relating to public utility agencies; providing authority to issue |
bonds; providing authority to impose assessments. |
SECTION 1. Section 572.001(3), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Public entity" means a political entity or |
corporate body of this state, including a county, municipality, or |
district or authority created under Section 52, Article III, or |
Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, or a water supply or |
sewer service corporation. |
SECTION 2. Section 572.012(a), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Each participating public entity may: |
(1) use the entity's money to plan, acquire, |
construct, own, operate, and maintain its interest in a facility; |
(2) share in the facility; |
(3) issue bonds and other securities to raise money |
for a purpose described by Subdivision (1) in the same manner and to |
the same extent and subject to the same conditions as would be |
applicable if the public entity had sole ownership of the facility; |
(4) acquire, for the use and benefit of each |
participating public entity, land, easements, and property for a |
facility by purchase or by exercising the power of eminent domain; |
[and] |
(5) transfer or otherwise convey the land, property, |
or property interest or otherwise have the land, property, or |
property interest become vested in other participating public |
entities to the extent and in the manner agreed between the |
entities; |
(6) make an acquisition described by Subdivision (4) |
through a purchase from a public or private entity; and |
(7) for the use and benefit of each participating |
public entity, acquire by purchase a public utility, as defined by |
Section 13.002, Water Code, other than an affected county. |
SECTION 3. Sections 572.051(2) and (3), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Obligation" means a [revenue] bond or note |
secured by a revenue, fee, charge, assessment, or other revenue of |
an agency available for that purpose. |
(3) "Public utility agency" means an agency created |
under this subchapter by two or more public entities to acquire, |
plan, finance, construct, own, operate, or maintain facilities. |
SECTION 4. Sections 572.052(c) and (d), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(c) A public utility agency is a: |
(1) separate agency; |
(2) political subdivision of this state; [and] |
(3) political entity and corporate body; and |
(4) retail public utility for the purposes of Chapter |
13, Water Code. |
(d) A public utility agency may not impose a tax but has all |
the other powers and obligations that are related to facilities and |
that are provided by law to a municipality that owns a facility, |
except as provided by Section 572.061. |
SECTION 5. Section 572.053, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
PUBLIC UTILITY AGENCY. (a) The public entities that participate |
in a public utility agency may by concurrent ordinances add a public |
entity to, or delete a public entity from, participation in the |
public utility agency. |
(b) A participating public entity may withdraw from a public |
utility agency by providing an ordinance or resolution of the |
governing body of the participating public entity to the agency not |
later than the 180th day before the proposed date of withdrawal. A |
participating public entity may not withdraw from a public utility |
agency under this subsection if bonds, notes, or other obligations |
of the agency are secured by the revenues of the participating |
public entity, unless the agency adopts a resolution approving the |
withdrawal. Upon withdrawal, a participating public entity assumes |
the outstanding debt attributable to that entity from the agency on |
a prorated basis equal to that entity's benefit and has, without |
compensation from the agency, no further rights, duties, or |
obligations relating to the agency or ability to receive service |
from the facilities of the agency. |
SECTION 6. Section 572.058, Local Government Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to |
read as follows: |
(b) A public utility agency may: |
(1) perform any act necessary to the full exercise of |
the agency's powers, including acts necessary to acquire, finance, |
own, operate, or manage a facility of the agency; |
(2) enter into a contract, lease, or agreement, |
including an interlocal contract as authorized by Chapter 791, |
Government Code, with or accept a grant or loan from any of the |
following entities for the management and operation of an agency |
facility or the acquisition, construction, financing, maintenance, |
operation, provision, or receipt of a facility, service, or product |
[a]: |
(A) a department or agency of the United States; |
(B) a department, agency, or municipality or |
other political subdivision of this state; or |
(C) a public or private corporation or person; |
(3) sell, lease, convey, or otherwise dispose of all |
or a portion of any right, interest, or property the agency |
considers to be unnecessary for the efficient operation or |
maintenance of its facilities; and |
(4) adopt rules to govern the operation of the agency |
and its employees, facilities, and service. |
(c) Except as limited by a concurrent ordinance under which |
the public utility agency is created, an agency may exercise any |
right or power granted by general law to a county or municipality or |
a district or authority created under Section 59, Article XVI, |
Texas Constitution, to accomplish the purposes of the agency, |
including issuing bonds payable from special assessments in the |
manner provided by Chapter 372. This subsection does not authorize |
a public utility agency to impose a tax. |
SECTION 7. Sections 572.061(d) and (e), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(d) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the Public Utility |
Commission of Texas has appellate jurisdiction over [the state |
reserves its power to regulate and control] the rates and charges of |
[by] a public utility agency in the manner provided by Section |
13.043, Water Code. |
(e) This [Until obligations issued under this subchapter |
have been paid and discharged, this] state pledges to and agrees |
with the purchasers and successive holders of [the] obligations |
issued under this subchapter that in any appeal proceeding |
regarding the public utility agency conducted under Section 13.043, |
Water Code, the Public Utility Commission of Texas [it] will [not |
limit or alter the powers of the agency to] establish [and collect] |
rates and charges that will produce revenue sufficient to pay for |
those items specified in Subsections (a) and (b) and any other |
obligations of the agency in connection with those items. |
SECTION 8. Section 572.062, Local Government Code, is |
amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections |
(b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows: |
(a) A public utility agency may: |
(1) issue obligations, including anticipation notes, |
to accomplish the purposes of the agency; and |
(2) finance or refund the acquisition, construction, |
expansion, and improvement of all or a portion of a facility |
relating to an agency purpose. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (b-1), the [The] public |
utility agency may pledge to the payment of the obligations: |
(1) the revenue of all or part of its facilities, |
including facilities acquired after the obligations are issued; |
(2) revenues received from a public entity by contract |
as authorized by a concurrent ordinance; |
(3) special assessments: |
(A) imposed by the agency in the manner provided |
by Chapter 372; or |
(B) imposed by a public entity and provided by |
contract to the agency; or |
(4) any other funds of the agency. |
(b-1) Operation [However, operation] and maintenance |
expenses, including salaries and labor, materials, and repairs of |
facilities necessary to render efficient service, are a first lien |
on and charge against the pledged revenue. |
(b-2) A public utility agency may not use a facility owned |
by the agency to secure or collateralize a new facility without the |
approval by resolution of each participating public entity |
participating in the joint financing of the new facility. This |
subsection does not apply to the use of revenue from a facility |
owned by the agency to secure or collateralize a new facility. |
SECTION 9. Subchapter C, Chapter 572, Local Government |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 572.065 and 572.066 to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 572.065. LIABILITY. Liability for the facilities and |
management of the public utility agency must be transferred to the |
agency on ownership of the facilities by the agency. |
Sec. 572.066. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTS. A public utility |
agency may create a funding mechanism to jointly invest in and |
leverage funding for water infrastructure in Texas with the North |
American Development Bank. |
SECTION 10. Section 13.002, Water Code, is amended by |
adding Subdivision (16-a) and amending Subdivisions (19) and (23) |
to read as follows: |
(16-a) "Public utility agency" means a public utility |
agency created under Chapter 572, Local Government Code. |
(19) "Retail public utility" means any person, |
corporation, public utility, water supply or sewer service |
corporation, municipality, public utility agency, political |
subdivision or agency operating, maintaining, or controlling in |
this state facilities for providing potable water service or sewer |
service, or both, for compensation. |
(23) "Water and sewer utility," "public utility," or |
"utility" means any person, corporation, cooperative corporation, |
affected county, or any combination of these persons or entities, |
other than a municipal corporation, public utility agency, water |
supply or sewer service corporation, or [a] political subdivision |
of the state, except an affected county, or their lessees, |
trustees, and receivers, owning or operating for compensation in |
this state equipment or facilities for the transmission, storage, |
distribution, sale, or provision of potable water to the public or |
for the resale of potable water to the public for any use or for the |
collection, transportation, treatment, or disposal of sewage or |
other operation of a sewage disposal service for the public, other |
than equipment or facilities owned and operated for either purpose |
by a municipality or other political subdivision of this state or a |
water supply or sewer service corporation, but does not include any |
person or corporation not otherwise a public utility that furnishes |
the services or commodity only to itself or its employees or tenants |
as an incident of that employee service or tenancy when that service |
or commodity is not resold to or used by others. |
SECTION 11. Section 13.043, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (b), (c), and (i) and adding Subsections (i-1) |
and (j-1) to read as follows: |
(b) Ratepayers of the following entities may appeal the |
decision of the governing body of the entity affecting their water, |
drainage, or sewer rates to the utility commission: |
(1) a nonprofit water supply or sewer service |
corporation created and operating under Chapter 67; |
(2) a utility under the jurisdiction of a municipality |
inside the corporate limits of the municipality; |
(3) a municipally owned utility, if the ratepayers |
reside outside the corporate limits of the municipality, including |
a decision of a governing body that results in an increase in rates |
when the municipally owned utility takes over the provision of |
service to ratepayers previously served by another retail public |
utility; |
(4) a district or authority created under Article III, |
Section 52, or Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution |
that provides water or sewer service to household users; |
(5) a public utility agency; and |
(6) [(5)] a utility owned by an affected county, if the |
ratepayer's rates are actually or may be adversely affected. For |
the purposes of this section ratepayers who reside outside the |
boundaries of the district or authority shall be considered a |
separate class from ratepayers who reside inside those boundaries. |
(c) An appeal under Subsection (b) must be initiated by |
filing a petition for review with the utility commission and the |
entity providing service within 90 days after the effective day of |
the rate change or, if appealing under Subdivision (b)(2) or (6) |
[(5)], within 90 days after the date on which the governing body of |
the municipality or affected county makes a final decision. The |
petition must be signed by the lesser of 10,000 or 10 percent of |
those ratepayers whose rates have been changed and who are eligible |
to appeal under Subsection (b). |
(i) The governing body of a municipally owned utility or a |
political subdivision, other than a public utility agency, within |
60 days after the date of a final decision on a rate change, shall |
provide individual written notice to each ratepayer eligible to |
appeal who resides outside the boundaries of the municipality or |
the political subdivision. The notice must include, at a minimum, |
the effective date of the new rates, the new rates, and the location |
where additional information on rates can be obtained. The |
governing body of a municipally owned utility or a political |
subdivision may provide the notice electronically if the utility or |
political subdivision has access to a ratepayer's e-mail address. |
(i-1) The board of directors of a public utility agency, |
within 60 days after the date of a final decision on a rate change, |
shall provide individual written notice to each ratepayer eligible |
to appeal the rates. The notice must include, at a minimum, the |
effective date of the new rates, the new rates, and the location |
where additional information on rates can be obtained. The board of |
directors of the public utility agency may provide the notice |
electronically if the agency has access to a ratepayer's e-mail |
address. |
(j-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (j), in an appeal under |
this section of a rate charged by a public utility agency, the |
utility commission shall ensure that the rate complies with Section |
572.061(e), Local Government Code. |
SECTION 12. Section 13.242, Water Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
(e) The utility commission may by rule allow a public |
utility agency that includes a water supply or sewer service |
corporation as a participant in the agency to render retail water or |
sewer service without a certificate of public convenience and |
necessity. |
SECTION 13. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |