relating to the purchase of a construction-related service from a |
provider related to an energy savings performance contract. |
SECTION 1. Section 302.001, Local Government Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivisions (7-a), (8-a), and (9-b) and amending |
Subdivisions (8) and (10) to read as follows: |
(7-a) "Investment grade audit" means a detailed |
analysis by a qualified provider to define the scope of work for an |
energy savings performance contract. The audit includes physical |
inspections, utility data analysis, identification of conservation |
measures, and a comprehensive report detailing costs, savings |
projections, and a measurement and verification plan, ensuring |
compliance with industry standards and unbiased recommendations. |
(8) "Local government" means a county, municipality, |
school district, or other political subdivision of this |
state. [The term does not include a school district authorized to |
enter into an energy savings performance contract under Section |
44.901, Education Code.] |
(8-a) "Measurement and verification" means a method of |
confirming whether a guaranteed energy savings, an increase in |
billable revenues, or an increase in meter accuracy resulting from |
an energy or water conservation or usage measure is being met as |
specified under an energy savings performance contract and this |
chapter. |
(9-b) "Preliminary utility audit" means an initial |
assessment by a provider to identify potential energy or water |
conservation measures. The audit includes cost and savings |
estimates, an on-site survey, and a written report provided at no |
cost to the local government, excluding detailed engineering or |
architectural designs. |
(10) "Provider" means an entity or an affiliate of the |
entity that: |
(A) has experience in the design, acquisition, |
implementation, installation, and, where appropriate, |
construction, engineering, operation, maintenance, and repair [in |
the business of designing, implementing, and installing] of energy |
or water conservation or usage measures [or an affiliate of such an |
entity]; |
(B) has the technical capability to verify that |
such energy or water conservation or usage measures generate energy |
savings, an increase in billable revenues, or an increase in meter |
accuracy; and |
(C) has the ability to secure or arrange the |
financing necessary to satisfy the guarantee required by an energy |
savings performance contract entered into by the provider. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 302, Local Government Code, is amended |
by adding Section 302.009 to read as follows: |
SERVICES. (a) This section applies to the purchase of a |
construction-related service from a provider related to an energy |
savings performance contract in an amount that exceeds $50,000. |
(b) A local government may not use a purchasing cooperative |
under Chapter 791, Government Code, or a local cooperative |
organization under Subchapter F, Chapter 271, of this code for the |
purchase of a preliminary utility audit, an investment grade audit, |
architectural services, design services, or engineering services |
from a provider under an energy savings performance contract. |
SECTION 3. Section 44.901, Education Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 4. The changes in law made by this Act apply to a |
contract entered into or amended or modified on or after the |
effective date of this Act. A contract entered into or amended or |
modified before the effective date of this Act is governed by the |
law in effect on the date the contract was entered into or amended |
or modified, and the former law is continued in effect for that |
purpose. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |