relating to fees charged by county clerks for certain property |
records. |
SECTION 1. Section 118.011, Local Government Code, is |
amended by amending Subsections (a) and (e) to read as follows: |
(a) A county clerk shall collect the following fees for |
services rendered to any person: |
(1) Personal Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.012): |
(A) for the first page$ 5.00; |
(B) for each additional page or part of a page on |
which there are visible marks of any kind$ 4.00; |
(2) Real Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.013): |
(A) for the first page$ 5.00; |
(B) for each additional page or part of a page on |
which there are visible marks of any kind$ 4.00; |
(C) for all or part of each 8-1/2" X 14" |
attachment or rider$ 4.00; |
(D) for each name in excess of five names that has |
to be indexed in all records in which the document must be |
indexed$ 0.25; |
(3) Certified Papers (Sec. 118.014): |
(A) for the clerk's certificate$ 5.00; |
(B) printed on paper, plus a fee for each page or |
part of a page$ 1.00; |
(C) that is a paper document converted to |
electronic format, for each page or part of a page$1; |
(D) that is an electronic copy of an electronic |
document: |
(i) for each document up to 10 pages in |
length$1; |
(ii) for each page or part of a page of a |
document over 10 pages$0.10; |
(4) Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0145): |
(A) printed on paper, for each page or part of a |
page$ 1.00; |
(B) that is a paper document converted to |
electronic format, for each page or part of a page$1; |
(C) that is an electronic copy of an electronic |
document, except for real property records: |
(i) for each document up to 10 pages in |
length$1; |
(ii) for each page or part of a page of a |
document over 10 pages$0.10; |
(5) Birth or Death Certificate (Sec. |
118.015) . . . . .same as state registrar; |
(6) Bond Approval (Sec. 118.016)$ 3.00; |
(7) Marriage License (Sec. 118.018)$60.00; |
(8) Declaration of Informal Marriage (Sec. |
118.019)$25.00; |
(9) Brand Registration (Sec. 118.020)$ 5.00; |
(10) Oath Administration (Sec. 118.021)$ 1.00. |
(e) A county clerk who provides a copy in a format other than |
paper of a record maintained by the clerk, including real property |
records, shall provide the copy and charge a fee in accordance with |
Sections 552.231 and 552.262, Government Code. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |