WHEREAS, A life made rich through meaningful service drew to |
a close with the passing of Billy Ray Fowler of Throckmorton on |
February 16, 2025, at the age of 89; and |
WHEREAS, The son of Leslie and Sarah Fowler, Billy Ray Fowler |
was born in Goldthwaite on August 18, 1935, and he grew up with the |
companionship of three siblings, Sarah, Sue, and Paul; he graduated |
in 1953 from Throckmorton High School, and he went on to serve in |
the United States Army as a helicopter mechanic and as a member of |
the 82nd Airborne Division from 1957 to 1959; and |
WHEREAS, On January 15, 1958, Mr. Fowler married Patsy |
Yarbrough, and the couple shared in a fulfilling union that spanned |
67 years; he took great pride in his two sons, Ray and Gary, and over |
the years, his family grew to include six grandchildren and eight |
great-grandchildren; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Fowler owned and operated a Conoco service |
station with his wife for more than three decades; deeply committed |
to his community, he enjoyed a 37-year tenure as the Throckmorton |
justice of the peace, and he was a member of the city council; he |
further gave of his time and talents to the volunteer fire |
department from 1969 to 2000, and he coached several Little League |
teams; a man of strong faith, he was an active member of the First |
Baptist Church of Throckmorton, where he taught Sunday School |
classes, and he also served on the board of the Throckmorton |
Cemetery; and |
WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to his family and his community, |
Billy Ray Fowler made a meaningful difference in the lives of his |
loved ones and fellow citizens alike, and he will long be remembered |
with deep affection by all who knew him; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Billy Ray Fowler and |
extend sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his |
wife, Patsy Fowler; to his sons, Ray Fowler and his wife, Gayle, and |
Gary Fowler and his wife, Kathy; to his grandchildren, Maryann |
Jernigan and her husband, Larry, Jay Fowler and his wife, Ashley, |
Amy Schroeder, Will Fowler and his wife, Melissa, David Fowler, and |
John Fowler and his wife, Shawnee; to his sisters, Sarah Morris and |
Sue Thurman; to his great-grandchildren; and to his other relatives |
and many friends, and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Billy Ray |
Fowler. |