relating to the procedures and notice required before an |
individual's name is added to the central child abuse or neglect |
registry. |
SECTION 1. Section 261.002, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (a-1), |
(a-2), (b-1), (e), and (f) to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall establish and maintain a central |
registry of the names of individuals found [by the department] to |
have abused or neglected a child. |
(a-1) Except as provided by Subsection (a-2), the |
department may not add the name of an individual to the central |
registry maintained under this section unless a final order issued |
by the State Office of Administrative Hearings after an |
administrative hearing or by a court in a civil proceeding, |
including a proceeding under Subchapter C or F, Chapter 262, or |
Section 264.203, includes a finding that the individual abused or |
neglected a child. |
(a-2) The department may add an individual's name to the |
central registry maintained under this section without a final |
order that includes a finding that the individual abused or |
neglected a child if the department determines that: |
(1) the individual abandoned the child without |
identification or a means for identifying the child; |
(2) a child of the individual is a victim of serious |
bodily injury or sexual abuse inflicted by the individual or by |
another person with the individual's consent; |
(3) the individual has engaged in conduct against a |
child that would constitute an offense under the following |
provisions of the Penal Code: |
(A) Section 19.02 (murder); |
(B) Section 19.03 (capital murder); |
(C) Section 19.04 (manslaughter); |
(D) Section 20A.02(a)(7) or (8) (trafficking of |
persons); |
(E) Section 21.02 (continuous sexual abuse of |
young child or disabled individual); |
(F) Section 21.11 (indecency with a child); |
(G) Section 22.011 (sexual assault); |
(H) Section 22.02 (aggravated assault); |
(I) Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual assault); |
(J) Section 22.04 (injury to a child, elderly |
individual, or disabled individual); |
(K) Section 22.041 (abandoning or endangering |
child); |
(L) Section 25.02 (prohibited sexual conduct); |
(M) Section 43.05(a)(2) (compelling |
prostitution); |
(N) Section 43.25 (sexual performance by a |
child); or |
(O) Section 43.26 (possession or promotion of |
child pornography); |
(4) the individual voluntarily left the child alone or |
in the possession of another person not the parent of the child for |
at least six months without expressing an intent to return and |
without providing adequate support for the child; |
(5) the individual has been convicted for: |
(A) the murder of another child and the offense |
would have been an offense under 18 U.S.C. Section 1111(a) if the |
offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial |
jurisdiction of the United States; |
(B) the voluntary manslaughter of another child |
and the offense would have been an offense under 18 U.S.C. Section |
1112(a) if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or |
territorial jurisdiction of the United States; |
(C) aiding or abetting, attempting, conspiring, |
or soliciting an offense under Paragraph (A) or (B); or |
(D) the felony assault of a child that resulted |
in serious bodily injury to the child or another child of the |
parent; or |
(6) the individual is required under any state or |
federal law to register with a sex offender registry. |
(b) The department may not find that an individual abused or |
neglected a child [executive commissioner shall adopt rules |
necessary to carry out this section. The rules shall: |
[(1) prohibit the department from making a finding of |
abuse or neglect against a person] in a case in which the department |
is named managing conservator of a child who has a severe emotional |
disturbance only because the child's family is unable to obtain |
mental health services for the child. The department shall[; |
[(2)] establish guidelines for reviewing the records in |
the registry and removing those records in which the department was |
named managing conservator of a child who has a severe emotional |
disturbance only because the child's family was unable to obtain |
mental health services for the child. |
(b-1) The department shall:[;] |
(1) [(3) require the department to] remove an |
individual's [a person's] name from the central registry maintained |
under this section not later than the 10th business day after the |
date the department receives notice that a finding of abuse and |
neglect against the individual [person] is overturned in: |
(A) an administrative review of the department's |
determination or an appeal of the review conducted under Section |
261.309(c); |
(B) a review of the department's determination or |
an appeal of the review conducted by the office of consumer affairs |
of the department under department rules; [or] |
(C) a hearing or an appeal conducted by the State |
Office of Administrative Hearings; |
(D) an internal department review of the |
department's determination conducted under Section 261.0023 while |
an administrative hearing is pending; or |
(E) an order by a county court at law, an |
associate judge under Section 201.201, a district court, a court of |
appeals, or the supreme court; and |
(2) [(4) require the department to] update any |
relevant department files to reflect an overturned finding of abuse |
or neglect against an individual [a person] not later than the 10th |
business day after the date the finding is overturned in a review, |
hearing, or appeal described by Subdivision (1) [(3)]. |
(e) This section does not limit the ability of the Health |
and Human Services Commission to access the department's records of |
reports of child abuse or neglect to conduct a background check |
under Section 42.056, Human Resources Code, or commission rules. |
(f) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to carry |
out this section, including rules to ensure substantial compliance |
with this section. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 261, Family Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 261.0021, 261.0022, and 261.0023 to read |
as follows: |
CENTRAL REGISTRY. (a) If the department determines that an |
individual has abused or neglected a child, the department shall, |
not later than the 10th day after the date the determination is |
made, provide written notice to the individual of the department's |
prospective addition of the individual's name to the central |
registry maintained under Section 261.002. The notice must |
include: |
(1) a clear statement describing the purposes and |
scope of the registry; |
(2) an explanation of the consequences of being listed |
in the registry, including any possible negative impact on the |
individual's ability to: |
(A) obtain employment or certain licenses; and |
(B) have future contact with children, including |
any limitation on volunteering or involvement in school activities; |
and |
(3) information regarding the individual's right to |
challenge inclusion of the individual's name in the registry, |
including the procedures for challenging inclusion of the |
individual's name in the registry through: |
(A) an administrative review of the department's |
determination or an appeal of the review conducted under Section |
261.309(c); |
(B) a review of the department's determination or |
an appeal of the review conducted by the office of consumer affairs |
of the department under department rules; |
(C) a hearing or an appeal conducted by the State |
Office of Administrative Hearings; |
(D) an internal department review of the |
department's determination conducted under Section 261.0023 while |
an administrative hearing is pending; or |
(E) an order by a county court at law, an |
associate judge under Section 201.201, a district court, a court of |
appeals, or the supreme court. |
(b) The department may not add an individual's name to the |
central registry: |
(1) before the 31st day after the date the department |
provides notice to the individual under this section; |
(2) if the individual requests a hearing under Section |
261.0022, before the conclusion of the hearing process; or |
(3) if the department's determination that the |
individual abused or neglected a child is overturned by a process |
available to the individual and listed under Subsection (a)(3). |
ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS. (a) Not later than the 30th day after the |
date an individual receives notice under Section 261.0021, the |
individual may request a hearing with the State Office of |
Administrative Hearings to review the finding of abuse and neglect. |
(b) If an individual requests a hearing under this section, |
the department shall refer the individual's case to the State |
Office of Administrative Hearings to hold the hearing. |
(c) An administrative law judge of the State Office of |
Administrative Hearings shall: |
(1) conduct a hearing for a request under this section |
in accordance with Chapter 2001, Government Code; |
(2) make findings of fact and conclusions of law; and |
(3) issue an order containing a final decision |
regarding the abuse and neglect findings. |
(d) Notice of the administrative law judge's order given to |
the individual under Chapter 2001, Government Code, must include a |
statement of the individual's right to judicial review of the |
order. |
(e) Not later than the 10th day after the date an order by an |
administrative law judge affirming the department's determination |
becomes final under Section 2001.144, Government Code, the |
department shall add the individual's name to the central registry. |
(f) If the individual seeks judicial review of the |
administrative law judge's order, the order remains in effect |
during the pendency of that appeal. |
(g) An individual may not receive a hearing under this |
section if the finding of abuse or neglect by the individual is |
made: |
(1) under Section 262.201, 262.406, or 264.203; or |
(2) by a district or appellate court. |
Sec. 261.0023. INTERNAL DEPARTMENT REVIEW. (a) If an |
individual requests a hearing under Section 261.0022, the |
department shall conduct an internal department review of the |
findings while the administrative hearing is pending. |
(b) The department by rule shall establish a process for |
conducting an internal department review of a finding of abuse or |
neglect of a child before the date of the administrative hearing. |
(c) If the department determines in an internal department |
review that the evidence does not support a finding of abuse or |
neglect by a preponderance of the evidence, not later than the 10th |
day after the date the department makes the determination the |
department: |
(1) shall notify the individual of the results of the |
review; |
(2) shall remove the case from the State Office of |
Administrative Hearings docket; and |
(3) may not add the individual's name to the central |
registry. |
(d) If the department determines in an internal department |
review that the evidence supports a finding of abuse or neglect by a |
preponderance of the evidence, the department shall, not later than |
the 10th day after making the determination, notify the individual |
of the results of the review and that the individual's case will |
remain on the State Office of Administrative Hearings docket. |
(e) Information and materials used or referred to in an |
internal department review under this section, including case |
records or other documents, are confidential and not subject to |
disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code. |
SECTION 3. Section 261.005, Family Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
COMMISSION. (a) Unless otherwise provided by a provision of this |
chapter, in this chapter: |
(1) a reference to the executive commissioner or the |
executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission |
means the commissioner of the department; and |
(2) a reference to the Health and Human Services |
Commission means the department. |
(b) This section does not apply to Section 261.002(e). |
SECTION 4. Section 262.201, Family Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (h-1) to read as follows: |
(h-1) A temporary order issued under Subsection (h) must |
include, with regard to each parent, managing conservator, |
possessory conservator, guardian, caretaker, or custodian entitled |
to possession of the child, a determination by a preponderance of |
the evidence: |
(1) whether that individual engaged in conduct that |
would constitute abuse or neglect under Section 261.001; and |
(2) for an individual determined by the court to have |
engaged in conduct that constitutes child abuse or neglect, a |
finding listing the specific provisions of Section 261.001 |
applicable to the individual's conduct. |
SECTION 5. Section 262.406, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as |
follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (d), at the conclusion |
of the hearing in a suit filed under Section 262.404, the court |
shall order the department to provide family preservation services |
and to execute a family preservation services plan developed in |
collaboration with the family of the child who is a candidate for |
foster care if the court finds sufficient evidence to satisfy a |
person of ordinary prudence and caution that: |
(1) as to each parent, managing conservator, guardian, |
or other member of the child's household: |
(A) the individual engaged in conduct that would |
constitute abuse or neglect under Section 261.001; |
(B) the individual's acts or omissions present an |
immediate risk of abuse or neglect to the child; or |
(C) [occurred or] there is a [substantial risk of |
abuse or neglect or] continuing danger to the child's physical |
health or safety caused by an act or failure to act of the |
individual [parent, managing conservator, guardian, or other |
member of the child's household]; |
(2) family preservation services are necessary to |
ensure the child's physical health or safety; and |
(3) family preservation services are appropriate |
based on the child's safety risk assessment and the child's family |
assessment. |
(a-1) If the court makes a finding under Subsection |
(a)(1)(A), the court shall identify the specific parts of Section |
261.001 that apply to the parent's, managing conservator's, |
guardian's, or other member of the child's household's conduct. |
SECTION 6. Section 264.203, Family Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (m) and adding Subsection (m-1) to read as |
follows: |
(m) At the conclusion of the hearing, the court shall deny |
the petition unless the court finds sufficient evidence to satisfy |
a person of ordinary prudence and caution that: |
(1) as to each parent, managing conservator, guardian, |
or other member of the child's household: |
(A) the individual engaged in conduct that would |
constitute abuse or neglect under Section 261.001; |
(B) the individual's acts or omissions present an |
immediate risk of abuse or neglect to the child; or |
(C) [has occurred or] there is a [substantial |
risk of abuse or neglect or] continuing danger to the physical |
health or safety of the child caused by an act or failure to act of |
the individual [parent, managing conservator, guardian, or other |
member of the child's household]; and |
(2) services are necessary to ensure the physical |
health or safety of the child. |
(m-1) If the court makes a finding under Subsection |
(m)(1)(A), the court shall identify the specific parts of Section |
261.001 that apply to the parent's, managing conservator's, |
guardian's, or other member of the child's household's conduct. |
SECTION 7. (a) The commissioner of the Department of Family |
and Protective Services shall adopt the rules necessary to |
implement the changes in law made by this Act. |
(b) The changes in law made by this Act apply only to a |
finding that an individual abused or neglected a child made on or |
after the effective date of this Act. A finding made before that |
date is governed by the law in effect on the date the finding was |
made, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |