WHEREAS, Denton County lost an admired civic leader with the |
passing of Jill Diane Warrington Glover of Double Oak on January 14, |
2024, at the age of 63; and |
WHEREAS, The daughter of Nancy and Forrest Warrington, the |
former Jill Warrington was born in Palestine, Texas, on October 10, |
1960; after completing her master's degree in psychology at Stephen |
F. Austin State University, she worked for Texas State Mental |
Health Services in Longview; she went on to establish a private |
practice in Dallas focused on helping women with eating disorders |
and abuse trauma; in addition, she taught at Dallas County |
Community College and at Coram Deo Academy; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Glover became a dedicated activist in the |
grassroots conservative movement; she served her fellow Double Oak |
residents as precinct chair, and as chair of the Legislative |
Priorities Committee of the Republican Party of Texas, she kept a |
strong focus on advancing the policies developed by thousands of |
delegates from across the state; after becoming State Republican |
Executive Committeewoman for Senate District 12 in 2018, she |
regularly toured Texas to address hundreds of grassroots clubs; she |
advocated energetically for voters and the Republican Party |
platform and worked tirelessly to educate citizens about the |
importance of political engagement at the local and state level; |
She strongly advocated for legislation that would end the practice |
of pediatric gender modification in the State of Texas and saw it |
pass into law in 2023; and |
WHEREAS, A woman of deep faith, Mrs. Glover mentored many |
people, and she brought joy to all she encountered through her |
warmth, humor, and encouragement; in all her endeavors, she enjoyed |
the love and support of her husband, Curtis, and she was the proud |
mother of a son, Nicholas; and |
WHEREAS, Jill Glover selflessly devoted her time and talents |
to the conservative cause, and although she is deeply missed by all |
who were privileged to share in her love and friendship, her |
exceptional contributions continue to resonate; now, therefore, be |
it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Jill Diane Warrington |
Glover and extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: |
to her husband, Curtis Glover; to her son, Nicholas Glover; to her |
brothers, David and Dennis Warrington; and to her other relatives |
and friends; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jill |
Glover. |