relating to unclaimed securities and virtual currency that are |
presumed abandoned. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 72, Property Code, is |
amended by adding Section 72.002 to read as follows: |
Sec. 72.002. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Security" means: |
(A) a security as defined by Section 8.102, |
Business & Commerce Code; |
(B) a security entitlement as defined by Section |
8.102, Business & Commerce Code, including a customer security |
account held by a registered broker-dealer, to the extent the |
financial assets held in the security account are not: |
(i) registered on the books of the issuer in |
the name of the person for whom the broker-dealer holds the assets; |
(ii) payable to the order of the person for |
whom the broker-dealer holds the assets; or |
(iii) specifically indorsed to the person |
for whom the broker-dealer holds the assets; or |
(C) an equity interest in a business association |
not included in Paragraph (A) or (B). |
(2) "Virtual currency": |
(A) means a digital representation of value that: |
(i) is used as a medium of exchange, unit of |
account, or store of value; and |
(ii) is not legal tender, whether or not |
denominated in legal tender; and |
(B) does not include: |
(i) a transaction in which a merchant |
grants, as part of an affinity or rewards program, value that cannot |
be taken from or exchanged with the merchant for legal tender, bank |
credit, or virtual currency; or |
(ii) a digital representation of value |
issued by or on behalf of a publisher and used solely within an |
online game, game platform, or family of games sold by the same |
publisher or offered on the same game platform. |
SECTION 2. Section 72.101(b), Property Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b)(1) The three-year period leading to a presumption of |
abandonment of a security or virtual currency [stock or another |
intangible ownership interest in a business association, the |
existence of which is evidenced by records available to the |
association,] commences on the first date that [either a sum |
payable as a result of the ownership interest is unclaimed by the |
owner or] a written or electronic communication to the owner is |
returned undelivered by the United States Postal Service or by |
electronic mail or other electronic messaging method, as |
applicable. |
(2) The running of the three-year period of |
abandonment ceases immediately on the exercise of an act of |
ownership interest in the security or virtual currency [or sum |
payable] or a written, oral, or electronic communication with the |
holder [association] as evidenced by a memorandum or other record |
on file with the holder [association] or the holder's [its] agents. |
(3) At the time a security or virtual currency [an |
ownership] is presumed abandoned under this section, any sum then |
held for interest or owing to the owner as a result of the security |
or virtual currency [interest] and not previously presumed |
abandoned is presumed abandoned. |
(4) For purposes of this section, an exercise of an act |
of ownership interest with respect to a security or virtual |
currency includes an owner: |
(A) conducting a transaction regarding the |
security or virtual currency or the account in which the security or |
virtual currency is held, including depositing funds into or |
withdrawing funds from the account by a one-time transaction or a |
recurring transaction previously authorized by the owner other than |
an [Any stock or other intangible ownership interest enrolled in a |
plan that provides for the] automatic reinvestment of dividends[, |
distributions,] or [other sums payable as a result of the |
ownership] interest; |
(B) electronically accessing the account in |
which the security or virtual currency is held; |
(C) conducting any activity with respect to |
another account owned by the owner with the same holder; and |
(D) taking any other action that reasonably |
demonstrates to the holder that the owner knows that the property |
exists [is subject to the presumption of abandonment as provided by |
this section]. |
SECTION 3. Section 74.301, Property Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read |
as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (c) and |
(d), each holder who on March 1 holds property to which this chapter |
applies shall deliver the property to the comptroller on or before |
the following July 1 accompanied by the report required to be filed |
under Section 74.101. |
(d) If the property subject to delivery under Subsection (a) |
are digital assets, cryptocurrency, or other tradeable virtual |
currency redeemable for fiat currency and the holder has full |
control of the necessary private keys required to transfer the |
virtual currency, the holder shall report and, before the 30th day |
after the reporting date, deliver the virtual currency in its |
native form at the direction of the comptroller to either the |
comptroller's designated custodian or an in-house account at the |
holder established by and for the comptroller. The holder shall |
provide the comptroller with proof of delivery with the report |
required to be filed under Section 74.101. If the holder possesses |
only a partial private key to the virtual currency subject to |
delivery under Subsection (a) and is unable to move the virtual |
currency, the holder shall maintain the virtual currency until the |
additional keys required to transfer the asset become available and |
file the report as required by Section 74.101. For property that |
is not considered transferable or reportable to the state under |
this subsection, the holder shall send paper or electronic mail |
notices using the last known address of the owner, if available, at |
least once each year in an attempt to reunite the owner with the |
owner's assets. |
(e) For purposes of Subsection (d), "virtual currency" has |
the meaning assigned by Section 72.002. |
SECTION 4. Section 74.405, Property Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to read as |
follows: |
(b) The comptroller may not sell a security listed on an |
established stock exchange or virtual currency listed on a virtual |
currency exchange for less than the price prevailing on the |
applicable exchange at the time of sale. The comptroller may sell a |
security or virtual currency not listed on an established exchange |
by any commercially reasonable method. |
(c) For purposes of Subsection (b), "security" and "virtual |
currency" have the meanings assigned by Section 72.002. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |