relating to the composition and duties of a court security |
committee. |
SECTION 1. Section 74.092(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) A local administrative judge, for the courts for which |
the judge serves as local administrative judge, shall: |
(1) implement and execute the local rules of |
administration, including the assignment, docketing, transfer, and |
hearing of cases; |
(2) appoint any special or standing committees |
necessary or desirable for court management and administration; |
(3) promulgate local rules of administration if the |
other judges do not act by a majority vote; |
(4) recommend to the regional presiding judge any |
needs for assignment from outside the county to dispose of court |
caseloads; |
(5) supervise the expeditious movement of court |
caseloads, subject to local, regional, and state rules of |
administration; |
(6) provide the supreme court and the office of court |
administration requested statistical and management information; |
(7) set the hours and places for holding court in the |
county; |
(8) supervise the employment and performance of |
nonjudicial personnel; |
(9) supervise the budget and fiscal matters of the |
local courts, subject to local rules of administration; |
(10) coordinate and cooperate with any other local |
administrative judge in the district in the assignment of cases in |
the courts' concurrent jurisdiction for the efficient operation of |
the court system and the effective administration of justice; |
(11) if requested by the courts the judge serves, |
establish and maintain the lists required by Section 37.003 and |
ensure appointments are made from the lists in accordance with |
Section 37.004; |
(12) perform other duties as may be directed by the |
chief justice or a regional presiding judge; and |
(13) establish a court security committee to adopt |
security policies and procedures for the courts served by the local |
administrative district judge that is composed of: |
(A) the local administrative district judge, or |
the judge's designee, who serves as presiding officer of the |
committee; |
(B) a representative of the sheriff's office; |
(C) a representative of each constable's office |
in the county; |
(D) a representative of the county commissioners |
court; |
(E) [(D)] one judge of each type of court in the |
county other than a municipal court or a municipal court of record; |
(F) a justice of the peace who serves the county; |
(G) [(E)] a representative of any county |
attorney's office, district attorney's office, or criminal district |
attorney's office that serves in the applicable courts; and |
(H) [(F)] any other person the committee |
determines necessary to assist the committee. |
SECTION 2. Section 74.092(b), Government Code, is |
redesignated as Section 74.0922, Government Code, and amended to |
read as follows: |
court security committee established under Section 74.092(a)(13) |
shall meet at least once annually to develop and submit |
recommendations [may recommend] to the county commissioners court |
on the uses of resources and expenditures of money for courthouse |
security, including recommendations on the allocation of any county |
court security budget, but may not direct the assignment of those |
resources or the expenditure of those funds. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |