relating to the Kimble County Hospital District of Kimble County, |
Texas. |
SECTION 1. Section 1049.052, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.052. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE. (a) To qualify |
for election to the board, a person must: |
(1) be at least 18 years of age; and |
(2) have been a district resident for at least one year |
[two years; and |
[(3) be a qualified property tax paying voter of the |
district]. |
(b) A person is not eligible to serve as a director if the |
person is a district employee. |
SECTION 2. Section 1049.053, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.053. [BOND;] RECORD OF [BOND AND] OATH OR |
AFFIRMATION OF OFFICE. (a) Each director shall qualify for office |
by taking the official oath of office and subscribing to the |
anti-bribery statement required by Section 1, Article XVI, Texas |
Constitution [executing a good and sufficient commercial bond for |
$1,000 that is: |
[(1) payable to the district; and |
[(2) conditioned on the faithful performance of the |
director's duties]. |
(b) [The district shall pay for a director's bond. |
[(c)] Each director's [bond and] constitutional oath or |
affirmation of office and anti-bribery statement shall be |
maintained indefinitely in [deposited with] the district's records |
[depository for safekeeping]. |
SECTION 3. Section 1049.104, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.104. HOSPITAL SYSTEM. (a) The district has the |
responsibility to establish a hospital or hospital system within |
its boundaries to provide hospital and medical care to the |
district's residents. |
(b) The hospital system may include: |
(1) domiciliary care and treatment of sick, injured, |
or elderly persons; |
(2) outpatient clinics; |
(3) pharmacies or other dispensaries; |
(4) skilled nursing facilities; |
(5) community health centers; |
(6) assisted living facilities; and |
(7) any other facilities the board considers necessary |
for hospital or medical care. |
SECTION 4. Section 1049.105(a), Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board may [shall] adopt rules for the efficient |
operation of the district[, including district facilities]. |
SECTION 5. Section 1049.151, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.151. BUDGET. (a) The board shall prepare an |
annual [a] budget that includes: |
(1) proposed expenditures and disbursements; |
(2) estimated receipts and collections for the next |
fiscal year; and |
(3) the amount of taxes required to be imposed to meet |
the proposed budget. |
(b) The board may delegate the duty to prepare a budget to |
another person. |
SECTION 6. The heading to Section 1049.152, Special |
District Local Laws Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 7. Section 1049.152, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as |
follows: |
(d) The board may make a change to the proposed budget at the |
hearing. |
(e) At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall adopt |
a budget by acting on the proposed budget. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter D, Chapter 1049, Special District |
Local Laws Code, is amended by adding Section 1049.1525 to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 1049.1525. AMENDMENT OF BUDGET. The board may amend a |
budget after it has been adopted. |
SECTION 9. Section 1049.153, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.153. FISCAL YEAR. (a) The board may establish |
the [The] district's fiscal year [is from October 1 to September |
30]. |
(b) The district's fiscal year may not be changed: |
(1) during a period in which district revenue bonds |
are outstanding; or |
(2) more than once in a 24-month period. |
SECTION 10. Section 1049.155, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1049.155. DEPOSITORY. (a) The board by resolution |
shall designate a bank in this state [Kimble County] as the |
district's depository. A designated bank serves as the district's |
depository: |
(1) for a period not to exceed five [two] years, as |
stated in the designation; and |
(2) until a successor is designated. |
(b) All district money, other than money invested in |
accordance with Chapter 2256, Government Code, shall be deposited |
in the depository and secured in accordance with Chapter 2257, |
Government Code [in the manner provided for securing county funds]. |
(c) Before the board designates a bank to serve as the |
district's depository under Subsection (a), the board shall solicit |
bids from eligible banks to determine which bank to designate as the |
district's depository. |
(d) In designating as the district's depository a bank from |
among the banks that submitted bids in response to a solicitation |
under Subsection (c), the board shall consider criteria adopted by |
the board, including: |
(1) the level of service offered by the bank; |
(2) the return on short-term and long-term funds by |
the bank; and |
(3) the cost of bank services. |
SECTION 11. Sections 1049.105(b) and 1049.154(b), Special |
District Local Laws Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 12. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |