relating to an annual report on the use of administrative |
segregation in facilities operated by or under contract with the |
Texas Department of Criminal Justice. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 493, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 493.036 to read as follows: |
(a) In this section: |
(1) "Administrative segregation" includes solitary |
confinement, confinement on death row, and any other form of |
restrictive housing. |
(2) "Offender" means an inmate or state jail defendant |
confined in a facility operated by or under contract with the |
department. |
(3) "Rehabilitative program" means a program, |
including an activity or service, provided for the purpose of |
improving the behavioral, psychological, educational, or |
vocational outcome of an offender. |
(b) Not later than January 31 of each year, the department |
shall prepare and submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, |
and each member of the legislature a report on the use of |
administrative segregation in facilities operated by or under |
contract with the department. |
(c) The report described by Subsection (b) must include the |
following information for each facility operated by or under |
contract with the department: |
(1) the name, race, sex, and age of each offender |
placed in administrative segregation; |
(2) the offense or behavior for which each offender |
was placed in administrative segregation; |
(3) the number of times each offender was placed in |
administrative segregation; |
(4) the total time each offender placed in |
administrative segregation spent in administrative segregation; |
(5) other types of placements offered by each facility |
that are similar to administrative segregation, including |
quarantine and lockdown; |
(6) the types of rehabilitative programs made |
available to offenders placed in administrative segregation; |
(7) staffing ratios for administrative segregation |
units; |
(8) the total number of administrative segregation |
beds used at each facility; |
(9) the mental health diagnoses of offenders placed in |
administrative segregation; |
(10) whether an offender placed in administrative |
segregation received a new mental health diagnosis or required |
mental health treatment during or shortly after the placement; |
(11) whether an offender placed in administrative |
segregation experienced severe mental or physical distress such |
that the offender required immediate medical or psychiatric |
attention; |
(12) whether an offender placed in administrative |
segregation attempted or committed suicide or engaged in self-harm |
during or shortly after the placement; |
(13) whether an offender placed in administrative |
segregation appealed the offender's placement and the outcome of |
each appeal; |
(14) whether the length of a placement in |
administrative segregation was reduced and the reason for each |
reduction; and |
(15) the number of offenders placed in administrative |
segregation who had the length of their placement reduced because |
of a successful completion of a rehabilitative program. |
(d) If the department fails to timely or accurately submit a |
report required by this section, the department shall prepare and |
submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and each member of |
the legislature a corrective action plan outlining how the |
department will correct deficiencies in the timeliness or accuracy |
of future reports. |
SECTION 2. Notwithstanding Section 493.036, Government |
Code, as added by this Act, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice |
is not required to submit the initial report required by that |
section until January 31, 2027. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |