relating to investigational stem cell treatment. |
SECTION 1. Section 1003.051(1), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Investigational stem cell treatment" means an |
adult stem cell treatment that: |
(A) is under investigation in a clinical trial |
and being administered to human participants in that trial; [and] |
(B) has not yet been approved for general use by |
the United States Food and Drug Administration; and |
(C) uses only adult stem cells that satisfy |
current good manufacturing practices adopted by the United States |
Food and Drug Administration. |
SECTION 2. Section 1003.054(c), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The executive commissioner by rule shall adopt a form |
for the informed consent under this section. The form must provide |
notice that: |
(1) the department administers this subchapter; and |
(2) the investigational stem cell treatment has not |
been approved for general use by the United States Food and Drug |
Administration. |
SECTION 3. Sections 1003.055(a) and (d), Health and Safety |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Treatment provided under this subchapter must be: |
(1) administered directly by a physician certified |
under Subsection (c); |
(2) overseen by an institutional review board |
described by Subsection (d); and |
(3) provided [at]: |
(A) at a hospital licensed under Chapter 241; |
(B) at an ambulatory surgical center licensed |
under Chapter 243; [or] |
(C) at a medical school, as defined by Section |
61.501, Education Code; or |
(D) in an outpatient setting, as defined by |
Section 162.101, Occupations Code, listed by a physician registered |
under Section 162.104, Occupations Code, to provide level II |
anesthesia services in that setting. |
(d) An institutional review board that oversees |
investigational stem cell treatments administered under this |
subchapter must meet one of the following conditions: |
(1) be affiliated with a medical school, as defined by |
Section 61.501, Education Code; |
(2) be affiliated with a hospital licensed under |
Chapter 241 that has at least 150 beds; |
(3) be accredited by the Association for the |
Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs; |
(4) be registered by the United States Department of |
Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, |
in accordance with 21 C.F.R. Part 56; [or] |
(5) be accredited by a national accreditation |
organization acceptable to the Texas Medical Board; or |
(6) be registered by the United States Department of |
Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, |
in accordance with 21 C.F.R. Part 56. |
SECTION 4. Section 1003.059(b), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Each institutional review board overseeing an |
investigational stem cell treatment under this subchapter shall |
submit to the Texas Medical Board an annual report on any serious |
adverse events related to the treatment and [to the Texas Medical |
Board on] the review board's findings based on records kept under |
Subsection (a). The report may not include any patient identifying |
information [and must be made available to the public in both |
written and electronic form]. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |