WHEREAS, The observance of World Autism Awareness Day on |
April 2, 2025, provides a fitting opportunity to promote better |
understanding of autism and the issues faced by individuals living |
with the disorder; and |
WHEREAS, In 2007, WAAD was established by the United Nations |
as a platform to raise public awareness about the neurological |
condition and to highlight the need to improve quality of life for |
those with autism spectrum disorder; and |
WHEREAS, ASD encompasses a range of health conditions that |
can cause social, communication, and behavioral challenges; people |
experience the disorder to varying degrees, and symptoms can |
include being nonverbal, engaging in atypical speech patterns and |
repetitive behaviors, and having significantly high or low levels |
of sensitivity to various sensory stimuli; and |
WHEREAS, In recent years, many medical professionals and |
researchers have embraced the neurodiversity paradigm, moving away |
from the idea of "curing" autism and instead focusing on supporting |
those affected by it; in addition to helping restore dignity and |
self-esteem, this shift has allowed individuals with autism and |
their families to concentrate on securing access to the services |
they need; and |
WHEREAS, World Autism Awareness Day serves to foster an |
environment of compassion and acceptance for those impacted by this |
complex disorder, and all Texans are encouraged to affirm their |
commitment to this worthwhile goal; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize April 2, 2025, as World Autism |
Awareness Day. |