WHEREAS, Proud residents of Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange, |
and surrounding communities are gathering in Austin on March 3 and |
4, 2025, to celebrate Golden Triangle Days at the State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, Situated on the Gulf Coast and western Louisiana |
border, amid low marshland, this region within Jefferson and Orange |
Counties is well known for its rich natural resources, and in its |
early years, the area grew as an active riverport that served as a |
center for cattle raisers, farmers, lumber workers, and rice |
millers; the discovery of oil at Spindletop in 1901 led to a boom in |
industry and wealth, and the area of land between the cities of |
Beaumont, Orange, and Port Arthur was deemed the Golden Triangle; |
known for its strong industrial infrastructure, which includes the |
impressive ports of Beaumont and Port Arthur, this dynamic region |
is now one of the largest refining and petrochemical hubs in the |
world; and |
WHEREAS, The approximately 340,000 residents of the Golden |
Triangle have access to distinguished educational institutions, |
including Lamar University, Lamar State College Orange, Lamar State |
College Port Arthur, and Lamar Institute of Technology; the public |
also benefits from the extraordinary landscape of Southeast Texas, |
which lends itself to various environmental tourism sites, such as |
Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, the Big Thicket |
National Preserve, Sea Rim State Park, and the McFaddin National |
Wildlife Refuge; moreover, there are numerous historical and |
cultural attractions, including Beaumont's Crockett Street |
Entertainment District, the Spindletop Boomtown Museum, the |
McFaddin-Ward House, the Sabine Pass Battleground State Historic |
Site, and the Museum of the Gulf Coast; and |
WHEREAS, Since 2007, leaders from the Beaumont, Port Arthur, |
and Orange chambers of commerce have combined their advocacy |
efforts during sessions of the Texas Legislature, and Golden |
Triangle Days at the Capitol provide an opportunity for citizens to |
build business relationships with state officials and others |
throughout Southeast Texas; this year, representatives from |
Beaumont, Bridge City, Groves, Nederland, Orange, Port Arthur, Port |
Neches, and Vidor are attending the event; and |
WHEREAS, Celebrating their rich history as they work to build |
an even brighter future, residents of the Golden Triangle may |
indeed take great pride in the important role their communities |
continue to play in the story of the Lone Star State; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize March 3 and 4, 2025, as Golden |
Triangle Days at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting |
delegations sincere best wishes for a rewarding and memorable stay |
in Austin. |