WHEREAS, All who shared in the life of Kenneth Lee Chapman of |
Eastland County were deeply saddened by his passing on January 26, |
2025, at the age of 69; and |
WHEREAS, The son of Travis and Nancy Chapman, Ken Chapman was |
born on February 22, 1955, and he grew up on a farm in Callahan |
County with the companionship of his sister, Brenda, and two |
brothers, Terry and Larry; he worked at Fink's Mobil in Cisco and at |
Perkin's Implement while attending high school in Putnam; and |
WHEREAS, In 1978, Mr. Chapman established Ken's Motorcycle |
Shop in Eastland; in 1990, he founded Grandpaw's Tool Shed Rental |
with his father, and he later started Grandpaw's Outhouse; active |
in his community, he was involved with the Jaycees and the Lion's |
Club for decades, and he served on the board of the Eastland County |
Water Supply District for 22 years; his favorite leisure activities |
included water skiing, snow skiing, motorcycle riding, and scuba |
diving; and |
WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Chapman enjoyed the love |
and support of his wife, Delores, with whom he shared a rewarding |
marriage that spanned more than five decades; he took great pride in |
his daughters, Heather and Phylicia, and with the passing years, he |
had the privilege of seeing his family grow to include two |
grandsons, Bryson and Hudson; and |
WHEREAS, Although Ken Chapman is greatly missed, he has left |
his family and friends with many cherished memories, and he will |
forever hold a special place in their hearts; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Kenneth Lee Chapman |
and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his |
wife, Delores Chapman; to his daughters, Heather Chapman and her |
husband, Corey, and Phylicia Chapman and her husband, Brandon; to |
his grandsons, Bryson Monroe Webb and Hudson Kenneth Lane; to his |
brothers, Terry and Larry Chapman; and to his other relatives and |
friends; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Ken |
Chapman. |