WHEREAS, January 24, 2025, marks the 60th wedding anniversary |
of Bill and Susan Granberry, and this joyous event provides a |
fitting opportunity to reflect on their rewarding journey together |
as husband and wife; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Granberry met as students at W. B. Ray |
High School in Corpus Christi, and they were joined in matrimony in |
1965; over the years, they have been blessed with a treasured family |
that includes their daughters and sons-in-law, Lynn and Jeffrey |
Alsup and Kimberley and Jeffrey Altizer, as well as their |
grandchildren, Clare, Anna, Lucia, Anne, Benjamin, and Katherine; |
and |
WHEREAS, The couple attended The University of Texas at |
Austin, where Mr. Granberry earned bachelor's and master's degrees |
in petroleum engineering, and Mrs. Granberry earned bachelor's |
degrees in Spanish and French; following graduation, Mr. Granberry |
began his career with Amoco in Odessa, and after several moves, he |
came to work for Tom Brown, Inc., in Midland; throughout their |
marriage, Mrs. Granberry has devoted herself to caring for their |
home and family; and |
WHEREAS, Valued residents of the Midland community, Mr. and |
Mrs. Granberry have been active in their church, and Mrs. Granberry |
has also given of her time and talents to local schools, Girl Scout |
troops, and Bible studies; they have lived in 12 different cities, |
making friends all across the United States, and they have also |
enjoyed traveling the world together; and |
WHEREAS, The six decades of marriage that Mr. and |
Mrs. Granberry have shared is eloquent affirmation of the meaning |
of love and commitment, and their enduring union is an inspiration |
to all who know them; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 89th Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby congratulate Bill and Susan Granberry on their 60th wedding |
anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued |
happiness; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Granberry as an expression of high regard |
by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate. |