relating to prohibiting diversity, equity, and inclusion practices |
at school districts; authorizing an administrative penalty. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 11, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 11.005 to read as follows: |
INCLUSION PRACTICES. (a) In this section, "diversity, equity, and |
inclusion practices" means: |
(1) influencing hiring or employment practices with |
respect to race, sex, color, or ethnicity except as necessary to |
comply with state or federal antidiscrimination laws; |
(2) promoting differential treatment of or providing |
special benefits to individuals on the basis of race, color, or |
ethnicity; |
(3) developing or implementing policies, procedures, |
or training programs that reference race, color, ethnicity, gender |
identity, or sexual orientation except as necessary to comply with |
state or federal law; and |
(4) compelling, requiring, inducing, or soliciting |
any person to provide a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement |
or giving preferential consideration to any person based on the |
provision of a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement. |
(b) A school district shall promote a colorblind |
meritocracy to ensure equal service and support for all students, |
regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. |
(c) A school district may not: |
(1) use state or local money to pay for, or contract |
with a third party for, a department or program that uses diversity, |
equity, and inclusion practices; |
(2) contract with a vendor to provide training in or |
services or programs for diversity, equity, and inclusion |
practices; |
(3) promote an event, meeting, or club that favors |
persons of one race over persons of another race; |
(4) provide professional development training for |
teachers, parents, students, or public stakeholders on diversity, |
equity, and inclusion practices; |
(5) host a field trip to an event or meeting that |
promotes racially exclusive rhetoric; |
(6) provide financial support to a student-led |
organization, club, or association that excludes participants |
based on race or ethnicity; |
(7) give preferential treatment in disciplinary |
practices or procedures to a student based on the student's race or |
ethnicity; |
(8) create or use a curriculum based on diversity, |
equity, and inclusion practices; |
(9) discriminate against a person of a certain race |
for actions committed by the person's ancestor; |
(10) create or promote a scholarship that favors |
students of one race over students of another race; or |
(11) use restorative justice practices. |
(d) The board of trustees of a school district may not adopt |
a policy or resolution that supports diversity, equity, and |
inclusion practices. |
(e) A member of the board of trustees of a school district or |
an employee of the district may not attend, in the person's capacity |
as a member or employee, a conference that promotes or teaches |
diversity, equity, and inclusion practices. |
(f) If the commissioner determines that a school district |
violated this section: |
(1) the district may not receive state money for the |
state fiscal year following the state fiscal year in which the |
district violated this section; and |
(2) the agency shall assess an administrative penalty |
against the district in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000. |
(g) The attorney general may bring an action for injunctive |
relief against a school district or a member of the board of |
trustees or employee of the district to compel the district, |
member, or employee to comply with this section. |
(h) The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to enforce |
this section. |
SECTION 2. Section 37.0013(a), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) Each school district and open-enrollment charter school |
may develop and implement a program, in consultation with campus |
behavior coordinators employed by the district or school and |
representatives of a regional education service center, that |
provides a disciplinary alternative for a student enrolled in a |
grade level below grade three who engages in conduct described by |
Section 37.005(a) and is not subject to Section 37.005(c). The |
program must: |
(1) be age-appropriate and research-based; |
(2) provide models for positive behavior; |
(3) promote a positive school environment; |
(4) provide alternative disciplinary courses of |
action that do not rely on the use of in-school suspension, |
out-of-school suspension, or placement in a disciplinary |
alternative education program to manage student behavior; and |
(5) provide behavior management strategies, |
including: |
(A) positive behavioral intervention and |
support; |
(B) trauma-informed practices; |
(C) social and emotional learning; and |
(D) a referral for services, as necessary[; and |
[(E) restorative practices]. |
SECTION 3. Section 48.115(b), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) Funds allocated under this section must be used to |
improve school safety and security, including costs associated |
with: |
(1) securing school facilities in accordance with the |
requirements of Section 37.351, including: |
(A) improvements to school infrastructure; |
(B) the use or installation of perimeter security |
fencing conducive to a public school learning environment or |
physical barriers, which may not include razor wire; |
(C) exterior door and window safety and security |
upgrades, including exterior door numbering and locking systems and |
security film that provides resistance to a forced entry; and |
(D) the purchase and maintenance of: |
(i) security cameras and, if the district |
has already installed security cameras, other security equipment, |
including video surveillance as provided by Section 29.022; and |
(ii) technology, including communications |
systems or devices, such as silent panic alert devices, two-way |
radios, or wireless Internet booster equipment, that facilitates |
communication and information sharing between students, school |
personnel, and first responders in an emergency; |
(2) providing security for the district, including: |
(A) employing school district peace officers, |
private security officers, and school marshals; and |
(B) collaborating with local law enforcement |
agencies, such as entering into a memorandum of understanding for |
the assignment of school resource officers to schools in the |
district; |
(3) school safety and security measures, including: |
(A) active shooter and emergency response |
training; |
(B) prevention and treatment programs relating |
to addressing adverse childhood experiences; and |
(C) the prevention, identification, and |
management of emergencies and threats, using evidence-based, |
effective prevention practices and including: |
(i) providing licensed counselors, social |
workers, and chaplains[, and individuals trained in restorative |
discipline and restorative justice practices]; |
(ii) providing mental health personnel and |
support, including chaplains; |
(iii) providing behavioral health |
services, including services provided by chaplains; |
(iv) establishing threat reporting |
systems; and |
(v) developing and implementing programs |
focused on [restorative justice practices,] culturally relevant |
instruction[,] and providing mental health support, including |
support provided by chaplains; |
(4) providing programs related to suicide prevention, |
intervention, and postvention, including programs provided by |
chaplains; and |
(5) employing a school safety director and other |
personnel to manage and monitor school safety initiatives and the |
implementation of school safety requirements for the district. |
SECTION 4. Section 1701.262(c), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The curriculum developed under this section must |
incorporate learning objectives regarding: |
(1) child and adolescent development and psychology; |
(2) positive behavioral interventions and supports |
and[,] conflict resolution techniques[, and restorative justice |
techniques]; |
(3) de-escalation techniques and techniques for |
limiting the use of force, including the use of physical, |
mechanical, and chemical restraints; |
(4) the mental and behavioral health needs of children |
with disabilities or special needs; and |
(5) mental health crisis intervention. |
SECTION 5. This Act applies beginning with the 2025-2026 |
school year. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |