satisfactorily as determined by the commissioner under Section |
39.0241(a) on assessment instruments administered under Section |
39.023(a), (c), or (l); |
(10) when excessive numbers of students eligible to |
enroll fail to complete an Algebra II course or any other advanced |
course as determined by the commissioner; |
(11) when resource allocation practices as evaluated |
under Section 39.0821 indicate a potential for significant |
improvement in resource allocation; |
(12) when a disproportionate number of students of a |
particular demographic group is graduating with a particular |
endorsement under Section 28.025(c-1); |
(13) when an excessive number of students is |
graduating with a particular endorsement under Section |
28.025(c-1); |
(14) in response to a complaint submitted to the |
agency with respect to alleged inaccurate data that is reported |
through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) |
or through other reports required by state or federal law or rule or |
court order and that is used by the agency to make a determination |
relating to public school accountability, including accreditation, |
under this chapter; |
(15) when 10 percent or more of the students |
graduating in a particular school year from a particular high |
school campus are awarded a diploma based on the determination of an |
individual graduation committee under Section 28.0258; |
(16) when a school district for any reason fails to |
produce, at the request of the agency, evidence or an investigation |
report relating to an educator who is under investigation by the |
State Board for Educator Certification; [or] |
(17) in response to an alleged violation of Section |
22B.003; or |
(18) as the commissioner otherwise determines |
necessary. |
SECTION 7. Section 39A.001, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
commissioner shall take any of the actions authorized by this |
subchapter to the extent the commissioner determines necessary if: |
(1) a school district does not satisfy: |
(A) the accreditation criteria under Section |
39.052; |
(B) the academic performance standards under |
Section 39.053 or 39.054; or |
(C) any financial accountability standard as |
determined by commissioner rule; [or] |
(2) the commissioner considers the action to be |
appropriate on the basis of a special investigation under Section |
39.003; or |
(3) a school district initiates or maintains an action |
or proceeding against the state or an agency or officer of the |
state. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter A, Chapter 39A, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 39A.008 to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies to a school district or open-enrollment |
charter school subject to commissioner action under Section |
39A.001(3). |
(b) The commissioner shall appoint a conservator to a school |
district or open-enrollment charter school to which this section |
applies. |
(c) The conservator appointed under Subsection (b) shall |
require the school district or open-enrollment charter school to |
demonstrate, by a deadline established by the conservator, that the |
district or school is in compliance with Sections 45.105(c-1) and |
45.1051. If the conservator determines that the district or school |
is not in compliance with those sections, the conservator shall |
order the district or school to, as applicable: |
(1) withdraw from the action or proceeding; or |
(2) take the necessary actions to come into compliance |
with Section 45.1051. |
(d) If a school district or open-enrollment charter school |
fails to comply with an order by the conservator by the deadline |
established by the conservator, the commissioner may: |
(1) for a school district, appoint a board of managers |
to oversee the operations of the district; or |
(2) for an open-enrollment charter school, order |
reconstitution of the school's governing board. |
SECTION 9. Subchapter B, Chapter 44, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 44.048 to read as follows: |
Sec. 44.048. PROHIBITED CONTRACTING. (a) In this section, |
"electioneering" has the meaning assigned by Section 22B.001. |
(b) A school district or open-enrollment charter school may |
not contract with: |
(1) a person for services that would constitute |
electioneering or services supportive of electioneering; |
(2) a person who subcontracts with a person to provide |
services described by Subdivision (1); or |
(3) a person who is included in or who will assign |
duties under the contract or subcontract to a person who is included |
in the registry of persons not eligible for employment in public |
schools under Section 22.092 based on a determination that the |
person engaged in electioneering. |
SECTION 10. Section 45.105(c-1), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c-1) Notwithstanding any other law, federal, state, or |
local funding, including funding under Chapters 46, 48, and 49, |
[Funds described by Subsection (c)] may not be used to initiate or |
maintain any action or proceeding against the state or an agency or |
officer of the state, including an action or proceeding that |
includes a claim of ultra vires conduct [arising out of a decision, |
order, or determination that is final and unappealable under a |
provision of this code], except that funds may be used for an action |
or proceeding that is specifically authorized by a provision of |
this code or by Section 2001.038, Government Code [a rule adopted |
under this code and that results in a final and unappealable |
decision, order, or determination]. |
SECTION 11. Subchapter E, Chapter 45, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 45.1051 to read as follows: |
ACTIONS. (a) If a school district or open-enrollment charter |
school brings an action against the agency, the State Board of |
Education, or the State Board for Educator Certification or an |
agent or officer of those entities that alleges ultra vires conduct |
by the entity or an agent or officer of the entity, the district or |
school must deposit all payments relating to the action owed to the |
district's or school's attorney in an escrow account. The district |
or school may use money deposited in the escrow account to pay the |
district's or school's attorney only: |
(1) after: |
(A) a final judgment is rendered; and |
(B) all appeals are fully resolved; and |
(2) if the district or school prevails in the action. |
(b) A school district or open-enrollment charter school |
shall provide money deposited in an escrow account under this |
section that may not be paid to the district's or school's attorney |
under Subsection (a) after the rendering of a final judgment and the |
resolution of all appeals to the state for deposit in the foundation |
school fund. |
(c) This section may not be interpreted to authorize an |
action not otherwise authorized by law. |
SECTION 12. Section 251.001(16), Election Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(16) "Political advertising" means a communication |
supporting or opposing a candidate for nomination or election to a |
public office or office of a political party, a political party, a |
public officer, or a measure that: |
(A) in return for consideration, is published in |
a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical or is broadcast by radio |
or television; [or] |
(B) appears: |
(i) in a pamphlet, circular, flier, |
billboard or other sign, bumper sticker, or similar form of written |
communication; or |
(ii) on an Internet website, including on |
any social media platform, or in any electronic communication; or |
(C) is directed to an individual person or |
multiple persons through any form of communication. |
SECTION 13. The heading to Section 255.003, Election Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 14. Section 255.003, Election Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) and amending Subsection (c) to |
read as follows: |
(a-1) An officer, employee, or contractor of a school |
district or open-enrollment charter school may not use or authorize |
the use of public money or resources to: |
(1) distribute a communication in any form advocating |
for or opposing any candidate, measure, or political party; or |
(2) facilitate any activity by a student or other |
person for advocacy communications to an elected officer or |
employee of an elected officer for or against a matter for which the |
officer may vote or take an official action. |
(a-2) For purposes of Subsection (a-1): |
(1) the following qualifies as the use of public money |
or resources: |
(A) the development or distribution, or |
arrangement for the development or distribution, of a communication |
described by Subsection (a-1)(1) that occurs during the working |
hours of an officer, employee, or contractor or during any period of |
time in which the officer, employee, or contractor is compensated |
by the school district or open-enrollment charter school; or |
(B) the provision of contact information by an |
officer, employee, or contractor of a school district or |
open-enrollment charter school to a political action committee or |
similar entity for the purpose of distributing a communication |
described by Subsection (a-1)(1); |
(2) the use of a personal electronic device on school |
district or open-enrollment charter school property by an officer, |
employee, or contractor to access the Internet during the |
officer's, employee's, or contractor's personal time for the |
purpose of developing or distributing, or arranging for the |
development or distribution of, a communication described by |
Subsection (a-1)(1) does not qualify as the use of public funds or |
resources; and |
(3) a person's presence on school district or |
open-enrollment charter school property while engaging in |
electioneering, as defined by Section 22B.001, Education Code, |
outside of work hours does not constitute the expenditure of public |
money. |
(c) A person who violates Subsection (a), (a-1), or (b-1) |
commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class A |
misdemeanor. |
SECTION 15. Section 255.0031(b), Election Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to: |
(1) the use of an internal mail system to distribute |
political advertising that is delivered to the premises of a state |
agency or political subdivision through the United States Postal |
Service if the officer or employee is unaware that the distributed |
materials contain political advertising; or |
(2) the use of an internal mail system by a state |
agency or municipality to distribute political advertising that is |
the subject of or related to an investigation, hearing, or other |
official proceeding of the agency or municipality. |
SECTION 16. Section 572.059, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows: |
(d) Subsections (c)(2) and (3) do not apply to a member of |
the governing body of a school district with respect to a |
legislative measure outside the district's authority. |
(e) This section does not prohibit a person from providing |
information to a member of the legislature on request. |
SECTION 17. The following provisions of the Education Code |
are repealed: |
(1) Section 11.169; and |
(2) Section 45.109(e). |
SECTION 18. Section 44.048, Education Code, as added by |
this Act, applies only to a contract entered into or renewed on or |
after the effective date of this Act. A contract entered into or |
renewed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law |
in effect on the date the contract was entered into or renewed, and |
the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 19. The changes in law made by this Act apply only |
to conduct that occurs on or after the effective date of this Act. |
Conduct that occurs before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect before the effective date of this Act, |
and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 20. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |