relating to prohibiting the manufacture, assembly, or ownership of |
unmarked firearms and other conduct involving certain firearms and |
component parts of firearms; creating criminal offenses; |
authorizing a fee. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 411, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subchapter H-1 to read as follows: |
Sec. 411.221. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "firearm" |
has the meaning assigned by Section 46.01, Penal Code. |
Sec. 411.222. APPLICABILITY. (a) Except as provided by |
Subsections (b) and (c), this subchapter applies only to a firearm |
that has not been: |
(1) assigned a unique serial number or other mark of |
identification under federal law or the law of this state or another |
state; and |
(2) marked with that serial number or mark in a manner |
that meets or exceeds the requirements imposed under federal law on |
licensed importers and licensed manufacturers of firearms for |
marking imported or manufactured firearms with a serial number. |
(b) This subchapter does not apply to: |
(1) a firearm, other than a handgun, manufactured or |
assembled before December 16, 1968; |
(2) a firearm that is a curio or relic, as those terms |
are defined by 27 C.F.R. Section 478.11, or an antique firearm, as |
that term is defined by 27 C.F.R. Section 479.11; or |
(3) a firearm assigned a unique serial number or other |
mark of identification for the purpose of entering a description of |
the firearm into a criminal intelligence database. |
(c) This subchapter does not apply to the importation or |
manufacture of a firearm by a person licensed under federal law to |
engage in the business of importing or manufacturing firearms, if |
the firearms imported or manufactured by that person are marked |
with a unique serial number in compliance with federal law. |
The director shall adopt rules necessary to implement this |
subchapter. |
(b) The department shall: |
(1) administer this subchapter and the rules adopted |
by the director under Subsection (a); and |
(2) take action necessary to ensure compliance with |
this subchapter. |
Sec. 411.224. FEE. To cover the cost of administering this |
subchapter, the department may collect a reasonable fee from an |
applicant for a unique serial number or other mark of |
identification under this subchapter. |
ASSEMBLING FIREARMS. A person who manufactures or assembles a |
firearm to which this subchapter applies shall: |
(1) before manufacturing or assembling the firearm, |
apply to the department for a unique serial number or other mark of |
identification; |
(2) not later than the 10th day after the date of |
manufacturing or assembling the firearm or the date of receiving a |
serial number or mark provided by the department, whichever is |
later: |
(A) in a manner that meets or exceeds the |
requirements described by Section 411.222(a)(2), permanently affix |
to the firearm the serial number or mark provided by the department; |
or |
(B) if the firearm is composed primarily of parts |
made out of plastic, permanently affix to a piece of steel the |
serial number or mark provided by the department and embed that |
marked piece of steel in the firearm in a manner that meets or |
exceeds the requirements of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 |
(18 U.S.C. Section 922(p)) and the requirements described by |
Section 411.222(a)(2); and |
(3) after permanently affixing to the firearm the |
serial number or mark provided by the department, as described by |
Subdivision (2), notify the department in a manner prescribed by |
the department: |
(A) that the serial number or mark has been |
affixed to the firearm; and |
(B) of the name of the owner of the firearm. |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person who owns a |
firearm to which this subchapter applies shall, not later than the |
30th day after the date the person acquires the firearm or enters |
this state with the firearm: |
(1) apply to the department for a unique serial number |
or other mark of identification; |
(2) not later than the 10th day after the date of |
receiving a serial number or mark provided by the department: |
(A) in a manner that meets or exceeds the |
requirements described by Section 411.222(a)(2), permanently affix |
to the firearm the serial number or mark provided by the department; |
or |
(B) if the firearm is composed primarily of parts |
made out of plastic, permanently affix to a piece of steel the |
serial number or mark provided by the department and embed that |
marked piece of steel in the firearm in a manner that meets or |
exceeds the requirements of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 |
(18 U.S.C. Section 922(p)) and the requirements described by |
Section 411.222(a)(2); and |
(3) after permanently affixing to the firearm the |
serial number or mark provided by the department, as described by |
Subdivision (2), notify the department in a manner prescribed by |
the department: |
(A) that the serial number or mark has been |
affixed to the firearm; and |
(B) of the name of the owner of the firearm. |
(b) A person who owns a firearm to which this subchapter |
applies, who has obtained for that firearm a unique serial number or |
other mark of identification as described by Section 411.222(a)(1), |
but who has not yet permanently affixed the number or mark to the |
firearm, promptly shall permanently affix the applicable number or |
mark to the firearm as provided by Subsection (a)(2)(A) or (B). |
PROHIBITED; EXCEPTION; DUTY TO DESTROY. (a) A person may not sell |
or otherwise transfer ownership of a firearm to which this |
subchapter applies unless the person sells or otherwise transfers |
ownership of the firearm to a law enforcement agency. |
(b) Notwithstanding Article 18.18, 18.19, or 18.191, Code |
of Criminal Procedure, or Chapter 47 of that code, a law enforcement |
agency that purchases or otherwise obtains ownership of a firearm |
to which this subchapter applies shall destroy the firearm. |
department shall issue a unique serial number or other mark of |
identification to an applicant who meets all the eligibility |
requirements and submits all the application materials as described |
by this subchapter. |
(b) An applicant for a unique serial number or other mark of |
identification must: |
(1) on each occasion the applicant requests a serial |
number or mark for a firearm to which this subchapter applies, |
provide the department information sufficient to enable the |
department to determine that the applicant is not prohibited by |
state or federal law from possessing each firearm included in the |
application; |
(2) provide proof of identity and age showing that the |
applicant is 18 years of age or older; |
(3) provide a description of the firearm to which this |
subchapter applies that the applicant owns or intends to |
manufacture or assemble; |
(4) provide any other information the department may |
require; and |
(5) pay any applicable fee prescribed by the |
department. |
(c) The department shall review and either approve or deny |
an application not later than the 15th day after the date the |
department receives the application. The department shall notify |
the applicant in writing if the department denies the application |
and include a detailed description of the reason for the denial. |
Sec. 411.229. OFFENSE. (a) A person commits an offense if |
the person: |
(1) manufactures or assembles a firearm to which this |
subchapter applies and fails to comply with Section 411.225; |
(2) owns a firearm to which this subchapter applies |
and fails to comply with Section 411.226; or |
(3) in violation of Section 411.227, sells or |
otherwise transfers ownership of a firearm to which this subchapter |
applies. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, |
except that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if the firearm is a |
handgun. |
(c) For purposes of this section, each firearm |
manufactured, assembled, or owned in violation of this subchapter |
is a separate offense. |
(d) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this |
section also constitutes an offense under any other law, the actor |
may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both. |
Sec. 411.230. PUBLIC INFORMATION. The department shall |
make available on the department's Internet website: |
(1) the number of unique serial numbers or other marks |
of identification issued under this subchapter; and |
(2) the number of arrests and convictions for an |
offense under Section 411.229. |
SECTION 2. Section 46.01, Penal Code, is amended by adding |
Subdivision (21) to read as follows: |
(21) "Three-dimensional printer" means a device |
capable of producing a three-dimensional object from a digital |
model. |
SECTION 3. Section 46.05, Penal Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as |
follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally |
or knowingly possesses, manufactures, transports, repairs, or |
sells: |
(1) any of the following items, unless the item is |
registered in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer |
Record maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and |
Explosives or otherwise not subject to that registration |
requirement or unless the item is classified as a curio or relic by |
the United States Department of Justice: |
(A) an explosive weapon; |
(B) a machine gun; or |
(C) a short-barrel firearm; |
(2) armor-piercing ammunition; |
(3) a chemical dispensing device; |
(4) a zip gun; |
(5) a tire deflation device; [or] |
(6) an improvised explosive device; or |
(7) a firearm containing a component part manufactured |
using a three-dimensional printer. |
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person |
intentionally or knowingly: |
(1) manufactures a component part for a firearm using |
a three-dimensional printer; or |
(2) possesses, transports, repairs, or sells a |
component part described by Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 4. The changes in law made by this Act to Chapter |
46, Penal Code, apply only to an offense committed on or after the |
effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the |
effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the |
date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in |
effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense |
was committed before the effective date of this Act if any element |
of the offense occurred before that date. |
SECTION 5. As soon as practicable after September 1, 2025, |
the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas shall adopt |
rules as required by Subchapter H-1, Government Code, as added by |
this Act. |
SECTION 6. (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c) |
of this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |
(b) Sections 411.225 and 411.229(a)(1), Government Code, as |
added by this Act, take effect September 1, 2027. |
(c) Sections 411.226 and 411.229(a)(2), Government Code, as |
added by this Act, take effect September 1, 2028. |