relating to conditions of community supervision for defendants |
convicted of certain criminal offenses involving animals. |
SECTION 1. Articles 42A.511(a) and (b), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) If a judge grants community supervision to a defendant |
convicted of an offense under Section 42.09, 42.091, 42.092, or |
42.10, Penal Code, the judge may require the defendant to: |
(1) complete an online responsible pet owner course |
that is at least two hours in duration [approved and certified by |
the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation]; or |
(2) complete [attend] a responsible pet owner course |
sponsored by a municipal animal shelter, as defined by Section |
823.001, Health and Safety Code, that: |
(A) receives federal, state, county, or |
municipal funds; and |
(B) serves the county in which the court is |
located. |
(b) An [For purposes of the] online responsible pet owner |
course described by Subsection (a)(1) must include information |
regarding [, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation or |
the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, as appropriate]: |
(1) federal and state laws that protect livestock |
animals, nonlivestock animals, and wildlife, including: |
(A) animal cruelty laws; |
(B) dogfighting laws; and |
(C) laws prohibiting attacks on assistance |
animals; |
(2) responsible care for animals, including spaying, |
neutering, and tethering animals, and generally providing for the |
health, safety, and welfare of livestock animals, nonlivestock |
animals, and wildlife; |
(3) animal bite prevention; and |
(4) laws governing dog and cat breeders under Chapter |
802, Occupations Code [is responsible for the approval, |
certification, and administration of the course and course |
providers; |
[(2) may charge fees for: |
[(A) initial and renewal course certifications; |
[(B) initial and renewal course provider |
certifications; |
[(C) course participant completion certificates; |
and |
[(D) other fees necessary for the administration |
of the course and course providers; |
[(3) shall adopt rules regarding the administration of |
the course and course providers, including rules regarding: |
[(A) the criteria for course approval and |
certification; |
[(B) the criteria for course provider approval |
and certification; |
[(C) curriculum development; |
[(D) course length and content; |
[(E) criteria for a participant to complete the |
course; and |
[(F) a course completion certificate that is |
acceptable to a court; |
[(4) is authorized to monitor and audit the provision |
of the course by the course providers; and |
[(5) may take enforcement actions as appropriate to |
enforce this subsection]. |
SECTION 2. The change in law made by this Act applies to a |
defendant placed on community supervision on or after the effective |
date of this Act, regardless of whether the offense for which the |
defendant was placed on community supervision was committed before, |
on, or after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |