relating to the creation of a small non-road engine purchase |
incentive program under the Texas emissions reduction plan. |
SECTION 1. Section 386.051(b), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Under the plan, the commission and the comptroller shall |
provide grants or other funding for: |
(1) the diesel emissions reduction incentive program |
established under Subchapter C, including for infrastructure |
projects established under that subchapter; |
(2) the motor vehicle purchase or lease incentive |
program established under Subchapter D; |
(3) the air quality research support program |
established under Chapter 387; |
(4) the clean school bus program established under |
Chapter 390; |
(5) the new technology implementation grant program |
established under Chapter 391; |
(6) the regional air monitoring program established |
under Section 386.252(a); |
(7) a health effects study as provided by Section |
386.252(a); |
(8) air quality planning activities as provided by |
Section 386.252(d); |
(9) a contract with the Energy Systems Laboratory at |
the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station for computation of |
creditable statewide emissions reductions as provided by Section |
386.252(a); |
(10) the Texas clean fleet program established under |
Chapter 392; |
(11) the Texas alternative fueling facilities program |
established under Chapter 393; |
(12) the Texas natural gas vehicle grant program |
established under Chapter 394; |
(13) other programs the commission may develop that |
lead to reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, |
or volatile organic compounds in a nonattainment area or affected |
county; |
(14) other programs the commission may develop that |
support congestion mitigation to reduce mobile source ozone |
precursor emissions; |
(15) the seaport and rail yard areas emissions |
reduction program established under Subchapter D-1; |
(16) conducting research and other activities |
associated with making any necessary demonstrations to the United |
States Environmental Protection Agency to account for the impact of |
foreign emissions or an exceptional event; |
(17) studies of or pilot programs for incentives for |
port authorities located in nonattainment areas or affected |
counties as provided by Section 386.252(a); |
(18) the governmental alternative fuel fleet grant |
program established under Chapter 395; |
(19) remittance of funds to the state highway fund for |
use by the Texas Department of Transportation for congestion |
mitigation and air quality improvement projects in nonattainment |
areas and affected counties; [and] |
(20) the Texas hydrogen infrastructure, vehicle, and |
equipment grant program established under Subchapter G; and |
(21) the small non-road engine purchase incentive |
program established under Subchapter H. |
SECTION 2. Section 386.252(a), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Money in the fund and account may be used only to |
implement and administer programs established under the plan. |
Subject to the reallocation of funds by the commission under |
Subsection (h) and after remittance to the state highway fund under |
Subsection (a-1), money from the fund and account to be used for the |
programs under Section 386.051(b) shall initially be allocated as |
follows: |
(1) four percent may be used for the clean school bus |
program under Chapter 390; |
(2) eight percent total may be used between the Texas |
hydrogen infrastructure, vehicle, and equipment grant program |
established under Subchapter G and the new technology |
implementation grant program under Chapter 391, from which at least |
$1 million will be set aside for electricity storage projects |
related to renewable energy and not more than $8 million may be used |
for the Texas hydrogen infrastructure, vehicle, and equipment grant |
program; |
(3) five percent may be used for the Texas clean fleet |
program under Chapter 392; |
(4) not more than $3 million may be used by the |
commission to fund a regional air monitoring program in commission |
Regions 3 and 4 to be implemented under the commission's oversight, |
including direction regarding the type, number, location, and |
operation of, and data validation practices for, monitors funded by |
the program through a regional nonprofit entity located in North |
Texas having representation from counties, municipalities, higher |
education institutions, and private sector interests across the |
area; |
(5) 7.5 percent may be used for the Texas natural gas |
vehicle grant program under Chapter 394; |
(6) not more than $6 million may be used for the Texas |
alternative fueling facilities program under Chapter 393, of which |
a specified amount may be used for fueling stations to provide |
natural gas fuel, except that money may not be allocated for the |
Texas alternative fueling facilities program for the state fiscal |
year ending August 31, 2019; |
(7) not more than $750,000 may be used each year to |
support research related to air quality as provided by Chapter 387; |
(8) not more than $200,000 may be used for a health |
effects study; |
(9) at least $6 million but not more than 15 percent |
may be used by the commission for administrative costs, including |
all direct and indirect costs for administering the plan, costs for |
conducting outreach and education activities, and costs |
attributable to the review or approval of applications for |
marketable emissions reduction credits; |
(10) six percent may be used by the commission for the |
seaport and rail yard areas emissions reduction program established |
under Subchapter D-1; |
(11) 2.5 percent may be used for the light-duty motor |
vehicle purchase or lease incentive program established under |
Subchapter D; |
(12) not more than $500,000 may be used by the |
commission to contract with the Energy Systems Laboratory at the |
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station annually for the |
development and annual computation of creditable statewide |
emissions reductions for the state implementation plan that are |
obtained through: |
(A) wind and other renewable energy resources; |
(B) energy efficiency programs administered by |
the Public Utility Commission of Texas or the State Energy |
Conservation Office; or |
(C) the implementation of advanced building |
energy codes; |
(13) not more than $500,000 may be used for studies of |
or pilot programs for incentives for port authorities located in |
nonattainment areas or affected counties to encourage cargo |
movement that reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate |
matter; [and] |
(14) two percent may be used for the small non-road |
engine purchase incentive program established under Subchapter H; |
and |
(15) the balance is to be used by the commission for |
the diesel emissions reduction incentive program under Subchapter C |
as determined by the commission. |
SECTION 3. Chapter 386, Health and Safety Code, is amended |
by adding Subchapter H to read as follows: |
Sec. 386.351. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Four-stroke engine" means an engine that goes |
through the steps of compression, power, exhaust, and intake in |
four piston strokes. |
(2) "Non-road engine" means an engine powering |
equipment that has less than 25 horsepower. |
(3) "Ozone precursors" means pollutants, including |
nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, that create ground |
level ozone through chemical reactions. |
(4) "Program" means the small non-road engine purchase |
incentive program established under this subchapter. |
(5) "Two-stroke engine" means an engine that goes |
through the steps of compression, power, exhaust, and intake in two |
piston strokes and mixes fuel with oil in the process. |
Sec. 386.352. PROGRAM. (a) The commission shall develop a |
small non-road engine purchase incentive program designed to reduce |
emissions, including the emissions of ozone precursors, |
particulate matter, and carbon monoxide, produced by two-stroke and |
four-stroke non-road engines. |
(b) The program shall authorize statewide financial |
incentives for the purchase by persons in this state of: |
(1) new non-road engines that are electrically powered |
or powered by another alternative technology designated by the |
commission; and |
(2) batteries designated by the commission. |
(c) The commission shall adopt rules necessary to implement |
the program, including designating alternative technologies and |
products eligible for incentives. |
Sec. 386.353. ELIGIBILITY. (a) The purchase by a person in |
this state of non-road engines or batteries is eligible for an |
incentive under the program if: |
(1) as applicable: |
(A) the non-road engine purchased is |
electrically powered or powered by another alternative technology |
designated by the commission; or |
(B) the battery purchased is necessary to improve |
the efficiency of an electrically powered non-road engine owned or |
operated by the person, as established by commission rule; |
(2) the purchase meaningfully reduces emissions in |
this state, as determined by the criteria established under |
Subsection (b); and |
(3) the purchase satisfies any minimum purchase |
quantity requirements established by the commission to ensure |
efficient administration of the program. |
(b) The commission shall establish criteria for determining |
whether a purchase of non-road engines or batteries meaningfully |
reduces emissions in this state. The commission shall review and |
revise the criteria as appropriate. The criteria must include: |
(1) the proposed frequency of use of the newly |
purchased non-road engine; |
(2) the degree to which the purchase reduces the use of |
existing two-stroke and four-stroke non-road engines; and |
(3) the cost-effectiveness of the purchase as it |
relates to advancing the purpose of the program under Section |
386.352(a). |
(c) When establishing criteria under this section, the |
commission may allow for greater incentives for purchases that |
reduce: |
(1) health risks to equipment operators when using |
non-road engines; and |
(2) emissions of ozone precursors from non-road |
engines that operate primarily within a nonattainment area or an |
affected county. |
(d) The commission may require the disposal of a two-stroke |
engine or four-stroke engines replaced by a non-road engine that is |
the subject of an incentive under this subchapter. |
Sec. 386.354. APPLICATION FOR INCENTIVE. (a) A person who |
makes a purchase that meets the eligibility requirements under |
Section 386.353 may apply for an incentive under the program. |
(b) An application for an incentive under this chapter must |
be made on a form provided by the commission and must contain any |
information necessary to: |
(1) determine whether the project meets eligibility |
requirements; and |
(2) ensure the efficient administration of the |
program. |
(c) To reduce the administrative burden for the commission |
and applicants, the commission may streamline the application |
process by: |
(1) reducing data entry and the copying of |
applications; and |
(2) implementing a system to accept applications |
electronically through the commission's Internet website. |
incentive provided under this subchapter may not exceed 80 percent |
of the cost of eligible purchases of non-road engines and |
batteries. |
(b) The commission shall set standards for determining |
incentive amounts, and may revise these standards as needed to: |
(1) reflect changes to federal emission standards and |
developments in technological capabilities and scientific |
knowledge; and |
(2) maximize the cost-effectiveness of the program in |
reducing emissions. |
(c) The commission shall publicize and promote the |
availability of incentives under this subchapter to encourage |
eligible purchases of non-road engines and batteries. |
(d) The commission shall include in the biennial plan report |
required by Section 386.057(b) a report of commission actions and |
results under this subchapter. |
SECTION 4. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
shall adopt rules and establish procedures under Subchapter H, |
Chapter 386, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, as soon |
as practicable after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |