relating to the review and updating by the Texas Water Development |
Board of guidance principles and rules related to certain plans |
adopted or approved by the board. |
SECTION 1. Section 16.051, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (d-1) to read as |
follows: |
(d) The board, in coordination with the commission, the |
Department of Agriculture, and the Parks and Wildlife Department, |
shall adopt by rule guidance principles for the state water plan |
which reflect the public interest of the entire state. When |
adopting guidance principles, due consideration shall be given to |
the construction and improvement of surface water resources and the |
application of principles that result in voluntary redistribution |
of water resources. The board shall review and update the guidance |
principles and any other rules related to the state water plan, with |
input from the commission, the Department of Agriculture, and the |
Parks and Wildlife Department, as necessary but at least every five |
years to coincide with the five-year cycle for adoption of a new |
water plan as described in Subsection (a). |
(d-1) The requirement to review a rule not later than the |
fourth anniversary of the date on which the rule takes effect and |
every four years after that date under Section 2001.039(b), |
Government Code, does not apply to a rule related to the state water |
plan adopted under this section. |
SECTION 2. Section 16.053, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subsections (f-1) and (f-2) to read as follows: |
(f-1) The board shall review and update rules adopted under |
this section as necessary but at least every five years to coincide |
with the five-year cycle for adoption of a new water plan as |
described in Section 16.051. |
(f-2) The requirement to review a rule not later than the |
fourth anniversary of the date on which the rule takes effect and |
every four years after that date under Section 2001.039(b), |
Government Code, does not apply to a rule adopted under this |
section. |
SECTION 3. Section 16.061, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as |
follows: |
(c) The board, in coordination with the commission, the |
Department of Agriculture, the General Land Office, the Parks and |
Wildlife Department, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, |
and the State Soil and Water Conservation Board, shall adopt |
guidance principles for the state flood plan that reflect the |
public interest of the entire state. The board shall review and |
revise the guidance principles and any other rules related to the |
state flood plan, with input from the commission, the Department of |
Agriculture, the General Land Office, the Parks and Wildlife |
Department, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, and the |
State Soil and Water Conservation Board, as necessary and at least |
every fifth year to coincide with the five-year cycle for adoption |
of a new state flood plan. |
(c-1) The requirement to review a rule not later than the |
fourth anniversary of the date on which the rule takes effect and |
every four years after that date under Section 2001.039(b), |
Government Code, does not apply to a rule adopted under this |
section. |
SECTION 4. Section 16.062, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subsections (m) and (n) to read as follows: |
(m) The board shall review and update rules adopted under |
this section as necessary but at least every five years to coincide |
with the five-year cycle for adoption of a new flood plan as |
described in Section 16.061. |
(n) The requirement to review a rule not later than the |
fourth anniversary of the date on which the rule takes effect and |
every four years after that date under Section 2001.039(b), |
Government Code, does not apply to a rule adopted under this |
section. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |