relating to the fiduciary responsibility of the governing body of |
the public retirement systems in this state and the investment |
managers and proxy advisors acting on behalf of those systems. |
SECTION 1. Section 802.001, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subdivisions (1-b), (2-a), and (2-b) to read as follows: |
(1-b) "Financial factor" means a factor taken into |
consideration when making investment decisions that a prudent |
investor would expect to have a material effect on controlling risk |
and achieving a rate of return for an investment based on |
appropriate investment horizons and consistent with the objectives |
of any controlling investment plan. |
(2-a) "Investment manager" means a person who for |
compensation provides professional investment management services |
and may include a person eligible for appointment as an investment |
manager under Section 802.204. The term does not include: |
(A) an employee or member of an advisory |
committee of a public retirement system; or |
(B) a seller of security interests. |
(2-b) "Proxy advisor" means a person who for |
compensation provides corporate governance ratings, proxy research |
and analyses, proxy voting, or other similar services to the |
shareholders of a publicly traded entity, or other interested |
parties, for the purpose of advising a shareholder on how to vote on |
measures under consideration by shareholders or proxy voting on |
behalf of a shareholder. |
SECTION 2. Section 802.002(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the Employees |
Retirement System of Texas, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, |
the Texas County and District Retirement System, the Texas |
Municipal Retirement System, and the Judicial Retirement System of |
Texas Plan Two are exempt from Sections 802.101(a), 802.101(b), |
802.101(d), 802.102, 802.103(a), 802.103(b), 802.2015, 802.2016, |
802.202, 802.203(c), (d), and (e) [802.203], 802.204, 802.205, |
802.206, and 802.207. The Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan |
One is exempt from all of Subchapters B and C except Sections |
802.104 and 802.105. The optional retirement program governed by |
Chapter 830 is exempt from all of Subchapters B and C except Section |
802.106. |
SECTION 3. Section 802.203(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) In making and supervising investments of the reserve |
fund of a public retirement system, an investment manager or the |
governing body of a public retirement system shall discharge its |
duties solely in the financial interest of the participants and |
beneficiaries: |
(1) for the exclusive purposes of: |
(A) managing risk and providing financial |
benefits to participants and their beneficiaries; and |
(B) defraying reasonable expenses of |
administering the system; |
(2) with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence |
under the prevailing circumstances that a prudent person acting in |
a like capacity and familiar with matters of the type would use in |
the conduct of an enterprise with a like character and like aims; |
(3) by diversifying the investments of the system to |
minimize the risk of large financial losses, unless under the |
circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so; and |
(4) in accordance with the documents and instruments |
governing the system to the extent that the documents and |
instruments are consistent with this subchapter. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter C, Chapter 802, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 802.2031 through 802.2038 to read as |
follows: |
For purposes of discharging its duties solely in the financial |
interest of participants and beneficiaries under Section |
802.203(a) and except as provided by Chapters 808, 809, and 2270 and |
Chapter 2274, as added by Chapters 529 (S.B. 13), 530 (S.B. 19), 833 |
(S.B. 4), and 975 (S.B. 2116), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2021, the governing body of the public retirement system |
or an investment manager: |
(1) shall: |
(A) make all investments prudently and in |
accordance with applicable fiduciary and ethical standards; and |
(B) take into account only financial factors when |
discharging its duties with respect to a plan administered by the |
system; and |
(2) may not use the system's assets to take any action |
with the purpose of furthering social, political, or ideological |
interests. |
(b) In accordance with this section and Section 802.203(a), |
all shares held by or on behalf of a public retirement system or the |
system's participants and beneficiaries, as applicable, if voted, |
shall be voted solely based on financial factors. |
EFFECT ON CERTAIN OTHER LAW. (a) The governing body of a public |
retirement system may not enter into a contract with an investment |
manager or a proxy advisor relating to investing the system's |
assets or voting, or advising on voting, shares held by the system |
unless the contract contains a requirement that the manager or |
advisor, as applicable: |
(1) take into account only financial factors when |
discharging the manager's or advisor's duties under the contract, |
with respect to investing the system's assets and voting, or |
advising on voting, shares held by the system; and |
(2) not take any action under the contract with the |
purpose of furthering social, political, or ideological interests, |
including an action with respect to investing the system's assets |
or voting, or advising on voting, shares held by the system. |
(b) Notwithstanding Section 809.051, the list maintained |
under that section may not contain an investment manager, proxy |
advisor, or other financial company who enters into a contract |
under this section for the period during which the contract is in |
effect. |
Sec. 802.2033. PROXY VOTING AUTHORITY. (a) The governing |
body of a public retirement system may not grant proxy voting |
authority to a proxy advisor unless: |
(1) the proxy advisor offers a policy for proxy voting |
advice: |
(A) that is consistent with the requirements for |
voting shares imposed on the system under Section 802.2031(b); and |
(B) the sole goal of which is to maximize |
financial return and control associated levels of risk; and |
(2) the grant of proxy voting authority requires the |
proxy advisor to follow that policy. |
(b) The policy may include additions or customizations only |
if those additions or customizations are consistent with the sole |
goal of the policy as described by Subsection (a). |
(c) The governing body of a public retirement system that |
grants proxy voting authority in accordance with this section shall |
provide the State Pension Review Board a copy of the policy |
described by Subsection (a)(1). If the public retirement system is |
subject to Section 802.2035, the governing body of the system shall |
provide a copy of the policy to the State Pension Review Board at |
the same time the governing body provides the board with the annual |
report required under that section. |
REPORT. (a) This section applies only to a public retirement |
system that holds shares that the system is entitled to vote by |
proxy. |
(b) Subject to Subsection (c), the governing body of a |
public retirement system shall post on the system's publicly |
accessible Internet website how a proxy advisor will cast a proxy |
vote made on behalf of the system or the system's participants and |
beneficiaries, if possible, not later than the earlier of: |
(1) the seventh day before the date a proxy vote is to |
be cast; or |
(2) 48 hours after receiving a vote recommendation |
from the proxy advisor on the proxy vote. |
(c) A public retirement system shall post on the system's |
publicly accessible Internet website how a proxy advisor will cast |
a proxy vote made on behalf of the system or the system's |
participants and beneficiaries not later than 24 hours before the |
proxy vote is to be cast. |
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (e), not later than the |
180th day after the last day of a public retirement system's fiscal |
year, the governing body of the system shall tabulate all proxy |
votes made on behalf of the system by proxy advisors during the |
preceding fiscal year of the system and report the votes to the |
State Pension Review Board. For each vote, the report must contain |
a vote caption, the system's vote, the recommendation, if any, of |
the company holding the election, and, as applicable, the |
recommendation of the proxy advisor. The State Pension Review Board |
shall post reports submitted under this subsection to the board's |
publicly accessible Internet website. |
(e) In lieu of submitting a report under Subsection (d), the |
governing body of a public retirement system may provide to the |
State Pension Review Board the location of a report posted to the |
system's publicly accessible Internet website that contains the |
information required by that subsection. |
(f) Except as provided by Subsection (g), if the governing |
body of a public retirement system grants proxy voting authority to |
an investment manager, the investment manager shall submit a |
report to the retirement system, and the retirement system shall |
submit a report to the State Pension Review Board, that tabulates |
all proxy votes cast by the investment manager on behalf of the |
system for each 12-month period the investment manager is managing |
any assets of the system. The State Pension Review Board shall post |
the reports submitted under this subsection to the board's |
publicly accessible Internet website. |
(g) Subsection (f) does not apply to an investment manager |
that manages less than $50 million of a public retirement system's |
assets. |
only to a public retirement system with more than $100 million in |
assets. |
(b) Annually, the governing body of a public retirement |
system shall submit a report to the State Pension Review Board that |
details investment relationships maintained by the system and, if |
applicable, shall consolidate the report with any annual |
comprehensive financial report required of the system under other |
law. The report required by this section must include information |
regarding each: |
(1) subject to Subsection (c), fund or investment |
entity the system is invested in or has invested in during the |
preceding 12-month period; and |
(2) subject to Subsection (d), investment manager with |
which the system contracts to provide investment management |
services. |
(c) For purposes of Subsection (b)(1), regarding each fund |
or investment entity described by that subdivision, the report |
required by this section must contain: |
(1) the name of the fund or investment entity; |
(2) the date on which the fund or investment entity |
described by Subdivision (1) was established and each date during |
the applicable 12-month period the system invested in the fund or |
entity; |
(3) with respect to a fund or investment entity, the |
amount of money, expressed in dollars, the system: |
(A) committed to the fund or entity described by |
Subdivision (1); |
(B) is invested in or has invested in the fund or |
entity during the applicable 12-month period under Subsection |
(b)(1); and |
(C) received from any fund or investment entity |
during the applicable 12-month period; |
(4) the total amount of fees, including expenses, |
charges, and other compensation, assessed against the system by, |
or paid by the system to, any fund or investment entity in which the |
system is invested in or has invested in during the applicable |
12-month period; and |
(5) the internal rate of return, or other standard of |
investment return, on money invested in each fund or investment |
entity, and the date on which the return was calculated. |
(d) For purposes of Subsection (b)(2), regarding each |
contract with an investment manager providing investment manager |
services, the report required by this section must contain: |
(1) the net value of the assets being managed under the |
contract; and |
(2) the total amount of fees, including expenses, |
charges, and other compensation, assessed against the system by, |
or paid by the system to, any fund or investment entity in which the |
system is invested in or has invested in during the preceding |
12-month period. |
(e) The State Pension Review Board shall post the report |
received under this section to the board's publicly accessible |
Internet website. |
public retirement system may bring an action in district court to |
restrain or enjoin an investment manager or proxy advisor from |
breaching a contract provision required under Section 802.2032 or |
violating Section 802.203(a). |
(b) The court may award court costs and reasonable |
attorney's fees to a party who prevails in an action brought under |
this section. |
(c) The court in which the action is brought shall give |
precedence to proceedings in the same manner as provided for an |
election contest under Section 23.101. |
(a) A public retirement system is not subject to a requirement of |
Sections 802.203 through 802.2035 if the system determines that |
the requirement would be inconsistent with its fiduciary |
responsibility with respect to the investment of system assets or |
other duties imposed by law relating to the investment of system |
assets, including the duty of care established under Section 67, |
Article XVI, Texas Constitution. |
(b) If a public retirement system determines that complying |
with the requirement in a specific case is inconsistent with its |
fiduciary responsibility as described by Subsection (a), the system |
shall notify in writing the State Pension Review Board of the |
determination and the board shall post the determination on the |
board's publicly accessible Internet website. |
RELATED REPORTS. The State Pension Review Board may adopt rules to |
implement Section 802.203, 802.2031, 802.2032, 802.2033, |
802.2034, 802.2035, or 802.2037. |
SECTION 5. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to |
a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this Act. |
A contract entered into before the effective date of this Act is |
governed by the law in effect on the date the contract was entered |
into, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 6. (a) Notwithstanding any other section of this |
Act, in a state fiscal year, the State Pension Review Board is not |
required to implement a provision found in another section of this |
Act that is drafted as a mandatory provision imposing a duty on the |
board to take an action unless money is specifically appropriated |
to the board for that fiscal year to carry out that duty. The State |
Pension Review Board may implement the provision in that fiscal |
year to the extent other funding is available to the board to do so. |
(b) If, as authorized by Subsection (a) of this section, the |
State Pension Review Board does not implement the mandatory |
provision in a state fiscal year, the board, in its legislative |
budget request for the next state fiscal biennium, shall certify |
that fact to the Legislative Budget Board and include a written |
estimate of the costs of implementing the provision in each year of |
that next state fiscal biennium. |
(c) This section expires and any duty suspended by |
Subsection (a) of this section becomes mandatory on September 1, |
2027. |
SECTION 7. It is the intent of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, that the amendments made by this Act be harmonized |
with another Act of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted |
codes. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |