89R5599 LHC-D
  By: Hughes S.B. No. 1163
  relating to the circumstances under which an appraisal review board
  is required to postpone a protest hearing.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 41.45(e) and (e-1), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  On request made to the appraisal review board before the
  date of the hearing, a property owner or a person [who has not]
  designated by the property owner as the owner's [an] agent under
  Section 1.111 to represent the owner at the hearing is entitled to
  one postponement of the hearing to a later date without showing
  cause. In addition and without limitation as to the number of
  postponements, the board shall postpone the hearing to a later date
  if the property owner or the owner's agent at any time shows good
  cause for the postponement or if the chief appraiser consents to the
  postponement. The hearing may not be postponed to a date less than
  five or more than 30 days after the date scheduled for the hearing
  when the postponement is sought unless the date and time of the
  hearing as postponed are agreed to by the chairman of the appraisal
  review board or the chairman's representative, the property owner,
  and the chief appraiser. A request by a property owner for a
  postponement under this subsection may be made in writing,
  including by facsimile transmission or electronic mail, by
  telephone, or in person to the appraisal review board, a panel of
  the board, or the chairman of the board. The chairman or the
  chairman's representative may take action on a postponement under
  this subsection without the necessity of action by the full board if
  the hearing for which the postponement is requested is scheduled to
  occur before the next regular meeting of the board. The granting by
  the appraisal review board, the chairman, or the chairman's
  representative of a postponement under this subsection does not
  require the delivery of additional written notice to the property
         (e-1)  A property owner or a person designated by the
  property owner as the owner's agent to represent the owner at the
  hearing who fails to appear at the hearing is entitled to a new
  hearing if the property owner or the owner's agent files, not later
  than the fourth day after the date the hearing occurred, a written
  statement with the appraisal review board showing good cause for
  the failure to appear and requesting a new hearing. For purposes of
  this subsection, "good cause" includes that the property owner or
  the owner's agent was unable to attend the scheduled hearing
  because the owner or agent was appearing before a different panel of
  the same appraisal review board at the time of the scheduled
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.