relating to eligibility for membership on and the regulation of |
horse racing by the Texas Racing Commission and a prohibition on the |
conduct of greyhound or other dog racing as live events in this |
state; creating a criminal offense; authorizing a fee. |
SECTION 1.001. Section 2021.003, Occupations Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivision (29-a) to read as follows: |
(29-a) "Occupational license" means a license issued |
to an individual to conduct activities prescribed for that license |
in the commission rules. |
SECTION 1.002. Section 2021.006, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2021.006. RELEASE OF CIVIL LIABILITY. A commission |
member, a commission employee, a person contracted by the |
commission, a steward or judge, a racetrack association, a |
horsemen's organization, or any other person regulated under this |
subtitle is not liable for a cause of action that arises out of that |
person's performance or exercise of discretion in the |
implementation or enforcement of this subtitle or a rule adopted |
under this subtitle if the person has acted in good faith. |
SECTION 1.003. Section 2022.004(e), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(e) A person is not eligible for appointment as a commission |
member or to be designated to serve as an ex officio member's |
designee as described by Section 2022.001(b) if: |
(1) the person or the person's spouse: |
(A) is licensed by the commission, except as a |
commissioner; |
(B) is employed by the commission or participates |
in the management of a business entity or other organization |
regulated by the commission or receiving funds from or through the |
commission; |
(C) owns or controls, directly or indirectly, |
more than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other |
organization regulated by the commission or receiving funds from or |
through the commission; or |
(D) uses or receives a substantial amount of |
tangible goods, services, or funds from or through the commission, |
other than compensation or reimbursement authorized by law for |
commission membership, attendance, or expenses; or |
(2) the person: |
(A) owns any financial interest in a racetrack or |
its operation or is related within the second degree by affinity or |
the third degree by consanguinity, as determined under Subchapter |
B, Chapter 573, Government Code, to a person who owns any financial |
interest in a racetrack or its operation; or |
(B) has been convicted of a felony [or of any |
crime involving moral turpitude]. |
SECTION 1.004. The heading to Section 2022.052, Occupations |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 1.005. Sections 2022.052(a) and (c), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall hire employees or contract with |
persons as necessary to administer this subtitle. |
(c) The commission may not employ or continue to employ or |
contract with or continue to contract with a person who: |
(1) owns or controls a financial interest in a |
commission license holder; |
(2) is employed by or serves as a paid consultant to a |
commission license holder, an official state breed registry, or a |
Texas trade association, as defined by Section 2022.004(a), in the |
field of horse [or greyhound] racing or breeding; |
(3) owns or leases a race animal that participates in |
pari-mutuel racing in this state; |
(4) accepts or is entitled to any part of the purse or |
Texas-bred incentive award to be paid on a horse [or a greyhound] in |
a race conducted in this state; or |
(5) resides with or is related within the first degree |
by affinity or consanguinity to a person subject to a |
disqualification prescribed by this subsection. |
SECTION 1.006. Subchapter B, Chapter 2022, Occupations |
Code, is amended by adding Section 2022.0516 to read as follows: |
Sec. 2022.0516. GRANTS. The executive director may apply |
for and receive any grant applicable to the implementation or |
enforcement of this subtitle or a rule adopted under this subtitle. |
SECTION 1.007. Chapter 2022, Occupations Code, is amended |
by adding Subchapter D to read as follows: |
Sec. 2022.151. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Council" means the Texas equine education and |
research council. |
(2) "Escrow account" means the Texas equine education |
and research escrow account. |
ACCOUNT. The Texas equine education and research escrow account is |
a special account in the general revenue fund. Money deposited to |
the credit of the escrow account may be used only for the purposes |
described in this subchapter. |
(a) The Texas equine education and research council is composed of: |
(1) the executive director; and |
(2) one representative designated by each of the |
following entities: |
(A) Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic |
Laboratory; |
(B) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service; |
(C) Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & |
Biomedical Sciences; |
(D) Texas Animal Health Commission; and |
(E) Department of State Health Services. |
(b) The executive director serves as the council's |
presiding officer. |
SECTION 1.008. Section 2023.053(f), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(f) This section does not apply to money deposited into the |
Texas-bred escrow account [incentive fund] established under |
Section 2028.301. |
SECTION 1.009. Section 2023.061(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Not later than January 31 of each year, the commission |
may [shall] file a report with the governor, lieutenant governor, |
and speaker of the house of representatives. The report may |
include, to the extent the commission considers appropriate: |
(1) descriptions of changes to commission programs; |
and |
(2) recommendations to the governor and the |
legislature. |
SECTION 1.010. Section 2024.055(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) This section does not apply to money deposited into the |
Texas-bred escrow account [incentive fund] established under |
Section 2028.301. |
SECTION 1.011. Section 2025.103(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) After a racetrack association has been granted a license |
to operate a racetrack and before the completion of construction at |
the designated place for which the license was issued, the |
commission may, on application by the racetrack association, issue |
a temporary license that authorizes the racetrack association to |
conduct races at a location in the same county until the earlier of: |
(1) the fifth [second] anniversary of the date of |
issuance of the temporary license; or |
(2) the completion of the permanent facility. |
SECTION 1.012. Section 2025.262, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SUSPENSION OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE. The commission may refuse to |
issue any original or renewal license under this subchapter or may |
revoke or suspend the license if, after notice and hearing, the |
commission finds that the applicant or license holder, as |
appropriate: |
(1) has been convicted of a violation of this subtitle |
or a commission rule or has aided, abetted, or conspired to commit a |
violation of this subtitle or a commission rule; |
(2) has been convicted of a felony [or a crime |
involving moral turpitude] that is reasonably related to the |
person's present fitness to hold a license under this subtitle; |
(3) has violated or has caused to be violated this |
subtitle or a commission rule in a manner that involves moral |
turpitude, as distinguished from a technical violation of this |
subtitle or a rule; |
(4) is unqualified, by experience or otherwise, to |
perform the duties required of a license holder under this |
subtitle; |
(5) failed to answer or has falsely or incorrectly |
answered a question in an original or renewal application; |
(6) fails to disclose the true ownership or interest |
in a horse [or greyhound] as required by commission rules; |
(7) is indebted to this state for any fee or for the |
payment of a penalty imposed by this subtitle or a commission rule; |
(8) is not of good moral character or the person's |
reputation as a peaceable, law-abiding citizen in the community |
where the person resides is bad; |
(9) is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages to an |
excess or uses a controlled substance as defined in Chapter 481, |
Health and Safety Code, or a dangerous drug as defined in Chapter |
483, Health and Safety Code, or is mentally incapacitated; |
(10) may be excluded from an enclosure under this |
subtitle; |
(11) has improperly used a temporary pass, license |
certificate, credential, or identification card issued under this |
subtitle; |
(12) resides with a person whose license was revoked |
for cause during the 12 months preceding the date of the present |
application; |
(13) has failed or refused to furnish a true copy of |
the application to the commission's district office in the district |
in which the premises for which the license is sought are located; |
or |
(14) is engaged or has engaged in activities or |
practices that are detrimental to the best interests of the public |
and the sport of horse racing [or greyhound racing]. |
SECTION 1.013. Section 2026.008(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The commission shall adopt rules relating to: |
(1) the approval of plans and specifications; |
(2) the contents of plans and specifications, |
including a requirement that a plan incorporate proposals for the |
racetrack to support state emergency management activities under |
Chapter 418, Government Code; |
(3) the maintenance of records to ensure compliance |
with approved plans and specifications; |
(4) the content and filing of construction progress |
reports by the racetrack association to the commission; |
(5) the inspection by the commission or others; |
(6) the method for making a change or amendment to an |
approved plan or specification; and |
(7) any other method of supervision or oversight |
necessary. |
SECTION 1.014. Section 2026.051, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
EJECTION. The commission shall adopt rules providing for the |
exclusion or ejection from an enclosure where horse [or greyhound] |
races are conducted, or from specified portions of an enclosure, of |
a person: |
(1) who has engaged in bookmaking, touting, or illegal |
wagering; |
(2) whose income is from illegal activities or |
enterprises; |
(3) who has been convicted of a violation of this |
subtitle; |
(4) who has been convicted of theft; |
(5) who has been convicted under the penal law of |
another jurisdiction for committing an act that would have |
constituted a violation of any rule described in this section; |
(6) who has committed a corrupt or fraudulent act in |
connection with horse [or greyhound] racing or pari-mutuel wagering |
or who has committed any act tending or intended to corrupt horse |
[or greyhound] racing or pari-mutuel wagering; |
(7) who is under suspension or has been excluded or |
ejected from a racetrack by the commission or a steward in this |
state or by a corresponding authority in another state because of |
corrupt or fraudulent practices or other acts detrimental to |
racing; |
(8) who has submitted a forged pari-mutuel ticket or |
has altered or forged a pari-mutuel ticket for cashing or who has |
cashed or caused to be cashed an altered, raised, or forged |
pari-mutuel ticket; |
(9) who has been convicted of committing a lewd or |
lascivious act [or other crime involving moral turpitude]; |
(10) who is guilty of boisterous or disorderly conduct |
while inside an enclosure; |
(11) who is an agent or habitual associate of a person |
excludable under this section; or |
(12) who has been convicted of a felony. |
SECTION 1.015. Sections 2028.103(a) and (a-1), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A horse racetrack association shall set aside for the |
Texas-bred program and pay to the commission an amount equal to one |
percent of a live multiple two wagering pool and a live multiple |
three wagering pool. From the set-aside amounts: |
(1) the greater of two percent or $50,000 shall be set |
aside for purposes of Subchapter D, Chapter 2022 [F, Chapter 88, |
Education Code]; and |
(2) the remaining amount shall be allocated as |
follows: |
(A) 10 percent may be used by the appropriate |
state horse breed registry for administration; and |
(B) the remainder shall be used for awards. |
(a-1) The commission shall deposit money paid to the |
commission under Subsection (a) into the Texas-bred escrow account |
[incentive fund] established under Section 2028.301. The |
commission shall distribute the money collected under this section |
and deposited into the fund to the appropriate state horse breed |
registries for the Texas-bred program in accordance with rules |
adopted under Subsection (c). |
SECTION 1.016. Sections 2028.105(d) and (d-1), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(d) The horse racetrack association shall pay to the |
commission for deposit into the Texas-bred escrow account |
[incentive fund] established under Section 2028.301 and |
distribution to the appropriate state horse breed registry the |
remaining 80 percent of the total breakage to be allocated as |
follows: |
(1) 40 percent to the owners of the accredited |
Texas-bred horses that finish first, second, or third; |
(2) 40 percent to the breeders of accredited |
Texas-bred horses that finish first, second, or third; and |
(3) 20 percent to the owner of the stallion standing in |
this state at the time of conception whose Texas-bred get finish |
first, second, or third. |
(d-1) The commission shall deposit the portions of total |
breakage paid to the commission under Subsections (b) and (d) into |
the Texas-bred escrow account [incentive fund] established under |
Section 2028.301. The commission shall distribute the money |
collected under this section and deposited into the fund to the |
appropriate state horse breed registries in accordance with this |
section and with rules adopted by the commission under Section |
2028.103. |
SECTION 1.017. Section 2028.202(a-1), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a-1) A racetrack association shall pay to the commission |
for deposit into the Texas-bred escrow account [incentive fund] |
established under Section 2028.301 the shares to be distributed |
under Subsections (a)(3) and (a)(4) for the Texas-bred program. |
The commission shall distribute the money collected under this |
section and deposited into the fund to the appropriate state breed |
registries for use under the Texas-bred program. |
SECTION 1.018. Section 2028.301, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The comptroller [commission] shall deposit the state's share |
of the simulcast pari-mutuel pool [money set aside for the |
Texas-bred program or set aside] for use by state breed registries |
under this chapter into a trust fund [an escrow account] in the |
state treasury [in the registry of the commission] to be known as |
the Texas-bred escrow account. Money in the account may not be |
appropriated for state expenditure [incentive fund]. |
(b) The commission shall distribute money from the |
Texas-bred escrow account [incentive fund] in accordance with this |
chapter and commission rules. |
SECTION 1.019. Subchapter A, Chapter 2029, Occupations |
Code, is amended by adding Section 2029.0015 to read as follows: |
class 2 racetrack may submit to the commission an application to |
transfer to a class 1 racetrack a race date the commission allocated |
to the class 2 racetrack under Section 2029.001. The horsemen's |
organization must agree to the transfer before the application is |
submitted. |
(b) The commission: |
(1) shall approve or disapprove an application |
submitted under Subsection (a) not later than the 10th day after the |
date the application is submitted; and |
(2) may not charge a fee for the submitted |
application. |
SECTION 1.020. Section 2033.002, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2033.002. UNLAWFUL RACING. A person commits an |
offense if: |
(1) the person participates in, permits, or conducts a |
horse [or greyhound] race at a racetrack without a permit issued |
under Chapter 751, Health and Safety Code; |
(2) the person wagers on the partial or final outcome |
of the horse [or greyhound] race or knows or reasonably should know |
that another person is betting on the partial or final outcome of |
the race; and |
(3) the race is not part of a performance or race |
meeting conducted under this subtitle or commission rule. |
SECTION 1.021. Section 2033.004(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) conducts a horse [or greyhound] race without: |
(A) a racetrack license; or |
(B) a permit issued under Chapter 751, Health and |
Safety Code; and |
(2) knows or reasonably should know that another |
person is betting on the final or partial outcome of the race. |
SECTION 1.022. Section 2033.014, Occupations Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: |
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person: |
(1) seeks to enter, train, or ride a horse for a horse |
race that is part of a performance or race meeting conducted under |
this subtitle or commission rule; and |
(2) knows or reasonably should know that the horse has |
participated in a performance or race meeting in this state that was |
not conducted: |
(A) under this subtitle or commission rule; or |
(B) under a permit issued under Chapter 751, |
Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 1.023. Sections 2033.101(a) and (b), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The executive director may issue a cease and desist |
order if the executive director reasonably believes a person |
[racetrack association or other license holder] is engaging or is |
likely to engage in conduct that violates this subtitle or a |
commission rule. |
(b) On issuance of a cease and desist order, the executive |
director shall serve a proposed cease and desist order on the person |
[racetrack association or other license holder] by personal |
delivery or registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, |
to the person's last known address. |
SECTION 1.024. Section 2033.104, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
AFFECTED ANIMALS. (a) The executive director may issue an |
emergency cease and desist order if the executive director |
reasonably believes a person [racetrack association or other |
license holder] is engaged in a continuing activity that: |
(1) violates this subtitle or a commission rule in a |
manner that threatens immediate and irreparable public harm; or |
(2) involves suspected cruelty to an animal in |
violation of commission rule or Section 42.09 or 42.092, Penal |
Code. |
(b) After issuing an emergency cease and desist order, the |
executive director shall serve on the person [racetrack association |
or other license holder] by personal delivery or registered or |
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person's last |
known address, an order stating the specific charges and requiring |
the person immediately to cease and desist from the conduct that |
violates this subtitle or a commission rule. The order must contain |
a notice that a request for hearing may be filed under this section. |
(c) On issuance of an emergency cease and desist order, the |
executive director may authorize the seizure of any animal |
suspected of being or to have been subject to cruelty to an animal |
in violation of commission rule or Section 42.09 or 42.092, Penal |
Code. An emergency cease and desist order issued under Subsection |
(a)(2) satisfies the evidence requirement for a showing of probable |
cause for purposes of Section 821.022, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 1.025. Section 2034.001(c), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The commission's rules must require state-of-the-art |
testing methods. The testing may: |
(1) be conducted [prerace or postrace] as determined |
by the commission; and |
(2) be by an invasive or noninvasive method. |
SECTION 1.026. The following provisions of the Occupations |
Code are repealed: |
(1) Section 2021.003(19); |
(2) Sections 2023.061(b) and (c); |
(3) Section 2025.001(a); |
(4) Section 2026.011; and |
(5) Section 2028.2041(c). |
SECTION 1.027. Section 2021.006, Occupations Code, as |
amended by this Act, applies only to a cause of action that accrues |
on or after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 1.028. The term of a person who is serving as a |
member of the Texas Racing Commission immediately before the |
effective date of this Act and who is ineligible for appointment |
under Section 2022.004(e), Occupations Code, as amended by this |
Act, expires on the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 1.029. On September 1, 2025, money in the |
Texas-bred incentive fund is transferred to the Texas-bred escrow |
account, and the Texas-bred incentive fund is abolished. |
SECTION 1.030. The changes in law made by this Act apply |
only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this |
Act. An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed, |
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For |
purposes of this section, an offense was committed before the |
effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurred |
before that date. |
SECTION 2.001. Section 481.172(a), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The office shall: |
(1) as the primary state governmental entity |
responsible for out-of-state tourism marketing and promotion |
efforts, promote and advertise within the United States and in |
foreign countries, by radio, television, newspaper, the Internet, |
and other means considered appropriate, tourism in this state by |
non-Texans, including persons from foreign countries, and |
distribute promotional materials through appropriate distribution |
channels; |
(2) represent the state in domestic and international |
travel trade shows, trade missions, and seminars; |
(3) encourage travel by Texans to this state's scenic, |
historical, cultural, natural, agricultural, educational, |
recreational, and other attractions; |
(4) conduct a public relations campaign to create a |
responsible and accurate national and international image of this |
state; |
(5) use current market research to develop a tourism |
marketing plan to increase travel to the state by domestic and |
international visitors; |
(6) develop methods to attract tourist attractions to |
the state; |
(7) assist communities to develop tourist |
attractions; |
(8) not later than December 31, 2003, enter into a |
memorandum of understanding with the Parks and Wildlife Department, |
the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Historical |
Commission, and the Texas Commission on the Arts to direct the |
efforts of those agencies in all matters relating to tourism; |
(9) promote and encourage the horse racing [and |
greyhound racing] industry, if funds are appropriated for the |
promotion or encouragement; and |
(10) promote the sports industry and related |
industries in this state, including promoting this state as a host |
for national and international amateur athletic competition and |
promoting sports or fitness programs for the residents of this |
state, if funds are appropriated for the promotion. |
SECTION 2.002. The heading to Section 751.0021, Health and |
Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2.003. Section 751.0021(a), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This chapter applies to a horse [or greyhound] race that |
attracts or is expected to attract at least 100 persons, except that |
this chapter does not apply if the race is held at a location at |
which pari-mutuel wagering is authorized under Subtitle A-1, Title |
13, Occupations Code (Texas Racing Act). |
SECTION 2.004. Section 2021.002, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2021.002. PURPOSE. The purpose of this subtitle is to |
provide for the strict regulation of horse racing [and greyhound |
racing] and the control of pari-mutuel wagering in connection with |
that racing. |
SECTION 2.005. Sections 2021.003(30), (34), (41), (42), |
(44), and (54), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(30) "Outstanding ticket" means a pari-mutuel ticket |
not presented for payment before the end of the horse racing day [or |
greyhound racing day] for which the ticket was purchased. |
(34) "Pari-mutuel wagering" means the form of wagering |
on the outcome of horse racing [or greyhound racing] in which |
persons who wager purchase tickets of various denominations on an |
animal or animals and all wagers for each race are pooled and held |
by the racetrack association for distribution of the total amount, |
less the deductions authorized by this subtitle, to holders of |
tickets on the winning animals. |
(41) "Racetrack" means a facility licensed under this |
subtitle for the conduct of pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing |
[or greyhound racing]. |
(42) "Racetrack association" means a person licensed |
under this subtitle to conduct a horse race meeting [or a greyhound |
race meeting] with pari-mutuel wagering. |
(44) "Regular wagering" means wagering on a single |
horse [or greyhound] in a single race. The term includes wagering on |
the win pool, the place pool, or the show pool. |
(54) "Trainer" means a person who is licensed by the |
commission to train horses [or greyhounds]. |
SECTION 2.006. Chapter 2021, Occupations Code, is amended |
by adding Section 2021.010 to read as follows: |
Sec. 2021.010. GREYHOUND RACING PROHIBITED. Greyhound |
racing conducted as a live racing event, or any other form of dog |
racing, is prohibited in this state. |
SECTION 2.007. Section 2022.001(c), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) Of the appointed commission members: |
(1) five members must be representatives of the |
general public and have general knowledge of business or |
agribusiness; and |
(2) one additional member must have special knowledge |
or experience related to horse racing[; and |
[(3) one additional member must have special knowledge |
or experience related to greyhound racing]. |
SECTION 2.008. Section 2022.004(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) A person may not be a commission member and may not be a |
commission employee employed in a "bona fide executive, |
administrative, or professional capacity," as that phrase is used |
for purposes of establishing an exemption to the overtime |
provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 |
U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.), if: |
(1) the person is an officer, employee, or paid |
consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of horse [or |
greyhound] racing or breeding; or |
(2) the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or paid |
consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of horse [or |
greyhound] racing or breeding. |
SECTION 2.009. The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 2023, |
Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2.010. Section 2023.001, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
HORSE RACING [AND GREYHOUND RACING]. (a) Notwithstanding any |
contrary provision in this subtitle, the commission may license and |
regulate all aspects of horse racing [and greyhound racing] in this |
state, regardless of whether that racing involves pari-mutuel |
wagering. |
(b) The commission, in adopting rules and in the supervision |
and conduct of racing, shall consider the effect of a proposed |
commission action on the state's agricultural, horse breeding, and |
horse training[, greyhound breeding, and greyhound training] |
industry. |
SECTION 2.011. Section 2023.002, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
RACE MEETINGS. (a) The commission shall regulate and supervise |
each race meeting in this state that involves wagering on the result |
of horse racing [or greyhound racing]. Each person and thing |
relating to the operation of a race meeting is subject to regulation |
and supervision by the commission. |
(b) The commission shall adopt rules, issue licenses, and |
take any other necessary action relating exclusively to horse |
racing [or greyhound racing]. |
SECTION 2.012. Section 2023.004(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall adopt: |
(1) rules for conducting horse racing [or greyhound |
racing] in this state that involves wagering; and |
(2) rules for administering this subtitle in a manner |
consistent with this subtitle. |
SECTION 2.013. Section 2023.101, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
horse race meeting must be supervised by three stewards[, and a |
greyhound race meeting must be supervised by three judges]. |
(b) The commission shall employ each steward [and judge] for |
the supervision of a horse race [or greyhound race] meeting. |
(c) The commission shall designate one steward [or judge, as |
appropriate,] as the presiding steward [or judge] for each race |
meeting. |
(d) Following the completion of a race meeting, a racetrack |
association may submit to the commission for the commission's |
review written comments regarding the job performance of the |
stewards [and judges]. A racetrack association's comments |
submitted under this section are not binding, in any way, on the |
commission. |
SECTION 2.014. Section 2024.055(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The comptroller shall deposit the state's share of each |
pari-mutuel pool from horse racing [and greyhound racing] in the |
general revenue fund. |
SECTION 2.015. Section 2025.051, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
PENALTY. A person may not conduct wagering on a horse [or |
greyhound] race meeting without first obtaining a racetrack license |
issued by the commission. A person who violates this section |
commits an offense. |
SECTION 2.016. Section 2025.053(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The commission shall set application fees in amounts |
reasonable and necessary to cover the costs of administering this |
subtitle. The commission by rule shall establish a schedule of |
application fees for the various types and classifications of |
racetracks using minimum application fees. The minimum application |
fee[: |
[(1) for a horse racetrack] is: |
(1) [(A)] $15,000 for a class 1 racetrack; |
(2) [(B)] $7,500 for a class 2 racetrack; |
(3) [(C)] $2,500 for a class 3 racetrack; and |
(4) [(D)] $1,500 for a class 4 racetrack[; and |
[(2) for a greyhound racetrack is $20,000]. |
SECTION 2.017. Section 2025.101(c), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The commission may not issue a license to operate a |
class 1 or class 2 racetrack [or a greyhound racetrack] to a |
corporation unless: |
(1) the corporation is incorporated under the laws of |
this state; and |
(2) a majority of any of its corporate stock is owned |
at all times by individuals who meet the residency qualifications |
prescribed by Section 2025.201 for individual applicants. |
SECTION 2.018. Section 2025.102(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) In determining whether to grant or deny an application |
for any class of racetrack license, the commission may consider: |
(1) the applicant's financial stability; |
(2) the applicant's resources for supplementing the |
purses for races for various breeds; |
(3) the location of the proposed racetrack; |
(4) the effect of the proposed racetrack on traffic |
flow; |
(5) facilities for patrons and occupational license |
holders; |
(6) facilities for race animals; |
(7) availability to the racetrack of support services |
and emergency services; |
(8) the experience of the applicant's employees; |
(9) the potential for conflict with other licensed |
race meetings; |
(10) the anticipated effect of the race meeting on the |
horse [or greyhound] breeding industry in this state; and |
(11) the anticipated effect of the race meeting on the |
state and local economy from tourism, increased employment, and |
other sources. |
SECTION 2.019. Sections 2025.201(a) and (c), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission may refuse to issue a racetrack license |
or may revoke or suspend a license if, after notice and hearing, the |
commission finds that the applicant or license holder, as |
appropriate: |
(1) has been convicted of a violation of this subtitle |
or a commission rule, or has aided, abetted, or conspired to commit |
a violation of this subtitle or a commission rule; |
(2) has been convicted of a felony or a crime involving |
moral turpitude, including a conviction for which the punishment |
received was a suspended sentence, probation, or a nonadjudicated |
conviction, that is reasonably related to the person's present |
fitness to hold a license under this subtitle; |
(3) has violated or has caused to be violated this |
subtitle or a commission rule in a manner that involves moral |
turpitude, as distinguished from a technical violation of this |
subtitle or a rule; |
(4) is unqualified, by experience or otherwise, to |
perform the duties required of a license holder under this |
subtitle; |
(5) failed to answer or falsely or incorrectly |
answered a question in an application; |
(6) fails to disclose the true ownership or interest |
in a horse [or greyhound] as required by commission rules; |
(7) is indebted to this state for any fee or for the |
payment of a penalty imposed by this subtitle or a commission rule; |
(8) is not of good moral character or the person's |
reputation as a peaceable, law-abiding citizen in the community |
where the person resides is bad; |
(9) is not at least the minimum age necessary to |
purchase alcoholic beverages in this state; |
(10) is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages to an |
excess or uses a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, |
Health and Safety Code, or a dangerous drug as defined in Chapter |
483, Health and Safety Code, or is mentally incapacitated; |
(11) may be excluded from an enclosure under this |
subtitle; |
(12) has not been a United States citizen residing in |
this state for the 10 consecutive years preceding the filing of the |
application; |
(13) has improperly used a credential, including a |
license certificate or identification card, issued under this |
subtitle; |
(14) resides with a person whose license was revoked |
for cause during the 12 months preceding the date of the present |
application; |
(15) has failed or refused to furnish a true copy of |
the application to the commission's district office in the district |
in which the premises for which the license is sought are located; |
(16) is engaged or has engaged in activities or |
practices the commission determines are detrimental to the best |
interests of the public and the sport of horse racing [or greyhound |
racing]; or |
(17) fails to fully disclose the true owners of all |
interests, beneficial or otherwise, in a proposed racetrack. |
(c) The commission may refuse to issue a license or may |
suspend or revoke a license of a license holder under this |
subchapter who knowingly or intentionally allows access to an |
enclosure where horse races [or greyhound races] are conducted to a |
person: |
(1) who has engaged in bookmaking, touting, or illegal |
wagering; |
(2) whose income is from illegal activities or |
enterprises; or |
(3) who has been convicted of a violation of this |
subtitle. |
SECTION 2.020. Section 2026.003(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission by rule shall require that each racetrack |
association that holds a license for a class 1 racetrack or[,] class |
2 racetrack[, or greyhound racetrack] annually file with the |
commission a detailed financial statement that: |
(1) contains the names and addresses of all |
stockholders, members, and owners of any interest in the racetrack; |
(2) indicates compliance during the filing period with |
Section 2025.101; and |
(3) includes any other information required by the |
commission. |
SECTION 2.021. Section 2026.004(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by this section, Section 2026.005, or |
Section 2025.103, a racetrack association may not conduct horse |
racing [or greyhound racing] at any place other than the place |
designated in the license. |
SECTION 2.022. Section 2027.001(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall adopt rules to regulate wagering on |
horse races [and greyhound races] under the system known as |
pari-mutuel wagering. |
SECTION 2.023. Section 2027.006(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person who claims to be entitled to any part of a |
distribution from a pari-mutuel pool may, not later than the first |
anniversary of the day the ticket was purchased, file with the |
appropriate racetrack association a claim for the money accompanied |
by a substantial portion of the pari-mutuel ticket sufficient to |
identify the racetrack association, race, or horse [or greyhound] |
involved, amount wagered, and type of ticket. |
SECTION 2.024. Section 2028.051, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
horse [or greyhound] racetrack association shall set aside for this |
state from each live pari-mutuel pool at the racetrack an amount |
equal to: |
(1) one percent of each live pari-mutuel pool from the |
total amount of all of the racetrack association's live pari-mutuel |
pools in a calendar year in excess of $100 million but less than |
$200 million; |
(2) two percent of each live pari-mutuel pool from the |
total amount of all of the racetrack association's live pari-mutuel |
pools in a calendar year in excess of $200 million but less than |
$300 million; |
(3) three percent of each live pari-mutuel pool from |
the total amount of all of the racetrack association's live |
pari-mutuel pools in a calendar year in excess of $300 million but |
less than $400 million; |
(4) four percent of each live pari-mutuel pool from |
the total amount of all of the racetrack association's live |
pari-mutuel pools in a calendar year in excess of $400 million but |
less than $500 million; and |
(5) five percent of each live pari-mutuel pool from |
the total amount of all of the racetrack association's live |
pari-mutuel pools in a calendar year in excess of $500 million. |
SECTION 2.025. Section 2028.202(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A racetrack association shall distribute from the total |
amount deducted as provided by Section [Sections] 2028.101 [and |
2028.152] from each simulcast pari-mutuel pool and each simulcast |
cross-species pari-mutuel pool the following shares: |
(1) an amount equal to one percent of each simulcast |
pari-mutuel pool to the commission for the administration of this |
subtitle; |
(2) an amount equal to 1.25 percent of each simulcast |
cross-species pari-mutuel pool to the commission for the |
administration of this subtitle; |
(3) for a horse racetrack association, an amount equal |
to one percent of a multiple two wagering pool or multiple three |
wagering pool as the amount set aside for the Texas-bred program to |
be used as provided by Section 2028.103; |
[(4) for a greyhound racetrack association, an amount |
equal to one percent of a multiple two wagering pool or a multiple |
three wagering pool as the amount set aside for the Texas-bred |
program for greyhound races, to be distributed and used in |
accordance with commission rules adopted to promote greyhound |
breeding in this state;] and |
(4) [(5)] the remainder as the amount set aside for |
purses, expenses, the sending track, and the receiving location |
under a contract approved by the commission between the sending |
track and the receiving location. |
SECTION 2.026. The heading to Chapter 2030, Occupations |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2.027. Section 2035.001(a), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission may not issue a racetrack license or |
accept a license application for a racetrack to be located in a |
county until the commissioners court has certified to the secretary |
of state that the qualified voters of the county have approved the |
legalization of pari-mutuel wagering on horse races [or greyhound |
races] in the county at an election held under this chapter. |
SECTION 2.028. Section 2035.002, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commissioners court: |
(1) may, on its own motion by a majority vote of its |
members, order an election to approve the legalization of |
pari-mutuel wagering on horse races [or greyhound races]; and |
(2) shall order an election on presentation of a |
petition meeting the requirements of this chapter. |
SECTION 2.029. Section 2035.005, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
valid, the petition application must contain: |
(1) a heading, as follows: "Application for a Petition |
for a Local Option Election to Approve the Legalization of |
Pari-mutuel Wagering on Horse Races" [or "Application for a |
Petition for a Local Option Election to Approve the Legalization of |
Pari-mutuel Wagering on Greyhound Races," as appropriate]; |
(2) a statement of the issue to be voted on, as |
follows: "Legalizing pari-mutuel wagering on horse races in |
__________ County" [or "Legalizing pari-mutuel wagering on |
greyhound races in __________ County," as appropriate]; |
(3) a statement immediately above the signatures of |
the applicants, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose, and intent of |
the applicants whose signatures appear below that pari-mutuel |
wagering on horse races be legalized in __________ County" [or "It |
is the hope, purpose, and intent of the applicants whose signatures |
appear below that pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound races be |
legalized in __________ County," as appropriate]; and |
(4) the printed name, signature, residence address, |
and voter registration certificate number of each applicant. |
SECTION 2.030. Section 2035.006, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2035.006. CONTENTS OF PETITION. To be valid, the |
petition must contain: |
(1) a heading, as follows: "Petition for a Local |
Option Election to Approve the Legalization of Pari-mutuel Wagering |
on Horse Races" [or "Petition for a Local Option Election to Approve |
the Legalization of Pari-mutuel Wagering on Greyhound Races," as |
appropriate]; |
(2) a statement of the issue to be voted on, in the |
same words used in the application; |
(3) a statement immediately above the signatures of |
the petitioners, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose, and intent of |
the petitioners whose signatures appear below that pari-mutuel |
wagering on horse races be legalized in __________ County" [or "It |
is the hope, purpose, and intent of the petitioners whose |
signatures appear below that pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound |
races be legalized in __________ County," as appropriate]; |
(4) lines and spaces for the names, signatures, |
addresses, and voter registration certificate numbers of the |
petitioners; and |
(5) the date of issuance, the serial number, and the |
seal of the county clerk on each page. |
SECTION 2.031. Section 2035.015, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2035.015. BALLOT PROPOSITION. The ballots for an |
election under this subchapter shall be printed to permit voting |
for or against the proposition: "Legalizing pari-mutuel wagering on |
horse races in __________ County," ["Legalizing pari-mutuel |
wagering on greyhound races in __________ County,"] or "Authorizing |
pari-mutuel wagering on simulcast races in _____ County," as |
appropriate. |
SECTION 2.032. Section 2035.016, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
majority of the votes cast in the election favor the legalization of |
pari-mutuel wagering on horse races [or greyhound races] in the |
county, or the authorization of pari-mutuel wagering on simulcast |
races in the county, as appropriate, the commissioners court shall |
certify that fact to the secretary of state not later than the 10th |
day after the date of the canvass of the returns. |
SECTION 2.033. Section 2035.105, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 2035.105. BALLOT PROPOSITION. The ballots for an |
election under this subchapter shall be printed to permit voting |
for or against the proposition: "Rescinding the legalization of |
pari-mutuel wagering on horse races in __________ County" [or |
"Rescinding the legalization of pari-mutuel wagering on greyhound |
races in __________ County," as appropriate]. |
SECTION 2.034. Section 11.23(h), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(h) County Fair Associations. A county fair association |
organized to hold agricultural fairs and encourage agricultural |
pursuits is entitled to an exemption from taxation of the land and |
buildings that it owns and uses to hold agricultural fairs. An |
association that holds a license issued after January 1, 2001, |
under Subtitle A-1, Title 13, Occupations Code (Texas Racing Act), |
to conduct a horse race meeting [or a greyhound race meeting] with |
pari-mutuel wagering is not entitled to an exemption under this |
subsection. Land or a building used to conduct a horse race meeting |
[or a greyhound race meeting] with pari-mutuel wagering under a |
license issued after January 1, 2001, under that subtitle may not be |
exempted under this subsection. To qualify for an exemption under |
this subsection, a county fair association must: |
(1) be a nonprofit corporation governed by Chapter 22, |
Business Organizations Code; |
(2) be exempt from federal income taxes as an |
organization described by Section 501(c)(3), (4), or (5), Internal |
Revenue Code of 1986; |
(3) qualify for an exemption from the franchise tax |
under Section 171.060; and |
(4) meet the requirements of a charitable organization |
provided by Sections 11.18(e) and (f), for which purpose the |
functions for which the association is organized are considered to |
be charitable functions. |
SECTION 2.035. The following provisions of the Occupations |
Code are repealed: |
(1) Sections 2021.003(15), (16), (17), (22), and (35); |
(2) Section 2023.054; |
(3) Subchapter D, Chapter 2025; |
(4) Section 2026.010; |
(5) Section 2027.056; |
(6) Subchapter D, Chapter 2028; |
(7) Sections 2028.202(b), (c), (d), and (e); |
(8) Section 2028.205; |
(9) Subchapter B, Chapter 2029; and |
(10) Subchapter B, Chapter 2030. |
SECTION 2.036. (a) Greyhound purse funds held by any |
greyhound racetrack association on September 1, 2025, shall be |
transferred to the Texas Racing Commission for deposit into an |
escrow account in the commission's registry. Any horse breed |
registry that holds greyhound purse funds on September 1, 2025, |
shall retain those funds, and those funds may only be used for live |
horse race purses. The commission by rule shall determine the |
allocation of greyhound purse funds transferred to the commission |
under this subsection. |
(b) A racetrack association conducting live horse racing in |
this state on or after September 1, 2025, may apply to the Texas |
Racing Commission for allocation of purse funds described by |
Subsection (a) of this section to be used for purses at the |
association's racetrack during the calendar year for which the |
purse funds are requested. A commission decision relating to the |
allocation of purse funds is final. |
SECTION 2.037. (a) On or before January 1, 2026, a |
greyhound racetrack association may submit an application to the |
Texas Racing Commission to convert the association's greyhound |
racetrack license to a class 2 or class 3 racetrack license, as |
classified under Subchapter C, Chapter 2026, Occupations Code, for |
horse racing. |
(b) The Texas Racing Commission shall approve an |
application submitted under Subsection (a) of this section if: |
(1) the applicant is in good standing with the |
commission; |
(2) information related to the applicant on file with |
the commission is current, complete, and accurate; and |
(3) the applicant pays a fee of $25,000 for the |
commission's review of the application. |
(c) An applicant approved under this section must complete |
the conversion of the greyhound racetrack facility to a horse |
racetrack facility not later than December 31, 2029. |
SECTION 2.038. As soon as practicable after the effective |
date of this Act, the Texas Racing Commission shall adopt the rules |
necessary to implement this article. |
SECTION 3.001. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |