relating to the financing of water supply projects included in the |
state water plan; authorizing the issuance of obligations. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle F, Title 9, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 1373 to read as follows: |
Sec. 1373.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Board" means the Texas Water Development Board. |
(2) "Eligible project" means one or more water supply |
projects: |
(A) that are identified as recommended water |
management strategies in the state water plan; and |
(B) the cumulative costs of which are not less |
than $750 million. |
(3) "Indebtedness" means a bond, note, certificate of |
participation, contract, or loan agreement of an issuer issued or |
incurred pursuant to any statutory authority other than this |
chapter. |
(4) "Issuer" means a political subdivision as that |
term is defined by Section 16.001, Water Code. |
(5) "Obligation" means a bond, note, certificate of |
participation, contract, or loan agreement, whether payable or |
secured by taxes, revenues, or a combination thereof. |
(6) "Obligation authorization" means the order, |
ordinance, or resolution of the issuer authorizing the obligation. |
(7) "State water plan" means the comprehensive water |
plan for the state adopted under Section 16.051, Water Code. |
Sec. 1373.002. CONSTRUCTION. This chapter shall be |
liberally construed to achieve the legislative intent and purposes |
of this chapter. A power granted by this chapter shall be broadly |
interpreted to achieve the intent and purposes. |
Sec. 1373.003. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER LAW. (a) To the |
extent of any conflict or inconsistency between this chapter and |
another law or a municipal charter, this chapter controls. |
(b) An issuer may use any provision of another law that does |
not conflict with this chapter to the extent convenient or |
necessary as determined by the issuer to carry out any power or |
authority, express or implied, granted by this chapter, without |
reference to any other laws or any restrictions or limitations |
contained in those laws. |
(c) Chapter 1207 applies to the refunding of obligations |
issued or incurred under this chapter. |
Notwithstanding any other law, as authorized and approved by the |
governing body of an issuer, obligations may be issued, sold, |
incurred, and delivered to: |
(1) finance or refinance an eligible project; |
(2) refund obligations, other indebtedness, or |
contractual obligations of the issuer issued or incurred in |
connection with an eligible project; and |
(3) pay the costs of issuance or delivery of the |
obligations. |
Sec. 1373.005. SECURITY FOR OBLIGATION. (a) An obligation |
may be secured by: |
(1) the proceeds from the sale of other obligations or |
indebtedness of the issuer, including proceeds from the sale of |
revenue bonds payable from the revenue to be received from an |
eligible project or a specified user of an eligible project; |
(2) any revenue that the issuer is authorized by the |
constitution, a statute, or the charter of a home-rule municipality |
to pledge or pay any kind of general or special indebtedness by or |
from those revenues; |
(3) water supply contracts or water treatment |
contracts or other similar contracts or the revenue received from |
those contracts; or |
(4) any combination of the sources described by this |
subsection. |
(b) The governing body of an issuer may secure an obligation |
and pay the cost of a contract or other agreement executed and |
delivered in connection with the financing of an eligible project |
with a pledge of the sources permitted by this chapter. |
(c) Notwithstanding any other law, if an issuer secures an |
obligation with contracts or the revenue from those contracts, the |
term of the contracts may not be less than the final maturity or |
term of such obligations pursuant to Section 1373.008. |
(d) Any obligations payable wholly or partly from a pledge |
of ad valorem taxes to finance or refinance an eligible project must |
be approved by the voters of the issuer at an election held for that |
purpose. |
Sec. 1373.006. USE OF PROCEEDS. An issuer may use the |
proceeds from the issuance or incurrence of an obligation to |
finance and refinance an eligible project, including costs |
authorized by Section 1201.042(a). |
FUNDING OF ELIGIBLE PROJECTS. (a) Any financing or funding |
provided by the board for an eligible project may not exceed the |
maturity or term of an obligation pledged to the project. |
(b) If the design, construction, and placing into service of |
an eligible project is estimated to take more than four years, as |
certified by a licensed professional engineer selected by the |
issuer, the board shall make a multiyear commitment of any |
financing or funding provided by the board of the eligible project |
at the request of the issuer. |
maximum maturity or term of an obligation issued pursuant to this |
chapter may not exceed the lesser of: |
(1) the reasonably expected weighted average useful |
life of the eligible project as certified by a licensed |
professional engineer selected by the issuer; or |
(2) 40 years from the date of issuance of the |
obligation. |
(b) The determination of reasonably expected weighted |
average useful life of an eligible project made under Subsection |
(a) may not be contested for any reason. |
Sec. 1373.009. OBLIGATION AUTHORIZATION. (a) The |
governing body of an issuer must adopt or approve an obligation |
authorization before an obligation may be issued or incurred. |
(b) The obligation authorization must establish: |
(1) the maximum amount of the obligation to be issued |
or incurred or, if applicable, the maximum principal amount that |
may be outstanding at any time; |
(2) subject to Section 1373.008, the maximum term for |
which the obligation issued or incurred under the authorization may |
be outstanding; |
(3) the maximum interest rate the obligation may bear; |
(4) subject to Subsection (c)(2), the manner of sale |
of the obligation, which may be by public or private sale, the price |
of the obligation, the form of the obligation, and the terms, |
representations, and covenants of the issuer made in connection |
with the issuance of the obligation, if applicable; and |
(5) each source pledged or to be pledged to the payment |
of the obligation. |
(c) The obligation authorization may: |
(1) provide for the designation of a paying agent and |
registrar for the obligation; and |
(2) authorize one or more designated officers or |
employees of the issuer to act on behalf of the issuer from time to |
time in selling, incurring, and delivering obligations and setting |
the dates, price, interest rates, interest payment periods, |
redemption features, and other procedures relating to the issuance, |
sale, incurrence, and delivery of obligations, as specified in the |
obligation authorization. |
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY. A finding or determination made by an |
officer or employee acting under the authority delegated to the |
officer or employee by an obligation authorization adopted or |
approved under this chapter has the same force and effect as a |
finding or determination made by the governing body. |
CONTRACT BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. (a) Before an obligation may be |
issued or incurred, a record of the proceedings of the issuer |
authorizing the issuance, execution, incurrence, and delivery of |
the obligation and any contract providing revenue or security |
pledged to the payment of the obligation must be submitted to the |
attorney general for review. |
(b) If the attorney general finds that the proceedings |
authorizing an obligation conform to the requirements of the Texas |
Constitution and this chapter, the attorney general shall approve |
it and deliver to the comptroller a copy of the attorney general's |
legal opinion stating that approval and the record of proceedings. |
After approval, the obligation may be executed and delivered, |
exchanged, or refinanced from time to time in accordance with those |
authorizing proceedings. |
Sec. 1373.012. REGISTRATION. On receipt of the documents |
required by Section 1373.011(b), the comptroller shall register the |
record of the proceedings relating to the issuance of an |
obligation. |
proceedings to authorize an obligation are approved by the attorney |
general and registered by the comptroller, each obligation and any |
contract that provides revenue or security included in or executed |
and delivered according to the authorizing proceedings and pledged |
to the payment of the obligation is incontestable in a court or |
other forum and is valid, binding, and enforceable according to its |
terms. |
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) and except as provided |
by this subsection, an obligation authorized by this chapter is not |
valid, binding, or enforceable unless the obligation is approved by |
the attorney general and registered by the comptroller in |
accordance with Chapter 1202. |
SECTION 2. Section 15.432(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) Money deposited to the credit of the fund may be used: |
(1) only as provided by this subchapter; and |
(2) for eligible projects authorized under Chapter |
1373, Government Code. |
SECTION 3. Section 15.435(c), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) If the trust company enters into a bond enhancement |
agreement under Subsection (b), the board may direct the trust |
company to make disbursements from the fund to another fund or |
account for the support of bonds the proceeds of which are used to |
provide financial assistance in the form of: |
(1) a loan bearing an interest rate of not less than 50 |
percent of the then-current market rate of interest available to |
the board; |
(2) a loan to finance a facility under repayment terms |
similar to the terms of debt customarily issued by the entity |
requesting assistance but not to exceed the lesser of: |
(A) the expected useful life of the facility; or |
(B) 30 years or, for an eligible project |
authorized by Chapter 1373, Government Code, 40 years; |
(3) a deferral of loan repayment, including deferral |
of the repayment of: |
(A) principal and interest; or |
(B) accrued interest; |
(4) incremental repurchase terms for an acquired |
facility, including terms for no initial repurchase payment |
followed by progressively increasing incremental levels of |
interest payment, repurchase of principal and interest, and |
ultimate repurchase of the entire state interest in the facility |
using simple interest calculations; or |
(5) a combination of the methods of financing |
described by Subdivisions (1)-(4). |
SECTION 4. Section 15.474(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), money in the fund |
may be used by the board only to provide financing or refinancing, |
under terms specified by the board, for an eligible project |
authorized under Chapter 1373, Government Code, or for projects |
included in the state water plan that are authorized under |
Subchapter C-1, Q, or R of this chapter, Subchapter E or F, Chapter |
16, or Subchapter J or L, Chapter 17, including water conservation |
or reuse projects designed to reduce the need for this state or |
political subdivisions of this state to develop additional water |
resources. |
SECTION 5. Section 17.852(5), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(5) "Project" includes water supply projects, |
treatment works, [and] flood projects, as defined by Section 15.531 |
or 16.451, and eligible projects as defined by Section 1373.001, |
Government Code. |
SECTION 6. Section 17.957(c), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) Money on deposit in the state participation account may |
be used by the board, in the manner that the board determines |
necessary for the administration of the fund, for: |
(1) eligible projects, as defined by Section 1373.001, |
Government Code; and |
(2) projects described in Sections 16.131 and 16.146 |
[in the manner that the board determines necessary for the |
administration of the fund]. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |