WHEREAS, A full and productive life drew to a close with the |
passing of esteemed educator Beverly Delle Parker on April 25, |
2024, at the age of 86; and |
WHEREAS, The daughter of Clifford and LaDelle Stiegler, the |
former Beverly Stiegler was born in San Antonio on January 4, 1938; |
she completed her bachelor's degree in sociology at Southwestern |
University and began her career in elementary education in Port |
Arthur; invited to create a business etiquette class at Lamar State |
College Port Arthur, she came to love higher education; she went on |
to earn a master's degree from Lamar University and a doctorate in |
political science from the University of Houston; during 31 years |
teaching at LSCPA, she organized the LSCPA Faculty-Senate and |
served as chair of the Liberal Arts Department and the |
Distinguished Speaker Series; moreover, she was named the recipient |
of the Julie and Ben Rogers Community Service Award; following her |
retirement in 2006, she remained close to many of her colleagues and |
delighted in hearing from former students; and |
WHEREAS, Dr. Parker shared a fulfilling 64-year marriage with |
her husband, State Senator Carl Parker; they were blessed with |
three children, Valerie, Chris, and Allen, and four grandchildren, |
Andrew, Emma, Peyton, and Tripp; both avid readers and lifelong |
learners, the couple had strong faith and a commitment to service in |
common as well; during Senator Parker's long career in the Texas |
Legislature, Dr. Parker was a key advisor; he preceded her in death |
in March 2024; and |
WHEREAS, Over the years, Dr. Parker benefited her community |
in numerous capacities; she gave generously of her time and talents |
to such organizations as the YMCA, the Recovery Council of |
Southeast Texas, the Jefferson County Visitor's Bureau, and the |
Service League of Port Arthur; in addition, she was a member of the |
Jefferson County Central Appraisal Review Board until the age of |
85; she also supported the Gift of Life organization, and in 2023 it |
presented her with its Shine a Light Award; patient and kind, she |
extended selfless love, acceptance, and mercy toward everyone; she |
treasured her friends and family above all; and |
WHEREAS, Beverly Parker earned the admiration and affection |
of innumerable people through her wide-ranging contributions, and |
she will forever be a source of inspiration to those she left |
behind; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 89th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Beverly Delle Parker |
and extend sincere condolences to all who mourn her passing; and, be |
it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Beverly |
Delle Parker. |