relating to a family preservation services program. |
SECTION 1. The heading to Subchapter F, Chapter 262, Family |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Section 262.401, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subdivisions (1), (3), and (4) and adding Subdivision (6) |
to read as follows: |
(1) "Child who is a candidate for foster care" means a |
child who is at imminent risk of being removed from the child's home |
and placed into the conservatorship of the department because: |
(A) a department investigation found reason to |
believe abuse or neglect occurred; |
(B) there is [of] a continuing danger to the |
child's physical health or safety caused by an act or failure to act |
of a person entitled to possession of the child; and |
(C) [but for whom] a court of competent |
jurisdiction has issued an order allowing the child to remain |
safely in the child's home or in a kinship placement with the |
provision of family preservation services. |
(3) "Family preservation service" means a |
time-limited, family-focused service, including a short-term |
expense service or a service subject to the Family First Prevention |
Services Act (Title VII, Div. E, Pub. L. No. 115-123), provided to |
the family of a child who is: |
(A) a candidate for foster care to prevent or |
eliminate the need to remove the child and to allow the child to |
remain safely with the child's family; or |
(B) a pregnant or parenting foster youth. |
(4) "Family preservation services plan" means a |
written plan for remedying child abuse and neglect, based on a |
professional assessment using evidence-based tools and strategies, |
listing the family preservation services, including services |
subject to the Family First Prevention Services Act (Title VII, |
Div. E, Pub. L. No. 115-123), to be provided to the family of a |
child who is: |
(A) a candidate for foster care; or |
(B) a pregnant or parenting foster youth. |
(6) "Short-term expense service" means time-limited |
funding for the reimbursement of short-term expenses necessary to |
allow a child to remain in the child's home, including rent, |
transportation expenses, educational or job skills programs, or |
in-home support services. |
SECTION 3. The heading to Section 262.402, Family Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 4. Section 262.402, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a) and (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read |
as follows: |
(a) The department shall establish a [pilot] program that |
allows the department to dispose of an investigation by: |
(1) referring the family of a child who is a candidate |
for foster care for family preservation services and allowing the |
child to return home instead of entering foster care; or |
(2) [by] providing family preservation services to a |
pregnant or parenting foster youth. [The department shall implement |
the pilot program in two child protective services regions in this |
state, one urban and one rural.] |
(d) In implementing the [pilot] program, the department |
shall use: |
(1) Title IV-E funds to: |
(A) pay for legal representation for parents in |
the manner provided by Section 107.015; or |
(B) provide to counties a matching reimbursement |
for the cost of the legal representation; and |
(2) funds received under assistance programs |
including the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
program or other department funds to provide short-term expense |
[enhanced in-home support] services to families qualifying for |
prevention services under this subchapter to achieve the objectives |
in the family preservation services plan. |
(e) A family may not receive short-term expense services for |
longer than 90 days. The commissioner of the department shall by |
rule establish a maximum amount that a family may receive in |
short-term expense services under each family preservation |
services plan. |
SECTION 5. Section 262.405, Family Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: |
(a-1) The court may not appoint a guardian ad litem to |
represent the best interests of a child in a suit filed under |
Section 262.404. |
SECTION 6. Section 262.406, Family Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
(e) An order rendered under this section expires on the |
first anniversary of the date the order is signed. |
SECTION 7. Section 262.407(c), Family Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) The family preservation services plan must: |
(1) include a safety risk assessment of the child who |
is the subject of the investigation and an assessment of the child's |
family; |
(2) state the reasons the department is involved with |
the family; |
(3) be narrowly tailored to address the specific |
reasons the department is involved with the family and the factors |
that make the child a candidate for foster care; |
(4) list the specific family preservation services the |
family will receive under the plan, including services provided by |
an entity other than the department, such as the Texas Workforce |
Commission or a local mental health authority, and identify the |
manner in which those services will mitigate the child's specific |
risk factors and allow the child to remain safely at home; |
(5) specify the tasks the family must complete during |
the effective period of the plan and include a schedule with |
appropriate completion dates for those tasks; and |
(6) include the name of the department or single |
source continuum contractor representative who will serve as a |
contact for the family in obtaining information related to the |
plan. |
SECTION 8. Section 262.408(d), Family Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) The family preservation services plan remains in effect |
until: |
(1) the first anniversary of [the 180th day after] the |
date the court's order for family preservation services is signed[, |
unless renewed by an order of the court]; or |
(2) the date the plan is amended or revoked by the |
court. |
SECTION 9. Section 262.409(e), Family Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(e) The amended family preservation services plan is in |
effect until: |
(1) the first anniversary of [the 180th day after] the |
date the court's order for family preservation services is signed[, |
unless renewed by an order of the court]; or |
(2) the date the amended plan is modified or revoked by |
the court. |
SECTION 10. Sections 262.415(a) and (b), Family Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department may contract with one or more persons to |
provide family preservation services under the [pilot] program. In |
a child protective services region in this state in which |
community-based care under Subchapter B-1, Chapter 264, has been |
implemented [and in which the pilot program is implemented], the |
department may contract with the single source continuum contractor |
to provide family preservation services under the [pilot] program. |
The term of a contract under this section may not exceed three years |
and may be extended only one time for not more than one year. |
(b) The contract with the person selected to provide family |
preservation services must include performance-based measures that |
require the person to show that as a result of the services: |
(1) fewer children enter foster care in the [pilot |
program] region in comparison to other regions of this state; |
(2) fewer children are removed from their families |
after receiving the services in the [pilot program] region in |
comparison to other regions of this state; and |
(3) fewer children enter foster care in the five years |
following completion of the services in the [pilot program] region |
in comparison to other regions of this state. |
SECTION 11. Section 262.416, Family Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
If a court order for services under this subchapter includes |
services that are not subject to the Family First Prevention |
Services Act (Title VII, Div. E., Pub. L. No. 115-123), the order |
must identify a method of financing for the services and the local |
jurisdiction that will pay for the services. |
(b) The commissioner of the department by rule shall |
establish funding limits for family preservation services provided |
under each family preservation services plan and lifetime funding |
limits for family preservation services provided to a single |
family. |
SECTION 12. Section 262.417, Family Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 262.417. REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. (a) Not later than |
the first anniversary of the date the department commences the [a |
pilot] program under this subchapter and every two years after that |
date, the department shall contract with an entity based in this |
state that is independent of the department and has demonstrated |
expertise in statistical, financial, logistical, and operational |
analysis to evaluate the implementation of the [pilot] program |
under this subchapter, assess its progress, and report its findings |
to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature having |
jurisdiction over child protective services and foster care |
matters. The report must include: |
(1) a detailed description of the actions taken by the |
department to ensure the successful implementation of the [pilot] |
program; |
(2) a detailed analysis of the role each of the |
following entities has in the [pilot] program: |
(A) the courts; |
(B) legal representatives; |
(C) the investigations division of the |
department; and |
(D) the department or other entity implementing |
the [pilot] program; |
(3) an analysis of any barrier to the successful |
implementation of the [pilot] program and recommendations for |
overcoming those barriers; |
(4) data on the performance-based outcomes described |
by Subsection (b) and achieved in each [the] child protective |
services region [in which the pilot program is implemented]; and |
(5) [a detailed comparison of outcomes achieved in the |
child protective services region in which the pilot program is |
implemented with outcomes achieved in other child protective |
services regions; |
[(6)] a detailed description of the costs of the [pilot] |
program and services provided[; and |
[(7) recommendations on whether to expand services |
described in this subchapter to other child protective services |
regions in this state based on the outcomes and performance of the |
pilot program]. |
(b) Performance-based outcomes for evaluating the [pilot] |
program must include: |
(1) the number of children served; |
(2) the number of families served; |
(3) the percentage of children who do not have a |
reported finding of abuse, neglect, or exploitation; |
(4) the percentage of children served who did not |
enter foster care at case closure; |
(5) the percentage of children served who did not |
enter foster care within six months and one year of the date the |
case was closed; |
(6) the number of families who received family |
preservation services under the [pilot] program for whom the |
department opens an investigation of abuse or neglect involving the |
family before the second anniversary of the date the case was |
closed; and |
(7) the average length of time services are provided |
from the entry of an order for family preservation services to case |
dismissal. |
SECTION 13. Subchapter F, Chapter 262, Family Code, is |
amended by adding Section 262.418 to read as follows: |
Sec. 262.418. EXPIRATION OF PROGRAM. This subchapter |
expires September 1, 2033. |
SECTION 14. (a) Section 262.402(b), Family Code, is |
repealed. |
(b) Section 262.413, Family Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 15. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |