relating to the plugging of certain inactive wells subject to the |
jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. |
SECTION 1. Section 89.023, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) |
through (g) to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an operator may not |
obtain an extension of the deadline for plugging an inactive well by |
complying with that subsection: |
(1) if the plugging of the well is otherwise required |
by commission rules or orders; or |
(2) if the inactive well: |
(A) has been an inactive well for more than 15 |
years; and |
(B) 25 years have elapsed since the well was |
completed, unless: |
(i) the commission approves an order |
granting an applicant's exception to plugging the inactive well; or |
(ii) the inactive well is included in an |
approved compliance plan under Subsection (e), in which the |
operator of the well commits to plug, or restore to active |
operation, the inactive well within a time period ending on |
September 1, 2040. |
(c) When considering a request under Subsection |
(b)(2)(B)(i) for an exception to plugging an inactive well, the |
commission shall consider an operator's demonstrated history of |
returning inactive wells to active status. |
(d) An exception approved by order of the commission under |
Subsection (b)(2)(B)(i) is not transferrable to another operator |
and shall terminate upon transfer of the well, except that a new |
operator of that well may seek an additional exception under |
Subsection (b) for that well. |
(e) An operator may request the commission or its delegate |
to approve a compliance plan for inactive wells. In approving a |
compliance plan pursuant to Subsection (b)(2)(B)(ii), the |
commission or its delegate shall consider the following factors: |
(1) the number of years the well has been inactive and |
its age; |
(2) current economic conditions; |
(3) the well operator's percentage of inactive wells |
as compared to its total well count; |
(4) any plan of action by the well operator to plug or |
bring its inactive wells into production, injection, or other |
service operation, which must include a compliance report to be |
submitted to the commission annually with the operator's P-5 |
renewal; |
(5) whether the operator has financial assurance to |
cover the actual plugging costs of each well; |
(6) the well operator's record of compliance, the |
history of any previous violations, and the seriousness of any |
previous violations; |
(7) any potential hazards to the health and safety of |
the public or environmental risks posed by the inactive well; and |
(8) the demonstrated good faith of the well operator. |
(f) If the commission or its delegate denies an operator's |
request for approval of a compliance plan pursuant to Subsection |
(e), the operator may request a hearing and order of the commission. |
(g) The commission shall adopt rules that provide for |
administrative review and approval of requests to transfer an |
inactive well to another operator to ensure that wells of the |
receiving operator are in compliance with this section. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter B-1, Chapter 89, Natural Resources |
Code, is amended by adding Section 89.031 to read as follows: |
Sec. 89.031. ANNUAL REPORT BY COMMISSION. On or before |
September 1, 2026, and each year thereafter, the commission shall |
prepare and submit to the governor, lieutenant governor, and each |
member of the legislature a report on inactive wells that includes: |
(1) the number of inactive wells in Texas; |
(2) the age and length of inactivity for the inactive |
wells; |
(3) the quantity of inactive wells that use each |
method for extending the deadline under this chapter for plugging |
inactive wells; |
(4) the identification of the financial assurance |
methods being used by operators for inactive wells under this |
chapter, and the quantity of the number of inactive wells for each |
category of financial assurance; |
(5) the number of inactive wells and total wells that |
were plugged in the prior 12 months, including a breakdown by |
commission district of wells plugged by industry and by the |
commission using state-managed funds; |
(6) the number of inactive wells that were returned to |
production, injection, or other service operation in the prior 12 |
months; |
(7) P-5 status statistical summary of the number of |
operators of inactive wells including the total number of operators |
and total number of inactive wells for the status categories of |
active P-5, P-5 Extension, Delinquent P-5, and P-5 delinquent |
greater than 12 months; |
(8) the number of P-5 Organization Reports revoked |
under Section 91.114, the associated well count, the total amount |
of financial assurance in place for those operators, and the amount |
of financial assurance collected; and |
(9) the annual cost calculation for plugging an |
inactive well, as defined in Section 89.002 (a)(9). |
SECTION 3. Subchapter B-1, Chapter 89, Natural Resources |
Code, is amended by adding Section 89.032 to read as follows: |
Sec. 89.032. COMMISSION RULEMAKING. (a) The commission |
shall by rule adopt requirements for inactive wells. In its |
rulemaking, the commission shall consider the following factors: |
(1) risk to public safety and/or the environment; |
(2) wellbore integrity and wellhead integrity |
including the ability to monitor casing pressures; and |
(3) regional considerations of risk such as |
penetration of corrosive or overpressured formations, and |
completion in zones containing hydrogen sulfide. |
(b) The commission's rules shall include requirements that |
within one year of the 15th anniversary of a well becoming inactive, |
the operator of that well submit a report to the commission that: |
(1) demonstrates completion of a successful fluid |
level test or a mechanical integrity test of the well conducted in |
accordance with the commission's rules in effect at the time of the |
test, with a phase-in period for wells that require testing on the |
effective date of the rule; and |
(2) includes documentation of the results of a |
successful fluid level test and reporting of pressure on the |
production casing prior to testing. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |