relating to required training for caregivers to children, including |
foster parents. |
SECTION 1. Section 42.0537, Human Resources Code, is |
amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections |
(b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows: |
(a) The department and each single source continuum |
contractor shall include a provision in each contract with a |
child-placing agency with whom children in the managing |
conservatorship of the department are placed that requires the |
child-placing agency to provide competency-based, preservice |
training to a potential caregiver before the child-placing agency |
verifies or approves the caregiver as a foster or adoptive home. |
Except as provided by Subsection (d), the amount of training |
required by this subsection may not exceed 20 [35] hours. |
(b) The department shall adopt policies to ensure that each |
potential caregiver receives competency-based, preservice training |
before the department verifies or approves the caregiver as a |
foster or adoptive home. Except as provided by Subsection (d), the |
amount of training required by this subsection may not exceed 20 |
[35] hours. |
(b-1) Prior to licensure renewal, each caregiver shall |
successfully complete competency-based, annual training on |
subjects affecting the daily living experiences of foster parenting |
and the needs of children in care. The amount of annual training |
required of each caregiver may not exceed 10 hours. The department, |
single source continuum contractor, or child-placing agency |
licensing the caregiver shall ensure that required annual training |
subjects are relevant to the caregiver's license or the unique |
needs of the children placed with the caregiver. The commissioner |
and executive commissioner shall collaborate to adopt rules |
necessary to implement this subsection. |
(b-2) A foster parent may waive the daily reimbursement rate |
for foster care services. If the foster parent elects to waive the |
daily reimbursement rate, the foster parent shall be exempt from |
the annual training requirements under Subsection (b-1) except for |
any training the department, child-placing agency, or single source |
continuum contractor determines is necessary to meet the unique |
needs of the child placed with the foster parent. Such training may |
not exceed five hours per year. The commissioner and executive |
commissioner shall collaborate to adopt rules necessary to |
implement this subsection. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |