relating to the establishment of a border county mental health task |
force. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 533, Health and Safety Code, is amended |
by adding Subchapter F to read as follows: |
Sec. 533.151. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "task force" |
means the Border County Mental Health Task Force established under |
this subchapter. |
Sec. 533.152. SUNSET PROVISION. The task force is subject |
to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless |
continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the task force |
is abolished and this subchapter expires September 1, 2037. |
Sec. 533.153. TASK FORCE; DUTIES. (a) The Health and Human |
Services Commission shall establish the task force under the Office |
of Rural Mental Health to advise the commissioner regarding the |
mental and behavioral health problems, conditions, challenges, and |
needs of the population of a county that: |
(1) is adjacent to the international border with |
Mexico; and |
(2) has a population of less than 500,000 and more than |
400,000. |
(b) The task force shall advise the commissioner on: |
(1) policy priorities addressing major issues |
affecting the mental and behavioral health of county residents; |
(2) raising public awareness of the issues described |
by Subdivision (1); and |
(3) other mental and behavioral health issues |
affecting county residents, as determined by the commissioner, |
including: |
(A) barriers to accessing mental and behavioral |
health care; |
(B) mental and behavioral health problems, |
including, but not limited to: |
(i) suicide; |
(ii) depression; |
(iii) eating disorders; |
(iv) substance abuse; |
(v) schizophrenia; and |
(vi) bipolar disorder; |
(C) factors that impede access to mental and |
behavioral health care, including: |
(i) socioeconomic conditions; |
(ii) linguistic and cultural barriers; |
(iii) low population density; and |
(iv) lack of health insurance; |
(D) tracking of factors that negatively affect |
the residents' mental and behavioral health; |
(E) standardization of information collection |
procedures; |
(F) identifying best practices and |
standardization of first responder and law enforcement response to |
individuals suffering mental health crisis; |
(G) mental and behavioral health infrastructure |
that includes the establishment of: |
(i) education and research institutions to |
train culturally competent mental and behavioral health care |
providers; and |
(ii) local and regional mental and |
behavioral health programs that build on local resources and |
maximize the use of public money to address the needs of indigent |
populations; and |
(H) consult, collaboration, and cooperation at |
with any: |
(i) other health and human services |
agencies; |
(ii) other appropriate state or federal |
agencies; |
(iii) health science centers and medical |
schools; and |
(iv) public and private health care |
providers and hospitals. |
(v) Mexican counterparts of the task force; |
or |
(vi) federal counterparts of the task force |
operating in the United States. |
HEALTH. The Office of Rural Mental Health established under may |
provide to the extent practicable assistance required by the task |
force. |
Sec. 533.155. COMPOSITION; TERMS. (a) The task force is |
composed of: |
(1) one member appointed by the commissioner who is a |
first responder or emergency personnel in the county to which this |
task force applies with experience treating patients experiencing |
mental and behavioral health problems; |
(2) two ex officio nonvoting members who are members |
of the legislature: |
(A) one of whom is appointed by the lieutenant |
governor; and |
(B) one of whom is appointed by the speaker of the |
house of representatives; and |
(3) additional voting members appointed by the |
commissioner from the county to which this task force applies |
including but not limited to representatives from: |
(A) hospitals; |
(B) community health centers; |
(C) the local mental health authority; |
(D) the county health administration; |
(E) a judge with experience in mental health |
diversion proceedings; and |
(F) the district attorney's office. |
(b) The task force shall designate a chair and vice chair of |
the task force from among the task force members. |
(c) The members appointed by the lieutenant governor and the |
speaker of the house of representatives serve three-year terms. |
The remaining members of the task force serve at the pleasure of the |
commissioner. |
Sec. 533.156. MEETINGS. (a) The task force shall meet at |
least quarterly each fiscal year. Members may hold meetings by |
conference calls and through videoconference in accordance with |
Section 551.127, Government Code. |
(b) Section 551.125, Government Code, applies to a meeting |
held by conference call under this section, except that Subsection |
(b) of that section does not apply. |
Sec. 533.157. COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. A task force |
member is not entitled to compensation or reimbursement for |
expenses incurred in performing the member's duties. |
COMMISSIONER DUTIES. (a) The task force shall make |
recommendations to the commissioner for short-term and long-term |
border county mental health improvement plans. The short-term plan |
shall identify mental and behavioral health objectives proposed to |
be accomplished not later than the fourth anniversary of the date |
the plan is adopted. The long-term plan shall identify mental and |
behavioral health objectives proposed to be accomplished not later |
than the ninth anniversary of the date the plan is adopted. |
(b) The commissioner shall review the task force's |
recommendations and, based on those recommendations, recommend |
short-term and long-term border county mental health improvement |
plans to the executive commissioner, identifying specific mental |
and behavioral health objectives that may be implemented under |
existing law in counties located along the international border |
with Mexico. |
(c) The executive commissioner shall adopt short-term and |
long-term border county mental health improvement plans and direct |
the commission to implement the portions of the plans that may be |
implemented within existing appropriations and under existing law |
in counties located along the international border with Mexico. |
Sec. 533.159. APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW. Chapter 2110, |
Government Code, does not apply to the task force. |
SUBDIVISIONS. At the request of the task force, a state agency or |
political subdivision of this state may cooperate with the task |
force in implementing the task force's statutory duties. |
Sec. 533.161. REPORTS. (a) Not later than September 1 of |
each even-numbered year, the task force shall submit to the |
commissioner a report of the task force's recommendations, |
including recommendations under Section 533.158 relating to |
short-term and long-term border county mental health improvement |
plans. |
(b) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, |
the executive commissioner shall submit to the legislature a report |
detailing the actions taken by the task force. The report must |
include: |
(1) the status of all projects and activities |
involving the mental and behavioral health issues described under |
Section 533.153(b)(3); |
(2) the funding for the expenditures; and |
(3) recommendations for legislation necessary to |
implement the short-term and long-term border county mental health |
improvement plans. |
SECTION 2. Not later than October 1, 2025, the commissioner |
of the Health and Humas Services Commission, lieutenant governor, |
and speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint the |
members of the Border County Mental Health Task Force established |
under Subchapter F, Chapter 533, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
SECTION 3. The initial short-term mental health improvement |
plan adopted under Section 533.158, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by this Act, must include a mental health improvement plan for |
implementation beginning not later than September 1, 2026. The |
Health and Human Services Commission shall implement the |
initiatives in the short-term mental health improvement plan, as |
directed by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission, not later than September 1, 2030. |
SECTION 4. The initial long-term mental health improvement |
plan adopted under Section 533.158, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by this Act, must include a mental health improvement plan for |
implementation beginning not later than September 1, 2028. The |
Health and Human Services Commission shall implement the |
initiatives in the long-term mental health improvement plan, as |
directed by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission, not later than September 1, 2035. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |