relating to electricity planning and infrastructure costs for large |
loads. |
SECTION 1. Section 35.004(d), Utilities Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) The commission shall price wholesale transmission |
services within ERCOT based on the postage stamp method of pricing |
under which a transmission-owning utility's rate is based on the |
ERCOT utilities' combined annual costs of transmission, other than |
costs described by Subsections (d-2) and (d-3), divided by the |
total demand placed on the combined transmission systems of all |
such transmission-owning utilities within a power region. For |
purposes of establishing the postage stamp rate, each |
distribution-owning utility in ERCOT shall report the additional |
billing determinants that would be created by applying the minimum |
transmission charge calculation under Section 36.010 to the |
distribution-owning utility's service area. An electric utility |
subject to the freeze period imposed by Section 39.052 may treat |
transmission costs in excess of transmission revenues during the |
freeze period as an expense for purposes of determining annual |
costs in the annual report filed under Section 39.257. |
Notwithstanding Section 36.201, the commission may approve |
wholesale rates that may be periodically adjusted to ensure timely |
recovery of transmission investment. Notwithstanding Section |
36.054(a), if the commission determines that conditions warrant the |
action, the commission may authorize the inclusion of construction |
work in progress in the rate base for transmission investment |
required by the commission under Section 39.203(e). |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 36, Utilities Code, is |
amended by adding Section 36.010 to read as follows: |
Sec. 36.010. MINIMUM TRANSMISSION CHARGE. To ensure that |
all users of the transmission system in the ERCOT power region |
contribute to transmission cost recovery, the commission shall |
implement minimum rates that require all retail customers in that |
region served behind-the-meter to pay retail transmission charges |
based on a percentage of the customer's non-coincident peak demand |
from the utility system as identified in the customer's service |
agreement. A municipally owned utility or electric cooperative |
that has not adopted customer choice shall pass through the minimum |
wholesale transmission rate to the utility's or cooperative's |
retail customers in a manner determined by the utility or |
cooperative. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 37, Utilities Code, is |
amended by adding Section 37.0561 to read as follows: |
The commission by rule shall establish standards for |
interconnecting large load customers at transmission voltage in the |
ERCOT power region in a manner designed to support business |
development in this state while minimizing the potential for |
stranded infrastructure costs. |
(b) The standards must apply only to customers with a load |
that exceeds a demand threshold established by the commission based |
on the size of loads that significantly impact transmission needs |
in the ERCOT power region. The commission shall establish a demand |
threshold of 75 megawatts unless the commission determines that a |
lower threshold is necessary to accomplish the purposes described |
by Subsection (a). |
(c) The standards must require each large load customer |
seeking interconnection to disclose to the interconnecting |
electric utility or municipally owned utility whether the customer |
is pursuing a duplicate request for electric service, inside or |
outside this state, the approval of which would result in the |
customer materially changing or withdrawing the interconnection |
request. The commission by rule shall prohibit an electric utility |
or municipally owned utility from selling, sharing, or disclosing |
information submitted to the utility under this subsection. |
(d) The standards must require each interconnected large |
load customer to disclose to the independent organization certified |
under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region information about |
the customer's on-site backup generating facilities. To achieve |
firm load shed during an energy emergency alert, the independent |
organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power |
region may, after reasonable notice, direct the applicable electric |
utility or municipally owned utility to require the large load |
customer to deploy the customer's on-site backup generating |
facility. This subsection does not: |
(1) authorize a violation of any emissions limitation |
in state or federal law or a violation of any other environmental |
regulation; or |
(2) prohibit a large load from participating in a |
service authorized by Section 39.170(b). |
(e) The standards must set a flat study fee of at least |
$100,000 for initial transmission screening studies for large loads |
above the minimum demand threshold determined under Subsection (b). |
Any unused portion of the initial transmission screening study fee |
must be applied as a credit toward security for procurement or |
interconnection agreements at the same geographic site. |
(f) The standards must include a method for a large load |
customer to demonstrate that the customer controls the site where |
the load will be located through an ownership interest or another |
legal interest acceptable to the commission. |
(g) The standards must include uniform financial commitment |
standards for the development of transmission infrastructure |
needed to serve a large load customer before an electric utility or |
municipally owned utility may submit a project for review by ERCOT |
based on the large load customer's demand. The standards must |
provide that satisfactory proof of financial commitment may |
include: |
(1) security provided on a dollar per megawatt basis |
as set by the commission; |
(2) security provided under an agreement that requires |
a large load customer to pay for significant equipment or services |
in advance of signing an agreement to establish electric delivery |
service; or |
(3) another form of financial commitment acceptable to |
the commission. |
(h) Security provided under Subsection (g)(1) must be |
refunded, in whole or in part, as the large load customer meets the |
customer's requested load ramp milestones and sustains operations |
for a prescribed period of time as determined by the commission. |
(i) The commission may not limit the authority of a |
municipally owned utility or an electric cooperative to impose |
retail electric service requirements for large load customers in |
addition to the standards adopted under this section. |
SECTION 4. Section 39.002, Utilities Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 39.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter, other than |
Sections 39.151, 39.1516, 39.155, 39.157(e), 39.161, 39.162, |
39.163, 39.169, 39.170, 39.203, 39.9051, 39.9052, and 39.914(e), |
and Subchapters M and N, does not apply to a municipally owned |
utility or an electric cooperative. Sections 39.157(e) and 39.203 |
apply only to a municipally owned utility or an electric |
cooperative that is offering customer choice. If there is a |
conflict between the specific provisions of this chapter and any |
other provisions of this title, except for Chapters 40 and 41, the |
provisions of this chapter control. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter D, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 39.169 and 39.170 to read as follows: |
GENERATION RESOURCE. (a) A power generation company, municipally |
owned utility, or electric cooperative must submit a notice to the |
commission and the independent organization certified under |
Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region before implementing a new |
net metering arrangement between a facility registered with the |
independent organization as a generation resource and an |
unaffiliated retail customer if: |
(1) the retail customer's demand would exceed 10 |
percent of the nameplate capacity of the existing generation |
resource; and |
(2) the facility owner has not proposed to construct |
an equal amount of replacement capacity in the same general area. |
(b) For the purposes of Subsection (a)(2), nameplate |
capacity from dispatchable thermal generation is considered to be |
replaced only if the replacement capacity is from dispatchable |
thermal generation. |
(c) The new net metering arrangement must be requested or |
consented to by the electric cooperative, electric utility, or |
municipally owned utility certificated to provide retail electric |
service at the location. |
(d) With input from the independent organization certified |
under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region, not later than the |
180th day after the date the commission receives the notice under |
Subsection (a), the commission shall approve, deny, or impose |
reasonable conditions on a proposed net metering arrangement |
described by Subsection (a) as necessary to maintain system |
reliability. The conditions may include requirements: |
(1) that behind-the-meter load ramp down during |
certain events; |
(2) that generation reenter energy markets in the |
ERCOT power region during certain events; and |
(3) that the generation resource will be held liable |
for stranded or underutilized transmission assets resulting from |
the behind-the-meter operation. |
(e) If the commission does not approve, deny, or impose |
reasonable conditions on a proposed net metering arrangement |
before the expiration of the deadline established by Subsection |
(d), the commission is considered to have approved the arrangement. |
commission shall require the independent organization certified |
under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region to ensure that each |
electric cooperative, electric utility, and municipally owned |
utility serving a transmission-voltage large load customer that is |
subject to the standards adopted under Section 37.0561 installs, or |
requires to be installed, before the customer is interconnected, |
equipment that allows the load to be remotely disconnected during |
firm load shed. This subsection applies only to a load |
interconnected after December 31, 2025, that is not: |
(1) load operated by a critical load industrial |
customer, as defined by Section 17.002; or |
(2) designated as a critical natural gas facility |
under Section 38.074. |
(b) The commission shall require the independent |
organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power |
region to develop a reliability service to competitively procure |
demand reductions from large load customers subject to the |
standards adopted under Section 37.0561 in advance of a projected |
energy emergency alert event. The service must provide at least a |
24-hour notice to large load customers that participate in the |
service and shall require each participating large load to remain |
curtailed for the duration of the energy emergency alert event or |
until the load can be recalled safely. A large load customer may |
not offer for the service megawatts that curtail in response to the |
wholesale price of electricity, as determined by the independent |
organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power |
region, or that otherwise participate in a different reliability or |
ancillary service. |
SECTION 6. (a) The Public Utility Commission of Texas shall |
evaluate whether the existing methodology used to allocate |
wholesale transmission costs to distribution providers under |
Section 35.004(d), Utilities Code, continues to appropriately |
assign costs for transmission investment. The commission shall |
also evaluate whether: |
(1) the current methodology, including the four |
coincident peak methodology, for allocating transmission costs by |
transmission and distribution utilities in the ERCOT power region |
to their customer classes results in a just and reasonable |
allocation; or |
(2) alternative methodologies should be considered. |
(b) The Public Utility Commission of Texas shall open a |
rulemaking project regarding the evaluation required under |
Subsection (a) of this section not later than the 90th day after the |
effective date of this Act. If the commission determines in the |
project that a commission rule should be amended, the commission |
shall adopt the final rule not later than December 31, 2026. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |