AUTHORITY; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power |
of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle X, Title 6, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended by adding Chapter 11020 to read as follows: |
Sec. 11020.0101. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Authority" means the NORTHERN CAMERON AND WILLACY |
(2) "Board" means the board of directors of the |
Authority. |
(3) "Director" means a member of the board. |
(4) "District" means any district or authority created |
under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas |
Constitution, regardless of the manner of creation. |
(5) "Local government" means: |
(A) a municipality, county, district, or other |
political subdivision of this state; |
(B) a local government corporation; |
(C) a nonprofit corporation created to act on |
behalf of a local government; or |
(D) a combination of two or more of the entities |
described by this subdivision. |
(6) "Private entity" includes an individual, |
corporation, organization, business trust, estate, trust, |
partnership, and association and any other legal entity that is not |
a governmental body or agency. |
(7) "Sponsor" means: |
(A) the initial sponsors of the Authority under |
Section 11020.0105; and |
(B) a local government or private entity added to |
the Authority as a member under Section 11020.0106. |
(8) "Water" includes: |
(A) groundwater, percolating or otherwise, |
notwithstanding the quality of the groundwater; |
Sec. 11020.0102. NATURE OF AUTHORITY. The Authority is a |
regional water authority created under and essential to accomplish |
the purposes of Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. |
(a) The Authority is created to serve a public use and benefit. |
(b) All land and other property included in the territory of |
the Authority will benefit from the works and projects to be |
accomplished by the Authority under powers conferred by Section 59, |
Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and powers granted under this |
chapter. |
Sec. 11020.0104. AUTHORITY TERRITORY. The territory of the |
Authority is composed of the territory: |
(1) of the sponsors, including territory within the |
municipal boundaries of a sponsor that is a municipality; |
(2) if applicable, located in the service areas of the |
sponsors, including the territory within the sponsors' |
certificates of convenience and necessity; and |
(3) added to and not excluded from the Authority in |
accordance with applicable law. |
Sec. 11020.0105. INITIAL SPONSORS. The initial sponsors of |
the Authority are: |
(1) Cameron County; |
(2) Willacy County; |
(3) City of Primera; |
(4) City of La Feria; |
(5) City of San Benito; |
(6) City of Harlingen and Harlingen Water Works System |
(7) City of Rio Hondo |
(8) City of Santa Rosa |
(9) City of Port Isabel |
(10) City of Combes |
(11) City of Lyford |
Sec. 11020.0106. METHOD OF ADDING SPONSORS. (a) A local |
government or a private entity may petition the board to add that |
local government or private entity as a sponsor. |
(b) A petition under Subsection (a) must be submitted in the |
manner and form required by board rule. |
(c) On receipt of a petition under Subsection (a), the board |
shall set a hearing on the petition and provide notice of the date, |
time, place, and purpose of the hearing to: |
(1) the sponsors of the Authority; and |
(2) the petitioning local government or private |
entity. |
(d) At the hearing, the board shall determine whether: |
(1) the local government or private entity will |
benefit from being added to the Authority as a sponsor; and |
(2) it is in the best interest of the Authority to add |
the local government or private entity to the Authority as a |
sponsor. |
(e) If, after a hearing on the petition, the board |
determines that the local government or private entity should be |
added to the Authority as a sponsor, the board shall issue an order: |
(1) adding the local government or private entity to |
the Authority; |
(2) adding the local government's or private entity's |
territory or service area to the territory of the Authority; |
(3) making the local government's or private entity's |
territory or service area subject to the privileges, duties, |
assets, and financial obligations of the Authority to the same |
degree as other sponsors already included in the Authority; and |
(4) stating the effective date of the order. |
(f) If the subject of the order is a local government, the |
effective date of the order must allow enough time for the local |
government to comply with Subsection (g). |
(g) A local government that is the subject of an order |
issued under Subsection (e) shall publish notice of the Authority's |
proposal to add the local government to the Authority as a sponsor. |
The notice must: |
(1) be published in a newspaper of general circulation |
in the county in which the local government is located; |
(2) be published at least once per week for two |
consecutive weeks and with the first publication appearing on or |
before the 14th day before the effective date of the order; and |
(3) state the effective date of the order. |
Sec. 11020.0107. METHOD OF REMOVING SPONSORS. (a) The |
governing body of a sponsor may petition the board to remove the |
entity from the Authority as a sponsor. |
(b) A petition must be submitted in the manner and form |
required by board rule. |
(c) After receiving a petition under Subsection (a), the |
board shall: |
(1) decide whether the petitioning sponsor should be |
removed from the Authority as a sponsor; and |
(2) by order approve, conditionally approve, or |
disapprove the petition. |
(d) The board may not approve a petition submitted under |
this section if that action would impair or violate or conflict with |
the terms of any outstanding bonds, notes, or other obligations of |
the Authority. |
(e) An order issued under Subsection (c) that approves or |
conditionally approves a sponsor's petition to be removed from the |
Authority as a sponsor must address: |
(1) all matters related to the removal as determined |
by the board, including the removal of the territory of the sponsor |
and, if applicable, territory located in the service area of the |
sponsor as provided by the sponsor's certificate of convenience and |
necessity; and |
(2) if applicable, any conditions imposed by the board |
that the petitioning sponsor must satisfy before the board approves |
the petition, which may include: |
(A) payment by the petitioning sponsor of all |
bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by the Authority on |
behalf of the sponsor; |
(B) payment by the petitioning sponsor of the |
sponsor's pro rata share of any bond, note, or other obligation |
issued by the Authority, other than the bonds, notes, or other |
obligations described by Paragraph (A), if the payment is allowed |
under the terms of the bond, note, or other obligation; |
(C) conditions related to the ownership or |
transfer of ownership of real property, facilities, equipment, |
personnel, and supplies; and |
(D) conditions the Authority considers necessary |
for the winding up of activities in connection with the removal of |
the petitioning sponsor as a sponsor from the Authority. |
(f) If the board by order issued under Subsection (c) |
conditionally approves a sponsor's petition, the petitioning |
sponsor remains a sponsor and shall make all payments owed to the |
Authority when due and shall satisfy all conditions included in the |
order. The board shall approve the petition immediately after all |
required payments to the Authority are received and all conditions |
included in the order are satisfied as determined by the board. |
(g) The removal of a sponsor from the Authority under this |
section does not prohibit the former sponsor from contracting with |
the Authority for the provision of water supply, wastewater |
treatment, or other services provided by the Authority. |
Sec. 11020.0108. REAPPORTIONMENT OF DIRECTORS. After the |
addition or removal of a sponsor under this subchapter, the board by |
rule shall reapportion the directors of the Authority among the |
sponsors in accordance with Section 11020.0201(c)(2). The board |
may increase or decrease the number of directors on the board in |
accordance with Section 11020.0201(a). |
chapter shall be liberally construed to effect its purposes. |
Sec. 11020.0201. DIRECTORS. (a) Except for the initial |
board of directors, the Authority is governed by a board of |
directors consisting of at least 5 and not more than 18 members. |
(b) The board is responsible for the management, operation, |
and control of the Authority. |
(c) The board by rule shall: |
(1) establish the number of directors of the |
Authority; and |
(2) apportion the directors for each sponsor based on |
the amount of water contracted to be supplied to the sponsor under |
the terms of the Authority's water supply contract with the |
sponsor, subject to Section 11020.0203(a). |
be eligible to serve as a director, a person must be: |
(1) at least 18 years of age; and |
(2) a resident of the territory located in the |
Authority or an employee of a sponsor. |
(b) A director who also serves on the governing body of a |
sponsor is not a dual officeholder and is not prohibited by the |
common law doctrine of incompatibility from serving on both the |
board and the governing body. |
(c) Service on the board by a public officeholder is an |
additional duty of that person's office. |
Sec. 11020.0203. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS. (a) Each |
sponsor is entitled to appoint at least one director. |
(b) Each director must be appointed by the governing body of |
a sponsor in accordance with the rules adopted under Section |
11020.0201 that govern the apportionment of directors among the |
sponsors. |
(c) Each sponsor shall appoint the appropriate number of |
directors not earlier than January 1 and not later than February 28 |
of each year. |
Sec. 11020.0204. TERMS OF OFFICE. (a) Directors serve |
staggered three-year terms, with one-third or as near as possible |
to one-third of the members' terms expiring February 28 of each |
year. |
(b) A director's term begins on March 1 of the year the |
director is appointed. |
(c) A director may not serve more than five consecutive |
terms as a director. |
Sec. 11020.0205. REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR. A sponsor that |
appoints a director may remove the director from office at any time, |
with or without cause. |
Sec. 11020.0206. BOARD VACANCY. If there is a vacancy on |
the board, the governing body of the sponsor that appointed the |
director who vacated the office shall appoint a director to serve |
the remainder of the term. |
Sec. 11020.0207. VOTING AUTHORITY. (a) Except as provided |
by Subsection (b), each director is entitled to one vote on any |
issue before the board. |
(b) The board may establish a graduated voting procedure |
after each sponsor has appointed a director to the board. |
Sec. 11020.0208. OFFICERS. At the first meeting of the |
board after March 1 of each year, the board shall elect officers for |
the Authority, including a chair, vice chair, secretary, and |
treasurer. |
(a) The board may meet as many times each year as the board |
considers appropriate. |
(b) A concurrence of a majority of the directors present and |
voting is sufficient for transacting any business of the Authority |
unless other applicable law, or the Authority by rule, requires a |
concurrence of a greater number of directors for a specific type of |
decision. |
(c) Directors of the Authority are public officials and are |
entitled to governmental immunity for their actions in their |
capacity as directors and officers of the Authority. |
Sec. 11020.0301. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) The |
Authority may: |
(1) acquire, purchase, own, hold, lease, construct, |
improve, and maintain a reservoir, groundwater well, or other |
source of water supply, including: |
(A) groundwater, and |
(B) aquifer storage and recovery facilities; |
(2) acquire, own, construct, operate, repair, |
improve, maintain, or extend, inside or outside the Authority's |
boundaries, water and wastewater works, improvements, facilities, |
plants, pipelines, equipment, and appliances for: |
(A) the treatment and transportation of water and |
wastewater; |
(B) the direct or indirect reuse of wastewater; |
(C) aquifer storage and recovery projects; and |
(D) the provision of wholesale water and |
wastewater services to Authority customers, municipalities, |
districts, water supply corporations, and other persons in this |
state; |
(3) acquire, purchase, own, hold, lease, and maintain |
interests, including capacity rights and other contractual rights, |
in sources of water supply, reservoirs, groundwater wells, |
treatment works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment, |
appliances, aquifer storage and recovery projects, and the direct |
or indirect reuse of wastewater; |
(4) finance any purchase or acquisition through a |
bond, note, or other obligation under Subchapter E, or through a |
lease-purchase agreement; and |
(5) sell, lease, convey, or otherwise dispose of any |
right, interest, or property the Authority considers to be |
unnecessary for the efficient operation or maintenance of the |
Authority's facilities. |
(b) In addition to the powers specifically provided by this |
chapter, the Authority may exercise the powers provided by Section |
65.201, Water Code. |
The Authority may adopt and enforce policies, rules, and bylaws |
reasonably required to implement this chapter, including rules |
governing procedures before the board and rules regarding |
implementation, enforcement, and any other matters related to the |
exercise of the rights, powers, privileges, and functions conferred |
on the Authority by this chapter for the provision of water and |
wastewater service. |
Sec. 11020.0303. EMINENT DOMAIN. (a) The Authority may |
exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire a fee simple or |
other interest in property if the interest is necessary for the |
Authority to exercise the rights or authority conferred by this |
chapter. |
(b) The Authority shall exercise the right of eminent domain |
in the manner provided by Chapter 21, Property Code. The Authority |
is not required to give bond for appeal or bond for costs in a |
condemnation suit or other suit to which it is a party. |
(c) The Authority may not use the power of eminent domain |
for the condemnation of land for the purpose of acquiring rights to |
groundwater or for the purpose of acquiring water or water rights. |
PLANS. The Authority by rule may develop, prepare, revise, adopt, |
implement, enforce, and manage water conservation or drought |
contingency plans for the Authority or any portion of the |
Authority. |
In this section, "utility system" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 1502.001, Government Code. |
(b) A sponsor may convey a utility system facility or asset |
or the sponsor's interest in a utility system facility or asset to |
the Authority without holding an election to approve the |
conveyance. |
(c) A sponsor is exempt from the provisions of Chapter 1502, |
Government Code, regarding the conveyance, sale, or acquisition of |
a utility system, or any related works, improvements, facilities, |
plants, equipment, or appliances. |
Sec. 11020.0306. CONTRACTS. (a) The Authority may |
contract with any person to carry out a power authorized by this |
chapter. |
(b) A person who enters into a contract with the Authority |
may pledge to the payment of the contract any source of revenue that |
may be available to the person, including ad valorem taxes, if the |
person has the authority to impose those taxes. |
(c) Payments made under a contract with the Authority |
constitute an operating expense of the person served under the |
contract, unless otherwise prohibited by a previously outstanding |
obligation of the person. To the extent a person pledges funds to |
the payment of the contract that are to be derived from the person's |
own water system, the payments constitute an operating expense of |
that system. |
Sec. 11020.0307. COOPERATIVE CONTRACTS. The Authority may |
enter into an interlocal contract with a local government under |
Chapter 791, Government Code, to carry out a power of the Authority. |
Sec. 11020.0308. RATES AND FEES. (a) The Authority shall |
establish rates and fees to be assessed against sponsors and |
customers of the Authority. The rates and fees may be established |
by classes of customers, by project, or by area of service. |
(b) A sponsor, local government, water supply corporation, |
private entity, or other person that contracts with the Authority |
shall establish, charge, and collect fees, rates, charges, rentals, |
and other amounts for any service or facility provided under or in |
connection with a contract with the Authority and shall pledge |
sufficient amounts to make all payments required under the |
contract. |
Authority may not impose an ad valorem tax. |
The Authority may apply for, accept, receive, and administer gifts, |
grants, loans, and other money available from any source. |
OBLIGATIONS. (a) In addition to bonds, notes, and other |
obligations that the Authority is authorized to issue under other |
law, to accomplish the purposes of the Authority, the Authority may |
issue bonds, notes, or other obligations payable solely from and |
secured by all or part of any funds or any revenue from any source or |
sources, including: |
(1) fees, rates, and other charges the Authority |
imposes or collects; |
(2) the sale of: |
(A) water; |
(B) water or wastewater services; |
(C) water rights or capacity; |
(D) water transmission rights, capacity, or |
services; |
(E) water pumping; |
(F) wastewater reused directly or indirectly; |
(G) aquifer storage and recovery services; or |
(H) any other service or product of the Authority |
provided inside or outside the boundaries of the Authority; |
(3) grants or gifts; |
(4) the ownership or operation of all or a designated |
part of the Authority's works, improvements, facilities, plants, or |
equipment; and |
(5) the proceeds of contracts. |
(b) Bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by the |
Authority may be first or subordinate lien obligations at the |
board's discretion. |
(c) In connection with any bonds, notes, or other |
obligations of the Authority, the Authority may exercise any power |
of an issuer under Chapter 1371, Government Code. |
(d) The Authority may conduct a public, private, or |
negotiated sale of the bonds, notes, or other obligations. |
(e) The Authority may enter into one or more indentures of |
trust to further secure its bonds, notes, or other obligations. |
(f) The Authority may issue bonds, notes, or other |
obligations in more than one series as necessary to carry out the |
purposes of this chapter. In issuing bonds, notes, or other |
obligations secured by revenue of the Authority, the Authority may |
reserve the right to issue additional bonds, notes, or other |
obligations secured by the Authority's revenue that are on parity |
with or are senior or subordinate to the bonds, notes, or other |
obligations issued earlier. |
(g) A resolution of the board or a trust indenture securing |
the bonds, notes, or other obligations may specify additional |
provisions that constitute a contract between the Authority and the |
Authority's bondholders, noteholders, or other obligation holders. |
(h) Bonds, notes, or other obligations may be additionally |
secured by deed of trust or mortgage on any or all of the |
Authority's facilities. |
(i) The authority provided by this chapter for the |
authorization and issuance of bonds, notes, and other obligations |
is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the authority otherwise |
established under general law and may not be construed as a |
limitation on, or a modification of, general law providing for |
authorization and issuance of bonds, notes, and other forms of |
obligations. Nothing in this chapter may be construed as affecting |
any existing contract, bond, note, or other obligation of the |
Authority or any indenture, covenant, mortgage, or other agreement |
relating to them. |
Sec. 11020.0502. ELECTION NOT REQUIRED. The Authority is |
not required to hold an election to approve the issuance of revenue |
bonds or notes or of other obligations under this subchapter. |
For the purposes of attorney general review and approval and in lieu |
of any other manner of demonstrating the ability to pay debt service |
and satisfy any other pecuniary obligations relating to bonds, |
notes, or other obligations, the Authority may demonstrate the |
Authority's ability to satisfy the debt service and those |
obligations using accumulated funds of the Authority and revenue |
and growth projections prepared by a professional utility rate |
consultant at the direction of the Authority. If the resolution |
authorizing the issuance of the bonds, notes, or other obligations |
provides that the Authority intends to increase rates to the extent |
necessary to pay debt service and satisfy any other pecuniary |
obligations arising under the bonds, notes, or other obligations, |
the revenue projections prepared by a professional utility rate |
consultant may include forecast rate increases and accumulated and |
available fund balances as determined by the Authority. |
Sec. 11020.0504. REFUNDING BONDS. The Authority may issue |
refunding bonds, notes, and other obligations to refund any of its |
bonds, notes, or other obligations in any manner provided by law, |
including Chapter 1207, Government Code. |
FROM TAXATION. A bond, note, or other obligation issued under this |
chapter, a transaction related to the bond, note, or other |
obligation, the interest on the bond, note, or other obligation, |
and the profit from the sale of the bond, note, or other obligation |
are exempt from taxation by this state or a political subdivision of |
this state. |
SECTION 2. (a) The sponsors of the Authority shall appoint |
the initial directors under Section 11020.0203, Special District |
Local Laws Code, as added by this Act, not earlier than 30 days and |
not later than 90 days after the effective date of this Act. |
(b) As soon as practicable after the initial directors have |
been appointed under Section 11020.0203, Special District Local |
Laws Code, as added by this Act, the initial directors shall draw |
lots to determine which directors serve a one-year term expiring |
February 28, 2027, which directors serve a two-year term expiring |
February 28, 2028, and which directors serve a three-year term |
expiring February 28, 2029. The lots must be split into thirds or |
as near to thirds as possible. |
SECTION 3. (a) The legal notice of the intention to |
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this |
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a |
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies, |
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished |
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313, |
Government Code. |
(b) The governor, one of the required recipients, has |
submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality. |
(c) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed |
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the |
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of |
representatives within the required time. |
(d) All requirements of the constitution and laws of this |
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect |
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled |
and accomplished. |
SECTION 4. (a) If this Act does not receive a two-thirds |
vote of all the members elected to each house, Subchapter C, Chapter |
11020, Special District Local Laws Code, as added by Section 1 of |
this Act, is amended by adding Section 11020.0309 to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 11020.0309. NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. The district may |
not exercise the power of eminent domain. |
(b) This section is not intended to be an expression of a |
legislative interpretation of the requirements of Section 17(c), |
Article I, Texas Constitution. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |