relating to reliability requirements and associated locational |
marginal pricing for certain electric generation facilities. |
SECTION 1. Section 39.1592, Utilities Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
This section applies only to an electric generation facility in the |
ERCOT power region [for which a standard generator interconnection |
agreement is signed on or after January 1, 2027,] that has been in |
operation for at least one year, and that is not a self-generator. |
(a-1) In this section: |
(1) "Pooling" or "pooled generation" means a |
combination of electric generation facilities in the same load zone |
that elect to meet the reliability standard established under this |
Section by sharing, supplementing, or contracting with on-site or |
off-site resources. |
(2) "Reliability standard" means the percentage of an |
electric generation facility's nameplate capacity that is |
available to be dispatched under most operating conditions absent |
extreme circumstances. |
(b) Not later than January 1, 2027[December 1 of each year], |
the commission shall establish a single reliability standard for |
all electric generation facilities. The commission may adjust the |
reliability standard but may not require less than the ability to |
run at an availability of 50 percent of the nameplate capacity of |
the equipment operated by the generator. [an owner or operator of |
an electric generation facility, other than a battery energy |
storage resource, shall demonstrate to the commission the ability |
of the owner or operator's portfolio to operate or be available to |
operate when called on for dispatch at or above the seasonal average |
generation capability during the times of highest reliability risk, |
as determined by the commission, due to low operation reserves, as |
determined by the commission. The owner or operator of an electric |
generation facility must be allowed to meet the reliability |
standard established under[performance requirements described by] |
this subsection by pooling with other electrical generation |
facilities within the same load zone. [supplementing or |
contracting with on-site or off-site resources, including battery |
energy storage resources. The commission shall determine the |
average generation capability based on expected resource |
availability and seasonal-rated capacity on a standalone basis.] |
(c) The commission shall adopt rules for calculating a |
settlement price cap, accounting for all subsidies available, for |
electric generation facilities that opt out of the reliability |
standard established under Subsection (b). The settlement price |
cap for electric generation facilities that opt-out of the |
reliability standard: |
(1) shall not be greater than $50 per megawatt hour on |
January 1, 2027; and |
(2) shall not be greater than $30 per megawatt hour on |
or before January 1, 2037. [The commission shall require the |
independent organization certified under Section 39.151 for the |
ERCOT power region to: |
(1) enforce the requirements of Subsection (b) by |
imposing financial penalties, as determined by the commission, for |
failing to comply with the performance requirements described by |
that subsection; and |
(2) provide financial incentives, as determined by the |
commission, for exceeding the performance requirements described |
by that subsection.] |
(d) The real-time settlement price for electric generation |
facilities that opt-out of the reliability standard established |
under Subsection (b) may not fall below $0 per megawatt hour. |
(e) An electric generation facility that opts-out of the |
reliability standard under Subsection (b) and sells power when the |
real-time settlement price is between $0 per megawatt hour and the |
cap calculated under Subsection (c) shall receive the real-time |
settlement price. At no time shall an electric generation facility |
that opts-out of the reliability standard under Subsection (b) |
receive more than the cap calculated under Subsection (c). |
(f) Any revenue from power sold in the ERCOT market subject |
to the settlement price cap calculated under Subsection (c) shall |
be subtracted from the total generation billed to all Retail |
Electric Providers for each period the power is sold. |
(g) The commission shall establish set dates for each owner |
or operator of an electric generation facility or pooled generation |
facility to elect to meet the reliability standard established |
under Subsection (b), which shall not be more often than four times |
per year. |
(h) Electric generation facilities that elect to meet the |
reliability standard established under Subsection (b) by pooling |
must meet the reliability standard based upon the combined |
nameplate capacity of the pooled generation sites. Pooled |
generation facilities must bid into the market as a single |
generation site. |
(i) Any owner or operator of an electric generation facility |
or pooled generation facility that made the election under |
Subsection (g), but failed to meet the reliability standard |
established under Subsection (b) shall pay the difference between |
the replacement power to cover the load lost and the offered price |
of the undelivered load on the real-time market. Should the offered |
price of the generation facility or pooled generation facility be |
greater than 80 percent of the high system-wide offer cap, any |
failure to meet the reliability standard shall be calculated at 80 |
percent of the high system-wide offer cap instead of the offered |
price. |
(j) A penalty assessed against an owner or operator of an |
electric generation facility or pooled generation facility under |
Subsection (i) shall be subtracted from the total generation billed |
to all Retail Electric Providers for each period such penalty is |
assessed. |
(l)[(d)] The independent organization certified under |
Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region may not impose penalties |
under Subsection (h)[(c)]: |
(1) for resource unavailability due to planned |
maintenance outages or transmission outages; or |
(2) on resources that are already subject to |
performance obligations during the highest reliability risk hours |
under the day-ahead market rules or other ancillary or reliability |
services established by the commission or the independent |
organization.[;or |
(3) during hours outside a baseline established by the |
commission that includes morning and evening ramping periods.] |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |