WHEREAS, The members of the TechnoWizards robotics team have |
distinguished themselves through their success at numerous FIRST |
Tech Challenge events and their service to the San Antonio |
community; and |
WHEREAS, The FIRST Tech Challenge empowers students to |
design, build, program, and operate robots while fostering |
essential STEM skills and soft skills such as teamwork, |
communication, and problem-solving; and |
WHEREAS, Established in 2015, the TechnoWizards encompass |
students from San Antonio public high schools, charter schools, and |
home schools; they have participated in dozens of competitions, |
including the FIRST in Texas FTC State Championship, the |
FiT-Central Area Championship, and the TX-Central Regional |
Championship; the team has been consistently ranked in the top 50 in |
the world in recent years, and at the 2022-2023 FIRST World |
Championship in Houston, the group earned second place in the |
prestigious Think Award category in the Ochoa Division; and |
WHEREAS, Over the years, the members of the TechnoWizards |
have served their community by promoting the importance of STEM |
skills among area youth, sharing their technical knowledge, and |
volunteering to support nonprofit organizations; they have also |
organized a summer robot camp for elementary school students that |
takes place at The University of Texas at San Antonio and have held |
a robotics technical conference that brings together FTC teams from |
around the globe; and |
WHEREAS, Ably guided by coaches Liqun Jin, Xing Tao, Jason |
Olkowski, and Yufang Jin and founding coach James Lewey, the |
community-based team includes Ilias Bari, Jerry He, Justin Jin, |
Vincent Liu, James Lu, Parker Olkowski, Adity Rao, Alejandro |
Saucedo, Eduardo Saucedo, Augustine Taboabo, Sebestiano Taboabo, |
Dylan Xie, Isabel Xue, and Angela Zhang; and |
WHEREAS, Since the team's founding, the members of the |
TechnoWizards have demonstrated tremendous skill, initiative, and |
dedication, and they are a source of great pride to the San Antonio |
community; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the TechnoWizards |
robotics team on their achievements and extend to them sincere best |
wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the TechnoWizards as an expression of high regard by |
the Texas House of Representatives. |