WHEREAS, The life of an esteemed business leader drew to a |
close with the passing of J. Pat Hickman of Canyon on March 1, 2025, |
at the age of 72; and |
WHEREAS, The son of John and Mildred Hickman, Pat Hickman was |
born in Canyon on March 17, 1952, and he grew up with the |
companionship of three siblings, Mike, Don, and Sara Jo; he |
graduated from Canyon High School in 1970; he went on to attend |
Texas Tech University, where he joined the Phi Delta Theta |
fraternity, and at the age of 70, he resumed his studies there and |
received a bachelor's degree in 2024; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Hickman began his career in banking in 1975, and |
he worked at a number of financial institutions in Canyon and |
Amarillo before establishing Happy Bancshares, Inc., in 1989; he |
led a group of investors to purchase First State Bank of Happy, |
where he distinguished himself as chair, president, and CEO for |
more than three decades; under his able guidance, Happy State Bank |
experienced significant growth and eventually became the 19th |
largest bank in Texas with $7.4 billion in assets; in 2022, he |
oversaw the sale of the business to Home BancShares, Inc., and he |
continued to serve as a member of that company's board; and |
WHEREAS, Highly active in his community, Mr. Hickman was |
involved in numerous civic organizations, including the Canyon |
Lions Club, Amarillo Symphony, Texas Panhandle Heritage |
Foundation, Texas Tech Foundation, and Panhandle-Plains Historical |
Society; he was also a founding member of the Excellence in Banking |
Program at Texas Tech and chair of the Independent Bankers |
Association of Texas; in 1990, Mr. Hickman was elected to the first |
of three terms on the Canyon Independent School District Board of |
Trustees, which he served as president; Governor Greg Abbott |
appointed him to the Texas Economic Development Corporation board |
in 2019; among his many achievements, he was named the Canyon |
Citizen of the Year in 2008 as well as the Randall County |
Agri-Businessman of the Decade in 2010, and he was included among |
IBAT's Heroes and Legends of Community Banking list; and |
WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Hickman enjoyed the love |
and support of his wife, Nancy, with whom he shared a rewarding |
marriage that spanned 48 years; he took great pride in their four |
children, Brad, Grant, Tara, and Crista, and he had the pleasure of |
welcoming into his family 19 grandchildren; and |
WHEREAS, While Pat Hickman's passing has deprived the banking |
industry of one of its giants, those he leaves behind will continue |
to find inspiration in his accomplishments for years to come; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of J. Pat Hickman and |
extend heartfelt sympathy to his family and many friends; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Pat |
Hickman. |