relating to compensation, leave, and physical fitness programs and |
standards for certain employees of the office of inspector general |
of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. |
SECTION 1. Section 614.171(1), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(1) "Law enforcement agency" means the Department of |
Public Safety, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Texas |
Department of Criminal Justice, Parks and Wildlife Department, [and |
the] office of the attorney general, and Texas Juvenile Justice |
Department. |
SECTION 2. Section 659.303, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a) and (d) and adding Subsection (a-1) to |
read as follows: |
(a) The department may include hazardous duty pay in the |
compensation paid to an individual for services rendered during a |
month if the individual[: |
[(1)] has: |
(1) [(A)] routine direct contact with youth: |
(A) [(i)] placed in a residential facility of the |
department; or |
(B) [(ii)] released under the department's |
supervision; and |
(2) [(B)] completed at least 12 months of lifetime |
service credit not later than the last day of the preceding month. |
(a-1) The department shall include hazardous duty pay in the |
compensation paid to an individual for services rendered during a |
month if the individual[; or |
[(2)] is an investigator, inspector general, security |
officer, or apprehension specialist employed by the office of the |
inspector general of the department. |
(d) Except for the inclusion of hazardous duty pay in the |
compensation paid to an individual described by Subsection (a-1) |
[(a)(2)], the department may not pay hazardous duty pay: |
(1) from funds authorized for payment of an |
across-the-board employee salary increase; or |
(2) to an employee who works at the department's |
central office. |
SECTION 3. Section 661.918(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies to a peace officer under Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, who is commissioned as a law |
enforcement officer or agent, including a ranger, by: |
(1) the Public Safety Commission and the director of |
the Department of Public Safety; |
(2) the Parks and Wildlife Commission; |
(3) the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; |
(4) the attorney general; [or] |
(5) the insurance fraud unit of the Texas Department |
of Insurance; [or] |
(6) the comptroller; or |
(7) the office of the inspector general of the Texas |
Juvenile Justice Department. |
SECTION 4. Section 242.102, Human Resources Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (j) to read as follows: |
(j) The department shall ensure that a peace officer |
commissioned under Subsection (d) is compensated according to |
Schedule C of the position classification salary schedule |
prescribed by the General Appropriations Act. |
SECTION 5. (a) The classification officer in the office of |
the state auditor shall classify the position of commissioned peace |
officer employed by the office of inspector general of the Texas |
Juvenile Justice Department as a Schedule C position under the |
position classification plan maintained under Chapter 654, |
Government Code. |
(b) The change made by the classification officer as |
required by this section applies beginning with the state fiscal |
biennium beginning September 1, 2025. |
(c) This section expires September 1, 2027. |
SECTION 6. Section 661.918(a), Government Code, as amended |
by this Act, applies only to an injury that occurs on or after the |
effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |