relating to an automated artificial intelligence review of library |
material purchased by public schools; providing an administrative |
penalty. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 35, Education Code, is amended by adding |
Section 35.0022 to read as follows: |
MATERIAL REVIEW. (a) Not later than 90 days before purchasing |
library material from a library material vendor, a school district |
or open-enrollment charter school must ensure the material is |
submitted to a third party approved by the agency to conduct an |
automated artificial intelligence review of the material to |
determine whether the material should be rated as sexually explicit |
material or sexually relevant material. |
(b) Not later than the 20th business day after an automated |
artificial intelligence review is conducted under Subsection (a), |
an individual employed or contracted by the third party shall |
verify the results of the review. |
(c) If an automated artificial intelligence review |
conducted under Subsection (a) rates a library material as sexually |
explicit material or sexually relevant material, the third party |
must provide to the school district or open-enrollment charter |
school a detailed report that contains: |
(1) the specific content flagged as sexually explicit |
or sexually relevant; |
(2) the historical, educational, or other context in |
which the content appears; and |
(3) the rationale for why the material was rated as |
sexually explicit or sexually relevant. |
(d) A school district or open-enrollment charter school: |
(1) may not purchase a library material that has been |
determined to contain sexually explicit material; and |
(2) must require parental consent in accordance with |
Section 35.005 for a library material determined to contain |
sexually relevant material. |
(e) A school district or open-enrollment charter school |
shall maintain documentation regarding each automated artificial |
intelligence review conducted under this section. |
(f) The commissioner shall adopt and post on the agency's |
Internet website a list of third parties approved to conduct an |
automated artificial intelligence review under Subsection (a). In |
adopting the list, the commissioner: |
(1) may not approve a third party that holds a |
financial interest in a library material vendor; |
(2) must require bias mitigation protocols and |
cultural competency testing; |
(3) must ensure the third party has received training |
on the definitions of sexually explicit and sexually relevant |
material under Section 35.001; and |
(4) must require the third party to update the third |
party's automated artificial intelligence review system at least |
quarterly. |
(g) The agency shall conduct quarterly audits of not less |
than five percent of library materials submitted for review under |
Subsection (a) to ensure accuracy in ratings and compliance with |
the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Section 8, |
Article I, Texas Constitution, other federal and state law, and |
school district and open-enrollment charter school policies. In |
conducting audits under this subsection, the agency may establish |
an oversight committee composed of educators, librarians, legal |
experts, and community representatives to verify the accuracy of an |
automated artificial intelligence review system. |
(h) The agency shall remove a third party from the list |
adopted under Subsection (f) if the agency's audit under Subsection |
(g) determines that the third party's automated artificial |
intelligence review system has less than a 95 percent rate of |
accuracy in rating library material as sexually explicit material |
or sexually relevant material. |
(i) The agency shall assess an administrative penalty |
against a school district or open-enrollment charter school that |
violates Subsection (a) or (d)(1) in an amount not to exceed $10,000 |
for each library material acquired in violation of that provision. |
(j) If, based on automated artificial intelligence reviews |
and audits conducted under this section, the commissioner |
determines that a library material vendor has not rated or |
incorrectly rated three or more library materials in violation of |
this chapter, the commissioner shall place that library material |
vendor on a list posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on the |
agency's Internet website. A school district or open-enrollment |
charter school may not purchase library material from a library |
material vendor on the list. |
(k) A parent of or person standing in parental relation to a |
student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter |
school that violates this section may bring an action for |
injunctive relief against the district or school to compel the |
district or school to comply with this section. |
SECTION 2. Section 35.005, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
LIBRARY MATERIALS. A school district or open-enrollment charter |
school may not allow a student enrolled in the district or school to |
reserve, check out, or otherwise use outside the school library |
library material the library material vendor or the automated |
artificial intelligence review has rated as sexually relevant |
material under Section 35.002(a) or 35.0022(a) unless the district |
or school first obtains written consent from the student's parent |
or person standing in parental relation. |
SECTION 3. Not later than the first day of the 2026-2027 |
school year, the commissioner of education shall adopt the list of |
approved third parties as required under Section 35.0022(f), |
Education Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 4. This Act applies beginning with the 2026-2027 |
school year. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |