WHEREAS, Proud residents of Lavaca County are gathering in |
Austin on March 17, 2025, to celebrate Lavaca County Day at the |
State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, Lavaca County consists of 971 square miles and |
encompasses lands from the Empresario Grants of both Stephen |
F. Austin and Green DeWitt, where the Lavaca River was the |
east-west boundary for both; in 1846, Lavaca County became a |
regularly constituted county; and |
WHEREAS, Men of Lavaca County were members of "The Immortal |
32," who were the last and only reinforcements to arrive at the |
Alamo on March 1, 1836, and Sam Houston's army camped in Lavaca |
County during the Runaway Scrape; and |
WHEREAS, Margaret L. Hallett donated land on the Lavaca River |
for the townsite of Hallettsville, which later became the county |
seat; in 1897, the Romanesque Revival courthouse was completed; a |
masterpiece designed by the notable Texas architect Eugene Heiner |
of Houston, it is now listed in the National Register of Historic |
Places and was restored through the Texas Historic Courthouse |
Preservation Program; and |
WHEREAS, The Lavaca Historical Museum recounts the |
immigration of the Czech and German settlers to the area; in |
remembrance of their homeland, Lavaca County is the proud home of |
several of the famed Painted Churches of Texas; and |
WHEREAS, Ranching, farming, and oil and gas remain important |
economic resources in Lavaca County, and Lavaca County remains |
among the leading Texas counties in beef cattle; and |
WHEREAS, Lavaca County is proud to host the annual Kolache |
Fest, nationwide Fiddler's Frolic, the Shiner Bocktoberfest, the |
Courthouse Festival of Lights, and the Texas State Domino |
Championship, to name a few; the Spoetzl Brewery, which calls |
Lavaca County home, produces the world-famous Shiner Beer; and |
WHEREAS, Lavaca County is grateful for its many dedicated |
volunteer fire departments and law enforcement personnel, and the |
children of Lavaca County are fortunate to be well educated by |
public, private, and homeschooling opportunities; and |
WHEREAS, With a strong faith in God and a deep love of |
country, Lavaca County epitomizes the strong rural backbone of the |
great State of Texas; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize March 17, 2025, as Lavaca County Day |
at the State Capitol and extend a warm welcome to the visiting |
delegation. |